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Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

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I don't know about fatigue and MS but with breast cancer the oncologist said to listen to our body. If we are tired, rest. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.



Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

-- Breast Cancer Patients Soul Mates for Life

http://www.geocities.com/chucky5741/breastcancerpatients.htmlAnxiety Depression and Breast Cancerhttp://health.group.yahoo.com/group/AnxietyDepressionandBreastCancer

Angel Feather Loomerwww.angelfeatherloomer.blogspot.comCheck out my other ornaments atwww.geocities.com/chucky5741/bcornament.html

The Cancer Clubwww.cancerclub.com

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I can't say I really have much fatigue, I think the reason I'm tired right now isn't the MS, the fact I'm doing not much of anything due to the knee and the broken foot if that makes sense. Since I know little of the Gamma Knife Kate, all I can say is get some rest, one thing I learned years ago is to not fight it, if you need the rest, take it, sleep well


Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

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I can't say I really have much fatigue, I think the reason I'm tired right now isn't the MS, the fact I'm doing not much of anything due to the knee and the broken foot if that makes sense. Since I know little of the Gamma Knife Kate, all I can say is get some rest, one thing I learned years ago is to not fight it, if you need the rest, take it, sleep well


Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

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Kate, I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you. Good luck hon, Hugs, :)Kate Rothschild

wrote: Dear Group, Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed

things about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it on group, but now my brain has wiped it out. take care all, and sweet dreams, kate Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)

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Thanks, Dana...I like the natural ideas as well. I had never heard of malt; do you know how that acts/reacts in the body. I do have to listen to my body. As I was driving my kids to the mall, I started getting real groggy; I had to shake myself and slap my face to alert myself. Breathing exercises are a great suggestion; I am missing my MS yoga classes, and have to get back to them. I may try some TaiChi as well. Thanks for the ideas, Dana.

love to you my friend, kate

Re: fatigue

it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely. With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued, don't fight it so much as manage it.

You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue.

--Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

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Thanks, Dana...I like the natural ideas as well. I had never heard of malt; do you know how that acts/reacts in the body. I do have to listen to my body. As I was driving my kids to the mall, I started getting real groggy; I had to shake myself and slap my face to alert myself. Breathing exercises are a great suggestion; I am missing my MS yoga classes, and have to get back to them. I may try some TaiChi as well. Thanks for the ideas, Dana.

love to you my friend, kate

Re: fatigue

it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely. With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued, don't fight it so much as manage it.

You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue.

--Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

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Thanks, Connie. I hope and pray you heal real fast hun. blessings to you, kate

Re: fatigue

I can't say I really have much fatigue, I think the reason I'm tired right now isn't the MS, the fact I'm doing not much of anything due to the knee and the broken foot if that makes sense. Since I know little of the Gamma Knife Kate, all I can say is get some rest, one thing I learned years ago is to not fight it, if you need the rest, take it, sleep well


Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

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Thanks, Connie. I hope and pray you heal real fast hun. blessings to you, kate

Re: fatigue

I can't say I really have much fatigue, I think the reason I'm tired right now isn't the MS, the fact I'm doing not much of anything due to the knee and the broken foot if that makes sense. Since I know little of the Gamma Knife Kate, all I can say is get some rest, one thing I learned years ago is to not fight it, if you need the rest, take it, sleep well


Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

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Thanks, Connie. I hope and pray you heal real fast hun. blessings to you, kate

Re: fatigue

I can't say I really have much fatigue, I think the reason I'm tired right now isn't the MS, the fact I'm doing not much of anything due to the knee and the broken foot if that makes sense. Since I know little of the Gamma Knife Kate, all I can say is get some rest, one thing I learned years ago is to not fight it, if you need the rest, take it, sleep well


Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

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Thanks for the post. Do you still find fatigue is a

big problem for you? Do you listen to your body

and lie down and rest when you feel this way? I

find having kids makes it so much harder to rest

when I feel fatigued. If they are at school it isn't a

problem, but when they are home, or on wk ends,

I never hear the end of my tiredness. They call me

all sorts of names, and it is ugly. love to you, kate

Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,


:)Kate Rothschild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and Hugs,

D. :)

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Thanks for the post. Do you still find fatigue is a

big problem for you? Do you listen to your body

and lie down and rest when you feel this way? I

find having kids makes it so much harder to rest

when I feel fatigued. If they are at school it isn't a

problem, but when they are home, or on wk ends,

I never hear the end of my tiredness. They call me

all sorts of names, and it is ugly. love to you, kate

Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,


:)Kate Rothschild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and Hugs,

D. :)

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Provigil quit working for me - I have my afternoon naps and 1 - 2 of an evening - I get things done in the morning and then crash. When I do groceries or a doctors appointment - then I crash for a day or two - my body decides

Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,


:)Kate Roth! schild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and Hugs,

D. :)

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.9/1294 - Release Date: 2/22/2008 6:39 PM

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Provigil quit working for me - I have my afternoon naps and 1 - 2 of an evening - I get things done in the morning and then crash. When I do groceries or a doctors appointment - then I crash for a day or two - my body decides

Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,


:)Kate Roth! schild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and Hugs,

D. :)

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.9/1294 - Release Date: 2/22/2008 6:39 PM

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Provigil quit working for me - I have my afternoon naps and 1 - 2 of an evening - I get things done in the morning and then crash. When I do groceries or a doctors appointment - then I crash for a day or two - my body decides

Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,


:)Kate Roth! schild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and Hugs,

D. :)

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.20.9/1294 - Release Date: 2/22/2008 6:39 PM

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Kate, So sorry Hugs, Amdrea :)Anne Whitworth wrote: Provigil quit working for me - I have my afternoon naps and 1 - 2 of an evening - I get things done in the morning and then crash. When I do groceries or a doctors appointment - then I crash for a day or two - my body decides Re: fatigue Kate, I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42. The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of

provigil to because I felt like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to your doctor to make sure it's right for you. Good luck hon, Hugs, :)Kate Roth! schild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote: Dear Group, Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if

the Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it on group, but now my brain has wiped it out. take care all, and sweet dreams, kate Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :) No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database:

269.20.9/1294 - Release Date: 2/22/2008 6:39 PM Peace, Love and Hugs, D. :)

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I also suffer from fatigue. I am on

Ritalin extended release daily. I know it didn’t work for Sharon but it works for

me. I take it in the morning before work and it lasts until after dinner. I

made me a little jittery at first but not anymore. It doesn’t make me

hyper –just makes me normal!! I can make it through my day without

falling asleep in front of my students J

My neuro tried it before Provigil because of the cost –but so far so good

for me.


From: MSersLife [mailto:MSersLife ] On Behalf Of D.

Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008

10:19 PM

To: MSersLife

Subject: Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42.

The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication

didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was

bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that

gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to

lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt

like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the

right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most

people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt

that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to

your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,



Kate Rothschild

<katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping

me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today,

I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is

anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for

fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then

heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my

brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and

sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and


D. :)

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I also suffer from fatigue. I am on

Ritalin extended release daily. I know it didn’t work for Sharon but it works for

me. I take it in the morning before work and it lasts until after dinner. I

made me a little jittery at first but not anymore. It doesn’t make me

hyper –just makes me normal!! I can make it through my day without

falling asleep in front of my students J

My neuro tried it before Provigil because of the cost –but so far so good

for me.


From: MSersLife [mailto:MSersLife ] On Behalf Of D.

Sent: Saturday, February 23, 2008

10:19 PM

To: MSersLife

Subject: Re: fatigue


I have suffered from fatigue since I was 30. I am now 42.

The doctors dx me with chronic fatigue and I guess taking pain medication

didn't help either. I was put on provigil when I was 35 and I was

bouncing off the walls LOL. I was also on a weight medication too that

gave me energy but I was about 100 lbs at that time and I couldn't afford to

lose weight so I went off of it. I went off of provigil to because I felt

like I was shaking all the time or fidgeting. I don't know if that is the

right description but I have heard that provigil is a god send to most

people. I was hyper to start with so maybe that was the reason I felt

that way. It's worth a try for you to go on it but as always, talk to

your doctor to make sure it's right for you.

Good luck hon,



Kate Rothschild

<katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote:

Dear Group,

Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the

Gamma Knife is wiping

me out? All I know is even after sleeping for

about 2 hours today,

I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things

about provigil----is

anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your

neuro gave you for

fatigue? I need something. I had been on the

provigil, but then

heard something about it; I recall we discussed it

on group, but now my

brain has wiped it out.

take care all, and

sweet dreams, kate

Peace, Love and


D. :)

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Thank, Dana. I didn't know about the bee pollen or malt. I have my coffee, but crash after too much caffeine. Want to start taking vitamins again, but I know there are certain things that are not good for us but I can't remember what they are. I know your reply was for Kate, but it helped me as well. Tammyutzdana@... wrote: it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely. With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued,

don't fight it so much as manage it. You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue. --Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

