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Re: Thinking out Loud

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My dh is currently active duty. We do not have a diagnosis yet but we have an

8ds and a 6ds that fall within the spectrum and my dh was diagnosed this year

with an anxiety disorder. They all three have trouble with gluten and casein,

artificial anything, and soy. Not only is there a possible genetic connection

but my dh has been injected with more than I'll go into here as well as taking

the malaria pill meflecquin -sp?-(blamed for possibly being the root cause for

the murders/suicides at Ft. Bragg) before, during, and after our kids births.

Those of us around here with kids with problems don't have to think twice about

what the affects may have been. (sigh)

Tonya Dillingham


[ ] Thinking out loud


I've got a couple of questions for you and a couple of things that may

make you go hmmm. I know it has us.

I recently became aware of several of our old military buddies who

have been dx'd with MS, Parkinson's and other assorted auto-immune

type diseases. I also recently stumbled across a list with Young

Parkinson's patients on it with a disproportionally (at least to me)

number of ex-military members. MOST of them are Air Force and Navy

vets, MOST of them were either jet mechanics or pilots/flight crew

members. This includes my Steve. I have a sneeking suspicion that

these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

among other things.

A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism


How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of or

have family members who are ex-military with these type problems? I'm

just curious at this point.


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Vickie--- by all means look into this. I have seen a number

of references to people studying the " Gluf War syndrome " and

the peculiar diseases these folks have come down with.

Huggins has some stuff on his website about it, for one.

A search should find reading material for a long while.


> Listers:


> I've got a couple of questions for you and a couple of things that


> make you go hmmm. I know it has us.


> I recently became aware of several of our old military buddies who

> have been dx'd with MS, Parkinson's and other assorted auto-immune

> type diseases. I also recently stumbled across a list with Young

> Parkinson's patients on it with a disproportionally (at least to me)

> number of ex-military members. MOST of them are Air Force and Navy

> vets, MOST of them were either jet mechanics or pilots/flight crew

> members. This includes my Steve. I have a sneeking suspicion that

> these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

> engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

> among other things.


> A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism

> spectrum.


> How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of


> have family members who are ex-military with these type problems?


> just curious at this point.


> Vickie

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I havent got the addy at the moment but look up Dr. Shattock at the Sunderland

University in the UK. He is an autism researcher ( Pharmacologist by training).

He has a page on Gulf War Syndrome which you should really read.


[ ] Re: Thinking out loud

Vickie--- by all means look into this. I have seen a number

of references to people studying the " Gluf War syndrome " and

the peculiar diseases these folks have come down with.

Huggins has some stuff on his website about it, for one.

A search should find reading material for a long while.


> Listers:


> I've got a couple of questions for you and a couple of things that


> make you go hmmm. I know it has us.


> I recently became aware of several of our old military buddies who

> have been dx'd with MS, Parkinson's and other assorted auto-immune

> type diseases. I also recently stumbled across a list with Young

> Parkinson's patients on it with a disproportionally (at least to me)

> number of ex-military members. MOST of them are Air Force and Navy

> vets, MOST of them were either jet mechanics or pilots/flight crew

> members. This includes my Steve. I have a sneeking suspicion that

> these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

> engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

> among other things.


> A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism

> spectrum.


> How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of


> have family members who are ex-military with these type problems?


> just curious at this point.


> Vickie

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Hey all:

Steve and the other's we know with Parkinson's and MS, etc. were

mainly dx'd before the Gulf War. None of them got the anthrax series

of shots but did get a load of all the others.

As far as the military housing goes, that's so true, although the last

3 bases I lived on we were in the NEW housing, well two of them were

new and one had been gutted to the studs and completely redone. The

lead issue also goes for a lot of the barracks and buildings they work

in on the bases. At least for the Navy people I know the Parkinson's

and MS and all seem MORE common in the ones who worked on the flight

lines, in and around the planes than those who were on the ships only.

