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Re: Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is Not

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, this was absolutely an education for me. Thank you so much.


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Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is


>I do not think this is the same article about insulin for type 2 diabetics

> as I posted a few months ago, but I found this online and thought it was

> fitting given some of the conversations going on lately. I do not know a

> whole lot about type 2, but I think many of them should be on insulin who

> are not. I also think that type 2s on insulin do not have the same kind of

> risk for hypoglycemia as type 1s, which might be what keeps a lot of

> people

> from trying it. This is a post from a diabetes blog called Diabetes

> Update,

> written by a woman who has MODY diabetes (not type 1 or type 2), but who

> writes a lot about type 2 issues. I will try to find the other article I

> posted a while ago and re-post that here as well.


> Jen


> Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is Not


> I keep reading postings here and there on the web from people with Type 2

> diabetes that say something like, " My A1c was 11.5% even with Metformin,

> so

> my doctor told me it was time to go on insulin. "


> It is postings like this that bring home to me why so many Type 2s develop

> terrible complications, and even more importantly, why even those who are

> taking insulin often have dangerously high blood sugars.


> The most conservative of medical groups--the ADA--tells doctors that an

> A1c

> over 7% is going to cause serious diabetic complications like blindness

> and

> kidney failure. Yet these people's doctors have encouraged them to dick

> around with oral drugs when their A1cs were 10% or higher!


> The years they've spent at those dangerously high blood sugar levels

> waiting

> for oral drugs to do what all the research evidence shows oral drugs

> cannot

> do have wreaked havoc on their organs that may not be completely

> reversible,

> no matter what their blood sugars might be in the future.


> In fact, a recent survey I read somewhere on the web found that most

> family

> doctors don't put their patients on even an oral drug until the patient

> has

> spent a year with an A1c of 8% or higher. That is a whole, long year where

> dangerously high blood sugars are producing early retinopathy, advancing

> neuropathy, and making small changes that lead to kidney failure.


> Since none of the oral drugs is capable of lowering A1c much more than 1%,

> this kind of treatment is criminal. A patient whose A1c is 11.5% on

> metformin probably started out with an A1c of 12% or even higher. If you

> don't believe me, go read the Prescribing Information for each of the

> common

> diabetes drugs. They show exactly what the median change in A1c is that

> their drugs can achieve, and you'll see it is rarely much more than a 1%

> drop in A1c. For a patient with a 12% A1c, even a 3% drop would be

> pitifully

> insufficient. But that is how these people's doctors are treating them.


> All that unnecessary suffering. It makes me want to weep!


> For patients with an A1c over 8.5% there are only two therapies that will

> reliably bring blood sugars into the safe zone. Let's look at them now,

> very carefully.


> Carb Restriction


> Many newly diagnosed Type 2s with surprisingly high A1cs have reported

> online that they have been able to bring their A1cs down from 10% or

> higher

> to the safe 5% range by cutting the carbohydrates out of their meals until

> they were able to get a blood sugar under 140 mg/dl at one hour and 120

> mg/dl a two hours after eating.


> Though doctors pay lip service to the idea that their patients can control

> diabetes with " diet " a depressingly high proportion of these doctors seem

> to

> think that " diet " means " weight loss diet " rather than " Carb control diet "

> so their patients end up starving on high carb/low fat meals that push up

> their blood sugars to levels guaranteed to destroy eyes, nerves and

> kidneys.



> Cutting out the carbs that raise blood sugar is the only " diabetes " diet

> that will improve blood sugars for every person diagnosed with Type 2

> diabetes. So for the newly diagnosed Type 2, or the Type 2 who has never

> tried cutting way back on their starch and sugar intake, a stint of eating

> a

> true diabetes diet, one that avoids all starchy foods, no matter how full

> of

> " whole grains " they might be, a diet made up almost entirely of healthy

> greens, cheese, lean meats, nuts, berries and nonstarchy vegetables may be

> all that is needed to perform blood sugar rescue.


> But if cutting your carbs doesn't make a dramatic difference in your A1c

> within a few months, there is only one sane therapy to consider, and the

> faster you demand it, the less likely you are to end up as another tragic

> diabetes disaster story.


