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Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) 2009

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Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) 2009 for

Indian Students:

The Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) seeks to

build a new generation of social justice leaders worldwide.

Ford Fellows come from groups and communities that have little access

to higher education, and are selected on the strength of their

academic achievement, leadership skills and social commitment. By

building on Fellows' familiarity with grass roots problems, IFP seeks

to raise the Fellows' capacity - through knowledge, skills and

networks - to become effective leaders in the struggle to improve

lives in their communities, countries and regions. (advt)

General Guidelines

• The Program is especially designed to support candidates from

groups that have historically lacked access to higher education.

Eligible candidates who belong to marginalized and excluded groups

and communities such as scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other

backward classes, religious minorities, women, physically challenged

and those with other kinds of socio-economic deprivation are

encouraged to apply.

• Fellows will be chosen on the basis of their academic achievement

as well as for their leadership potential and commitment to ommunity


• Fellows may enrol in a master's level program and may pursue any

academic discipline or field of study consistent with the interests

and goals of the Ford Foundation (see IFP Eligible Fields of Study).

• IFP will provide support for a maximum of two years of formal

Master's degree.40 fellowships are available.

• Once selected, Fellows may enrol in universities in any part of

the world, including universities in India. IFP will provide

university placement assistance.

• IFP will support Fellows to undertake appropriate short-term

language study and training in research and computer skills prior to

enrolment. Fellows who wish to study overseas will have to take

TOEFL or IELTS language proficiency tests.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants should:

• Be Indian nationals or permanent residents, currently residing in

the states of Bihar, Chhatisgarh, Gujarat, Jammu & Kashmir,

Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh or


• Hold a Bachelor's or a Master's degree from a recognized Indian

university with at least 55% marks.Applicants who already have two

post-graduate degrees or equivalent will be given lower preference.

• Have at least three years' full-time work experience relevant to

their proposed area of study.

• Have experience in leadership and community service or development

related activities.

Applicants are required to:

• Meet necessary admission requirements and language proficiency

standards of the foreign or Indian university. Selected candidates

who need training in English language skills should be able to

devote up to 6 to 9 months, if required, to pursue a residential

language training program outside their state. This takes

place during the pre-fellowship phase after the announcement of the

fellowship and prior to the commencement of the academic program.

• Pursue a post-graduate degree that will directly enhance their

capacity to excel in an academic, policymaking, practical or

artistic field corresponding to the Ford Foundation's grant-making


• Present a plan specifying how they will apply their studies to

social problems or issues in their own countries.

• Demonstrate their commitment to working for these issues following

the Fellowship period.


(for academic programs beginning 2010)

IFP Eligible Fields of Study

The Ford Foundation works in 12 grant-making areas to strengthen

democratic values, reduce poverty and injustice, promote

international co-operation and advance human achievement.

These areas are not to be confused with subjects for post-graduate


Candidates' proposed subject must relate to one of the 12 grant-

making areas listed below. Further information is available on the

Ford Foundation website


1. Arts & Culture 2. Civil Society

3. Community Development 4. Development Finance & Economic Security

5. Education Reform & Scholarship 6. Environment & Development

7. Governance 8. Human Rights

9. Media 10. Religion, Society & Culture

11. Sexuality & Reproductive Health 12. Workforce Development

The Application Process

Stage 1: Interested candidates should complete an IFP Pre-

Application Form to reach the IFP office in New Delhi not later than

15 November 2008. Submit your completed Pre Application Form as

early as possible, preferably within a week of receiving the Form.

Pre Application Forms received after 15 November 2008 will not be


Stage 2: Only eligible candidates will be sent an IFP Final

Application Form. Candidates should complete the Final Application

Form and return to the IFP office in New Delhi not later than 15

January 2009.

Stage 3: Final Application Forms will be reviewed and evaluated by a

panel of experts from academia, the social development sector and

other related disciplines. Short listed candidates will be invited

to attend regional interviews during April and May 2009.

Stage 4: A National Selection Committee will make the final

selections and results will be declared by August 2009. The

fellowships (for academic programs beginning in 2010) will be subject

to the candidates being accepted by the foreign or Indian

university, within a year from the date of the communication of the

IFP award, and as per the IFP placement guidelines.


• The Pre Application Form must be complete in all respects.

Incomplete forms are ineligible, and will not be considered. All

applications must be completed on original IFP Forms. These must be

submitted only to the IFP New Delhi office.

• Applicants must furnish complete and correct information. While

care is taken to ensure timely despatch of Final Application Forms

to the qualifying candidates, IFP will not be liable for any delay

or loss of documents in transit. Please fill correct address and

contact details.

• All decisions of the Selection Committees will be final and will

not be open to review. Any effort to influence the decision will be

deemed as a ground for disqualification.

• Ford Foundation staff and their family members may not serve on

selection panels and are not eligible to apply for IFP awards.

Members of selection committees, staff of the organizations managing

the Program and their family members are also ineligible for IFP


• Please note that this fellowship is offered for a post-graduate

degree. It cannot be used for short-term courses, study visits or

post-doctoral programs.