As far as the water supplies go I KNOW for a fact that there are

issues with the base water supplies/housing areas on two bases. Terra

Terrace Housing at Camp Lejeune and Naval Sub Base Kings Bay. I had a

url you could check for water safety issues on but can't find it at

the moment. I'll do some poking around tonight while the football game

is on and see if I can find it. That's where I found out about

Lejeune. Kings Bay happened while we were there. There was also some

issues with Cecil Field Air Base in ville, Florida in the early

80's but if I remember correctly it was the possibilty of the base

contaminating the city's water supply. Couldn't find anything on that



> Vickie - my husband, still on active duty in the Air Force, falls

into your

> scenario. However, he doesn't have any problems " to date " and has

the full

> course of immunizations, including the ANTHRAX series and the


> required for the Afghanistan war. He is around all the jet fuels

and other

> toxins on the flight line, as well as the " bomb " materials. His

lymph nodes

> under his armpits did swell up while over there as a reaction to

some of the

> shots so who knows what the future will hold for him.


> I do know several Air Force pilots who feel the Anthrax series of

six shots

> is causing health problems, as well as the strong evidence of the damage

> that Agent Orange did in the Viet Nam War and the ongoing study at


> " Gulf War Syndrome " was caused by either vaccinations or the

chemicals used

> over there.


> As far as our children being highly diagnosed with autism and other


> I don't know if that is true or not. Let us not forget that many of us

> lived in housing units built in the 1950's or early, with layer upon


> of lead paint! God knows what is in the water on the bases as well.





> I have a sneeking suspicion that

> these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

> engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

> among other things.


> A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism

> spectrum.


> How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of or

> have family members who are ex-military with these type problems? I'm

> just curious at this point.


> Vickie

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My family too was Air Force, we lived on an Air Force Base (in base

housing) for about 10 years. All 4 of my children are autistic, all

but one were born at the air force base hospital.



Autism Family Circle


Autism Family Circle Group


Autism Family Circle Chat House


Autism Pins at Ebay:

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem & item=2136568548

> Vickie - my husband, still on active duty in the Air Force, falls

into your

> scenario. However, he doesn't have any problems " to date " and has

the full

> course of immunizations, including the ANTHRAX series and the


> required for the Afghanistan war. He is around all the jet fuels

and other

> toxins on the flight line, as well as the " bomb " materials. His

lymph nodes

> under his armpits did swell up while over there as a reaction to

some of the

> shots so who knows what the future will hold for him.


> I do know several Air Force pilots who feel the Anthrax series of

six shots

> is causing health problems, as well as the strong evidence of the


> that Agent Orange did in the Viet Nam War and the ongoing study at


> " Gulf War Syndrome " was caused by either vaccinations or the

chemicals used

> over there.


> As far as our children being highly diagnosed with autism and other


> I don't know if that is true or not. Let us not forget that many

of us

> lived in housing units built in the 1950's or early, with layer

upon layer

> of lead paint! God knows what is in the water on the bases as well.





> I have a sneeking suspicion that

> these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

> engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

> among other things.


> A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism

> spectrum.


> How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of


> have family members who are ex-military with these type problems?


> just curious at this point.


> Vickie

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Thanks Mandi!

P.S. EVERYONE should read his site. Full of valuable information. He is one of

the leading lights in autism and to his credit takes parents observations dead


Re: [ ] Re: Thinking out loud


Link to Shattocks site

Mandi in UK

> I havent got the addy at the moment but look up Dr. Shattock at the

> Sunderland University in the UK. He is an autism researcher (

> Pharmacologist by training). He has a page on Gulf War Syndrome which you

> should really read.


> julie


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My husband retired a year and a half ago after flying for approx. 18 years

of his military career. He flew in the Gulf War and got many of those

immunizations that were never properly documented, took some anthrax shots,

and took a couple of the nerve agent pills. I was active duty myself

before, during and after Robbie's birth and had all the immunizations needed

to be worldwide deployable. My husband and I are both in excellent health

considering all that toxic exposure but Robbie is autistic. I'm sure you

are probably correct about some of this exposure and I do worry frequently

that one of us will develop MS, etc. I've had several friends in the

military come down with autoimmune problems and the incidence certainly

seems to be higher in those who served.

