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Re: friendship/ not advice, just an anecdote and long answer to Kate

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I have been working on a book. It is largely finished,and had our national and world economy not tanked,I might well have received the promised advance by now.However, I have received a nice, formal letter telling methat the advance will have to be delayed, as will the publication, but that the agreement is still on. If not, I shall lookelsewhere. Thank you for asking.It began when my husband had written an autobiographyof his own life--fascinating in reality--and had managedneatly to leave out anything of real interest!Then it grew, and I shall publish it, or try to have it publishedas a fictional novel in order to protect the identities of mychildren--though the grandchildren (mostly adults now) could"care less."It began

about Hans and me and our families, and rapidlyexpanded itself into contents dealing with how we coped--or failed to cope adequately--with illness in each family,with the political eras through which we had each lived,and much discussion of child-rearing, health care in ourcountry and even public education. So far, the few who have read it have found it both informative and humorous.I was the editor of my secondary school newspaper, myundergraduate college newspaper, and worked while incollege for a small newspaper in a then small town in Oregon.Individually, other than irate letters to Senators, and an occasional letter to the local newspaper, I have not been published. Early on in my own life, I realized that my own parentsdealt with challenges in life exceptionally well, and that by example, they were teaching us as well. So, I wanted to honorthem and to honor my

husband's parents as well.Love to you and to yours, Kate, and to all coping with being"MSed up," and thank you so very much for your kind remarks.n To: MSersLife Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:39:41 AMSubject: Re: friendship/

not advice, just an anecdote

n...friendship s can have so much ebb and flo to them,can't they? Like waves going in and out, being controlledby the moon, and yet they seem so unpredictable sometimes.My favorite part of your post is the very last paragraph. Whattruth there is in that! You should truly be a professional writer.Have you ever published anything? I wonder if you have...love to you, my linguist friend, Kate

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I would buy a copy, I love the way you talk about things. I feel like I have been informed and consumed by some of your posts. I would think that having you as a mom would of been truly informative and in-lighting (is that a word) I can't imagine getting the "talk of the birds and bees" from you. I would think I would of been laughing some. Reading your every word, Love as Always,Sometimes lurking, mostly reading, always caring. from OK

Subject: Re: friendship/ not advice, just an anecdote and long answer to KateTo: MSersLife Date: Monday, December 22, 2008, 6:53 AM

I have been working on a book. It is largely finished,and had our national and world economy not tanked,I might well have received the promised advance by now.However, I have received a nice, formal letter telling methat the advance will have to be delayed, as will the publication, but that the agreement is still on. If not, I shall lookelsewhere. Thank you for asking.It began when my husband had written an autobiographyof his own life--fascinating in reality--and had managedneatly to leave out anything of real interest!Then it grew, and I shall publish it, or try to have it publishedas a fictional novel in order to protect the identities of mychildren--though the grandchildren (mostly adults now) could"care less."It began about Hans and me and our families, and rapidlyexpanded itself into

contents dealing with how we coped--or failed to cope adequately-- with illness in each family,with the political eras through which we had each lived,and much discussion of child-rearing, health care in ourcountry and even public education. So far, the few who have read it have found it both informative and humorous.I was the editor of my secondary school newspaper, myundergraduate college newspaper, and worked while incollege for a small newspaper in a then small town in Oregon.Individually, other than irate letters to Senators, and an occasional letter to the local newspaper, I have not been published. Early on in my own life, I realized that my own parentsdealt with challenges in life exceptionally well, and that by example, they were teaching us as well. So, I wanted to honorthem and to honor my husband's parents as well.

Love to you and to yours, Kate, and to all coping with being"MSed up," and thank you so very much for your kind remarks.


