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Indian Post-doc in Italy

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To whom it may concern,

we have the possibility to establish an Agreement between Indian

University and Italian University for two one-year post-doc

fellowships (possibly to be renewed). In order to proceed your

University must complete the Agreement form. Further contacts will be

sent to interested people.

The subject will be Bioinformatics, focused on HIV biomolecular

characterization and phylogenetic analysis.

If needed let me contact directly by the University administration to

elaborate all specific details.

Best wishes

Franco Buonaguro


Dr. Franco M. Buonaguro, M.D.

Lab. of Viral Oncology & AIDS Reference Center

Istituto Nazionale Tumori " Fond. G. Pascale "

Via no Semmola, 142

I - 80131 NAPOLI - ITALY

Tel.: +39.081.5903.830

Fax: +39.081.545.1276

Cell: +39.347.444.1219

Skype: fmbuonaguro

Email: irccsvir@... or fmbuonaguro@...

Web page: http://myprofile.cos.com/fmbuonaguro

CV & Publication list: http://publicationslist.org/fmbuonaguro

Journals: Editor in Chief of Infectious Agents and Cancer


Managing Editor of Frontiers in Bioscience


Board Member of Chinese Journal of Medicine



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