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Re: Proper Digestion

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Thanks for the article. I have recently seen a show on this issue.

This is the only other time I have ever heard any of this. It is

nice to hear it confirmed.

> Proper Digestion


> Digestion is very important for health and wellness as well as

weight loss, yet many

> of us suffer from indigestion and take such products as Tums or

Zantac for relief.

> Proper digestion starts in the mouth; then on through the stomach,

duodenum and

> into the small intestine. Intimately involved in the process are

the saliva glands; the

> stomach lining with its mucous, acid and enzymes; the pancreas; the

liver; and the

> gall bladder. I could go on and on for many pages discussing the

> organic/mechanical processes involved but I think it's more

important to

> understand what has the most profound affect on digestion and how

you can

> naturally improve it without medication.


> There are 2 major physical factors that disrupt the harmonious

operation of all

> these components. The first is the Acid/Alkaline balance of our

body and the

> second is our body's level of hydration.


> Our western diet and lifestyle makes our bodies too acidic and our

digestion weak.

> We don't need to shut off the stomach acid that seems to be giving

us heartburn.

> Instead, what's needed is to return our body to proper alkalinity

so digestive acids

> and enzymes can be produced at the proper time and in proper

quantities. The

> human body maintains correct balance on a daily diet that is 75%


> (which are alkaline). Fruit, grains, nuts (except raw almonds), and

anything that

> walks, swims, flies or comes from something that does, causes acid

formation and

> should not be more than 25% of the daily diet. Bovine proteins (as

in dairy and

> beef) add extra stress to the body because all humans are allergic,

in varying

> degrees, to Bovine proteins. Please note that stress in any form

causes acid in the

> body, whether it is from digestive, physical or emotional sources.


> The second major factor affecting digestion is our chronic lack of

proper hydration.

> A dehydrated body cannot produce the acid or enzymes needed for


> digestion. Many people think that you can keep the body properly

hydrated on

> coffee, soda and some iceberg lettuce (all of which, by the way,

are acid forming).

> Separate from food consumption, the average human (150 lbs. weight)

needs a

> minimum of 8 to 10 oz. glasses of plain pure water daily. AND most


> NOT AT MEAL TIME...consuming any beverage with a meal dilutes


> Additionally, hot or cold beverages can cause further stress on the


> organs. When anything is taken into the digestive system, it's best

that it be at

> body temperature. If you'd like to learn more on how important

water is not only for

> digestion and weight loss, but for reversal of disease symptoms, I

suggest you

> check out a site called www.watercure2.com This website is full of


> information - I keep it on my list of favorites. After reading it

you'll also understand

> why I suggest mineral salt bath soaks for tighter skin too.


> Help your body help itself: There are many fine natural products

that can help

> when our bodies get out of balance. Holistic medicine recognizes

that Alfalfa, for

> example, is known to be the great alkalizer, and that Safflower

helps balance

> stomach acid. Now do you understand why I take 2 alfalfa capsules

prior to

> consuming a high carb meal, drinking alcohol or consuming excess

sugar (fruit and

> candy)? Not only is Alfalfa the perfect source of plant protein to

help control

> release of insulin, but it is alkaline. When I don't take Alfalfa

my body gets so

> acidic it turns sterling silver black and stains the collars and

cuffs of my white

> clothes with a " yellowish " tint. However please note that even

though Alfalfa and

> Safflower are wonderful products, they can never replace the proper

balancing of

> the body's systems through hydration and proper nutrition. Consume

alkaline foods

> as much as possible. Get a book on Acid/Alkalinity to learn how

your favorite

> foods classify. For example - limes are very acidic but lemons are

not. Grapefruit is

> a great natural digestion assistant (it's very effective at

emulsifying fat) and it is an

> alkaline food yet oranges are very acidic. Although T-Tapp Total

Workout enables

> your body to eliminate toxins faster and re-establish biochemical

balance quicker,

> you still need to focus on acid/alkaline balance as well as water


> Remember, just because you consume protein doesn't mean you digest


> assimilate the protein. So many of us are " starving " nutritionally

due to improper

> digestion but we don't realize it until our body breaks down with

disease. AND if

> you think proper digestion is determined by the use of Tums,

Prilosec, or

> Zantac.....think again because as Dr. Kliesh, PhD - ( who has PhD

in Nutrition,

> doctoral degrees in both Naturopathy as well as Homeopathy and is a


> Herbalist) clearly states " My friends, you can file that statement

under NEVER! "

> So T-Tappers, keep plenty of veggies in the house, make sure to add

a little fat

> when consuming them for optimal digestion/assimilation (add some

almonds, olive

> oil or butter), and drink plenty of water (add grapefruit essential

oil for taste and

> health reasons or lemon which helps detox the liver). Your body

will reward you

> with higher energy, clearer skin and less digestive problems (plus

easier weight

> loss).



> T-Tapp Tips

> Tapp, Newsletter Editor

> Published by T-Tapp, Inc.

> <http://www.t-tapp.com>

> For removal instructions, see end of message.

> --------





> Holly Banff

> Tupperware Consultant

> " Visit my web site at http://my.tupperware.com/hollybanff

> for a look at all the new products that Tupperware has to offer! "

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