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Your Daily Posterous Spaces Update October 11th, 2011 #Physical

Therapist Value Stream. We are Force Multipliers |



Posted about 21 hours ago by [image: _portrait_thumb] Kovacek,

PT, DPT, MSA <http://posterous.com/people/1l1oCkDWEWjv> to


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October 10, 2011

#Physical Therapist Value Stream. We are Force Multipliers

We interrupt my series on Physical Therapist Pet



bring you some excellent data from Health

Affairs Sept edition on Virginia Mason, Collaboration Among Providers,

Employers, And Health Plans to Transform Care Cut Costs And Improve


only, full text for subscribers only).

EIM blog reported to the physical therapist community on the day of



now widely distributed WSJ

article on Virginia Mason's novel efforts to wean itself off pricey tests

through the use of Physical


physical therapy!) as front line patient access points. It has been

our belief for some time that physical therapists are truly force

multipliers that achieve





and outcome through the consistent adherence of EBP for low back pain.

(another example is



There is also no question that downstream costs in imaging, pharmacy, and

surgery can be realized



greater utilization of physical therapists. Fortunately, as the Health

Affairs Article points out, we now have empirical evidence.

The article details the importance of the collaborative process in getting

groups of providers to agree on defined clinical pathways for high cost

drivers resulting in a " value stream " . Virginia Mason's group defines

quality in terms of access, high patient satisfaction, rapid return of

functioning and the use of evidence based care at an affordable price.

While we often think of EBP in terms of our own profession, the most

critical point of agreement amongst collaborators is that EBP be based on a

particular clinical question as opposed to the expertise of a single

practitioner. The majority of providers participating in the clinical value

stream complete full course in EBP and their belief is that the first office

visit where the appropriate treatment is determined and initiated is the

most important step. For low back pain, this is the job of physical


While much of the article points out the significant savings in value stream

headache by avoiding over utilized MRI's in the diagnosis, LBP is given

ample coverage. Rapid access to care is deemed critical in achieving

correct care AND savings. From the article:

For our back pain value stream, the use of physical therapists to perform

some functions previously assigned to physicians improved Virginia Mason’s

financial performance by increasing the number of patients seen and making

more efficient use of physician time. Under the back pain value stream, we

were able to accommodate 2,300 new patients per year, compared to 1,404

under the old system, in the same physical space. The physicians also became

more efficient under the new system, with an average billing of 58.3

relative value units per day compared to 28.1 relative value units per day

under the old system. Relative value units are the basis for physician

payment under fee-for- service, so they represent an estimate of revenue


Costs to the employers were decreased through the elimination of unnecessary

imaging tests and fewer patient visits to providers. In addition, rapid

access to care and increased efficiency of care delivery contributed to more

rapid return to work. Postvisit surveys of patients seen in our back pain

collaborative value stream revealed that patients in this collaborative

required fewer physical therapy visits and fewer lost work days than local

averages (4.4 compared to 8.8 and 4.3 compared to 9.0 for physical therapy

visits and lost work days, respectively)

Perhaps even more indicting on cost elements is the dollar assessments of


Providing the services of an orthopedic surgeon or other procedural

specialist costs approximately $4 per minute. A generalist physician whose

practice consists predominantly of patient evaluation and management, rather

than performing procedures, costs Virginia Mason $2 per minute. A nurse

practitioner or physical therapist costs $1 per minute or less.

Acuity is likely a factor in the decreased number of visits vs. local

averages which supports early and direct referral to physical therapists.

While there are advantages to organization of a vertically oriented system

like Virginia Mason, it is not a difficult task for a payor to direct care

on low back pain to physical therapists. This should be the standard.

We will likely continue to pile up evidence that PT's are the force

multipliers in healthcare. We now have to actively advocate for appropriate

changes to make it happen.



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Companies Adopt Gaming Techniques to Motivate Employees -


Posted about 15 hours ago by [image: _portrait_thumb] Kovacek,

PT, DPT, MSA <http://posterous.com/people/1l1oCkDWEWjv> to


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Latest Game Theory: Mixing Work and


SILVERMAN<http://online.wsj.com/search/term.html?KEYWORDS=RACHEL+EMMA+SILVERMAN & \


[image: [GAMIFY]] Sloan

Companies are trying to bring more play to the workday.