> That therapy involves insulin.


> Insulin


> Unlike every other diabetes drug you may read about, insulin, prescribed

> properly (and those words are key) always works. Insulin is the only drug

> that will lower blood sugar in every critter that has a blood stream with

> glucose floating around in it. Rodent, fish, monkey, or you, insulin WILL

> lower the blood sugar. And insulin can lower blood sugar however much you

> need it lowered, if--and it is a big if--you learn how to use it

> correctly.


> This is such a simple concept, you have to wonder why most doctors treat

> insulin like it was devil's blood, trying every other possible

> treatment--some of them quite dangerous--before putting their patients on

> the one treatment that is capable of giving them normal blood sugars.


> In the past, doctors seem to have assumed that needles were so terrifying

> to

> patients that they would not use them unless faced with immanent death,

> and

> as a result, insulin wasn't prescribed until Type 2s were on death's

> doorstep. (Which, unfortunately, has made a new generation of diabetics

> assume that if you get prescribed insulin, you are on your way out.)


> But look what happened when Big Pharma came up with a new treatment,

> Byetta,

> that was rumored to cause weight loss. Despite the fact that Byetta

> treatment requires not one but two needles a day and can cause projectile

> vomiting, patients lined up demanding it and thousands of Type 2s are

> happily injecting themselves and whoopsing their way to happiness. So

> clearly when patients perceive a benefit in a treatment, they'll put up

> with

> needles.


> The benefit of insulin can be much greater, since Byetta only works to

> lower

> blood sugar significantly for a subset of those who take it. Insulin

> always

> works.


> Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is Hard


> My belief--and this is how I treat my own diabetes--is that if diet

> (defined

> as cutting carbs) plus the one safe med, metformin, and possibly Byetta,

> don't give you normal blood sugars, it is time to move to insulin

> while the beta cells still have enough life in them to make insulin safe

> and

> easy to use.


> This is a huge point many doctors miss. If your pancreas is a mess of

> scar

> tissue, you probably have lost your alpha cells too, and this means that

> you

> may have little or no ability to secrete glucagon to raise your blood

> sugar

> if it goes too low.


> If, on the other hand, you start using insulin when you still have 20-30%

> of

> your beta cells living, you can use

> lower doses of insulin

> and if you take too much your body will push your blood sugar out of the

> hypo range, because it still has the other pancreas-produced hormone it

> needs to do so.


> People with no beta cells have a much tougher time using insulin,

> especially

> when they use it to control post-meal blood sugars. The stories you hear

> from Type 1s who veer from 35 to 350 mg/dl in a few hours give you some

> idea

> of what it can be like to use insulin when you have a dead pancreas.


> But most Type 2s don't have a dead pancreas, and though only a few of us

> have pioneered the " insulin early, not insulin late " strategy, those of us

> who have find that it makes living with diabetes far easier than we ever

> thought possible. Insulin supplementation takes the burden off our

> struggling beta cells. It can let us fine tune our blood sugars to where

> they stay relatively flat and do not ever go near the zone where glucose

> floods into nerves, eyes, and clogs up tiny kidney filtration units.


> As Dr. Bernstein points out, small inputs make for small mistakes, and

> when

> a Type 2 starts insulin early, the doses are much smaller than later, when

> they have no beta cells, and the mistakes are much smaller too.


> Here are some things your doctor might tell you if you want to start

> insulin

> that you might want to question.


> Insulin Myths


> 1. You'll gain weight.


> This is what kept me from starting insulin for years, when I should have

> been on it all along. It turned out NOT to be true as long as I use

> insulin

> in a way that matches my carbohydrate input.


> If you take more insulin than you need, you will get hungry. " Feeding the

> insulin " will pack weight on you. But if you learn how to determine your

> " insulin/carb " ratio, and inject an amount of insulin that matches your

> food, you should not gain weight. If you are taking a basal insulin,

> Levemir is also reputed to avoid weight gain.


> And I also find that for me, the analog insulins seem to provoke hunger.

