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men and loosing weight

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Well I finally got down to 186 lbs this week. I've only lost l0 lbs

in the last month. I've lost 30 in the last 2 1/2 years. I am in

within 10 lbs of where I was 6 years ago when medication changes made

me start putting on weight. It's funny that once I hit 190 the men

start noticing my figure and start coming up and talking to me at

work more. And the women start noticing and some that talk to me on

route stop. My friends still talk to me no matter what I look like. I

am shall we say a bit generous in the chest area and the more weight

I loose the more I start looking like a barbie doll. Loosing weight

is helping my back a lot right now. But then the 'girls' and my hips

start having a mind of their own how they will move when I walk. I

always feel so good about myself and loosing weight when I start.

Then I start noticing certain things and get a bit self conscience.

Like some guys that normally don't pay any mind to me all the

sudden are learing when I walk across the shop asile pushing my two

wheel dolly. Then there are the guys that start to see me then

instantly avert their gaze .

I am friendly and outgoing on the job, it is part of the job. A few

weeks back had this one kid at a stop that I started noticing. They

had him leading group exercises before going out on assembly line and

he had everyone in stitches laughing so hard. He came in while I was

filling a few days later and was doing these karate type moves and

some sound effects. He was frustrated with work at that moment and

getting it out. I just turned to him and said 'you game don't

you? He was totally stunned and asked me how I knew that. I

explained that the guy that used to live with us for 5 years used to

do that to and I had noticed a lot of the gamers in our area did.

Over a few weeks this kind of shy guy (with an above average IQ)

started coming in and when he sees me he breaks into this routine and

makes me laugh. He also quotes statistics and surveys , we have

briefly touched on true crime etc. I tease him a bit now and then.

One day he started to ask me when women do that are they ,oh never

mind and ducks his head away.

Last week I was down on my knees working on the candy machine and

he and some other guys were behind me and I heard hepitis B. I kind

of looked up at them at that ( normally I can ignore conversations

behind me) and he teases that I'll get hepitis B off the floor.

Without thinking about what I was saying I started to quote back a

statstic I had heard on hepitis B. You know the one about the most

prevaliant group to get hepitis B and other sexually transmitted

diseases are the under 25 age group. He comes up to me after and

starts to ask if I was coming on to him, but again chickened out and

said, oh never mind. I'd been starting to wonder if he wanted to ask

questions about girls and get answers from a woman about it. Eariler

he probably heard me tell someone else I was talking to that I had

been divorced a month.

I did make sure a day or two later that he found out how old I am.

A group of them were talking about agent orange and the vietnam war

and asking one of the guys at the next table he was old enough did he

remember about agent orange and the war. I mentioned that I

remembered them to as I was in high school at the time. They looked

at me a bit funny and I said. I will be 50 in 3 months.Most people

think I am 8-10 years younger than I am.

Skip forward to last week. The kid walks in and is acting real

quiet. One of the other guys is asking if he is alright and the kid

is 'I think so 'and looking upset. I figure he is being moody and

broody (I've seen him that way a few times) and wishing the other guy

would get out of his face. I go outside and start filling my boxes.

The ambulance and the paramedics from the fire dept drive up. Before

I go in they come back out the paramedics leave and the ambulance

people put up the empty dolly. I go in and they had been called for

the kid. He had almost feinted. The ambulance people were suggesting

he eat something maybe. So I ask him if he would drink an orange

juice, my treat. He said yes so I went and got him one. I do that for

diabetics or someone having heat prostration while I am on route. He

has a condition that when he hurts himself he gets a bit feint ( my

daughter does this to)

I ask him if he has someone at home to check on him that evening. I

get back. " No, I don't have a woman " I tell him that's not what I

asked. Later one of the girls there tell me two of his brothers and

his dad work there. His dad was there when I asked him if he had

someone to check on him in the evening. His brother was at the table

over the hepatitis B conversation.

The next morning he comes in to his locker while I am working and

no one is around. I tell him he was able to make me laugh when no one

else could, he said he thinks god himself laughs at him

sometime. Kind of flirting a bit.So I talk to him about his comment

the day before over the woman. Remeber this kid has high IQ. He

figures it is the next logicial level. I tell him that what I meant

was I would check on him if he wanted. That is the kind of friend I

am. I did that for my friend last week her dog had a siezure

and I got up out of bed got dressed and went over and stayed with her

for an hour. Last year my friend that lived with us for 5 years got

sick and his wife was seperated at the time. He called me that he got

dizzy and fell like he did when he lived with us a couple of times.

So I went down and fixed supper for him and stayed the night. That is

the type of friend I am.

he got a bit angry male on me. And said he didn't live with his

parents in the basement he had his own apartment and he wasn't gay. I

told him I'm not sure what it is he wants from me.he told me okay

He'd stop, I told him that wasn't what I said that he had to stop .

That evening I was in working on a machine and he ignored me. I heard

one of his brothers teasing that he thought he liked her.

The next day I told him I was sorry. That he snuck in under my

radar when I wasn't looking. But that if he had actually asked me out

on a date I probably would have said yes, I would have been shocked

that he asked but would have gone out.

I saw him last night at walmart and he was talking to me again. He

was putting together a costume to pull a prank on one of his co

workers. I asked him if I got to pick up the pieces after. He said he

didn't think the guy would kill him right away. Later, I asked him if

he wanted to rent a movie and teased that I promised I wouldn't jump

his bones. He put his hand over his crotch and backed away.

I'm a baaaaad woman , this guy is younger than my daughter who is

29 And I honostly hadn't looked at him as anything other than a shy

kid with the handicap of being too smart. Sometimes they have the

hardest time in social situations. But when I got the angry male

speech, I started noticing more. I would have gone out with him if he

had asked. mainly because he would have been the first SINGLE guy to

ask. I have probably turned down 6 married guys and their 'friends

with benefits' come ons in the last couple of years. I also would

have gone out with him to help him learn how to talk to girls his own

age and he is interesting to talk to. I don't think I want to fit my

hips with training wheels though.

Debbie and Ian McKinley (BMD since 93)no

litters Kansas http://home.hit.net/~dimck/

http://www.flickr.com/photos/dimck23/ (200 carting photo)

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