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RE: Symptoms?

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Hi Dave,

Don't call the vet just yet :-) The pain you describe is what I commonly

refer to as similar to a dull headache and is called flank pain. It is fairly

common with IgAN, and some members suffer with it to a much greater extent with

sever pain, and others not at all.

As for the third in the lower right abdomen, that one is not characteristic

of IgAN, and I don't know what that could be but if it persists, you may want

to ring your doctor to ask about it.

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Flank pain grumbling most days...severe others: Check

Since my biopsy I have a feeling of pulling internally near the spot it was

done...can't lay on my stomach at all for any extended period of time...which

stinks because I used to sleep on my stomach prior to this. Funny feeling

internally: Check (but only since biopsy and only on that side)

Sharp to dull pain in the lower right abdomen a few times a month.: Check

I thought appendix at first since it's about in that spot, but nope

appendix is fine or so the doctor says. Like Phyllis mine is in line with the

pelvic/hip bone. I've noticed lately that having my husband rub my lower back

around the spine helps make it go away fairly quickly so I'm now wondering if it

has to do with needing a chiropractic adjustment more than anything.

So Dave no need to call the vet in yet but I'd mention these things next time

you are scheduled to go in.



Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration - more of

an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to describe

but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend a certain way or

lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in lower right

abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Thanks , looks like one or two others have to lower abdomen thing too -


Re: Symptoms?

Hi Dave,

Don't call the vet just yet :-) The pain you describe is what I commonly

refer to as similar to a dull headache and is called flank pain. It is fairly

common with IgAN, and some members suffer with it to a much greater extent


sever pain, and others not at all.

As for the third in the lower right abdomen, that one is not characteristic

of IgAN, and I don't know what that could be but if it persists, you may want

to ring your doctor to ask about it.


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Thanks Phyllis, I'll bring it up next time I see my Doc :o)

Re: Symptoms?

Yes, the last one: lower right abdomen; mine is in the abdomen just in line

with the pelvic or hip bone. I've had exams, can find nothing; well, ever since

our son died--off and on. Probably due, in my case, to stress; I believe there

is a muscle where the small and large intestine meet. Lately, I've been taking a

Primadophilus Bifudus which has helped my colon immensely. But do check out all

the medical tests for this area, as my doctor said that some recent study

indicated that IgAN could be caused by cancer somewhere in the body-orginally he

thought for me lungs or bone; but that was disproved! Just be pro-active and let

us hear from you more about these concerns. Take care. Phyllis


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Thanks Amy - I haven't had biopsy yet though but it's reassuring that others

encounter these things too!


Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration - more of

an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to describe

but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend a certain way or

lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in lower right

abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Hi Dave.

Call the vet :)

Except for the first one, I don't think these sound like the kind of flank

pain commonly associated with the kidneys. Kidney patients are susceptible

to digestive problems, but you don't really have enough renal insufficiency

for that, to my knowledge.

Medication side effects, possibly. Some of the BP meds are really irritating

to the intestines, the stomach, duodenum and other parts of the digestive

system. One thing about having chronic disease of any kind is that you start

paying more attention to your body, and you start noticing pains that you

might not have noticed before. But I would certainly ask a pro to check it




> Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed


> - one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration - more

of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side


> - two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to

describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend a

certain way or lie a certain way in bed?


> - last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in lower

right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible


> Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)


> dave

> ----------

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And what do you know, I am one of those who have the severe pain!!!

But.,.,..this has lessened since I started to take notice of my body

more, if I over exert I know it for at least 2 days afterwards. Yes

sometimes it is horrid, but with my trusted TENS machine, and my latest

find, a sheepskin electric heat pad, I can get some quite nice relief.

Either that or a double s (don't tell the docs!) and flank

pain...hic hic what flank pain!!!!

Best wishes

Re: Symptoms?

Thanks , looks like one or two others have to lower abdomen thing

too - strange!

Re: Symptoms?

Hi Dave,

Don't call the vet just yet :-) The pain you describe is what I


refer to as similar to a dull headache and is called flank pain. It

is fairly

common with IgAN, and some members suffer with it to a much greater

extent with

sever pain, and others not at all.

As for the third in the lower right abdomen, that one is not


of IgAN, and I don't know what that could be but if it persists, you

may want

to ring your doctor to ask about it.


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Cheaper to go to the ER, you will get charged double time at the vet's

this time of year, and they don't numb the site for the needle !!!!!!And

I would hate to think where that thermometer may have been LOL!!!!

