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Rasmussen Family wrote:



> On the welcome letter the name was maria




> The List Owner


> mariaw@...


> W13@...


> This is her email.


> Isnt 's baby due around now??? I can't remember exactly when, but i

> think she is due in Jan.




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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Rasmussen Family wrote:



> On the welcome letter the name was maria




> The List Owner


> mariaw@...


> W13@...


> This is her email.


> Isnt 's baby due around now??? I can't remember exactly when, but i

> think she is due in Jan.




> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


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<< Hope everythings

going well for her.

Anyway, it's a great list and I'm thankful to for starting it!


I couldn't agree with you more. I know alot of moms don't have the practical

support of family or other nursing friends so cyberspace adds a wonderful

dimension to breastfeeding support.


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<< Hope everythings

going well for her.

Anyway, it's a great list and I'm thankful to for starting it!


I couldn't agree with you more. I know alot of moms don't have the practical

support of family or other nursing friends so cyberspace adds a wonderful

dimension to breastfeeding support.


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<< Hope everythings

going well for her.

Anyway, it's a great list and I'm thankful to for starting it!


I couldn't agree with you more. I know alot of moms don't have the practical

support of family or other nursing friends so cyberspace adds a wonderful

dimension to breastfeeding support.


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<<This is her email.

betsy who saves all welcome letter for when I need to signoff.