> But

> R insulin (the cheap kind) does not, and I even managed to lose a couple

> pounds last year while injecting R insulin 3 times a day.


> 2. You'll have hypos.


> Using insulin requires using your brain. If you just want the doctor to

> tell

> you how many units to inject, and blindly do whatever you are told, hypos

> are a possibility.


> But if you read up on how to use insulin--using the books and materials

> intended for Type 1s who, unlike Type 2s, get training in how to use

> insulin

> properly, you won't. I have not had a blood sugar reading under 60 mg/dl

> fifteen months of using insulin with my meals.


> 3. Needles are Painful


> The shots don't hurt. I was as needlephobic as anyone, but it took about a

> day to figure out that my lancet for testing my blood sugar is a lot more

> painful than the hair thin needles I use for injecting. The first time I

> stuck myself with one, it was so painless I had to look down to make sure

> I

> really had stuck myself!


> Right now one company is marketing an inhalable insulin, one that isn't

> very

> easy to use and which is very tough to match to carbs, by playing on

> people's fears of needles. It is much more expensive than even the most

> expensive injectibles, and it may harm the lungs. It is completely

> unnecessary.


> Give yourself a few days to get over your needle phobia, and you'll end up

> laughing at how huge it used to loom in your mind. Injecting insulin

> really

> is No Big Deal.


> 4. All you need is one shot of basal insulin


> There are two kinds of insulin. One lowers your fasting blood sugar and

> runs

> slowly in the background. Lantus, Levemir, and to a lesser extent NPH

> insulin are in this category. This kind of insulin does NOT bring down

> high

> post-meal blood sugars, it just lowers the point from which the post-meal

> spike begins.


> Most Type 2s get put on basal insulin, because it is easy to use. But if

> your diabetes is mostly about very high post-meal blood sugars, a basal

> may

> not solve your problems. So you may think that insulin doesn't work for

> you,

> when in fact, the problem is you are using the wrong kind of insulin.


> The meal-time insulin or " bolus " insulin is the insulin you match to your

> carb intake. The key for a Type 2 to making meal-time insulin work well is

> to keep your carb intake reasonable. Type 2s still have a small bit of

> homemade stuff that kicks in after a few hours, unlike a Type 1. It is

> not

> realistic to think you can eat 100 grams of carbs and match it with

> insulin,

> because the variations in timing of all that carb hitting your system,

> mixed

> up with your " sputtering pancreas " occasionally throwing a dollop of the

> homemade stuff, are too complex to calculate. And if you dump huge amounts

> of insulin into your system and it misses those huge amounts of

> carbohdyrate, well, yes, you do have a problem--one that can, worst case,

> put you in the ER.


> But most people with Type 2 can match 30 grams of carb or even 40 with

> insulin without problems, especially after some practice, and possibly by

> using the slower R insulin which is more gradual in its effect.


> It may take you a lot of cautious experimentation to figure out exactly

> how

> much carb and insulin you can use safely--starting out with a very low

> dose

> and a small amount of carbs and carefully adjusting carbs and insulin

> until

> you reach a level you can live with that gives you blood sugars that are

> safe and normal.


> When Is Insulin NOT Useful


> The only people for whom insulin is not a good idea are those who are

> still

> producing high levels of insulin, whose diabetes is caused entirely by

> insulin resistance, not beta cell failure. Many of these people are very,

> very large.


> Typically, if your diabetes is caused by insulin resistance, your blood

> sugar will drop to normal levels very quickly as soon as you cut out most

> carbs. By " normal " I mean fasting blood sugars in the 80s or better. But

> if

> your diabetes is caused by beta cell problems, though your blood sugar

> will

> drop in response to a low carb diet, your fasting blood sugar may still be

> over 100 or worse no matter how low your carbohydrate intake.


> You may also be able to determine if you are highly insulin resistant by

> having your insulin levels tested. If they are much higher than normal

> while

> fasting, then you may be seriously insulin resistant and adding insulin

> may

> not be the answer for you since your problem is that your body isn't using

> insulin, not that you don't have enough.