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Tammy, I can so relate to this. A lot of days I don't have the energy to shower. If I do, then I have to rest with my hair in a towel for awhile before I can dry it. My arms are weak and tired and just blow drying my hair is a huge chore. And some days the fatigue is so bad, that just sitting here at the computer is too much. Just holding my head up to see the screen. I take Amantadine like Challis. I hope you find what works for you soon. Tammy in Texas wrote: I am so wiped out with my fatigue. I can manage to load dryer, start a wash load, take dryer load to bedroom and then have to sit or lay down for at least 20 minutes. Then I can fold the load and deliver to various rooms and then it is break time again. I am really fighting it! I'm not on anything for it and have a neuro appt in March. Guess we will discuss it then.Kate Rothschild <katelloydkidzoptonline (DOT) net> wrote: Dear Group, Do you fight your fatigue, or just roll with it? I don't know if the Gamma Knife is wiping me out? All I know is even after sleeping for about 2 hours today, I'm ready for bed. I have heard very mixed things about provigil----is anyone on it? Challis, what is the other med your neuro gave you for fatigue? I need something. I had been on the provigil, but then heard something about it; I recall we discussed it on group, but now my brain has wiped it out. take care all, and sweet dreams, kate Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Blessings, Trista 2 Chronicles 7:14

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I had to respond on the fatigue issue. I have had MS for 26 years. I was a hemodialysis tech for 24 years. My fatigue is my worst part of MS. People will never understand it,unless they have. One of my brothers is a doctor , and even he does not see why I can't work anymore. The family not getting it,still bothers me but not as much. I used to be on Cylert,which worked great,until they took it off the market. I am now on 300 mg. Provigil a day, which helps some days better then others.

Re: fatigue

Thank, Dana. I didn't know about the bee pollen or malt. I have my coffee, but crash after too much caffeine. Want to start taking vitamins again, but I know there are certain things that are not good for us but I can't remember what they are. I know your reply was for Kate, but it helped me as well.

Tammyutzdanacomcast (DOT) net wrote:

it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely. With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued, don't fight it so much as manage it.

You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue.

--Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

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Yes, fatigue is one of the hardest symptoms to convey to others. It's a good example of the maxim: "People don't get (ie, understand) MS until they get (ie, contract) it."

If I tell someone I get fatigued, they'll say "I get tired, too."

Maybe they're trying to be sympathetic when they say that. But, they just don't get it. I'll be doing chores and then just have to sit and watch TV to get my energy back. Or, if I have to do some task I have to plan it out and pace my time.

--Dana F. Utz utzdana@... https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

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No, I have not had any problems with provigil

Re: fatigue

Thank, Dana. I didn't know about the bee pollen or malt. I have my coffee, but crash after too much caffeine. Want to start taking vitamins again, but I know there are certain things that are not good for us but I can't remember what they are. I know your reply was for Kate, but it helped me as well.

Tammyutzdanacomcast (DOT) net wrote:

it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely. With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued, don't fight it so much as manage it.

You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue.

--Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

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Blessings, Trista

2 Chronicles 7:14

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No, I have not had any problems with provigil

Re: fatigue

Thank, Dana. I didn't know about the bee pollen or malt. I have my coffee, but crash after too much caffeine. Want to start taking vitamins again, but I know there are certain things that are not good for us but I can't remember what they are. I know your reply was for Kate, but it helped me as well.

Tammyutzdanacomcast (DOT) net wrote:

it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely. With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued, don't fight it so much as manage it.

You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue.

--Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

Blessings, Trista

2 Chronicles 7:14

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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That's good to hear. Thanks.Bruce wrote: No, I have not had any problems with provigil Re: fatigue Thank, Dana. I didn't know about the bee pollen or malt. I have my coffee, but crash after too much caffeine. Want to start taking vitamins again, but I know there are certain things that are not good for us but I can't remember what they are. I know your reply was for Kate, but it helped me as well. Tammyutzdanacomcast (DOT) net wrote: it's in our nature to fight. but, it's also important to pick our fights wisely.

With managing MS, it's important to listen to our bodies. If tired or fatigued, don't fight it so much as manage it. You can try provigil. But, also consider natural treatments such as bee pollen, malt, even good ol' caffeine. You may also want to try breathing exercises, which seem to help me with fatigue. --Mr. Dana F. Utz utzdanacomcast (DOT) net https://home.comcast.net/~utzdana/ Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage. Blessings, Trista 2 Chronicles 7:14 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. Blessings, Trista

2 Chronicles 7:14

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