You are a smart gal Betsy!! Thanks so much for the info!

~~~~happy someone else saves mail!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jen,

I, too, love being a mother and can't imagine doing anything else! There are

times when I wonder if we should have anymore and if I am not able to give my

kids what they deserve if I keep having more, but I love them and love being

with them.

I also don't get out a lot, except when my husband is home with the kids or we

all go out together.


Mom to (5), Nolan (3) and Isaac (6 months)

In a message dated 99-01-27 12:30:13 EST, you write:

<< Thanks!! I think you are really sweet too. Very much a person I like to

converse with. I cannot even imagine being in your position!! I would love

to have more kiddos... I feel like it will happen, but my DH said he had a

terrible thought go through his head the other day when I was running

around the living room with Kiva sitting on my shoulders...he

thought...This si the last time we will have a baby to do this with. I feel

totally the opposite way! We had a prophesy a few years ago before I got pg

with Kiva where the man said he saw me with kids everywhere, and every time

God said He wanted me to have another, I said I could not do it...but He

would give me one, and I was fine! This seems like a certain promise that I

will have many more children!! I would love to have a bunch!!! I already

get weird looks with 4 at 27 yrs old. I love being a mom. It is what I was

born to be!! I do find it a little difficult to get out much right now by

myself with the kids, but that will get easier as they get older!!

Jen, who wants more kiddos!!! *Children are a Blessing of the Lord* >>

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Hi Jen,

I, too, love being a mother and can't imagine doing anything else! There are

times when I wonder if we should have anymore and if I am not able to give my

kids what they deserve if I keep having more, but I love them and love being

with them.

I also don't get out a lot, except when my husband is home with the kids or we

all go out together.


Mom to (5), Nolan (3) and Isaac (6 months)

In a message dated 99-01-27 12:30:13 EST, you write:

<< Thanks!! I think you are really sweet too. Very much a person I like to

converse with. I cannot even imagine being in your position!! I would love

to have more kiddos... I feel like it will happen, but my DH said he had a

terrible thought go through his head the other day when I was running

around the living room with Kiva sitting on my shoulders...he

thought...This si the last time we will have a baby to do this with. I feel

totally the opposite way! We had a prophesy a few years ago before I got pg

with Kiva where the man said he saw me with kids everywhere, and every time

God said He wanted me to have another, I said I could not do it...but He

would give me one, and I was fine! This seems like a certain promise that I

will have many more children!! I would love to have a bunch!!! I already

get weird looks with 4 at 27 yrs old. I love being a mom. It is what I was

born to be!! I do find it a little difficult to get out much right now by

myself with the kids, but that will get easier as they get older!!

Jen, who wants more kiddos!!! *Children are a Blessing of the Lord* >>

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Hi Jen,

I, too, love being a mother and can't imagine doing anything else! There are

times when I wonder if we should have anymore and if I am not able to give my

kids what they deserve if I keep having more, but I love them and love being

with them.

I also don't get out a lot, except when my husband is home with the kids or we

all go out together.


Mom to (5), Nolan (3) and Isaac (6 months)

In a message dated 99-01-27 12:30:13 EST, you write:

<< Thanks!! I think you are really sweet too. Very much a person I like to

converse with. I cannot even imagine being in your position!! I would love

to have more kiddos... I feel like it will happen, but my DH said he had a

terrible thought go through his head the other day when I was running

around the living room with Kiva sitting on my shoulders...he

thought...This si the last time we will have a baby to do this with. I feel

totally the opposite way! We had a prophesy a few years ago before I got pg

with Kiva where the man said he saw me with kids everywhere, and every time

God said He wanted me to have another, I said I could not do it...but He

would give me one, and I was fine! This seems like a certain promise that I

will have many more children!! I would love to have a bunch!!! I already

get weird looks with 4 at 27 yrs old. I love being a mom. It is what I was

born to be!! I do find it a little difficult to get out much right now by

myself with the kids, but that will get easier as they get older!!

Jen, who wants more kiddos!!! *Children are a Blessing of the Lord* >>

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Sherry, the attatchment is your stationary. Those who do not have the same

mail program as you will see it as an attatchment. Try writing with out the




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In a message dated 2/4/99 11:34:48 AM Pacific Standard Time, craun@...


<< I just boiled my bra >>

Not to make light of your situation @ all, but this just cracked me up!!!!!!

Have you tried Gentian Violet? I hear it works wonders. You treat both you &

baby with it. Good luck to you!!


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What about the Gentian Violet? Have you tried this? Nyistatin cream

just made it worse for me... I got rid of it now twice in 1 day! All

gone! I went to the doc the other day, as you all read, and he said

well do we need Nyastatin now? And I said NO the gentian violet worked,

stuck my tongue out too!

Worth a try hon!




" Are you quite through shaking the ship around? " McCoy




" Humankind has not woven the web of life...We are but one thread within


Whatever we do to the web, we do ourselves... All things are bound


....All things connect. " Chief Seattle

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Try shredded, raw, cold, potatos for the pain. I've heard it works-.-****

Cody's typing with me. 10mob.

S. Mom to 5.

(no subject)

Well I am trying something new for thrush. Has anyone heard of washing your

nipples with 1 part vinager and 2 parts water after every feeding? I am doing

that and the Nystatin cream. I just boiled my bra and pump parts. I am looking

for Acidolphilus tablets but no luck so far. I am getting some yogurt tonight

to eat. This has been on going for 6 weeks now. I have had 2 rounds of

diflucan and that got it out of the ducts. I now just have burning nipples and

flaky, red nipples. I am also avoiding as much as possible yeast products,

sugar, and alcohol. Any other hints? I got to heal this crack.


SAHM to (8), (4), Kaitlyn (2), and baby born 12/17/98.

*Breast fed is best fed*

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Welcome to the group. I am sorry to hear that no one supports you on

breastfeeding. This group is great and I am sure you will find good support

here. My family is trying to get me to feed my son baby food 3 times a day,

he is only 5 months old. I feed him about a third of a baby jar of baby food

a day, only because it helps with his reflux. My husband and I want him to be

on the breast for at least a year, I like the idea of self weaning. Before I

go on and on and on about my cute little man I just want to say welcome.

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Welcome !

Do you pump while at work for ? I did that for 6 months with Kylie, and

it helped ease the " mommy guilt " a bit. The bonding experienced with

breastfeeding was WONDERFUL after a long day at work.

Looking forward to seeing your input!

& Kylie, still nursing at 19 months!