Seriously now, I do suffer from rotten flank pain, as I mentioned

earlier. Please do next time you get checked mention it to your

doctors, but don't be disappointed if you get no committal answers,

seems to be part of the course I am afraid. I work on the premise if I

bleat on about it long enough they will take me seriously, but as yet

they have all copped a deaf un!!!!

I see my Neph and team on 13 Jan 2004 for full work up and evaluation,

and if they are right, when they have finished with me my flank pain

will be no more...I am keeping an open mind.

Re: Symptoms?

Thanks Amy - I haven't had biopsy yet though but it's reassuring that

others encounter these things too!


Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration -

more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to

describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend

a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Hi Dave,

When I told my neph about my flankpain (very mild), he said that this would

have nothing to do with IGaN. The first time I saw, that I'm not the only

one with this, was when I began to visit this group.


Re: Symptoms?

Thanks Amy - I haven't had biopsy yet though but it's reassuring that

others encounter these things too!


Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration -

more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to

describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend

a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Well there you go, I rest my weary case, unless our flank pain can be

medically explained, it has nothing to do with IgA. Now I am no brain

surgeon or such like, but the mere fact that so many of us here complain

of it, and the fact that I did not have this prior to my diagnosis,

ahem, not exactly rocket science to see there may be a connection. Oh

well I shall have to keep drudging up that hill until I hear of someone

who thinks like I do.

Re: Symptoms?

Thanks Amy - I haven't had biopsy yet though but it's reassuring that

others encounter these things too!


Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration -

more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to

describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend

a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Not so good :o( Mine certainly isn't sore more of a grumble .... bit like me

really :o)

Aye, s warms the cockles! Dooleys isn't bad neither :o)

Re: Symptoms?

Hi Dave,

Don't call the vet just yet :-) The pain you describe is what I


refer to as similar to a dull headache and is called flank pain. It

is fairly

common with IgAN, and some members suffer with it to a much greater

extent with

sever pain, and others not at all.

As for the third in the lower right abdomen, that one is not


of IgAN, and I don't know what that could be but if it persists, you

may want

to ring your doctor to ask about it.


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Version: 7.0.209 / Virus Database: 261.5.4 - Release Date: 26/12/2003

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Oh? What have they in mind for the flank pain? Don't think I'll harp on about it

at the moment, it's so mild, it's more an irritation, I'll save the harping for

anything more important that comes along!

Good luck for 13th ....



Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration -

more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to

describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend

a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Hi Christoph,

I'm glad yours is mild too - I'm almost exaggerating to call it a pain if you

know what I mean! I'm crossing my fingers that it stays that way!


RE: Symptoms?

Hi Dave,

When I told my neph about my flankpain (very mild), he said that this would

have nothing to do with IGaN. The first time I saw, that I'm not the only

one with this, was when I began to visit this group.



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Hello everyone, my name is Lea and I was diagnosed with IGAn by biopsy about

4 months ago. I had high protein in my urine they found it while I was preg.

with my 2nd son. I have this flank pain also and have mentioned it to my neph

many times, but he come right back with " it has nothing to do with your

kidneys, because kidneys don't cause pain " , I hate when he blows this off and I


that the pain is there. It;s defiantly not in my head when it hurts often. I

go to him again on the 12 of Jan. and I will again mention it to him. I know

that I have also been to my family doc and had a urinalysis done to find that I

had a UTI.....are they common with this disease?? She gave me antibiotics to

clear it up, but it seems that it never really went away if that makes any

sense. Thanks for listening.....looking forward from hearing from you all.



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Nice to have you back .

This is a symptom that my Neph said was to do with the IgA

i.e. kidney pain.......he said I'd just have to put up with it or

take paracetamol.

Sally UK

Re: Symptoms?

Thanks Amy - I haven't had biopsy yet though but it's reassuring that

others encounter these things too!


Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration -

more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult to

describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I bend

a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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Many of us can relate to this Lea..... flank pain DOES exist and is a

symptom according to my Neph.

Re-occurring UTI's are typical for many of us girls too. Someone said a few

posts ago that it is linked

with HSP (the systemic form of IgA). Also it is now thought that the loss of

tiny particles of blood

/heamaturia leaking from the kidneys, irritate the lining of the urinary

tract, causing inflammation which in turn

makes the body more vulnerable to infection. Have a look through the

archives for some of the back

posts and you will see the previous conversations about it.

Sally UK

Re: Symptoms?

