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  • 3 weeks later...

Welcome !!

I'm Dana, sahm to Philip. (9/17/97) First let me say that i am so sorry that

you are getting no support! That must make things difficult! I'm not sure that

I can offer a whole lot of advise but I will try. Have you read The Baby Book,

by Sears? It's an excellent book with lots of information on

attachment parenting. Maybe if your dh read it (or at least some of it) he

might come around to your way of thinking. My in laws (actually that whole

side of the family) have always given me a bunch of " unwanted advise " on

parenting (Don't bother with bf'ing too much work, don't let the baby sleep

with you, he'll never leave, you know that sort of thing) but I just try to

ignore it. Although, my husband is very supportive so it makes it easier. I

have to admit that I tend to flaunt my parenting style in front of them though

because Philip is such a happy and well adjusted little boy I want them to see

how well it's working! : ) Anyhow, I wish you all the best! Remember, we're

her if you need us!

I look forward to getting to know you better!

Dana : )


Hello! Just thought I would take a moment to introduce myself.... my name

is and I am the shamelessly proud mother of five month old

Marie. She's beautiful and has brought us nothing but incredible amounts

of joy. I love being with her. I work full time and so does my husband.

I work days and he works nights, so we don't have to use daycare for now.

It's working out ok. It's putting a beating on our marriage a bit since we

don't see each other that often. But, for now, it's what we want to do.

I'm breastfeeding... obviously, since I'm on this list. I am not getting

support from friends and family for this, so hence, the reason for my

emailing this group.... I need support!

I've been lurking for a bit, reading the groups emails, but only now

introducing myself. I've never heard of Ezzo, so I can't contribute to that


I think I understand what attachment parenting is... this is what I want to

do.... however, here is my dilemma... my husband and I see differently on

this issue. He is under extreme pressure from his sister and mother to put

on a stricter schedule and have her sleeping in her crib already.

They are also not supportive of breastfeeding... IMAGINE!

Anyway, help! I need to persuade him to see things my way... the

attachment parenting way. Any advice?



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I was just trying to explain some of the things that are difficult

for my Daughter at her job. It's hard for them " potty Training " if they are

working hard to help the child & the parent is lax at home...when it was the

parents idea in the first place.

I thought in my mind from my memory that 3 is old to still be using a

diaper....I have no idea what the books say???

My oldest is 20, then 16 & my Son will be 2 in March.

All I heard from a lot of people is that boys are harder to train????

My Son told me on November 5th that he wanted to use the toilet & has been

wearing underwear from that day on....even at night. He has never wet or

pooped his pants since.

I know that all babies are separate and unique people....with their own

built in timetable.

Love to you, /indigo

(no subject)



><She loves the children...but some of it is hard.....3 year olds still

>messing their clothes/pull-ups?>


>Are you referring to some 3 year olds not potty trained? I think that is

>not all that uncommon.





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>Breastfeeding is Best!!


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My daughter didn't completely potty train until 1 month after her 3rd birthday.

She was potty trained at home but refused in public and would always wet her

pants. At 3 she said she didn't need diapers anymore and she didn't. She was

using the potty from 18months but just wouldn't use big public toilets.


(no subject)



><She loves the children...but some of it is hard.....3 year olds still

>messing their clothes/pull-ups?>


>Are you referring to some 3 year olds not potty trained? I think that is

>not all that uncommon.





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>Have you seen our new web site? http://www.onelist.com


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out



Check out our new web site! http://www.onelist.com


Breastfeeding is Best!!


If you like this list also check out


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Hello Wendi,

I remember that with my Daughter's... always having to use their own toilet.

I think the big ones are scary to some kids. Mr. sings a song about

not falling in.

He had a great show on using the bathroom.

Love, /indigo

Re: (no subject)

My daughter didn't completely potty train until 1 month after her 3rd

birthday. She was potty trained at home but refused in public and would

always wet her pants. At 3 she said she didn't need diapers anymore and she

didn't. She was using the potty from 18months but just wouldn't use big

public toilets.


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>My Son told me on November 5th that he wanted to use the toilet & has been

>wearing underwear from that day on....even at night. He has never wet or

>pooped his pants since.


