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Autism and vaccinations

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I am a speech pathologist who specializes in working with children

with autism for 5 years now. I firmly believe there is a link

between the immunization shots and autism. I can't tell you how many

parents give me the same story on how there children were developing

normally and then right after the shots--their language disappears,

negative behaviors begin and regression in their children occurs and

they are withdrawn. I have many friends and family who would like to

do whatever they can to prevent their child's chances of getting

Autism. Does anyone know of any doctors in the Chicago, Illinois

area who will give the MMR shots separately? Any info would be


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The important things are

1. Give the shots when the child is older, bigger and more well


2. skip any shots that aren't truly necessary.

Andy .. . . . . . . . . .


> I am a speech pathologist who specializes in working with children

> with autism for 5 years now. I firmly believe there is a link

> between the immunization shots and autism. I can't tell you how


> parents give me the same story on how there children were developing

> normally and then right after the shots--their language disappears,

> negative behaviors begin and regression in their children occurs and

> they are withdrawn. I have many friends and family who would like to

> do whatever they can to prevent their child's chances of getting

> Autism. Does anyone know of any doctors in the Chicago, Illinois

> area who will give the MMR shots separately? Any info would be

> appreciate

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Hello " hmtennis "

> I am a speech pathologist who specializes in working with children

> with autism for 5 years now. I firmly believe there is a link

> between the immunization shots and autism. I can't tell you how


> parents give me the same story on how there children were developing

> normally and then right after the shots--their language disappears,

> negative behaviors begin and regression in their children occurs and

> they are withdrawn. I have many friends and family who would like to

> do whatever they can to prevent their child's chances of getting

> Autism. Does anyone know of any doctors in the Chicago, Illinois

> area who will give the MMR shots separately? Any info would be

> appreciated.

I don't know any doctors in Chicago, but here is a list of

some places to find doctors:


You could use above to make a list of candidates then call

them all and ask. The DAN ones seem like good candidates?

Also here are a couple of Chicago lists you could try:

Illinois [special focus on Chicago] (small)


Illinois - NE [special focus on Chicago]


[i am not familiar with the content on these lists, so I

have no idea if they are appropriate places to ask-- you'll

have to decide that yourself]

best wishes,


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  • 4 years later...

That is not true. The latest research indicates that the in the Amish population, kids with Autism carry a very specific gene that is inherited.

-----Original Message-----From: iodine [mailto:iodine ]On Behalf Of Lynn McGahaSent: Saturday, December 09, 2006 4:02 PMiodine Subject: Autism and vaccinations

I wonder if Amish kids get amalgam fillings.Lynn> I have no links handy, but from what I read, the Autism "hot spots"> coincide with areas of the nations with many upper middle class people> who let the docs vaccinate their kids much more than in poorer regions> where parents are much more lax about vaccinations. Amish kids, who> are never vaccinated, have a zero rate of autism, except where kids> had been adopted and had previously been vaccinated.> > Alobar

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I read that at least one amish child with autism lived near a coal fired

plant, so there was probably mercury exposure from that. I believe, if I

can find the reference, is that she tested high in mercury but I can't

remember for sure. I will try and find that.


At 03:02 PM 12/9/2006, you wrote:

I wonder if Amish kids get

amalgam fillings.


> I have no links handy, but from what I read, the Autism " hot

spots "

> coincide with areas of the nations with many upper middle class


> who let the docs vaccinate their kids much more than in poorer


> where parents are much more lax about vaccinations. Amish kids,


> are never vaccinated, have a zero rate of autism, except where


> had been adopted and had previously been vaccinated.


> Alobar

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But does that mean it is causal in the sense that they would get autism

without any other trigger. Lots of kids get vaccinated, and live near

coal fired plants without getting autism. It might be the gene only

predicts who might be susceptible to mercury or whatever.


At 06:06 PM 12/9/2006, you wrote:


is not true. The latest research indicates that the in the Amish

population, kids with Autism carry a very specific gene that is


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Amy Yasko, ND, is genetically testing autistic people and people with CFIDS and from that information develops a procedure using primarily nutritional supplements instead of drugs to correct the underlying issues.

see www.test4health.com


mjh"The Basil Book"http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/

Medicine wants everything blamed on genes, because it's the future of profitability. Not long ago, I heard that there was more variability in genes among a tribe of chimpanzess than in the entire human race.