Hello everyone, my name is Lea and I was diagnosed with IGAn by biopsy


4 months ago. I had high protein in my urine they found it while I was


with my 2nd son. I have this flank pain also and have mentioned it to my


many times, but he come right back with " it has nothing to do with your

kidneys, because kidneys don't cause pain " , I hate when he blows this off

and I know

that the pain is there. It;s defiantly not in my head when it hurts often.


go to him again on the 12 of Jan. and I will again mention it to him. I


that I have also been to my family doc and had a urinalysis done to find

that I

had a UTI.....are they common with this disease?? She gave me antibiotics


clear it up, but it seems that it never really went away if that makes any

sense. Thanks for listening.....looking forward from hearing from you all.



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Hi Sally

Thank you very much, it is nice to be back, like I say, I am taking each

day as it comes, albeit slowly LOL!!!


Re: Symptoms?

Thanks Amy - I haven't had biopsy yet though but it's reassuring that

others encounter these things too!


Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed

- one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an exaggeration


more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the right side

- two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult


describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when I


a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?

- last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible

Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)



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I have had Igan for 28 years or so I have to deal with kidney (flank)

pain everyday.My pain is severe most of the time.Everytime I eat the

sharp stabbing pains start.Some of the sharp pains can take my breath

away.My kidneys are 3 centimeters larger than normal and may have

something to do with my pain.Playing golf or other activities raises

the pain levels too! I have tried 2 nerve blocks (numbing solution

injected into spinal area) to try and block the pain,with no success.

I have been taking pain meds (Lortab) for 8 years 4 times a day.

Without it I would not be able to function.

My job requires me to work shift work..3 weeks days--3 weeks

nights.This is very hard on my system especially my kidneys.

This pain is Igan related but any other pain that you spoke of

should not be. I cannot complain though because I am still NOT on

dialysis.I would have the other pain you have checked out.

I hope this helps.

> Ok, this last week or so I've had three things I've noticed


> - one a minor grumbling pain in my flank - pain is an

exaggeration - more of an irritation, always dull and mostly on the

right side


> - two is, in the same place not so much pain - this is difficult

to describe but just a feeling there as if something is pushing when

I bend a certain way or lie a certain way in bed?


> - last is no where near the kindey area but a short dull pain in

lower right abdomen, which against isn't sore but just noticible


> Anyone recognise these? Should I call the vet? :o)


> dave

> ----------


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On the subject of pain, I know many of you are suffering with it, but the

fact remains that there are no pain nerves in the area of the glomeruli,

where IgAN does its dirty work. If the pain is from the kidneys, it's not

from the nephrons. If the kidneys are inflamed and enlarged, then pain is

more likely to be from stretching of the capsule that surrounds the kidneys.

Beyond that, I can't think of anything other than perhaps irritation of the

urinary tract, or something totally unrelated. I will never forget the one

period many years ago now, during which I though I actually was having very

bad flank pain. Of course, I was sure it was the kidney, but it turned out

to be gallstones, and I eventually had surgery for that. Another time, I had

pain which I felt was in my back, on both sides, but that turned out to be a

case of pancreatitis.

If you do have chronic pain, don't expect a nephrologist to follow that up

unless it's clearly from the kidneys. They may express some mild interest in

it, but any nephrologist I've ever known is only interested specifically in

renal insufficiency. They don't even care very much about the urinary system

in general, as that is more of a urologist's concern. There's always a

chance it could be something else, and an internist is probably a better

doctor to look at the problem. Sometimes to the desperation of the patient,

a nephrologist is about as specialized and focussed as it gets - kidney

function and dialysis.

Pain after eating is really suggestive of something other than the kidneys.


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I've never heard of TENS being used for flank pain! That one had never

occurred to me. I did TENS for a time when I was in physical therapy 15

years ago after getting hit by a car. It is very heartening to hear that

something can be offered to patients with flank pain.


Re: Symptoms?



> Hi Dave,


> Don't call the vet just yet :-) The pain you describe is what I

> commonly

> refer to as similar to a dull headache and is called flank pain. It

> is fairly

> common with IgAN, and some members suffer with it to a much greater

> extent with

> sever pain, and others not at all.


> As for the third in the lower right abdomen, that one is not

> characteristic

> of IgAN, and I don't know what that could be but if it persists, you

> may want

> to ring your doctor to ask about it.





> ----------


> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.

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> Version: 7.0.209 / Virus Database: 261.5.4 - Release Date: 26/12/2003




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The pain clinic where I was studied suggested that the nerves in

this area of the body could be sending false signals.So they tried

to nutralize the nerves in that area of my flank.

You are right about the nephrologist,they don't give a squat about

your pain.

Do you think I should have tests for pancreatitis or gallstones?

I would do anything to get rid of this pain.