My son did the same except he was a little older...39 mo. My dd is 37 mo,

and not ready to potty train because of developmental delays. It is going

to be a while before she is ready for that. I do not push her, when she is

ready, it will happen!


Mom of Kataya, Woody, Kelli and Kiva

Love God, love family, love others

Breast is best!!

Cloth makes the best diaper!!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

I Love the Vortex! Some of my other gorgeous best

friens used to be performers at Carowinds! I went to

udergrad in Salisbury, NC - about 45 minutes form

Charlotte. We used to get free tickets, so we would go

alot!!! Have fun!

Tara Lynn (wishing you a good time

free of rosin or WD40!)

--- Paam Greer wrote:



> Hey everybody. Tara was just telling me about her

> gorgeous friends whose

> metabolism seems to stay on afterburner. I so

> totally understand.


> Wouldn't you just love to hate all those gorgeous

> best friends? As far as

> " getting the picture " of your best buds 4th call

> back, I think I'd rather

> not....I'm depressed enough for today.


> I have my first big test of weight loss coming up

> this Sunday. My husband

> and I are taking my daughter and her best friend


> unofficially adopted

> second child) to Carowinds (an amusement park like

> Six Flags or Busch

> Gardens) as part of their combined birthday present.

> I'll only be walking

> and on my feet for about 6-7 hours so this should be

> a " walk in the park "

> right?! NOT!!!


> I quit going to places like that 8 or 9 years ago

> because I was too

> embarrassed to admit I couldn't fit into the rides.

> There's nothing like

> standing in line for an hour or more waiting your

> turn for a roller coaster

> etc., only to climb aboard and find out that the


> belt bar won't come

> all the way down. You'd think they could provide

> seat belt extenders like

> airlines do. Hey, there's an idea. Let's invent


> and then we'll be so

> rich we can build our own private amusement parks.


> HATE having to climb

> out in front of God and Everybody while they snicker

> and laugh. The last

> time I went to an amusement park the ride attendant

> pointed out the sign to

> me that said pregnant people shouldn't ride. Mind

> you my only child was

> about 9 then. This may have been one of those times

> when Homicide would

> have been considered justified. I'll let you know

> how it goes.


> One of the rides my daughter wants me to go on is

> called the Vortex. It's a

> corkscrew rollercoaster with bike type seats and a

> shoulder bar that comes

> down to your chest. I can just see it now....if I

> can get the shoulder bar

> down I'll have that bicycle seat wedged so far up my

> behind they may have to

> pry me off. Maybe I should dust my behind with


> like gymnasts do .....

> or would WD-40 be better. I could always do both.

> Use the rosin to hold me

> on and the WD-40 to get me loose. What'd ya



> Wait, I know. Plan B: If I can't get the bar

> fastened I'll just pretend

> I'm going to throw up on the attendant and then


> let me out quickly.






> We have a new web site!

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> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at

> Onelist.com



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Does anyone know how I can get my posts to the web site to look like regular

typing without all the spaces and marks? It looks fine when I type it on my

screen but when I see it posted it's all spaced out and the lines aren't

filled. Any ideas?

(no subject)



>Hey everybody. Tara was just telling me about her gorgeous friends whose

>metabolism seems to stay on afterburner. I so totally understand.


>Wouldn't you just love to hate all those gorgeous best friends? As far as

> " getting the picture " of your best buds 4th call back, I think I'd rather

>not....I'm depressed enough for today.


>I have my first big test of weight loss coming up this Sunday. My husband

>and I are taking my daughter and her best friend (our unofficially adopted

>second child) to Carowinds (an amusement park like Six Flags or Busch

>Gardens) as part of their combined birthday present. I'll only be walking

>and on my feet for about 6-7 hours so this should be a " walk in the park "

>right?! NOT!!!