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Although I believe that genes play a role in many health issues I also

object to blaming things on genes. If genes were really the main factor in

something like autism then why would it be increasing? Presumably our

genetic makeup doesn't change from generation to generation. Having said

that, I have a nephew that is autistic while his twin sister is not. So

unless he was exposed to something she was not, genetics must play a role.

I don't even like to think of genetics as a predisposition because it

almost lays blame on the ill person for being predisposed to an problem. I

figure it this way. Mercury exposure (as an example) is bad news for

everyone. Your genetics don't determine if mercury is bad news, it only

determines what kind of bad news it is. So for some it might be autism, for

others some other problem. Focusing on genetics only looks at the

expression of the problem not the source.


At 06:07 AM 12/10/2006, you wrote:

> >From: Irene.M@...


> >But does that mean it is causal in the sense that they would get autism

> >without any other trigger. Lots of kids get vaccinated, and live near coal

> >fired plants without getting autism. It might be the gene only predicts who

> >might be susceptible to mercury or whatever.

> >Irene

> >

> >At 06:06 PM 12/9/2006, you wrote:

> >>That is not true. The latest research indicates that the in the Amish

> >>population, kids with Autism carry a very specific gene that is inherited.


>Medicine wants everything blamed on genes, because it's the future of

>profitability. Not long ago, I heard that there was more variability in

>genes among a tribe of chimpanzess than in the entire human race.


>Mike wrote a good article about it, how medicine is going to want to

>fight " bad genes " one at a time with medicine or therapy, and how it won't

>work. I suspect he's right. It's a good article worth reading -



>Announced with great fanfare in late November, 2006, scientists have

>discovered that human DNA is far more variable than previously thought.

>Contrary to previous beliefs, as much as 10 percent of human genes vary

>wildly from one person to the next.



>There also might be more to developing autism from vaccines than we know.

>Nick Regush (Redflagsdaily.com) mentioned it was much less likely to happen

>in those with adequate levels of Vitamin C. He talked about how inadequate

>Vitamin C was in many children, how some of the parents convicted for

>shaking their kids to death, actually had children with some form of scurvy

>from a deficiency of Vitamin C, and it's not rare with our food supply and

>the junk many people pass off as food.






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Actually, we agree. The difference is just symmantics.


At 07:52 AM 12/10/2006, you wrote:

I disagree with this a bit...in

that I do believe we

are " predisposed " to certain illnesses/conditions because of

genetics. And I think knowing our " genetics " can be helpful in

guiding us on health issues and how to work with our

lifestyle/nutrition/etc. to avoid the issues for which we are pre-

disposed. To me, this in no way blames the person...it's just the

facts of the matter.

Just as an example, I had noticed over the last three years that

those kids predisposed to Hashi's (had a mother with Hashi's) were

developing the disease after the Hep. B vaccine series. It was just

a observation and I started then always asking when a kid/teenager

turned out to have Hashi's if they'd had this particular vaccine.

almost all of them had had it.

Then I learned that the Hep. B vaccine was already known to be

associated with MS, another autoimmune disease.

Then I started reading about autism...and found there is a high rate

of autism among those kids (all vaccinated) of moms with autoimmune

issues like Hashi's.

It doesn't take much more " science " than this for me to figure


that Hashi's in the parents means the parents might want to think

twice about an overabundance of vaccinations for their kids. It's

obviously triggering the disease much earlier than it might have


The real problem here is that many of these kids are going many

years without treatment. This becomes more detrimental for a

developing brain than it might for a person who has the

gene " triggered " after childbirth in their 20s. And obviously,


of these predisposed kids have developed autism quite early.

And even in the case of mercury (of which vaccines can be a part),

although I agree that mercury is bad news for everyone - it becomes

worst news for those predisposed genetically to Hashi's per my

observation. They are far more sensitive apparently to mercury.