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>I think I understand what attachment parenting is... this is what I want to

>do.... however, here is my dilemma... my husband and I see differently on

>this issue. He is under extreme pressure from his sister and mother to put

> on a stricter schedule and have her sleeping in her crib already.

>They are also not supportive of breastfeeding... IMAGINE!

>Anyway, help! I need to persuade him to see things my way... the

>attachment parenting way. Any advice?

My husband was open and supportive of ap ideas, but I gave him things to

read anyway. It helped him combat the negativity from his side of the

family about the way we do things. I could recommend anything by Dr.

Sears and a book called " Our Babies, Our Selves " which compares

child rearing practices around the world. Also, he enjoyed " Zen and the Art

of Fatherhood " by , which is not about ap, but just good!

Good Luck - you sound like a great mom!


Bitter are the tears of a child: Sweeten them.

Deep are the thoughts of a child: Quiet them.

Sharp is the grief of a child: Take it from them.

Soft is the heart of a child: Do nothing to harden it.

Lady Pamela Wyndham Glenconner

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>I think I understand what attachment parenting is... this is what I want to

>do.... however, here is my dilemma... my husband and I see differently on

>this issue. He is under extreme pressure from his sister and mother to put

> on a stricter schedule and have her sleeping in her crib already.

>They are also not supportive of breastfeeding... IMAGINE!

>Anyway, help! I need to persuade him to see things my way... the

>attachment parenting way. Any advice?

First, welcome to the world of parenting and breastfeeding!!

If I were in your situation, I would sit down and talk to my husband about

the way YOU TWO feel about being parents...not what other people, even

family, expect you to do. This is your baby, and it is up to you and your

DH alone to decide what is best for her. In my opinion, rigid schedules are

not good!! I agree that a lot of babies do well with a routine, but it

should be one they set for the most part. I see no reason to rush a nursing

baby off to their own room. My 8mo old sleeps in our room, she slept with

us when she was getting up at night to nurse. Do not get cought up in other

people's should's and we did's! LOL

Best wishes!!

Jen and Kiva

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In a message dated 2/4/99 1:34:50 PM Central Standard Time, craun@...


<< I am looking for Acidolphilus tablets but no luck so far >>

I found some at GNC. Hopefully you can find them!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't funny how they do that? He really surprised me!

I don't believe in pushing them at all :o)

My SIL really went nutty with my Nephew, it broke my heart! She pushed &

pushed ...

She will decide on her on time :o)

Love, /indigo

Re: (no subject)



>>My Son told me on November 5th that he wanted to use the toilet & has been

>>wearing underwear from that day on....even at night. He has never wet or

>>pooped his pants since.



>My son did the same except he was a little older...39 mo. My dd is 37 mo,

>and not ready to potty train because of developmental delays. It is going

>to be a while before she is ready for that. I do not push her, when she is

>ready, it will happen!


>Mom of Kataya, Woody, Kelli and Kiva

>Love God, love family, love others

>Breast is best!!

>Cloth makes the best diaper!!



>Suggestions on how we can improve ONElist? Go to the 'Suggestion'

>box on our new web site. http://www.onelist.com


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out


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You are right...boys do usually learn to use the toilet a bit later than

girls. Your son is truly the exception! My now almost 4 yob decided around

when he was 3 to begin to use the toilet and, like your son, has never wet the

bed. I think when it is the child's decision (with a little encouragement from

us) he/she will be more likely to handle the task more completely. IMHO when

children are " forced " before they are truly ready it is usually much more

difficult for them to master. Another common occurance is for children to

begin what appears to be toilet efficient, then regress back into using

diapers...almost like they were experimenting. I guess what you say is...just

my .02.

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I agree! I think it's up to the child to decide. My Mom was trying to potty

train my Brother (he's 2 years older than I am) She said he didn't want to,

but that I asked to use it & did from then on.

Re: (no subject)

>From: Mparker90@...



>You are right...boys do usually learn to use the toilet a bit later than

>girls. Your son is truly the exception! My now almost 4 yob decided around

>when he was 3 to begin to use the toilet and, like your son, has never wet


>bed. I think when it is the child's decision (with a little encouragement


>us) he/she will be more likely to handle the task more completely. IMHO


>children are " forced " before they are truly ready it is usually much more

>difficult for them to master. Another common occurance is for children to

>begin what appears to be toilet efficient, then regress back into using

>diapers...almost like they were experimenting. I guess what you say


>my .02.




>Come see our new web site! http://www.onelist.com


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out


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I agree! I think it's up to the child to decide. My Mom was trying to potty

train my Brother (he's 2 years older than I am) She said he didn't want to,

but that I asked to use it & did from then on.

Re: (no subject)

>From: Mparker90@...



>You are right...boys do usually learn to use the toilet a bit later than

>girls. Your son is truly the exception! My now almost 4 yob decided around

>when he was 3 to begin to use the toilet and, like your son, has never wet


>bed. I think when it is the child's decision (with a little encouragement


>us) he/she will be more likely to handle the task more completely. IMHO


>children are " forced " before they are truly ready it is usually much more

>difficult for them to master. Another common occurance is for children to

>begin what appears to be toilet efficient, then regress back into using

>diapers...almost like they were experimenting. I guess what you say


>my .02.




>Come see our new web site! http://www.onelist.com


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out


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I agree! I think it's up to the child to decide. My Mom was trying to potty

train my Brother (he's 2 years older than I am) She said he didn't want to,

but that I asked to use it & did from then on.

Re: (no subject)

>From: Mparker90@...



>You are right...boys do usually learn to use the toilet a bit later than

>girls. Your son is truly the exception! My now almost 4 yob decided around

>when he was 3 to begin to use the toilet and, like your son, has never wet


>bed. I think when it is the child's decision (with a little encouragement


>us) he/she will be more likely to handle the task more completely. IMHO


>children are " forced " before they are truly ready it is usually much more

>difficult for them to master. Another common occurance is for children to

>begin what appears to be toilet efficient, then regress back into using

>diapers...almost like they were experimenting. I guess what you say


>my .02.




>Come see our new web site! http://www.onelist.com


>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>If you like this list also check out


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