>I quit going to places like that 8 or 9 years ago because I was too

>embarrassed to admit I couldn't fit into the rides. There's nothing like

>standing in line for an hour or more waiting your turn for a roller coaster

>etc., only to climb aboard and find out that the seat belt bar won't come

>all the way down. You'd think they could provide seat belt extenders like

>airlines do. Hey, there's an idea. Let's invent one and then we'll be so

>rich we can build our own private amusement parks. I HATE having to climb

>out in front of God and Everybody while they snicker and laugh. The last

>time I went to an amusement park the ride attendant pointed out the sign to

>me that said pregnant people shouldn't ride. Mind you my only child was

>about 9 then. This may have been one of those times when Homicide would

>have been considered justified. I'll let you know how it goes.


>One of the rides my daughter wants me to go on is called the Vortex. It's


>corkscrew rollercoaster with bike type seats and a shoulder bar that comes

>down to your chest. I can just see it now....if I can get the shoulder bar

>down I'll have that bicycle seat wedged so far up my behind they may have


>pry me off. Maybe I should dust my behind with rosin like gymnasts do


>or would WD-40 be better. I could always do both. Use the rosin to hold


>on and the WD-40 to get me loose. What'd ya think?!


>Wait, I know. Plan B: If I can't get the bar fastened I'll just pretend

>I'm going to throw up on the attendant and then he'll let me out quickly.





>We have a new web site!


>Onelist: The leading provider of free email community services


>This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at Onelist.com

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Hey ladies,

I only live 30 minutes from Carowinds. We went there last Sunday!!

Since your are so excited you may want to consider season pases

(depending on how far away you live). They only cost about 45 or 50

dollars and it costs about 25 to get in for 1 day!!! The season passes

are good all the way through park closing in October.

I am preop but when I was at Carowinds on Sun, I was dreaming about the

day when I could go and have a good time and not worry about breaking

any of the rides or benches!!!! Good luck


Kaiser Permente appealing

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Oh wow. All this talk of Carowinds is making me wax nostalgic...I too dream

of the day when I can admit that YES! I DO want to go to Carowinds, and

ride all the rides...or get on the rides at the Fair...or ride in the mini

race cars at amusement parks with my husband...or once again go horse-back

riding and for the first time NOT have to get the strongest horse there just

to hold me! How wonderful a prospect to think of going to concerts and

shows and movies and restaurants without first thinking " will I fit in the

chairs, or will I make a spectacle of myself, in which case it's not worth

going? " Or going on a hike in the mountains without everyone staring at you

because you're huffing and puffing your way along. Or going to the NC Zoo

and actually being able to walk through the whole thing comfortably. Having

enough energy to take the kids to all kinds of fun places, and even, heaven

forbid, ROLLER SKATING!!!! To stop saying " I don't feel good...not tonight "

when in your brain you're thinking " if I was half the size I am, he'd be

saying 'please honey, not again'! " To be a normal person...

Re: (no subject)

From: thestewarts@... (Herbert )

Hey ladies,

I only live 30 minutes from Carowinds. We went there last Sunday!!

Since your are so excited you may want to consider season pases

(depending on how far away you live). They only cost about 45 or 50

dollars and it costs about 25 to get in for 1 day!!! The season passes

are good all the way through park closing in October.

I am preop but when I was at Carowinds on Sun, I was dreaming about the

day when I could go and have a good time and not worry about breaking

any of the rides or benches!!!! Good luck


Kaiser Permente appealing


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This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at Onelist.com

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Has anyone heard how our Sunni Angel is doing ()? Wasn't her surgery

yesterday? Or was it today?

Re: (no subject)

From: thestewarts@... (Herbert )

I am embarrassed to say that I don't know 's last name. It used to

be , but she is divorced now so I am not sure what she goes by.

I have been trying to find out myself so I can call the hospital and

check on her, she had her surgery today with Dr R. am sure she will be

back online in a few days and she is sooo nice. She will do whatever

she can to help , I am sure.


Kaiser Permente appealing


Ta Da! Come see our new web site!


Onelist: A free email community service


This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at Onelist.com

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Tara Lynn Dimirsky wrote:




> I am so glad Bonnie and kathy are doing well! I have to

> admit that I am SOOOOOO jealous. I can't wait to be " on

> the other side " . I hope I am not getting my hopes up

> too high. My insurance company has neither approved,

> nor denied my request yet. Over the past couple of

> weeks they have requested " more information " - and

> yesterday it was handed over to the medical reviewer

> who has contacted one of " their " doctors to ask some

> questions. Is this a good sign or a bad sign? My last

> insurance company did not even consider it - denied

> outright after every appeal. I am just nervous that I

> am going to get my hopes up and then it won't happen.