> On the subject of pain, I know many of you are suffering with it,

but the

> fact remains that there are no pain nerves in the area of the


> where IgAN does its dirty work. If the pain is from the kidneys,

it's not

> from the nephrons. If the kidneys are inflamed and enlarged, then

pain is

> more likely to be from stretching of the capsule that surrounds

the kidneys.


> Beyond that, I can't think of anything other than perhaps

irritation of the

> urinary tract, or something totally unrelated. I will never forget

the one

> period many years ago now, during which I though I actually was

having very

> bad flank pain. Of course, I was sure it was the kidney, but it

turned out

> to be gallstones, and I eventually had surgery for that. Another

time, I had

> pain which I felt was in my back, on both sides, but that turned

out to be a

> case of pancreatitis.


> If you do have chronic pain, don't expect a nephrologist to follow

that up

> unless it's clearly from the kidneys. They may express some mild

interest in

> it, but any nephrologist I've ever known is only interested

specifically in

> renal insufficiency. They don't even care very much about the

urinary system

> in general, as that is more of a urologist's concern. There's

always a

> chance it could be something else, and an internist is probably a


> doctor to look at the problem. Sometimes to the desperation of the


> a nephrologist is about as specialized and focussed as it gets -


> function and dialysis.


> Pain after eating is really suggestive of something other than the



> Pierre

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I don't know . I'm sure they must already have looked at all the

possibilities. Pancreatitis is easily diagnosed by a simple blood test (at

least initially), and gallbladder problems usually by an abdominal

ultrasound, and sometimes a nuclear scan to see what happens when you eat. I

remember sitting in a hospital corridor eating a hospital meal when I wasn't

hungry just for the test :)

Don't get me wrong though. I certainly sympathize with you and everyone else

who is having this flank pain. When you eat something, there's really not

much different that happens in the kidneys. They just continue filtering

your blood 24 hours a day.


Re: Symptoms?

> Pierre,


> The pain clinic where I was studied suggested that the nerves in

> this area of the body could be sending false signals.So they tried

> to nutralize the nerves in that area of my flank.

> You are right about the nephrologist,they don't give a squat about

> your pain.

> Do you think I should have tests for pancreatitis or gallstones?

> I would do anything to get rid of this pain.










> > On the subject of pain, I know many of you are suffering with it,

> but the

> > fact remains that there are no pain nerves in the area of the

> glomeruli,

> > where IgAN does its dirty work. If the pain is from the kidneys,

> it's not

> > from the nephrons. If the kidneys are inflamed and enlarged, then

> pain is

> > more likely to be from stretching of the capsule that surrounds

> the kidneys.

> >

> > Beyond that, I can't think of anything other than perhaps

> irritation of the

> > urinary tract, or something totally unrelated. I will never forget

> the one

> > period many years ago now, during which I though I actually was

> having very

> > bad flank pain. Of course, I was sure it was the kidney, but it

> turned out

> > to be gallstones, and I eventually had surgery for that. Another

> time, I had

> > pain which I felt was in my back, on both sides, but that turned

> out to be a

> > case of pancreatitis.

> >

> > If you do have chronic pain, don't expect a nephrologist to follow

> that up

> > unless it's clearly from the kidneys. They may express some mild

> interest in

> > it, but any nephrologist I've ever known is only interested

> specifically in

> > renal insufficiency. They don't even care very much about the

> urinary system

> > in general, as that is more of a urologist's concern. There's

> always a

> > chance it could be something else, and an internist is probably a

> better

> > doctor to look at the problem. Sometimes to the desperation of the

> patient,

> > a nephrologist is about as specialized and focussed as it gets -

> kidney

> > function and dialysis.

> >

> > Pain after eating is really suggestive of something other than the

> kidneys.

> >

> > Pierre



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Just following on from that, before I was diagnosed and then under a

Urologist, he didn't

accept the pain as kidney related and sent me to a physio at the hospital.

She tested all the areas

and pressed in different places and when I yelled when she pressed my

'kidney area', she said,

" yes that is not back pain or back related. It is to do with the kidney I

wish Doctors listened to their

patients more,.....I have had several referrals for this and they are kidney

related not back related. "

Sally UK

Re: Re: Symptoms?

On the subject of pain, I know many of you are suffering with it, but the

fact remains that there are no pain nerves in the area of the glomeruli,

where IgAN does its dirty work. If the pain is from the kidneys, it's not

from the nephrons. If the kidneys are inflamed and enlarged, then pain is

more likely to be from stretching of the capsule that surrounds the


Beyond that, I can't think of anything other than perhaps irritation of


urinary tract, or something totally unrelated. I will never forget the one

period many years ago now, during which I though I actually was having


bad flank pain. Of course, I was sure it was the kidney, but it turned out

to be gallstones, and I eventually had surgery for that. Another time, I


pain which I felt was in my back, on both sides, but that turned out to be


case of pancreatitis.