• IFP selects Fellows on the strength of their clearly-stated

intention to serve their community and country of origin, and

expects that they will honor this obligation.


What is the International Fellowships Program?

The International Fellowships Program (IFP) is a Ford Foundation-

supported program of the New York Citybased International

Fellowships Fund. IFP provides fellowships for postgraduate study to

individuals from groups or communities that have little access to

higher education. Through IFP, the Ford Foundation supports Fellows

from twenty-two countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and

Latin America, as well as in Russia.

What is the program's principal goal?

The program's goal is to enable a diverse group of exceptional men

and women from many parts of the world, who would otherwise lack

opportunities for advanced study, to pursue post-graduate degrees.

This education will help prepare the Fellows to become leaders in

fields that further the Ford Foundation's goals of strengthening

democratic values, reducing poverty and injustice, promoting

international cooperation, and advancing human achievement. IFP aims

to build an enduring cohort of IFP Fellows who can gain from each

other's learning and experience.

Why is the Ford Foundation making this investment in international

higher education at this time?

The Ford Foundation has long believed that providing educational

opportunities to talented people who use their knowledge to improve

their societies is one of the best possible philanthropic

investments. Since the 1950s, the Foundation has granted an

estimated $365 million to enable some 30,000 individuals from more

than 70 countries to pursue graduate education. Over the years, Ford

fellowship recipients have helped advance knowledge in the natural

and social sciences, the humanities, and the arts. Many former Ford

fellows have advanced to leadership roles in institutions around the

world. Now it is important to help prepare a more diverse generation

of future leaders to meet the global challenges of the 21st century.

IFP aims to broaden the talent pool of future leaders in selected

developing countries by making a special effort to recruit men and

women from social groups and communities that have been historically

underrepresented in higher education.

Why is there a compelling need for this program in India?

Although both governmental and private sources support different

types of fellowship programs, the rapidly increasing need for higher

education far exceeds available funding. Opportunities are

especially limited for individuals who come from groups or

communities that historically have had little access to advanced


In the India context, these include scheduled castes, scheduled

tribes, other backward classes, religious minorities, women,

physically challenged and those with other forms of socio-economic

deprivation. It also includes those who live outside major cities or

in areas of conflict or post-conflict situations.

When did the India program begin ?

The India IFP program began in 2001. To date there have been 7

selections and 240 fellows have been selected and placed in

universities around the world. Several alumni have returned to India

and are doing committed work in their respective fields. They have

also established the IFP India Alumni Network (IFPIAN).

How are India IFP Fellows selected?

Pre-Applications and Final Applications are submitted to IFP New

Delhi. IFP New Delhi convenes regional and national selection panels

to ensure that selected candidates meet the highest academic and

professional standards, and that IFP selection criteria are applied

in a consistent manner. These panels of scholars, practitioners and

other experts assess written applications, interview candidates and

make the final selections.

Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program

12, Hailey Road, New Delhi 110 001, India

Tel: (11) 2335 8893, 2335 8894 Fax: (11) 2335 8893

E-mail: ask@... Website: http://www.ifpsa. org

What are the selection criteria for India IFP fellows?

Fellows are chosen on the basis of their leadership potential and

commitment to community or national development, as well as for

their academic promise and achievement. Successful candidates must

hold a BA or an MA degree and have demonstrated excellence in their

undergraduate studies; have experience in community service or

development- related activities; intend to pursue formal training

that will enhance their leadership skills in fields related to the

Foundation's program interests; present a plan specifying how they

will apply their studies to social problems in their own countries;

and commit themselves to working on these issues following the

fellowship period.

How does IFP assess leadership potential and social commitment?

Many of the most promising applicants identified by IFP selection

panels are individuals who have demonstrated a high level of civic

engagement in their communities or countries, founded civil society

organizations dedicated to social action; and have become positive

role models in their societies.

How does the university placement process work?

Fellows may choose to study in a relevant high-quality graduate

degree program at a university located anywhere in the world

including in India. IFP will offer university placement assistance

to Fellows.

What types of support are provided for IFP Fellows?

In addition to financial assistance for travel, living expenses,

tuition and related costs for the actual degree program, IFP will

offer Fellows short-term pre-fellowship training, including language

study and courses in research and computer skills. This is offered

over a period of 6 to 9 months, after selection and prior to joining

the academic program. The program will also facilitate informal

networks through which Fellows may share information and experiences.

How does IFP encourage Fellows who study abroad to return to India?

IFP selects Fellows on the strength of their commitment to serve

their communities and countries of origin,among other key selection

criteria, and expects that they will honor this obligation. In

addition, IFP support allows Fellows to pursue professional

activities in their home countries during the fellowship period. IFP

assists Fellows after they have returned home to stay connected to

various IFP networks and to remain current in their respective

fields. A robust IFP India Alumni Network (IFPIAN) has been


Where do I get further information?

For more information on IFP, log on the Ford Foundation's website

http://www.fordfound.org and on the IFP exclusive website

http://www.fordifp.net The exclusive India IFP website is


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