> Anyone else feel like it is almost too good to be true?

> Sorry to be a downer - I guess I am just in need of a

> little support. I don't want to mention to my hubby -

> cuz I don't want him to get worried. He is very

> supportive - but naturally concerned as well! I hope

> everyone is doing well - Happy Good Friday tomorrow!

> Tara Lynn Dimirsky

> (BMI 42 - surgery tent. scheduled for May 10th)


> --- KMusolino@... wrote:

> > From: KMusolino@...

> >

> > Hey everybody--

> >

> > Went by the hospital about 4:00 pm today (Thursday)

> > and saw both Bonnie &

> > .

> > Dr. R came in while I was there, and it was like a

> > reunion. Bonnie was waiting

> > for him to get the final okay to go home.

> > looked and sounded great, and

> > is enjoying those ice chips.

> >

> > Pam, I agree with you. I feel as if my life is

> > totally different, even though

> > I do the same job and take care of the same husband

> > and kids. but I'm

> > different. I'm empowered. I feel in control of

> > myself and my life. It's

> > wonderful.

> >

> > Katy Musolino

> >

> >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > Ta Da! Come see our new web site!

> > http://www.onelist.com

> > Onelist: A free email community service

> >

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at

> > Onelist.com

> >


> _________________________________________________________


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I have been reading your posts and I am glad that someone else

understands exactly what I am going thru. I too am waiting for word

about my first appeal. When I called today, she said that they had

requested more infor and she would let me know when they decide.

I am getting a little tired of fighting, but seeing all of your letters

and posts gives me enough energy to fight just one more time. What

insurance do you have? What all did you send in for your appeals? My

submission was over 300 pages!!!! I hoope that I am one of the lucky

ones who gets to go to the other side.

My little boy came home last night and told me that he started crying in

school today so I ask why. He said " Cause said you were the

fattest person in the world " I know that the people here can

understand how bad it hurts me = I don't want to do this to my kids.

Pray for me and help me through this struggle with the ins company, I

need all of you so much.



Kaiser Permente appealing

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I am so sorry about those mean little kids. My son

is only a year old - I can only imagine how tough it

was for you when your son told you that. Kids can be so

mean. I would hate for my children to go through the

same kind of teasing that I grew up with, always being

the " chubby kid " .

I have to tell you that your posts have kept me

optimistic as well. We do seem to have a lot in common.

I guess for now we can just keep on " fighting the good

fight! " I believe in my heart that I will be given this

" second chance " at a normal life. I guess I just need

to have faith, and sit back and let God (AND Dr.

Rutledge) do their jobs!

Tara Lynn

PS - cdccc65x scxxcxc ( that was my son, ,

saying keep your chin up)

--- Herbert wrote:

> From: thestewarts@... (Herbert )


> Tara

> I have been reading your posts and I am glad that

> someone else

> understands exactly what I am going thru. I too am

> waiting for word

> about my first appeal. When I called today, she


> that they had

> requested more infor and she would let me know when

> they decide.


> I am getting a little tired of fighting, but seeing

> all of your letters

> and posts gives me enough energy to fight just one

> more time. What

> insurance do you have? What all did you send in for

> your appeals? My

> submission was over 300 pages!!!! I hoope that I am

> one of the lucky

> ones who gets to go to the other side.


> My little boy came home last night and told me that

> he started crying in

> school today so I ask why. He said " Cause said

> you were the

> fattest person in the world " I know that the


> here can

> understand how bad it hurts me = I don't want to do

> this to my kids.

> Pray for me and help me through this struggle with

> the ins company, I

> need all of you so much.

> Thanks

> Kathy

> Kaiser Permente appealing





> Did you know that we have over 85,000 e-mail

> communities at Onelist?

