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How old is your baby? 18#, I would guess 9 months? Well...that is what the

clothing size says. Chrystal is still sleeping most of the night with us.

She starts out in her bed and sometime after 1 or 2 am Neil gets her and

brings her to bed with us. Now....her 'bed' is in our room. Our other

children sleep downstairs and I just couldn't bare to have my baby that far

away. I stopped using cribs several babies ago. Even before giving up on

the crib it didn't last that long. Instead, try putting a mattress on the

floor, a crib size matteress is great. You can cuddle up to the baby for a

few minutes when she awakens, have her nurse in her sleep, and roll away

leaving her asleep. It works, until she is old enough to crawl up on the

bed with you. If you have other children, moving her to THEIR bed also

works. My children simply don't sleep alone and we all love it.





>Hi all,


> We didn't intend to co-sleep, we only have a queen size bed and DH is a

>large man! Well one night Cailyn was particularly fussy and I was

>extremely tired, so she came to bed with us. Ever since then she refuses

>to sleep anywhere else! I will get her to sleep and try to put her in

>her crib, she wakes up and starts screaming!

> DH hates that she is in the bed with us because he doesn't get as much

>room, I don't get as much sleep but it doesn't really bother me as much

>because I know Cailyn is happy.


>Any hints on her I could transfer her to her crib though??? She likes to

>spread out across my entire side of the bed, and at 18 lbs she does take

>up a significant amount of space!


>Kym and Cailyn (11-4-98)




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I started out co-sleeping like that. I was way to tired and he was fussy. We

too only have a queen bed, but my dh isn't that big, so it isn't that big of a

problem. I don't have him sleep with us every night, so times I put him in

the crib. I think it is just easier when I am tired to have him sleep with


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Someone else is sure to suggest this, but move her crib into your room and do

a side car by lowering one crib rail and putting that side against your bed.

My son stretches out too and has just begun sleeping in his crib away from us.

It seems he is ready, but it is strange not to have him there.

- Jake 3-11-94 & Clay 10-22-97

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In a message dated 2/21/99 4:49:21 PM Pacific Standard Time,

chenille@... writes:

<< If you have other children, moving her to THEIR bed also

works. My children >>

This is what we plan on doing. I am going to look for a bunk bed with a full

on the bottom, so the 2 kiddos can sleep together!!

Cristina Mom to Amber 4yrs & Austin 15mos

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Hi all,

We didn't intend to co-sleep, we only have a queen size bed and DH is a

large man! Well one night Cailyn was particularly fussy and I was

extremely tired, so she came to bed with us. Ever since then she refuses

to sleep anywhere else! I will get her to sleep and try to put her in

her crib, she wakes up and starts screaming!

DH hates that she is in the bed with us because he doesn't get as much

room, I don't get as much sleep but it doesn't really bother me as much

because I know Cailyn is happy.

Any hints on her I could transfer her to her crib though??? She likes to

spread out across my entire side of the bed, and at 18 lbs she does take

up a significant amount of space!

Kym and Cailyn (11-4-98)

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i love co-sleeping with jennifer! i have a king size bed, so there is

plenty of room for both of us! since there is no one on the other side to

make sure she doesn't fall off the bed, i went out and bought one of

those toddler bedrails, which i know i will be able to use when she

switches to her own bed as a toddler!! anyway kym, when switching cailyn

to her crib, you might want to try bringing a pillow w/you to keep the

sent of the bed w/her. that's what i did when i had to move jennifer back

to her bassenette so i could go to walmart one night.


On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 18:36:59 -0500 Kym writes:



>Hi all,


> We didn't intend to co-sleep, we only have a queen size bed and DH is


>large man! Well one night Cailyn was particularly fussy and I was

>extremely tired, so she came to bed with us. Ever since then she


>to sleep anywhere else! I will get her to sleep and try to put her in

>her crib, she wakes up and starts screaming!

> DH hates that she is in the bed with us because he doesn't get as


>room, I don't get as much sleep but it doesn't really bother me as


>because I know Cailyn is happy.


>Any hints on her I could transfer her to her crib though??? She likes


>spread out across my entire side of the bed, and at 18 lbs she does


>up a significant amount of space!


>Kym and Cailyn (11-4-98)




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My mom suggested this to us...put an article of clothing or small pillow

that has mommy's smell on it (she used a tshirt and made a stuffed pillow

out of it) in the toddlers bed. This way it comforts them to smell you

close. Not an option for tinier babies but helpful in older kidlet



At 06:04 PM 2/21/99 -0600, you wrote:



>i love co-sleeping with jennifer! i have a king size bed, so there is

>plenty of room for both of us! since there is no one on the other side to

>make sure she doesn't fall off the bed, i went out and bought one of

>those toddler bedrails, which i know i will be able to use when she

>switches to her own bed as a toddler!! anyway kym, when switching cailyn

>to her crib, you might want to try bringing a pillow w/you to keep the

>sent of the bed w/her. that's what i did when i had to move jennifer back

>to her bassenette so i could go to walmart one night.



>On Sun, 21 Feb 1999 18:36:59 -0500 Kym writes:



>>Hi all,


>> We didn't intend to co-sleep, we only have a queen size bed and DH is


>>large man! Well one night Cailyn was particularly fussy and I was

>>extremely tired, so she came to bed with us. Ever since then she


>>to sleep anywhere else! I will get her to sleep and try to put her in

>>her crib, she wakes up and starts screaming!

>> DH hates that she is in the bed with us because he doesn't get as


>>room, I don't get as much sleep but it doesn't really bother me as


>>because I know Cailyn is happy.


>>Any hints on her I could transfer her to her crib though??? She likes


>>spread out across my entire side of the bed, and at 18 lbs she does


>>up a significant amount of space!


>>Kym and Cailyn (11-4-98)




>>We now have over 85,000 e-mail communities. Check out our new web




>>Breastfeeding is Best!!


>>If you like this list also check out




>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

>Except of course, one night I woke up and baby was gone. I panicked and

>ripped off the quilt searching under it, convinced that I'd find my poor

>baby suffocated under there, only to disturb Stuart who then told me that

>he'd put the baby in the crib.


LOL! This is exactly what happened to us too, I nearly murdered DH!


Chair/ANT Worthing NCT Branch

Mum to Emma 8, Kieran 4 and Carys 21m

" Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose "

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Guest guest

>Except of course, one night I woke up and baby was gone. I panicked and

>ripped off the quilt searching under it, convinced that I'd find my poor

>baby suffocated under there, only to disturb Stuart who then told me that

>he'd put the baby in the crib.


LOL! This is exactly what happened to us too, I nearly murdered DH!


Chair/ANT Worthing NCT Branch

Mum to Emma 8, Kieran 4 and Carys 21m

" Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose "

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