Striving to make everyday business tasks more engaging, a growing number of

firms, including International Business

Machines<http://online.wsj.com/public/quotes/main.html?type=djn & symbol=IBM>Corp.

and consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Ltd., are incorporating

elements of videogames into the workplace.

They're deploying reward and competitive tactics commonly found in the

gaming world to make tasks such as management training, data entry and

brainstorming seem less like work. Employees receive points or badges for

completing jobs or meeting time limits for assignments, for example.

Companies also may use leaderboards, which let players view one another's

scores, to encourage friendly competition and motivate performance, experts


This " gamification " of the workplace, or " enterprise gamification " in

tech-industry parlance, is a fast-growing business. Companies have used

digital games for a number of years to help market products to consumers and

build brand loyalty. What's emerging is using games to motivate their own


All Work and All Play

Examples of videogames in workplace management.







Global consulting firm Deloitte employs digital games for its Deloitte

Leadership Academy

Tech-industry research firm Gartner estimates that by 2014, some 70% of

large companies will use the techniques for at least one business process.

Market researcher M2 Research estimates revenue from gamification software,

consulting and marketing will reach $938 million by 2014 from less than $100

million this year.

Some companies build their own games in-house. Others rely on outside firms

such as San , Calif.-based Bunchball Inc. and Menlo Park, Calif.-based

Badgeville Inc. to " gamify " various business processes including employee


Business software company

SAP<http://online.wsj.com/public/quotes/main.html?type=djn & symbol=SAP>AG

employs a variety of games, including one modeled after a golf game


assigns sales leads and environmental challenges that award points for tasks

like carpooling, says Herger, senior innovation strategist, at SAP in

Palo Alto, Calif.

SAP even turned its gamification efforts into a game, holding a series of

" Gamification Cups " to generate ideas for turning various business processes

into games. One recent winner turned the traditionally boring process of

invoicing into a competition.

IBM uses a variety of game-like strategies throughout much of the company

including video games in which users can help make a virtual city more

efficient or simulate various business scenarios, says Chuck Hamilton, IBM's

virtual learning leader.

With some 400,000 employees, roughly 40% of whom work from home or on the

road, gaming is a way to help colleagues connect and stay engaged, explains

Mr. Hamilton.

And global consulting firm Deloitte employs digital games for its Deloitte

Leadership Academy, an executive education program it uses to train clients

and its own consultants.

Users receive virtual badges after completing training courses and " unlock "

more complex training courses when basic levels are completed, says

Farrall, a partner with Deloitte in Melbourne, Australia, where its

gamification initiative began last year. He says that the tools are still

too new to gauge their effectiveness, but that they seem to be catching on

among consultants.

" The reason why gamification is so hot is that most people's jobs are really

freaking boring, " says Gabe Zichermann, organizer of the " Gamification

Summit " conference held last month in New York.

So far, the tactic has proved effective. A study last year by Traci

Sitzmann, an assistant professor of management at the University of Colorado

Denver Business School found that employees trained on video games learned

more factual information, attained a higher skill level and retained

information longer than workers who learned in less interactive


LiveOps Inc., which runs virtual call centers, uses gaming to help improve

the performance of its 20,000 call agents—independent contractors located

all over the U.S. Starting last year, the company began awarding agents with

virtual badges and points for tasks such as keeping calls brief and closing

sales. Leaderboards allow the agents to compare their achievements to


Since the gamification system was implemented, some agents have reduced call

time by 15%, and sales have improved by between 8% and 12% among certain

sales agents, says Sanjay Mathur, vice president of product management at

LiveOps, Santa Clara, Calif.

Still, gaming experts say there are some pitfalls for companies when

implementing games internally. Companies need to make sure that the games

are designed to actually reward desired behaviors and are not just doling

out meaningless awards or badges.

Firms also need to make sure that friendly competition doesn't get out of

hand, fostering animosity among employees, says Byron Reeves, a professor of

communication at Stanford University and a co-founder of Seriosity Inc., a

firm that helps companies develop gaming strategies.

" Adding gamification to the workplace drives performance but it doesn't make

up for bad management. If you are a bad manager, gamification won't help

you, " says Kris Duggan, chief executive of game-maker Badgeville.

*Write to * Emma Silverman at







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