> http://www.onelist.com

> Come visit our new web site and explore a new

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> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at

> Onelist.com



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Pam - thanks for the encouragement! This list is so

great. As I told Kathy, I believe this WILL happen- I

just need to be faithful and steadfast. Dr. Rutledge

sets a very good example for his patients with his

efforts to " fight the good fight " . I've never

encountered another doctor who is so devoted and

accessable to his patients. I believe God led me to him

- and in time my efforts will come to fruition! Have a

great Easter.

Tara Lynn

--- Paam Greer wrote:



> Dear Tara,


> As long as your insurance company is playing " pass

> the paperwork " and

> forwarding it to " their " doctor I would say all hope

> is not lost, and take

> it as a good sign. Somebody (of the umpteen hands

> your request has gone

> through so far, if it's like most insurance

> companies) saw something that

> made them think the situation/request was at least

> worth a thorough second

> opinion....I'd say that's a plus


> You know we're all rooting for you, so hang in


> I think all of you

> who are playing the " hurry up and wait " game with


> Brother Insurance

> deserve medals. Here's a thought to cheer you (or

> maybe depress you

> further....if so, pass the Prozac): Compared with

> trying to talk " reason "

> to the various yo-yo's who are keeper's of the

> checkbook, the actual WLS

> will seem like a " piece of cake. "


> At least after your surgery, the only person you'll

> have to reason with is

> yourself. Remember too, your MGB Internet Fan Club

> will be available at a

> push of the button. Hang tough, our thoughts and

> prayers are with you.


> PS: I was just rereading my message here and


> the " piece of cake "

> reference. It hit me that even our catch phrases


> designed to make

> losing weight hard....just think of all those food

> references out there in

> everyday conversation. IT'S A CONSPIRACY, I TELL

> YOU......(a little

> paranoia never hurt anybody).



> (no subject)



> >

> >

> >I am so glad Bonnie and kathy are doing well! I


> to

> >admit that I am SOOOOOO jealous. I can't wait to be

> " on

> >the other side " . I hope I am not getting my hopes


> >too high. My insurance company has neither


> >nor denied my request yet. Over the past couple of

> >weeks they have requested " more information " - and

> >yesterday it was handed over to the medical


> >who has contacted one of " their " doctors to ask


> >questions. Is this a good sign or a bad sign? My

> last

> >insurance company did not even consider it - denied

> >outright after every appeal. I am just nervous that

> I

> >am going to get my hopes up and then it won't

> happen.

> >Anyone else feel like it is almost too good to be

> true?

> >Sorry to be a downer - I guess I am just in need of

> a

> >little support. I don't want to mention to my hubby

> -

> >cuz I don't want him to get worried. He is very

> >supportive - but naturally concerned as well! I


> >everyone is doing well - Happy Good Friday


> > Tara Lynn Dimirsky

> > (BMI 42 - surgery tent. scheduled for May

> 10th)

> >

> >--- KMusolino@... wrote:

> >> From: KMusolino@...

> >>

> >> Hey everybody--

> >>

> >> Went by the hospital about 4:00 pm today

> (Thursday)

> >> and saw both Bonnie &

> >> .

> >> Dr. R came in while I was there, and it was like


> >> reunion. Bonnie was waiting

> >> for him to get the final okay to go home.

> >> looked and sounded great, and

> >> is enjoying those ice chips.

> >>

> >> Pam, I agree with you. I feel as if my life is

> >> totally different, even though

> >> I do the same job and take care of the same

> husband

> >> and kids. but I'm

> >> different. I'm empowered. I feel in control of

> >> myself and my life. It's

> >> wonderful.

> >>

> >> Katy Musolino

> >>

> >>



> >> Ta Da! Come see our new web site!

> >> http://www.onelist.com

> >> Onelist: A free email community service

> >>



> >> This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List

> at

> >> Onelist.com

> >>

> >



> >

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Seems to me like you have an Ace in the hole, being

the one who decides what insurance company you guys

will have. My insurance is ALSO through my husbands and

my personal company. We are a small company with only 3

full-time workers. We employ actors all over the

country on a part-time basis. I really had to jump

through hoops to get approved for this new policy

because of my medical problems (most of which are

associated to obesity) - AND - we ended up having to

pay a pretty high premium. I think it would behoove

them to pay for this surgery now - and avoid costly

medical procedures in the future related to diabetes,

arthritis, and infertility. I hope they see it the same

way! Keep us updated!