From: "katelloydkidz@ optonline. net" <katelloydkidz@ optonline. net>To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comSent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:39:41 AMSubject: Re: friendship/ not advice, just an anecdote

n...friendship s can have so much ebb and flo to them,can't they? Like waves going in and out, being controlledby the moon, and yet they seem so unpredictable sometimes.My favorite part of your post is the very last paragraph. Whattruth there is in that! You should truly be a professional writer.Have you ever published anything? I wonder if you have...love to you, my linguist friend, Kate

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Thank you, . My kids did not look at it quitethat way. After all, the poor kids had a father who was a teacher, professor and playwright, and a mother who was a neuro-psychologist who keptrunning large non-profit federally funded clinics.And to top it all off, I had CF and MS, and theirfather ultimately succumbed to cancer of the common bile duct. One day, after I had "explained" something to my 2nd eldest daughter,she looked at me, pounded the dining table withher fist, and said, loudly, "Gee, Mom! Why don'tyou just go DIRECT something?" (other than her,presumably).The kids are definitely the brightest tacks onthe bulletin board, I can assure you. Hans usedto tell me that he thought that the

I.Q. of each ofthe kids was that of the parents', combined, andthen doubled. And so it seemed. I once asked onedaughter about her having "absolutepitch," and she said, irritatedly, "Gee, Mom, Gosh! mean, you do not forget the color green, do you?"I managed one "birds and bees" talk with one daughter;after that the others went to her, claiming that I was just"embarrassing" them by bringing "all this stuff" up!Perhaps the point to having children is to enable theadults to mature!Love to you, , and to all in our group,n To: MSersLife Sent: Monday, December 22, 2008 8:08:14 PMSubject: Re: friendship/ not advice, just an anecdote and long answer to Kate

I would buy a copy, I love the way you talk about things. I feel like I have been informed and consumed by some of your posts. I would think that having you as a mom would of been truly informative and in-lighting (is that a word) I can't imagine getting the "talk of the birds and bees" from you. I would think I would of been laughing some. Reading your every word, Love as Always,Sometimes lurking, mostly reading, always caring. from OK

From: marion j rojas <marionjrojas2002@ yahoo.com>Subject: Re: friendship/ not advice, just an anecdote and long answer to KateTo: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comDate: Monday, December 22, 2008, 6:53 AM

I have been working on a book. It is largely finished,and had our national and world economy not tanked,I might well have received the promised advance by now.However, I have received a nice, formal letter telling methat the advance will have to be delayed, as will the publication, but that the agreement is still on. If not, I shall lookelsewhere. Thank you for asking.It began when my husband had written an autobiographyof his own life--fascinating in reality--and had managedneatly to leave out anything of real interest!Then it grew, and I shall publish it, or try to have it publishedas a fictional novel in order to protect the identities of mychildren--though the grandchildren (mostly adults now) could"care less."It began about Hans and me and our families, and rapidlyexpanded itself into

contents dealing with how we coped--or failed to cope adequately-- with illness in each family,with the political eras through which we had each lived,and much discussion of child-rearing, health care in ourcountry and even public education. So far, the few who have read it have found it both informative and humorous.I was the editor of my secondary school newspaper, myundergraduate college newspaper, and worked while incollege for a small newspaper in a then small town in Oregon.Individually, other than irate letters to Senators, and an occasional letter to the local newspaper, I have not been published. Early on in my own life, I realized that my own parentsdealt with challenges in life exceptionally well, and that by example, they were teaching us as well. So, I wanted to honorthem and to honor my husband's parents as well.

Love to you and to yours, Kate, and to all coping with being"MSed up," and thank you so very much for your kind remarks.


From: "katelloydkidz@ optonline. net" <katelloydkidz@ optonline. net>To: MSersLife@yahoogrou ps.comSent: Monday, December 22, 2008 4:39:41 AMSubject: Re: friendship/ not advice, just an anecdote

n...friendship s can have so much ebb and flo to them,can't they? Like waves going in and out, being controlledby the moon, and yet they seem so unpredictable sometimes.My favorite part of your post is the very last paragraph. Whattruth there is in that! You should truly be a professional writer.Have you ever published anything? I wonder if you have...love to you, my linguist friend, Kate

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