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Fw: [WeAreStardust] Monday, November 10, 2008 Daily Tips

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[WeAreStardust] Monday, November 10, 2008 Daily Tips

Healthy Holiday Table: Cranberries Each Monday in November we present some of the healthiest foods you can add to your holiday table - or enjoy any time of year.

Cranberries - a traditional holiday side dish in North America - are more than just a tart and tasty meal accompaniment. A rich source of vitamin C and dietary fiber, cranberries are packed with healthy antioxidants and are often used to help prevent urinary tract infections. Recent studies have also linked consumption of cranberries and cranberry juice with healthy cholesterol levels, improved gastrointestinal health, and the prevention of kidney stones - all good reasons to increase your intake no matter what the season.

Fresh cranberries provide the most antioxidants and are in season from October through December. When purchasing fresh cranberries, look for those that are a deep red color and firm to the touch. They can be used in a variety of ways, including in breads and muffins or as a cold or warm relish.

For more information on healthful foods, visit Dr. Weil's Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid. http://www.drweil.com/app/cda/drwCDAVARedirect.php?url=http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/PAG00361/anti-inflammatory-food-pyramid.HTML

http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/TIP03090/Healthy-Holiday-Table-Cranberries.html=============What Quenches Heartburn?I have heard that orange peel extract, taken for 20 days, will completely cure heartburn for up to six months with no side effects. Is it safe? How does it work?

Almost everyone occasionally experiences heartburn or acid reflux, the backflow of acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Heartburn usually occurs after eating and is felt behind the breastbone. When reflux is frequent and severe enough to damage the esophagus or interfere with normal activities, it is called gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

I have no experience using orange peel extract (d-limonene) for heartburn so I checked with Tieraona Low Dog, M.D., director of the Fellowship at the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, and an authority on botanical medicine. She told me that she does recommend d-limonene for treatment of heartburn and has found it very effective. Dr. Low Dog said that d-limonene stimulates esophageal peristalsis, helping move acid and liquids back into the stomach. She recommends buying it as orange peel extract in 1,000 mg doses (standardized to d-limonene 97-99%) and taking it once a day every other day for a total of 10 doses over 20 days. After that, take it as needed. Note that some orange peel extracts are standardized to synephrine, a stimulant drug that is generally taken for weight loss. Synephrine-containing products can cause unwanted side effects and are not what you want for heartburn treatment. Dr. Low Dog said that she doesn't know of any disadvantages to using the orange peel extract for heartburn, but because safety in pregnancy isn't known, she doesn't recommend it for women who are expecting.

The natural remedy I usually recommend for heartburn is deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL). Whole licorice can increase blood pressure; no such effect occurs with DGL. You can buy DGL in powder or tablet form. The easiest way to take it is to chew two tablets slowly 15 minutes before every meal and at bedtime, or take one-half teaspoon of the powder before meals. Allow either form to dissolve in the mouth and slowly trickle down the throat. You can continue to take DGL as long as you have symptoms. You'll find more information on dealing with heartburn and GERD at DrWeil.com.

Weil, M.D.http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/QAA400477/What-Quenches-Heartburn.html=============What is Laughter Yoga? Laughter yoga is based on a simple truth that all children know: laughter makes you feel better (children laugh about 400 times a day; adults, 15 times). Developed by Madan Kataria, a family physician from India, laughter yoga is spreading across the United States and the world. Some typical exercises include:

-Greeting laughter: Laughing while shaking hands with at least four or five people in a group.-Appreciation laughter: Joining the index finger with the thumb to make the universal �okay� sign to other group members while laughing simultaneously.

Laughter yoga is not really about humor (or yoga), but rather exploits the natural human tendency to laugh when others laugh - so when a group of people forces laughter, it quickly transitions to real, spontaneous laughing. I find this trend fascinating, and have no doubt that boosting the daily laughter quotient is indeed healthy, especially in adults.http://www.drweil.com/drw/u/TIP03089/What-is-Laughter-Yoga.html=============A "Bad" Habit That Helps You Live Longer?

Some of us just can�t live without our morning coffee fix. And some of us may be feeling a little guilty about that.

Not to worry. Your morning cup of joe could actually be helping you live longer. A recent study has linked coffee drinking to a reduced risk of death, regardless of the cause.

Healthy or Not, Here I Come!Over the years, research has produced mixed results on the health benefits of coffee. But a recent study was a win for the earthy brew. Heavy java drinkers (2 or more cups per day) experienced a modest decrease in all-cause mortality, including death from heart disease. We can probably credit the antioxidant-rich beans used to brew the stuff. In fact, Americans drink so much coffee that it�s one of our top sources of antioxidants. Here�s more good news about coffee. http://www.realage.com/ct/tips/3034

Reality CheckSo what are the caveats for coffee drinking? There are only a few. If you are sensitive to caffeine, you don�t need to be told not to be a java junkie. And unfiltered coffee can raise blood fats, so use paper filters and ditch the French press. Although it remains to be seen if coffee has a long-term impact on blood pressure, we know it can cause a temporary spike, so go easy if you have high blood pressure. And -- as always -- do everything in moderation. A pot-a-day habit probably doesn�t do anyone any favors. Check this RealAge article for more benefits of the brew. http://www.realage.com/NutritionCenter/articles.aspx?aid=10371

Recipe CornerCook with coffee! It�s a snap. Turn on your slow cooker and try this EatingWell recipe: Coffee-Braised Pot Roast with Carmelized Onions. http://www.eatingwell.com/recipes/coffee_pot_roast.html

RealAge Benefit: Enjoying coffee if you like it -- and it likes you -- can make your RealAge 0.3 years younger.

References Published on 11/10/2008. The relationship of coffee consumption with mortality. -, E. et al., ls of Internal Medicine 2008 Jun 17;148(12):904-914. http://www.realage.com//ct/eat-smart/food-and-nutrition/tip/7360=============7 Ways to Prevent Asthma, Part 1: Nutrition Asthma is a common disorder that afflicts both children and adults. It is often viewed as mysterious in nature and frustrating to treat. If you have asthma - or allergies that aggravate it - try these seven lifestyle changes to help reduce the number and severity of attacks.

1.Decrease protein to 10 percent of daily caloric intake. Replace animal protein as much as possible with plant protein2.Eliminate milk and milk products, substituting other calcium sources.3.Eat organically grown fruits and vegetables as much as possible.4.Eliminate polyunsaturated vegetable oils, margarine, vegetable shortening, all partially hydrogenated oils that might contain trans-fatty acids, and all foods that might contain trans-fatty acids (such as deep-fried foods).5.Use extra-virgin olive oil as your main fat.6.Always drink plenty of water to keep your respiratory tract secretions more fluid.7.Experiment with eliminating (one at a time) wheat, corn, soy and sugar for six to eight weeks to see if the condition improves.


"The many blessings of Hugo be upon you." DesertWind - the "stealth-snagger" @->--We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children--<-@


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