> Doctors often seem to believe that all Type 2s are seriously insulin

> resistant, but in practice, this turns out not to be true. Mine told me I

> " obviously " was insulin resistant, but when I finally started taking

> insulin, my response was that of a Type 1 not a Type 2, showing I had very

> little insulin resistance

> at all--and that I really needed insulin supplementation.


> That's enough for now. We'll come back to this topic again, though!


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> ------------------------------------



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If you docator prescribes insulin and say 6 strips a day, your insurance

should pay for it. I know several people on SCAN who have complete

coverage-although I don't know if they have recently approved the meter or

strips for the Prodigy.

RE: Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late

is Not

That's a very good article about type 2's using insulin. As a type 2, I

typically have good fasting sugars between 78 and 90, unless I eat an

evening snack too late in the evening the night before, then I pay for it.

With that in mind though, how would I know if I'm insulin resistant or if

it's not going to help me? I might consider insulin even though I am not

having any real problems right now, but I want to know as much as I can

before I make the switch.

Also, on a side note, since I don't use insulin, I don't know the answer to

the question of how much would insurance pay for the insulin and other

necessary stuff? I use SCAN insurance (which is a California nonprofit

insurer) which covers my Part D Medicare. What might I be getting into from

the money standpoint?

I guess I'm kind of leary both from the concept of poking myself with more

needles, but also from being stuck with high costs from people like Liberty

Medical, who in my opinion were just way too expensive and troublesome. Any

info is extremely welcomed.


Bill Powers

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I am with Bill. I am also going to talk with my doctors about why I should

not be on insulin for optimal control and to preserve what function I have

for as long as I can. I contacted a few dietitians/diabetes educators today

for some consultation.

I would like if someone could go through a description of what insulin and

its tools are like. What are the seringes like and what is the process for

a blind person for preparing and giving injections. Where do we need

assistance with what, if anything. I've never seen anything more than play

seringes from kids' doctor kits.


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I am with Bill. I am also going to talk with my doctors about why I should

not be on insulin for optimal control and to preserve what function I have

for as long as I can. I contacted a few dietitians/diabetes educators today

for some consultation.

I would like if someone could go through a description of what insulin and

its tools are like. What are the seringes like and what is the process for

a blind person for preparing and giving injections. Where do we need

assistance with what, if anything. I've never seen anything more than play

seringes from kids' doctor kits.


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The insulin syringes have small needles, some have long ones. To inject insulin

all you do is throw the syringe like a dart or just quickly stick it into your

lower abdomen. You know, where all that fat is located. To inject insulin the

needle has to be below the skin. The needle does not have to be driven to the

bone or two or three inches into the muscle. Once the needle is in under the

skin, just depress the plunger. If you are totally blind, I would recommend

getting the half cc syringes, which can be used with the count-a-dose. Better

yet get the disposable pen and some needles to fit.

With a disposable pen the correct dose is just a knob click away.

RE: Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is


I am with Bill. I am also going to talk with my doctors about why I should

not be on insulin for optimal control and to preserve what function I have

for as long as I can. I contacted a few dietitians/diabetes educators today

for some consultation.

I would like if someone could go through a description of what insulin and

its tools are like. What are the seringes like and what is the process for

a blind person for preparing and giving injections. Where do we need

assistance with what, if anything. I've never seen anything more than play

seringes from kids' doctor kits.


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The insulin syringes have small needles, some have long ones. To inject insulin

all you do is throw the syringe like a dart or just quickly stick it into your

lower abdomen. You know, where all that fat is located. To inject insulin the

needle has to be below the skin. The needle does not have to be driven to the

bone or two or three inches into the muscle. Once the needle is in under the

skin, just depress the plunger. If you are totally blind, I would recommend

getting the half cc syringes, which can be used with the count-a-dose. Better

yet get the disposable pen and some needles to fit.

With a disposable pen the correct dose is just a knob click away.

RE: Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is


I am with Bill. I am also going to talk with my doctors about why I should

not be on insulin for optimal control and to preserve what function I have

for as long as I can. I contacted a few dietitians/diabetes educators today

for some consultation.