We were living in Hawaii in a courtyard housing area with 16 or 18 families

when Rob was diagnosed and he was the THIRD child just in our court to have

autism. That was 8 years ago when the incidence was 5-15 per 10K.

Coincidence? I don't think so!

risnowball wrote:

> Listers:


> I've got a couple of questions for you and a couple of things that may

> make you go hmmm. I know it has us.


> I recently became aware of several of our old military buddies who

> have been dx'd with MS, Parkinson's and other assorted auto-immune

> type diseases. I also recently stumbled across a list with Young

> Parkinson's patients on it with a disproportionally (at least to me)

> number of ex-military members. MOST of them are Air Force and Navy

> vets, MOST of them were either jet mechanics or pilots/flight crew

> members. This includes my Steve. I have a sneeking suspicion that

> these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

> engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

> among other things.


> A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism

> spectrum.


> How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of or

> have family members who are ex-military with these type problems? I'm

> just curious at this point.


> Vickie



> =======================================================


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One different look at neurotixns besides the very real heavy metal

neurotoxins can be found at www.chronicneurotoxins.com.

>From: " risnowball " <vickieklein@...>



>Subject: [ ] Re: Thinking out Loud

>Date: Thu, 05 Sep 2002 22:47:04 -0000


>Hey all:


>Steve and the other's we know with Parkinson's and MS, etc. were

>mainly dx'd before the Gulf War. None of them got the anthrax series

>of shots but did get a load of all the others.


>As far as the military housing goes, that's so true, although the last

>3 bases I lived on we were in the NEW housing, well two of them were

>new and one had been gutted to the studs and completely redone. The

>lead issue also goes for a lot of the barracks and buildings they work

>in on the bases. At least for the Navy people I know the Parkinson's

>and MS and all seem MORE common in the ones who worked on the flight

>lines, in and around the planes than those who were on the ships only.


>As far as the water supplies go I KNOW for a fact that there are

>issues with the base water supplies/housing areas on two bases. Terra

>Terrace Housing at Camp Lejeune and Naval Sub Base Kings Bay. I had a

>url you could check for water safety issues on but can't find it at

>the moment. I'll do some poking around tonight while the football game

>is on and see if I can find it. That's where I found out about

>Lejeune. Kings Bay happened while we were there. There was also some

>issues with Cecil Field Air Base in ville, Florida in the early

>80's but if I remember correctly it was the possibilty of the base

>contaminating the city's water supply. Couldn't find anything on that






> > Vickie - my husband, still on active duty in the Air Force, falls

>into your

> > scenario. However, he doesn't have any problems " to date " and has

>the full

> > course of immunizations, including the ANTHRAX series and the


> > required for the Afghanistan war. He is around all the jet fuels

>and other

> > toxins on the flight line, as well as the " bomb " materials. His

>lymph nodes

> > under his armpits did swell up while over there as a reaction to

>some of the

> > shots so who knows what the future will hold for him.

> >

> > I do know several Air Force pilots who feel the Anthrax series of

>six shots

> > is causing health problems, as well as the strong evidence of the damage

> > that Agent Orange did in the Viet Nam War and the ongoing study at


> > " Gulf War Syndrome " was caused by either vaccinations or the

>chemicals used

> > over there.

> >

> > As far as our children being highly diagnosed with autism and other


> > I don't know if that is true or not. Let us not forget that many of us

> > lived in housing units built in the 1950's or early, with layer upon


> > of lead paint! God knows what is in the water on the bases as well.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > I have a sneeking suspicion that

> > these are related to the heavy metals found in the jet fuels, the

> > engine cleaning chemicals and yes the IMMUNIZATIONS they received

> > among other things.

> >

> > A few of them also have kids with problems who fall into the autism

> > spectrum.

> >

> > How many of you on the list are active duty or ex-military, know of or

> > have family members who are ex-military with these type problems? I'm

> > just curious at this point.

