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The Fantasy of Being Thin

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I found this EXCELLENT article on one of the sites linked in a recent

post, and I think it would help a lot of people out to read it.

Let me write my own teaser here. Ever wondered why, aside from

" superficial " concerns about your outer appearance, the wish to be

thinner could possibly have such a dominating, suffocating hold on

you? One possibility is that we are still caught in the trap known as

" the fantasy of being thin " -- the idea that, once we are thin,

everything about our lives will change radically and dramatically for

the better. But there's a reason it's called a fantasy.

Go here to read more:


I hope this will help some wheels start turning regarding the

sometimes seemingly unshakeable perception that losing weight MUST be

a goal at all costs. Because, frankly, I think this is false, but I

had no idea how to maybe help jangle those ideas a little... but then

along came this article. :)

What do you all think of it?


PS: I do hope that post was appropriate. I know it's not " strictly "

IE, but as it relates very strongly to the idea of Health At Any Size,

I thought it was relevant.

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What has been banging around in my head of late is how I may not be

eating to IE guidelines as a rebellion because I feel I am being

'encouraged' to loose weight by medical as well as social reasons. If

I'm not motivated by MY OWN reasons to allow my body to adjust to MY

normal weight, then I'm not likely to do well with IE or any other

'external' means to an end I could sort of 'care less about' when

those trigger rebellion for me? IE is so much a reset to INward wants

and needs and not totally about food either.



> I think " Amen Sister! " and I do think it is IE. I'm still working on


> fantasy.it's hard to eradicate and she is righ about that idea of


> thinner me seems so much cooler than my size now me. I will say the one

> thing that helps me feel more comfortable in my own skin is exercise.

> Really. Not " exercise to lose weight " but just exercise. Well,

here's to us

> and working on our self acceptance!



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blitz_icestorm wrote:

> I found this EXCELLENT article on one of the sites linked in a recent

> post, and I think it would help a lot of people out to read it.

I should have followed my intuition. I shouldn't have read the article.

I thought it was depressing in some parts.

Guess it's interesting how the different people can read one article.




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