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another newbie

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Don't be discouraged by the gain. You will quickly drop it when you return to your usual routine.

Besides I think doctors offices weigh heavier on purpose.

Remember to drink your water.

Welcome to the group

Start Date: 8/13/01 231/213/169 " I tried to contain myself, but, somehow I escaped. " www.LosingTogether.comhttp://www.delphi.com/LosingTogether

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Welcome to the group. I was in your same shoes a few month ago with

bronchitis. I gained after my first week of being sick because those

medicines tend to have a lot of sugar in them! I was also drinking alot of

orange juice - I mean ALOT. When I did start to feel better I pretty much

ate whatever tasted good because I knew it was important for me to get my

strength back. The gained weight went right off as soon as I was back to my

normal health - so don't despair - it's only temporary! Now go get yourself


>From: anabana00us@...

>Reply-To: wwliterside

>To: wwliterside

>Subject: another newbie

>Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 07:59:24 -0000


>Greetings All!!

>I love this site...the support is awesome!!!

>I just want to introduce myself, and look forward to participating.

>My name is Marie, but Ana is fine for short, its more user

>friendly LOL.

>I'am 38 and have struggled with weight my whole life....hmm sounds

>familar..<g> anyway about 6 months ago i joined my local ymca.

>Thinking that the pounds would soon melt away, cuz all I really

>needed was some excercise.(so I thought) But to my dismay the scale

>kept on moving up....uugghh. then I had a friend who told me the

>basis of the ww plan and for the first time in my life I thought I

>can do this!! no more than that I can LIVE this. my problem was I had

>no support in fact my fiance actually rolled his eyes at me when I

>told him I joined W.W. But i did manage to lose 7lbs in the 3 weeks

>preceeding my joining weight watchers. I love my ww group and our

>leader is sooo funny its like 30 mins of stand-up, but still it left

>me with questions, and then I found this wonderful group. I have

>found more info...recipes and inspiration than I ever could have

>imagined. THANK YOU!

>now that you are familiar with my story, let me ask you this how do

>you handle the program when your sick? I ended up in the emergency

>room last week. with bronchitis, since then I have not returned to

>work have not been able to work-out. felt so bad I even missed my

>monday weigh in...when I went to the dr today for a follow up his

>scale said I had gained 2lbs....uuugghhh. I dont have much of an

>appetite and have been surviving on soup and broth. so on top of

>feeling ill I'am feeling discouraged. Any advice will be taken to

>heart thanks again.

>~ANA~ 194/189/130





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  • 4 weeks later...

Welcome !!! Congrats on your lose so far...your doing great!!!

I am also from Illinois...the Chicago suburbs. Again welcome...and


Tami :o)

> Hi Everyone. My name is and I saw the link to this group on

> one of 's posts on the WW site and thought I would join you all.

> I'm a SAHM of 4 from Illinois. My last was just born in March of

> this year. I started WW a few weeks after he was born and have


> 49 pounds so far. I have about 30 left to lose and then I'll be at

> my goal weight. I guess that's about all there is. :o) I'm


> forward to getting to know you all.


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Welcome to the community and CONGRATS on your awesome loss so far. Keep

us posted on your journey.

Sherrie K (MN)

" Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. "

-- Dean

8/01/01 - 180.5/145.5/135

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Welcome to the community and CONGRATS on your awesome loss so far. Keep

us posted on your journey.

Sherrie K (MN)

" Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. "

-- Dean

8/01/01 - 180.5/145.5/135

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Welcome to the community and CONGRATS on your awesome loss so far. Keep

us posted on your journey.

Sherrie K (MN)

" Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. "

-- Dean

8/01/01 - 180.5/145.5/135

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  • 6 years later...
Guest guest

Thanks for the welcome, everyone.

Hi Kathy,

I still catch myself doing this sometimes and I have been IEing for

about 5 years now, so don't feel bad, it is normal. What I do is I

just let myself do the calculations and then remind myself that while

I know the calories of every food out there (I was an expert dieter

for 15 years) it has no meaning to me now. As long as you are

following through with IE on a regular basis these thought will become

less with time. I find the only time I count calories now is when I

am stressed. Another thing you could do is just gently pull your

thoughts to something else when you notice the counting starting.


> New here, too. First day. Seriously, I counted calories YESTERDAY.


> faced with doing it again today, I just kind of snapped.


> So I Googled around and ended up here. Haven't got the book (although

> I may have read it -- as I've read every other weight-related book in

> the history of the world), but will try to get my hands on a copy.


> Looking forward to seeing how this goes. Thanks.


> Kathy


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Hello to another Kathy! J

Congratulations on your last day of

counting calories. You are FREE! If you can’t or don’t want to buy

the Intuitive Eating book, I suggest you check the library or even

PaperbackSwap.com, where I now do most of my book shopping, it’s awesome.

(When I say shopping, I don’t spend money, you can trade books for no

cost except shipping, it’s awesome). Also try Half.com for reasonably

priced books. If all else fails, go to and Noble a few days and read it

with a cup of coffee! J There are lots of other IE books out there, too, you can check out

our book list in the files section of this group.

I assure you, IE books will be NOTHING

like any of the weight-related books you’ve read in the past. You’ll

love it and love this group! Please feel free to share and post so we can get

to know and support you.




Hood-son, MS, ACSM

Healthier Outcomes

Get your copy of " 6 Simple Steps

to Guilt Free Eating " by visiting http://www.healthieroutcomes.com



[mailto:IntuitiveEating_Support ] On Behalf Of OhKathy

Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 6:22





Another Newbie

New here, too. First day. Seriously, I counted

calories YESTERDAY. And

faced with doing it again today, I just kind of snapped.

So I Googled around and ended up here. Haven't got the book (although

I may have read it -- as I've read every other weight-related book in

the history of the world), but will try to get my hands on a copy.

Looking forward to seeing how this goes. Thanks.


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Hi all!

I guess I just kind of stumbled upon this group by accident. I read

the book The Diet Alternative by Diane Hampton several years ago and

picked it up again last night. I was actually searching the

internet for some kind of group/site related to that book but what I

came across--this group--seems to be just as good, if not better!!

I'm excited to be here. I hope that this time around, the

information will really sink in and with that, and the encouragement

& support I hope to find here, I will be more successful.

As far as how long I've been following the intuitive eating

approach...Well, let's just say that I can communicate it in hours--

not days, weeks, or months. This time, anyway.

I guess that's all I've got for now. I look forward to getting to

know you all. And I thank you in advance for the time, information

and support you share.


aka duckie :)

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