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Autism and vaccinations

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Now that is a really cool use for genetic information.


At 06:53 AM 12/10/2006, you wrote:

Amy Yasko, ND, is

genetically testing autistic people and people with CFIDS and from that

information develops a procedure using primarily nutritional supplements

instead of drugs to correct the underlying issues.

see www.test4health.com



" The Basil Book "


Medicine wants everything blamed on genes, because it's the future of

profitability. Not long ago, I heard that there was more variability in

genes among a tribe of chimpanzess than in the entire human race.

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I got rubella vaccine when I was 12 y/o and and never have a problems. My daugther will get it another 2 years if I still live in this country, I am not sure what age you guys got the rubella vaccine for kids in your country? Lina marty & joy gove <mjgove@...> wrote: Have you considered trying a product called Frequensea? It's main ingredient is Marine Phytoplankton. It is considered to be the most nutritious product

on Earth and is often referred to as a "superfood". It has only been made available in just over a year as it was discovered by a marine biologist who had been studying phytoplankton for many years and recognized the nutritional value in it but had only just begun to harvest it for safe consumption - actually to start off with for his shellfish. He had terminal cancer so he dipped his finger in it and kept eating it every day - because of the micronutrients and electrolytes in plankton they are exactly what human cell membranes need to carry out their metabolism. This man no longer has cancer and it also completely healed from diabetes. The cause of disease is inflammation, oxidation, toxicity and mitochondrial dysfunction - it doesn't matter what disease you have when you can fix the cell membranes the results are endless. This product provides more phytonutrients, antioxidants and anti inflammatory

micronutrients than any other foods and as such they absorb more energy than any other nutrient. Frequensea is a tonic so it is 100% absorbable into the body. I have just come through cancer myself and am using Frequensea daily to rebuild my body - especially my immune system - which an accupuncturist/herbalist said my body had the constitution for more cancer so I knew I couldn't just let things slide. I have also had hyperthyroid disease and that's why I landed on this site because I wanted to make sure everything would be ok in taking this product. I eventually called the Nuclear Medicine Dept. in a hospital in Vancouver, BC and they gave me the green lights to use the product. My cousin acquainted me with this product and has had several people she knows use it and have had incredible results. I was so excited about the product I decided to come on board and be a distributor. No need to have a cupboard full of vitamins and herbs

hoping they will help whatever ails you - Frequensea is the blend that gets to the root cause of disease. You can email me back if you want further info or check out my website at www.myforevergreen.org/joygove All the best! Joy RE: Re: Autism and

vaccinations >Not sure why anyone would refuse a rubella vaccine, since it's a mild >disease and it causes birth defects. I had a horrible reaction to a rubella vaccine. The instant the shot went into me I lost consciousness like switching off a light and went into convulsions. I have never in my life had convulsions. To make a vaccine the disease needs to be grown on something. They use

things like eggs, monkey tissues… Are we being exposed to something we don’t even have a name for yet? I no longer believe doctors and pharmaceutical companies know it all. I’m scared of certain things, like tetanus and rabies and I haven’t quite lost my faith that vaccinations are a good idea in the case of a rusty nail in a foot or a bat bite, but I have read enough to scare me off of routine vaccinations. I like that article someone posted today likening dna to a song or a poem… I wonder what the insertion of the strange brew of dna in a vaccination does to our song? Examples of people who believe they were given more than what they expected from their shots: NY Gay mens hepatits trials (AIDS), gulf war syndrome… "Don't screw around with things you don't understand -- you could lose your ass".

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