This is so obvious to me as there are plenty of folks with mercury

amalgrams walking around quite healthy with no evidence of disease

and yet I'm see Hashi's person after Hashi's person get sick after

dental work. So I think genetics is important.



> Although I believe that genes play a role in many health issues I


> object to blaming things on genes. If genes were really the main

factor in

> something like autism then why would it be increasing? Presumably


> genetic makeup doesn't change from generation to generation.

Having said

> that, I have a nephew that is autistic while his twin sister is

not. So

> unless he was exposed to something she was not, genetics must play

a role.

> I don't even like to think of genetics as a predisposition because


> almost lays blame on the ill person for being predisposed to an

problem. I

> figure it this way. Mercury exposure (as an example) is bad news


> everyone. Your genetics don't determine if mercury is bad news, it


> determines what kind of bad news it is. So for some it might be

autism, for

> others some other problem. Focusing on genetics only looks at the

> expression of the problem not the source.

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We cannot only focus on the "chemical" part of the vaccines.

Lets not forget that they all contain a mild form of whatever disease

causing virus they are for as well.

Virus do not infect people directly..they infect bacteria first. So when we get

a vaccination..not only do we get the virus content..we also get the bacterial carrier,or

shell as well. (who knows what these bacteria do once inside our bodies)

These viral particles have their own DNA...or RNA and they they

incorporate themselves into ours. Injecting ourselves..especially our perfectly healthy

babies with a disease they may never come into contact with in their lives..seems

to me to be incredibly reckless.

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Vaccines cannot work. Sure, sometimes the correct and identical antibodies can be made in a lab but not by intention, but rather luck. Only vaccines created directly from the infecting organism will work, so the answer to triggering an immune response in a body that has ignored the chemical signatures produced by the cytokines is in making a vaccine from the particular infection. This is easy to do. Simply take a sample of the infection and grow it on a nutrient media for no more that 18 hours. Filter out the bacteria with a Berkfeld filter and the sterilize the remainder with UV-C light. Subcutaneously inject the solution away from areas of the initial infection and the body will then respond by increasing the production of white blood cells. When these new killer cells arrive at the areas of the injections, they will not find the organisms that they were looking for. Disappointed, they will return to the blood stream and eventually gather at the initial infection site and subsequently go to work as the body had originally intended.

Germs do not cause disease, they are the result of it. We get sick because we create the internal soil conditions that allow disease top develop. When we come in contact with germs that are compatible with our particular soil condition, the over-load can overwhelm the immune system. Under this condition, external germs entering the body are truly infective. But this is not the norm. We live in an ocean of germs, yet only certain people get sick. We are all exposed to the same germs on a daily basis. Only those with the correct internal soil conditions will harbor the invader and provide it with nutrition so as to allow it to proliferate. The concept of vaccinating against these potential pathogens is absurd! The medical profession has it all wrong. They refuse to recognize pleomorphism and until they do, they will never understand why their vaccinations never work.

The body has several sophisticated layers of protection to keep foreign proteins out of the blood stream. By-passing that natural barrier and introducing foreign proteins which weaken the immune system makes for future business and this is the real reason why doctors still vaccinate. Eventually the body will lose its battle against the crap that had previously been injected into it and medical attention is then sought after. Vaccines are good for the medical industry and that is why they are used. The profession knows that vaccines don't work.

The concept of vaccination is evil. Don't allow anyone to destroy your future. Keep foreign proteins out of your blood stream!

-- Re: Re: Autism and vaccinations

We cannot only focus on the "chemical" part of the vaccines.

Lets not forget that they all contain a mild form of whatever disease

causing virus they are for as well.

Virus do not infect people directly..they infect bacteria first. So when we get

a vaccination..not only do we get the virus content..we also get the bacterial carrier,or

shell as well. (who knows what these bacteria do once inside our bodies)

These viral particles have their own DNA...or RNA and they they

incorporate themselves into ours. Injecting ourselves..especially our perfectly healthy

babies with a disease they may never come into contact with in their lives..seems

to me to be incredibly reckless.