I would like if someone could go through a description of what insulin and

its tools are like. What are the seringes like and what is the process for

a blind person for preparing and giving injections. Where do we need

assistance with what, if anything. I've never seen anything more than play

seringes from kids' doctor kits.


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Usually they start you out on a low dosage of either levemer or lantis,

which should not cause you to loose weight and they will cut down the

gliberade. I have several type 2's who started on insulin and gained

wight, but the docs (not endos unfortunately) put htem on high dosages

insulin, so they had toeat more to keep up the insulin. What is your A1 C

running Bill? I doubt they will put you insulin unless you are running a

high A1C. Do you do BG's during the day -say 2 hours after eating? Those

levels can tell the doc if you need insulin more than just fasting BG's I

know lots of type 2's who have good fasting BG's, but then run high most of

the rest of day-but they won't do BG's after meals to know this-only their

high A1C's tell them!

RE: Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late

is Not


I'm going to be asking my doctor about possibly going on insulin. Yes to me

it is scary because I've heard all the stuff about insulin making you gain

weight, which I have been fighting so hard NOT to do, but at the same time I

would like even better control than I'm getting with oral meds. Knowing that

oral med control will one day just not cut it, does give me incentive to

switch before I would HAVE to switch.

Bill Powers

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With a consistent a1c of 5.1, and based on your statement that you are rarely

above 120, bill, you are doing about as good as you can. Remember, you do have

diabetes, and as much as many of us would like to think otherwise, we do have a

disease. If you can figure out how to solve your overnight sweating problem,

you're sitting about as pretty as possible.


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RE: Type 2s: Insulin Early is Easy, Insulin Late is


, my A 1 C has been pretty constant the last 6 years, 5.1. I think

once it was actually 5.2, but it's been 5.1 for the longest time.

Postprandial readings about 2-1/2 hours, I'm between 100-120 at the most. If

I take a reading earlier than 2-1/2 hours it can be almost 130. So for

whatever reason it is, I find that 2-1/2 hours works for me to see a

reasonable level.

I suspect that I will have an uphill fight to even get started on insulin

because generally my lab work is very good and I do have good control of my

sugars, but I'm not even going to say I'm close enough to being " normal "

either. I'd rather err on the side of caution even though I do have

generally good sugars because having a false sense of security is a very

dangerous thing and can lead to real problems. We all know that since the

docs are ruled by insurers, even people like SCAN, they're going to side on

the cheaper modalities, i.e., pills. This will be interesting to test how

well my doc is willing to go to bat for me when I present him with my

arguments for going on insulin as a preemptive measure rather than waiting

until it becomes necessary. I'll need all the luck I can get.

Bill Powers

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I believe I was diabetic since my teens not just because I was rather

overweight, but I was always hungry, always thirsty and even then had a real

problem with night sweats. I also noticed that when I got a cut or bruise it

took a long time to heal, and if I bled, it took a long time to stop it.

With all that, you would think that the doctors I went to would have put two

and two together, but I think they were so preoccupied with my " blindness "

these other concerns just didn't seem to matter. And of course way back in

my teens, I was too young to make my own decisions in finding better

doctors. In my early adulthood I merely accepted the docs' clean bill of

health and figured all these problems were just the way I am, even though in

the back of my mind I was thinking there was something more to it.

When I moved to Baltimore, the doctor I was assigned immediately must have

figured something wasn't right, and the first thing he did was order a

series of lab work and had my sugar tested. His suspicions were right. After

he started me on Actos it wasn't even a week that my symptoms of constant

hunger and thirst were subsiding. My initial A1C was 7.1 but the next time

he drew labs after I was on the Actos for a month, the reading was 5.1,

which is where it's been almost constantly ever since.

Of course I'm no longer on Actos, it was making me gain weight and after a

time it wasn't as effective as it once was, which is why I was ultimately

switched to the metformin - glyburide regimen, then later an internal med

doctor added Lisinopril because he wanted something that would help kidney

function. That IM doc was a tough cookie, he was very strict with me and

very no-nonsense, and I wish more were like that.

Anyway, hope the above answers your questions.

Have a nice day.

Mister Bill

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