> >

> > Vickie



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  • 5 years later...

Finally, after all these years, I have found someone who has

experienced the same thing in the same place as I! My son is 26 years

old, has Asperger's Syndrome, and yes, I was pregnant near Kings Bay

Submarine Naval Base when I was a Navy wife in 1980! It's the

MERCURY, I have studied this for the past 4 years, it IS the MERCURY.

Gilman Paper Co. in St. 's Georgia near Kings Bay was a major

mercury contaminator of the area according to EPA records for decades

BEFORE the Navy showed up. I found a study referencing the

Environmental Impact Statement by the Navy that shows the Navy KNEW

the mercury was a problem in Cumberland Sound in 1976-77, EVEN BEFORE

THEY BUILT THE BASE!!! The Navy is liable for our childrens'

disabilities in my eyes. What would a class action lawyer say?

Here is the paper referencing the Kings Bay EIS (Navy 1975) :



I have ordered a copy of the following :

" Draft and Final Environmental Impact Assessments, FBM Submarine

Support Base, Kings Bay, Georgia. Department of the Navy, 1976 to

1978. "

through the Freedom Of Information Act in the Department of Navy at:


I hoping to gather as many people and information as possible about

children who are developmentally disabled because of their time at

Kings Bay. Please EMAIL ME!

Kind Regards, Kathy

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Finally, after all these years, I have found someone who has

experienced the same thing in the same place as I! My son is 26 years

old, has Asperger's Syndrome, and yes, I was pregnant near Kings Bay

Submarine Naval Base when I was a Navy wife in 1980! It's the

MERCURY, I have studied this for the past 4 years, it IS the MERCURY.

Gilman Paper Co. in St. 's Georgia near Kings Bay was a major

mercury contaminator of the area according to EPA records for decades

BEFORE the Navy showed up. I found a study referencing the

Environmental Impact Statement by the Navy that shows the Navy KNEW

the mercury was a problem in Cumberland Sound in 1976-77, EVEN BEFORE

THEY BUILT THE BASE!!! The Navy is liable for our childrens'

disabilities in my eyes. What would a class action lawyer say?

Here is the paper referencing the Kings Bay EIS (Navy 1975) :



I have ordered a copy of the following :

" Draft and Final Environmental Impact Assessments, FBM Submarine

Support Base, Kings Bay, Georgia. Department of the Navy, 1976 to

1978. "

through the Freedom Of Information Act in the Department of Navy at:


I hoping to gather as many people and information as possible about

children who are developmentally disabled because of their time at

Kings Bay. Please EMAIL ME!

Kind Regards, Kathy

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It is well known that ocean going vessels use mercury on their hulls to keep

fungi and maybe molluscs also from impacting.

[ ] Re: Thinking out Loud

Finally, after all these years, I have found someone who has

experienced the same thing in the same place as I! My son is 26 years

old, has Asperger's Syndrome, and yes, I was pregnant near Kings Bay

Submarine Naval Base when I was a Navy wife in 1980! It's the

MERCURY, I have studied this for the past 4 years, it IS the MERCURY.

Gilman Paper Co. in St. 's Georgia near Kings Bay was a major

mercury contaminator of the area according to EPA records for decades

BEFORE the Navy showed up. I found a study referencing the

Environmental Impact Statement by the Navy that shows the Navy KNEW

the mercury was a problem in Cumberland Sound in 1976-77, EVEN BEFORE

THEY BUILT THE BASE!!! The Navy is liable for our childrens'

disabilities in my eyes. What would a class action lawyer say?

Here is the paper referencing the Kings Bay EIS (Navy 1975) :



I have ordered a copy of the following :

" Draft and Final Environmental Impact Assessments, FBM Submarine

Support Base, Kings Bay, Georgia. Department of the Navy, 1976 to

1978. "

through the Freedom Of Information Act in the Department of Navy at:


I hoping to gather as many people and information as possible about

children who are developmentally disabled because of their time at

Kings Bay. Please EMAIL ME!

Kind Regards, Kathy

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