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There is another side of the coin to vaccinations, and that is if you look into history, thousands of children died of whooping cough and other childhood diseases, which I think is overlooked by the anit-vaccination organizations. Some of those diseases are now on the rise again. I am not for nor am I against vaccinations. I think iodine deficiency may play a part in the autism problem, but don't know for sure. I do know that I was vaccinated, but had hypo problems probably from birth (looking at my baby pics I look classic hypo, lol) and all three of my children were vaccinated, no problems with any of them healthwise. I do know that in my children's very small private school one child almost died from chicken pox complications - he was hospitalized and even once home was sick for a long time. Another child had complications, but not as severe. It is my belief that vaccinations may play a role in autism, but this is a multi-faceted

problem that may probably include severe deficiencies. I was very careful with my children's diet when they were young; I even made my own baby food and used very little commercial baby food. I nursed two out of the three, and the one I didn't nurse had many more health problems as a child (mild - allergies and stuff like that) than the two I nursed, but all three had no problems outside of a mild fever and fussiness with any vaccinations. They had no serious illness as children and were a pretty healthy lot as I remember. Our problems started in pre-adolescence and during adolescence as the oldest fell into the wrong crowd and we had several years of nightmarish things happen which I won't go into here, but there were alcohol and drug abuse problems associated with kids at the park across the street from us, plus gang activity that crept in at the time, which was eradicated, but its effects were insidious. I really don't think any of that could be traced back to

vaccinations - she was rebellious like me, I just chose as a teen to internalize my rebellion, whereas she acted hers out in utter defiance. I really believe that growing up here in the goiter belt all three were iodine deficient. I wish I had known about it at the time. C.

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>From: <cccquilter@...>

>There is another side of the coin to vaccinations, and that is if you look

>into history, thousands of children died of whooping cough and other

>childhood diseases, which I think is overlooked by the anit-vaccination


Yes, but the problem is they've never done a large study of vaccinated vs.

non vaccinated children, not have they done studies as they keep adding one

more vaccine. That's not science, it's stupidity.

Of course, you should compare the heath of the people you say are better

off, to a control group, otherwise you won't know if you really succeeded.

That's basic science.

Basic science is frequently overlooked. Why? I don't know. It could be

the vaccinations get the cycle of depending on doctors going, thus it's a

lot more profitable to have parents who need doctors for something, even if

the children are healthy.

I know no actual good reason for never doing controlled studies. The ones

that are mentioned are usually not well designed.

They're expecting us to have FAITH in the system, and not care about the

real science behind it.

>I am not for nor am I against vaccinations. I think iodine deficiency may

>play a part in the autism problem, but don't know for sure.

Being iodine deficient, Vitamin C deficient, or deficient in other areas, or

maybe even sick may have something to do with the consequences.



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Below from Doc Mercola. URL at end.


Vaccination Statistics

A 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology shows

that children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within three

days after getting a DPT vaccination.

A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) found

children who received the HiB vaccine ... were found to be 5 times

more likely to contract the disease than children who had not received

the vaccine.

In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study found

that over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contracted

whooping cough had been fully vaccinated.

In 1977 Dr Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testified

with other scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred in

the US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.

The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio in

the us today.

The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical

Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians

refused to take the rubella vaccine.

The pro-vaccination side is all that is offered in the media, schools,

doctor's offices, PHS, and all government publications. This is a

biased one-sided view of vaccinations based much on manufacturer's

studies and writings. The other side is rarely discussed and adverse

events after vaccination are dismissed as a one-in-a-million chance

which is a necessary risk we all have to take. The truth is that the

risks are far greater than they are telling us,

rest of article here:


On 12/11/06, <cccquilter@...> wrote:



> There is another side of the coin to vaccinations, and that is if you look

into history, thousands of children died of whooping cough and other childhood

diseases, which I think is overlooked by the anit-vaccination organizations.

Some of those diseases are now on the rise again. I am not for nor am I against


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> >>That is not true. The latest research indicates that the in the


> >>population, kids with Autism carry a very specific gene that is



> Medicine wants everything blamed on genes, because it's the future of

> profitability. Not long ago, I heard that there was more

variability in

> genes among a tribe of chimpanzess than in the entire human race.


