Guest guest Posted February 17, 2008 Report Share Posted February 17, 2008 Val, Geez. I so feel for what you are going through. Are you sure you don't want to stay where you are at or bcs you don't know when you will have to move out or that they may tell you to move at any moment is why you are moving? Is the link below the place you will be staying/living? If it is......I like it already. I love horses and I would move there just to see and have access to the horses alone. Who cares what the place looks like LOL. Just kidding. If it is the place you are moving I am sure it's beautiful. I can't wait to see pictures if you can take some when you move in. I really want to see you in something stable though (no punt intended). You need a place that is not going to make you move out just as soon as you get settled in. It's not a way to live. And bcs you are sick too, this has to be so hard on you. I really hope this flu going away soon but I am hearing that there are so many kinds of flu out there and most flu shots are not good for what's going around. I wish I was there to help you girl. Just wanted to tell ya that my youngest son had his first "official" date last night. His father bought 4 tickets to Coheed Cambridge (band) that both and love for 's birthday that was yesterday. So it was , his girlfriend, and his "date". First concert for both and his date. They said it was awesome and had a really good time. His "date" slept over last night bcs it was late and he would have had to drive to his dad's house 45 minutes away in the dark and also he has restrictions on his license until he is at least 18. had a blast "rockin the house down" with his big brother and "date". He totally acted different in front of her but I guess that's what they do and I understood. This girl really likes alot. They danced in the nutcracker play together and she was the first to give him a hug after the play. I didn't recognize her without all that makeup they put on the dancers. I just called to see how it went when he dropped her off at her house this afternoon. He said he talked with his date's mom and step father for about 1/2 hour. I wanted to see if he gave her a kiss (blush) but from talking with him I knew that didn't happen. He really is not all that in to her but he says that he will date her to try to get to know her from the inside and not what he sees in break dancing class and he would give her a chance bcs he may just like her when he gets to know her. That was what I wanted to hear bcs even though she seems not to be his type (although, never had a date so don't know what his type is) he would get to know her thoroughly first to see if he could grow to like her. That's my .....always giving someone a chance even though peer pressure would probably make him not do that. He is a leader, not a follower. She is about 1 1/2 younger but that's ok. I just need to have that talk with him if and when they start dating exclusively. Ya know the laws in Michigan. I don't want him to get into trouble. Oh and have a new picture of the break dancing group that is a professional picture that I scanned onto my computer.....will put it on myspace and multiply so you and others can see. It's been a busy weekend. Had the kids over yesterday and then all came in about 12 am to eat after the concert and then had my in laws here for dinner tonight. Bob has an infection in his leg that is spreading and had to go in to the er to get antibiotics iv push to knock out the infection. So far no change. It's an internal infection and quite serious. I told him to go. His doctor wanted to admit him on Friday when he went to see him about the infection but bob refused. I feel so much better that he got the antibiotics in his blood system and not just the oral antibiotics that he is still taking. What was small turned out to be 3 spots that are swollen which one is the infection that he noticed and the other 2 are infections that spread and are red. He has a serious infection and it's not good bcs he could die from it if he didn't get the iv push of antibiotics so I feel better. He can hardly walk and he needs to stay off the leg and also no move it or walk on it much but he is going to work and I told him to elevate it as much as possible and not move to much there. He is not the type of person to stay home unless he is sick to the point he feels like he is dying. He thought going in to the ER was a waste of time but it wasn't. He really needed that and it was a very strong antibiotic they gave him. I hope it goes away before 10 days or he will be staying in the hospital for a long time and he doesn't want that. I am concerned about the infection moving up to his heart. I know......a long shot but very possible and the doctor felt it was serious enough to try to get him admitted. We will know in about a week. He could lose his leg bcs diabetics and infections don't go together. Ok have talked way too much. I hope again that you get much better soon and we hear some good news from ya soon. Give me some updates on how it's going. As always, you are in my prayers every night and if there were any way I could be there I would. If you really need the help, maybe I can try to fly down there. I just got my tax returns back. I just don't want you doing things on your own when you are not feeling well. It's bad enough on a good day it's hard for you. I wonder how much it would cost for a plane ticket??????? That's if you will have me Get better girl!!!!! I need my BFF. Take care and try to pace yourself. Sorry you got a novel tonight. Just a lot going on all at once. Love ya and hugs, :)Val Lee wrote: Hi All!~ Just wanted to touch base with you and let you know what's going on here. Other than the fact that I am still sick, we are in the process of getting ourselves moved again. We just returned from another lengthly visit with our new landlord. This poor fellow is the talkiningist (yeah, I know...not a word) person I've ever met! And everytime we get around him and it's time to go, he begs for us to "just stay a little longer. Let's fellowship!" I have to admit. I really like the guy, but it's not like he's never going to see us again. So, I suppose, by the end of this week, we will be fully moved. Hopefully, for the last time in a good while. Since I would like to share our new place with you, and can't at the moment, allow me to just leave you with the link to their website. I think I'm really going to enjoy being a part of all this. I hope you are all doing well. I am still trying very, very hard to get better. If y'all don't here from me after next week, don't be alarmed. "P" says I'll have internet out there, but I'm not sure if he just means access to it, or if it's already hooked up. I'll soon find out. Love and blessings.... Val Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Peace, Love and Hugs, D. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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