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Leading Researchers Respond to Type 1 Diabetes Increase

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Leading Researchers Respond to Type 1 Diabetes Increase

This truly an exciting time for finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Never has their been as much research going on at the same time that

looks so promising.

This week we have a feature from Martha Halsey-Lyda, FNP-BC, CDE,

TrialNet Coordinator, discussing some of the current trials. Also, items

1 and 2 discuss

some of the inroads we are making. See if you have any patients who

might be able to take advantage of the research. TrialNet Research

Martha Halsey-Lyda, FNP-BC, CDE

TrialNet Research Coordinator Contact:


Leading Researchers Respond to Type 1 Diabetes Increase

The world is experiencing an alarming increase in type 1 diabetes among

children and adolescents. In the U.S., 1 child in every 300 develops

type 1 diabetes

before 15 years of age. It is one of the most common chronic diseases in

school-aged children. In other parts of the world, prevalence of the

disease among

children and adolescents is even greater. Universally, the rate of

increase is growing, especially in children below the age of five.

Funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Type 1 Diabetes

TrialNet has brought together top diabetes researchers from the United

States, United

Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Finland, Canada and Australia to respond to

this disturbing trend and to work toward a better understanding of the

disease process.

TrialNet researchers are screening and following high risk individuals,

and investigating promising treatments for intervening in the disease

process before

and after diagnosis. In the U.S. alone, more than 150 medical centers

are testing ways to prevent the disease, as well as ways to detect and

treat it in

its earliest stages.

Participating TrialNet medical centers offer a simple blood test that

can predict a person's risk for type 1 diabetes up to 10 years before

diagnosis. Using

this test, one TrialNet study is screening relatives of people with type

1 diabetes to determine their risk of developing the disease. Screening

and follow-up

of at-risk persons allow for earlier diagnosis if the disease develops.

Earlier diagnosis may mean that ketoacidosis, a life-threatening

complication of

diabetes, can be prevented. Intervening shortly after diagnosis may also

prevent complete beta cell destruction and help retain an individual's


to make some level of insulin. This is very important because it may

make their diabetes easier to manage and lessen the likelihood of

serious long-term


Participating medical centers are screening relatives who are:

list of 1 items

.. Between 1 and 45 years of age and have a sibling, child, or parent

with type 1 diabetes

list end

list of 1 items

.. Between 1 and 20 years of age and have a cousin, aunt, uncle, niece,

nephew, half-sibling or grandparent with type 1 diabetes

list end

Those who are screened and identified as being at risk may be eligible

to join clinical studies that are testing ways to prevent and delay the


Benefits of joining a research study include:

list of 1 items

.. Regular monitoring, medical exams and blood tests-free of charge

list end

list of 2 items

.. The potential to prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes (for

those who join prevention studies)

.. Possible early detection and treatment of diabetes, which can help

lessen short- and long-term complications

list end

list of 1 items

.. The opportunity to make a personal contribution to diabetes research

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Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet offers clinical trials for two types of people:

list of 5 items

.. Those at increased risk: Studies for people who have family members

with type 1 diabetes and, therefore, are at increased risk:

.. The Natural History Study of the Development of Type 1 Diabetes

is screening and observing relatives of people with type 1 diabetes to

learn more about how the disease occurs.

.. The Oral Insulin for Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes Study

is seeking to prevent or delay type 1 diabetes in a specific group of

at-risk people with the use of a single, daily oral insulin capsule.

.. The Nutritional Intervention to Prevent (NIP) Type 1 Diabetes Study is

seeking to prevent or delay type 1 diabetes in at-risk newborns by

adding a nutritional

supplement, an omega-3 fatty acid (DHA), to their diet.

.. Teplizumab for Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes will evaluate the use of

Teplizumab therapy (mAb hOKT3gamma1 [Ala-Ala]) to delay or prevent type

1 diabetes

onset in high-risk individuals. This study is expected to start

enrolling participants this summer (2008).

list end

Those newly diagnosed: Intervention studies for people recently

diagnosed with type 1 diabetes that are testing ways to help people

continue to make their

own insulin for as long as possible:

list of 3 items

.. Abatacept (CTLA4-lg) in New Onset Type 1 Diabetes is testing the drug

abatacept, already approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

(another autoimmune

disease) to see if it can prevent loss of insulin production.

.. GAD in New Onset Type 1 Diabetes will explore whether treatment with

multiple injections of the GAD protein will help preserve insulin

production. This

study is expected to start enrolling participants this spring (2008).

.. Metabolic Control in New Onset Diabetes is looking at whether early

intensive metabolic control can help to preserve insulin production.

This study is

expected to start enrolling participants this summer (2008).

list end

Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet studies are underway in communities across the

U.S. and around the world. To locate the medical center closest to you

that is conducting

screenings and clinical trials, call Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet at

1-800-HALT-DM1 (1-) or visit


Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet is also collaborating with the following

NIH-funded groups that are conducting research in type 1 diabetes:

list of 3 items

.. The Type 1 Diabetes Genetics Consortium (


) is collecting blood samples and health information from African

American and Mexican American individuals with type 1 diabetes, as well

as from people

who do not have type 1 or type 2 diabetes in their immediate family (


.. The Immune Tolerance Network is offering additional intervention

studies (


.. The Clinical Islet Transplant Consortium, an international network of

centers offering islet cell transplantation studies in individuals with

type 1 diabetes



list end

Physicians can join TrialNet as an

affiliate or a participating physician. Affiliates offer screening and

refer patients into clinical studies. Participating physicians offer

screening and

take part

in TrialNet studies. To learn more about joining TrialNet, please

contact the TrialNet Coordinating Center at 1- or by e-mail



Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet is additionally supported by the Juvenile

Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Diabetes Association.

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