> Mike wrote a good article about it, how medicine is going to

want to

> fight " bad genes " one at a time with medicine or therapy, and how it


> work. I suspect he's right. It's a good article worth reading -


> http://www.newstarget.com/021175.html

> Announced with great fanfare in late November, 2006, scientists have

> discovered that human DNA is far more variable than previously thought.

> Contrary to previous beliefs, as much as 10 percent of human genes vary

> wildly from one person to the next.

> ***********


> There also might be more to developing autism from vaccines than we


> Nick Regush (Redflagsdaily.com) mentioned it was much less likely to


> in those with adequate levels of Vitamin C. He talked about how


> Vitamin C was in many children, how some of the parents convicted for

> shaking their kids to death, actually had children with some form of


> from a deficiency of Vitamin C, and it's not rare with our food

supply and

> the junk many people pass off as food.

OK, my kids are vaccinated...never really considered it as not an

option until recently, and it's already too late now. However, I

might make the same choice today still, as the diseases that they

vaccinate against are serious. But my point is not to debate that.

But rather...can't they get the damn mercury out of the vaccines? I

mean, come on, it' 2006, and we can send a spaceship to Mars but can't

invent a vaccine that's safe? Something seems wrong with that!

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>From: Alobar <Alobar@...>

>Below from Doc Mercola. URL at end.

>The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American Medical

>Association found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatricians

>refused to take the rubella vaccine.

Not sure why anyone would refuse a rubella vaccine, since it's a mild

disease and it causes birth defects.

My wife got a rubella vaccine, and then got rubella from it. But, it's a

mild disease. If they're not getting it, there must be some reason other

than the risk of getting it that they're worried about. (Baby doctors won't

get rubella vaccines?)

My wife had a tetanus shot, had a bad reaction.

My son had a tetanus shot, same reaction as my wife, she took him to the ER,

where they felt it necessary to do a spinal tap to rule out meningitis.

Wish I'd been there, he wouldn't have gotten the spinal



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It's not just the mercury.  "The Sanctity of Human Blood:  Vaccination is Not Immunization"Dr. Tim O'SheaOK, my kids are vaccinated...never really considered it as not anoption until recently, and it's already too late now. However, Imight make the same choice today still, as the diseases that theyvaccinate against are serious. But my point is not to debate that.But rather...can't they get the damn mercury out of the vaccines? Imean, come on, it' 2006, and we can send a spaceship to Mars but can'tinvent a vaccine that's safe? Something seems wrong with that!. 

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Whooping cough is easy to treat as are all of the typical childhood conditions. The reason kids die from these feared diseases lies in the fact that Western medicine has no effective treatment. The Germans do, however. Since WW-I, the German medical profession has been using oxygen therapies consisting of hydrogen peroxide, ozone and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation. All of these viral and bacterial conditions will respond to these therapies and no drugs are required. IV vitamin C is also very effective in enhancing the effects of oxygen therapies.

Every home should have ozone equipment and everyone should know how to use it. There is no need for medical intervention for any pathogenic condition (other than those brought on by protozoan infestation), as these conditions resolve quickly to the effects of high levels of oxygen. All of the disease producing pathogens are anaerobic and are stopped in their tracks when adequate levels of oxygen are introduced into their immediate environment. The trick is in the delivery. Stay tuned...

Iodine is so critical in the mix because it is required in the manufacture of various necessary hormones in the thyroid gland coupled with the fact that the thyroid is the body's thermostat. If the basal temperature is low due to hypothyroidism, the body cannot completely incinerate the products of metabolism. The residue of this incomplete combustion is the trash that flows in the blood and is deposited in various parts of the body where it rots. A composting activity results and the pleomorphic forms of Progenitor Cryptocides morph from their dormant state and become what we recognize as germs. They are, however, beneficial and should not be killed. Nature placed these primordial organisms inside us to act as a temporary a back-up immune system. They (the germs) are produced when the white blood cells and lymphocytes are overwhelmed and the germs then multiply rapidly so as to devour the garbage that is fermenting faster than it is being produced. In severe cases the Diploid Totipotent (stem cell) will morph into a Trophoblast and will form a cocoon out of fibrin and this becomes a tumor as it does in the early stages of a pregnancy. The tumor forms in order to protect the remainder of the body from the toxins produced by the rotting garbage it enshrouds and this, my friends, is cancer.