If you do have chronic pain, don't expect a nephrologist to follow that up

unless it's clearly from the kidneys. They may express some mild interest


it, but any nephrologist I've ever known is only interested specifically


renal insufficiency. They don't even care very much about the urinary


in general, as that is more of a urologist's concern. There's always a

chance it could be something else, and an internist is probably a better

doctor to look at the problem. Sometimes to the desperation of the


a nephrologist is about as specialized and focussed as it gets - kidney

function and dialysis.

Pain after eating is really suggestive of something other than the



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Yeah yeah Sally, you have done physio rounds as well then!!!! They must

have sheet they follow codes on, kidney disease = flank pain=no such

thing, so physio or back problem then!!!!

My urologist and nephrologist do speak to each other luckily, but they

don't seem to agree, which for last year has left me in the middle in

pain and thoroughly cheesed off.

Pierre you are spot on with your description on Nephs and Urologists,

they for the most part, seem to be at odds with each other. I consider

I have had to renograms unnecessarily because of this sigh!!! Flank

pain maybe a combination of many things, but I have no doubt in my mind

at least, that it is related to IGAN, contentious I know, but that is my

thoughts. I for one would love to be proved wrong.

Hope all is well with you Pierre, we must have a chat soon !


Re: Re: Symptoms?

On the subject of pain, I know many of you are suffering with it, but


fact remains that there are no pain nerves in the area of the


where IgAN does its dirty work. If the pain is from the kidneys, it's


from the nephrons. If the kidneys are inflamed and enlarged, then pain


more likely to be from stretching of the capsule that surrounds the


Beyond that, I can't think of anything other than perhaps irritation



urinary tract, or something totally unrelated. I will never forget the


period many years ago now, during which I though I actually was having


bad flank pain. Of course, I was sure it was the kidney, but it turned


to be gallstones, and I eventually had surgery for that. Another time,



pain which I felt was in my back, on both sides, but that turned out

to be


case of pancreatitis.

If you do have chronic pain, don't expect a nephrologist to follow

that up

unless it's clearly from the kidneys. They may express some mild



it, but any nephrologist I've ever known is only interested



renal insufficiency. They don't even care very much about the urinary


in general, as that is more of a urologist's concern. There's always a

chance it could be something else, and an internist is probably a


doctor to look at the problem. Sometimes to the desperation of the


a nephrologist is about as specialized and focussed as it gets -


function and dialysis.

Pain after eating is really suggestive of something other than the



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Yeah yeah Sally, you have done physio rounds as well then!!!! They must

have sheet they follow codes on, kidney disease = flank pain=no such

thing, so physio or back problem then!!!!

My urologist and nephrologist do speak to each other luckily, but they

don't seem to agree, which for last year has left me in the middle in

pain and thoroughly cheesed off.

Pierre you are spot on with your description on Nephs and Urologists,

they for the most part, seem to be at odds with each other. I consider

I have had to renograms unnecessarily because of this sigh!!! Flank

pain maybe a combination of many things, but I have no doubt in my mind

at least, that it is related to IGAN, contentious I know, but that is my

thoughts. I for one would love to be proved wrong.

Hope all is well with you Pierre, we must have a chat soon !


Re: Re: Symptoms?

On the subject of pain, I know many of you are suffering with it, but


fact remains that there are no pain nerves in the area of the


where IgAN does its dirty work. If the pain is from the kidneys, it's


from the nephrons. If the kidneys are inflamed and enlarged, then pain


more likely to be from stretching of the capsule that surrounds the


Beyond that, I can't think of anything other than perhaps irritation



urinary tract, or something totally unrelated. I will never forget the


period many years ago now, during which I though I actually was having


bad flank pain. Of course, I was sure it was the kidney, but it turned


to be gallstones, and I eventually had surgery for that. Another time,



pain which I felt was in my back, on both sides, but that turned out

to be


case of pancreatitis.

If you do have chronic pain, don't expect a nephrologist to follow

that up

unless it's clearly from the kidneys. They may express some mild



it, but any nephrologist I've ever known is only interested



renal insufficiency. They don't even care very much about the urinary


in general, as that is more of a urologist's concern. There's always a

chance it could be something else, and an internist is probably a


doctor to look at the problem. Sometimes to the desperation of the


a nephrologist is about as specialized and focussed as it gets -


function and dialysis.

Pain after eating is really suggestive of something other than the



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home page:


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Visit our companion website at www.igan.ca. The site is entirely


by donations. If you would like to help, go to:


Thank you

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