Tara Lynn

--- AMY HAMLIN wrote:



> Tara Lynn Dimirsky wrote:

> >

> >

> >

> > I am so glad Bonnie and kathy are doing well! I

> have to

> > admit that I am SOOOOOO jealous. I can't wait to


> " on

> > the other side " . I hope I am not getting my hopes

> up

> > too high. My insurance company has neither

> approved,

> > nor denied my request yet. Over the past couple of

> > weeks they have requested " more information " - and

> > yesterday it was handed over to the medical

> reviewer

> > who has contacted one of " their " doctors to ask

> some

> > questions. Is this a good sign or a bad sign? My

> last

> > insurance company did not even consider it -


> > outright after every appeal. I am just nervous


> I

> > am going to get my hopes up and then it won't

> happen.

> > Anyone else feel like it is almost too good to be

> true?

> > Sorry to be a downer - I guess I am just in need


> a

> > little support. I don't want to mention to my


> -

> > cuz I don't want him to get worried. He is very

> > supportive - but naturally concerned as well! I

> hope

> > everyone is doing well - Happy Good Friday

> tomorrow!

> > Tara Lynn Dimirsky

> > (BMI 42 - surgery tent. scheduled for May

> 10th)

> >

> > --- KMusolino@... wrote:

> > > From: KMusolino@...

> > >

> > > Hey everybody--

> > >

> > > Went by the hospital about 4:00 pm today

> (Thursday)

> > > and saw both Bonnie &

> > > .

> > > Dr. R came in while I was there, and it was like

> a

> > > reunion. Bonnie was waiting

> > > for him to get the final okay to go home.

> > > looked and sounded great, and

> > > is enjoying those ice chips.

> > >

> > > Pam, I agree with you. I feel as if my life is

> > > totally different, even though

> > > I do the same job and take care of the same

> husband

> > > and kids. but I'm

> > > different. I'm empowered. I feel in control of

> > > myself and my life. It's

> > > wonderful.

> > >

> > > Katy Musolino

> > >

> > >

> >



> > > Ta Da! Come see our new web site!

> > > http://www.onelist.com

> > > Onelist: A free email community service

> > >

> >



> > > This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass


> at

> > > Onelist.com

> > >

> >

> >



> >

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Nobody but those of us who are truly obese can understand the scars that

comments like that make in our brains and then (at least for me) the niche

just gets deeper and deeper as we replay negative comments like that over

and over and over. No wonder its so hard for us to lose weight, we're

conditioned to fail because of years of comments like that.

I wish there was more I could do to take the hurt away (for you and your

children), but if it helps at all please know that those of us here at

Onelist share your pain and are praying diligently that " light will dawn " in

Insurance Hell and you can start a new " rest of your life " .

Re: (no subject)

From: thestewarts@... (Herbert )


I have been reading your posts and I am glad that someone else

understands exactly what I am going thru. I too am waiting for word

about my first appeal. When I called today, she said that they had

requested more infor and she would let me know when they decide.

I am getting a little tired of fighting, but seeing all of your letters

and posts gives me enough energy to fight just one more time. What

insurance do you have? What all did you send in for your appeals? My

submission was over 300 pages!!!! I hoope that I am one of the lucky

ones who gets to go to the other side.

My little boy came home last night and told me that he started crying in

school today so I ask why. He said " Cause said you were the

fattest person in the world " I know that the people here can

understand how bad it hurts me = I don't want to do this to my kids.

Pray for me and help me through this struggle with the ins company, I

need all of you so much.



Kaiser Permente appealing


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This message is from the Mini-Gastric Bypass List at Onelist.com

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  • 9 years later...
Guest guest

I just want to thank Gillian for putting this site together, and for

everyone who shares. I came across it the other day, feeling desperate

about being overweight, and not wanting to diet again. Some of the post

of the new members sounded just like I could have written them myself.

I've done IE off and on in the past, and just don't stick with it, for

some reason. I know it is the only way. I've ordered the IE book, & I'm

really looking forward to the support that goes through this site.

Thanks a lot.


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