Vaccines contribute to our eventual demise because they are constantly fighting the foreign proteins that don't belong in the blood stream. Thus the immune system is weakened making it more susceptible to to the development of disease which always comes from within. Germs do not cause disease, they are the result of it. Stay away from doctors, the do not know what they are doing! Vaccinations are INSANE!

"The Microbe Is Nothing: The Terrain Is Everything" - Claude Bernard 1813-1878

Father of Modern Physiology.

Western medicine is based upon the Pasteur Germ Theory which is erroneous. Vaccines do not work!

Avoid them and don't allow your children to be destroyed by them.

-- Re: Re: Autism and vaccinations

Below from Doc Mercola. URL at end.AlobarVaccination StatisticsA 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology showsthat children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within threedays after getting a DPT vaccination.A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) foundchildren who received the HiB vaccine ... were found to be 5 timesmore likely to contract the disease than children who had not receivedthe vaccine.In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study foundthat over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contractedwhooping cough had been fully vaccinated.In 1977 Dr Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testifiedwith other scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred inthe US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio inthe us today.The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American MedicalAssociation found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatriciansrefused to take the rubella vaccine.The pro-vaccination side is all that is offered in the media, schools,doctor's offices, PHS, and all government publications. This is abiased one-sided view of vaccinations based much on manufacturer'sstudies and writings. The other side is rarely discussed and adverseevents after vaccination are dismissed as a one-in-a-million chancewhich is a necessary risk we all have to take. The truth is that therisks are far greater than they are telling us,rest of article here:http://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/statistics.htmOn 12/11/06, <cccquiltersbcglobal (DOT) net> wrote:>>> There is another side of the coin to vaccinations, and that is if you look into history, thousands of children died of whooping cough and other childhood diseases, which I think is overlooked by the anit-vaccination organizations. Some of those diseases are now on the rise again. I am not for nor am I against vaccinations.

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sure why anyone would refuse a rubella vaccine, since it's a mild

>disease and it

causes birth defects.

I had a horrible reaction

to a rubella vaccine. The instant the shot went into me I lost

consciousness like switching off a light and went into convulsions. I

have never in my life had convulsions.

To make a vaccine the

disease needs to be grown on something. They use things like eggs, monkey

tissues… Are we being exposed to something we don’t even have a

name for yet? I no longer believe doctors and pharmaceutical

companies know it all.

I’m scared of certain

things, like tetanus and rabies and I haven’t quite lost my faith that

vaccinations are a good idea in the case of a rusty nail in a foot or a bat

bite, but I have read enough to scare me off of routine vaccinations.

I like that article

someone posted today likening dna to a song or a poem… I wonder what the

insertion of the strange brew of dna in a vaccination does to our song?

Examples of people who

believe they were given more than what they expected from their shots: NY

Gay mens hepatits trials (AIDS), gulf war syndrome…

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>From: " Cyr " <rmcyr@...>

>To make a vaccine the disease needs to be grown on something. They use

>things like eggs, monkey tissues. Are we being exposed to something we


>even have a name for yet? I no longer believe doctors and pharmaceutical

>companies know it all.

I know some people blame AIDS on vaccinations in Africa. For one of the

vaccines, had to use something from monkeys, which is allegedly where AIDS

came from.


>I'm scared of certain things, like tetanus and rabies and I haven't quite

>lost my faith that vaccinations are a good idea in the case of a rusty nail

>in a foot or a bat bite, but I have read enough to scare me off of routine


After seeing my wife and son have reactions to tetanus shots, I think I'll

just put iodine on the wound if I get a rusty nail. And make sure I take a

lot of Vitamin C.

>Examples of people who believe they were given more than what they expected

>from their shots: NY Gay mens hepatits trials (AIDS), gulf war syndrome.

That's a possibility too. A couple years ago, not many health care

professionals would get a small pox vaccination, and some who did so died.

The anthrax vaccine caused a lot of damage in some people's opinion.

They still put mercury in flu shots.

The people that control medicine in this country don't use real science.

But, want us to believe in what they say as if it involved faith.



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I was going to let this pass without saying anything, but your post here really struck me.I was given two vaccinations...measles and diphtheria together...when I was a kid like in 1st or 2nd grade.For six weeks thereafter I was deathly ill...temps of 105 and upper respiratory symptoms.My parents took me to a teaching hospital out of town where they tested me for four days. I was exhausted, frightened and very sick.My mother tells me still today that I was never the same after that. Caught every bug that came along, very weak, light hurt my eyes, had to be excused from physical education because I had no stamina.So I'm not much of an advocate of vaccinations. If it were a choice between living like I've had to live and fighting some form of childhood disease, I would have chosen to fight the disease with the help of healthy foods, etc.I've been a perfect patient most of my life...a great repeat customer for

the doctor de jour.Alobar <Alobar@...> wrote: Below from Doc Mercola. URL at end.AlobarVaccination StatisticsA 1992 study published in The American Journal of Epidemiology showsthat children die at a rate 8 times greater than normal within threedays after getting a DPT vaccination.A preliminary study by the Center for Disease Control (CDC) foundchildren who received the HiB vaccine ... were found to be 5 timesmore likely to contract the disease than children who had not receivedthe vaccine.In the New England Journal of Medicine July 1994 issue a study foundthat over 80% of children under 5 years of age who had contractedwhooping cough had been fully vaccinated.In 1977 Dr Jonas Salk (inventor of the Salk polio vaccine) testifiedwith other

scientists that 87% of the polio cases which occurred inthe US since 1970 were the by-product of the polio vaccine.The Sabin oral polio vaccine (OPV) is the only known cause of polio inthe us today.The February 1981 issue of the Journal of the American MedicalAssociation found that 90% of obstetricians and 66% of pediatriciansrefused to take the rubella vaccine.The pro-vaccination side is all that is offered in the media, schools,doctor's offices, PHS, and all government publications. This is abiased one-sided view of vaccinations based much on manufacturer'sstudies and writings. The other side is rarely discussed and adverseevents after vaccination are dismissed as a one-in-a-million chancewhich is a necessary risk we all have to take. The truth is that therisks are far greater than they are telling us, rest of article here:http://www.mercola.com/article/vaccines/statistics.htmOn

12/11/06, wrote:>>> There is another side of the coin to vaccinations, and that is if you look into history, thousands of children died of whooping cough and other childhood diseases, which I think is overlooked by the anit-vaccination organizations. Some of those diseases are now on the rise again. I am not for nor am I against vaccinations.Iodine

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Now that is fascinating information. I would like to know more about oxygen therapy. Any links? C. <<< Since WW-I, the German medical profession has been using oxygen therapiesconsisting of hydrogen peroxide, ozone and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation.All of these viral and bacterial conditions will respond to these therapiesand no drugs are required. IV vitamin C is also very effective in enhancingthe effects of oxygen therapies. Every home should have ozone equipment and everyone should know how to useit. There is no need for medical intervention for any pathogenic condition.....>>>

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http://www.appliedozone.com/medical.html See also Ed McCabe's excellent book Flood Your Body With Oxygen

http://www.oxygenhealth.com/ I have gathered info as to where you can obtain the component parts to set up a portable steam/ozone tent that is suitable for applying these therapies at home for under $500. Let me know if you are interested.

BTW: I am a regular guest speaker the first Sunday of each month on www.eyeonthefutureradio.com @11 PM EST. In January I will be discussing cancer (as usual) and I will talk about oxygen therapies.- Carmi Hazen

-- Re: Autism and vaCcinations

Now that is fascinating information. I would like to know more about oxygen therapy. Any links?


<<< Since WW-I, the German medical profession has been using oxygen therapiesConsisting of hydrogen peroxide, ozone and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation.All of these viral and bacterial conditions will respond to these therapiesand no drugs are required. IV vitamin C is also very effective in enhancingthe effects of oxygen therapies. Every home should have ozone equipment and everyone should know how to useit. There is no need for medical intervention for any pathogenic condition.....>>>

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