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" night sweats " and being very hot at night are characteristic of

mercury poisoning in adults. I would also expect some children to

have it.

The big question you need to answer is to what extent it is a

metabolic problem and to what extent it is an abberation in

perception. What you do is clearly different, depending. Taking her

temperature is a good idea, as is checking how she feels during the


Andy . .. . . . . . .. . . . .

> My daughter often is overheated. Lately she insists on sleeping

with a fan blowing on her face during the night. If she wakes up in

the morning and realises the fan is not on she goes absolutely


> Tonight for the umpteenth time she asked me to lay a wet towel on

her forehead. The temperatires are low here in Northern Europe.. it

being late autumn.


> What on earth is happening with her metabolically. We are

constantly chelating but this is really worrying me as I have not

heard of similar from other people.


> The other night when I tried to delve further, I asked her

whether it was like having a hot water bottle in her. She exclaimed

" No, mummy, it's a lot hotter. Don't you know what it's like! " . I

didn't answer her because I was shocked. She didn't have a fever

according to oral temp so I am at loss........


> Question:


> Are others seeing this overheating at night?

> Does anyone have an explanation for this..?






> [Non-text portions of this message h

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Hi Andy,

I am aware overheating is mercury but what is going on inside her body. She is

not sweating..Every night the same thing..overheating and no sweating. I would

feel better if´she perspired but she doesn't.


" night sweats " and being very hot at night are characteristic of

mercury poisoning in adults. I would also expect some children to

have it.

The big question you need to answer is to what extent it is a

metabolic problem and to what extent it is an abberation in

perception. What you do is clearly different, depending. Taking her

temperature is a good idea, as is checking how she feels during the


Andy . .. . . . . . .. . . . .

> My daughter often is overheated. Lately she insists on sleeping

with a fan blowing on her face during the night. If she wakes up in

the morning and realises the fan is not on she goes absolutely


> Tonight for the umpteenth time she asked me to lay a wet towel on

her forehead. The temperatires are low here in Northern Europe.. it

being late autumn.


> What on earth is happening with her metabolically. We are

constantly chelating but this is really worrying me as I have not

heard of similar from other people.


> The other night when I tried to delve further, I asked her

whether it was like having a hot water bottle in her. She exclaimed

" No, mummy, it's a lot hotter. Don't you know what it's like! " . I

didn't answer her because I was shocked. She didn't have a fever

according to oral temp so I am at loss........


> Question:


> Are others seeing this overheating at night?

> Does anyone have an explanation for this..?






> [Non-text portions of this message h

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> I am aware overheating is mercury but what is going on inside her

body. She is not sweating..Every night the same thing..overheating and

no sweating. I would feel better if´she perspired but she doesn't.



Does she FEEL hot, or just complain it is too hot?

Andy . . . . . .. . .

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She constantly complains she is boiling inside. Her temp is normal and she is

warm to the touch but not boiling. Her feet are always really warm but not



> I am aware overheating is mercury but what is going on inside her

body. She is not sweating..Every night the same thing..overheating and

no sweating. I would feel better if´she perspired but she doesn't.



Does she FEEL hot, or just complain it is too hot?

Andy . . . . . .. . .

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> I am aware overheating is mercury but what is going on inside her body. She is

not sweating..Every night the same thing..overheating and no sweating. I would

feel better if´she perspired but she doesn't.

Hi ,

First of all, I am sorry you missed me :) I found an old message of yours asking

for me :) Thanks so much! There were so many changes in my life lately... I just

couldn't find time to even look at the

computer. I got married... me and Denis changed countries :) We are in US now,

Wisconsin. Also Denis improved a lot lately. So I was busy with him too. He

really likes to learn a lot but he cannot always

learn the way " normal " kids do, mostly because he still has problems with the

language, and there is no way for me sometimes to explain to him " what " and

" how " , so I have to invent all kind of games for him,

things that I know would get him interested, in a way that he can understand. He

really likes to write now (by hand) and recently he learned how to handle the

mouse (computer) and he keeps messing my files

here :)

Second, about this overheating... I don't know how much this will help you, but

I can tell you two things.

First of them: I am not sure if you remember, but a few months ago, when I just

started chelation and I was experimenting with things, I tried the

8-hours-protocol (I kept missing the doses and at some point

I got tired of wasting my time like this - because I had to stop the round and

restart the next week). I had a very unpleasant experience. I am not sure I

remember everything very well but I had an ugly skin

reaction (some big red spots on my feet and palms) and I felt hot all the time.

But that didn't really bother me, because it was very cold :)

So anyway, those red spots were really burning! and yes, I had this

" overheating " too while my body temperature was normal (my " normal " means very

low comparing to other people).

I was taking only ALA (I think), every 8 hours.

The second thing: Before I started chelation with my son, he had the same

" overheating " . He would never sleep covered, he acted like he's always really

hot, all the time but especially at night, and his body

temperature was normal, and he was not sweating at all. Sometimes his scalp was

wet, but seldom.

I don't know if this will help you or not... I was thinking that maybe somehow

you are missing some dose? Or maybe the dose is too high? I don't know... I'm

sorry I cannot be of more help. Maybe her body is

just changing?


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> She constantly complains she is boiling inside. Her temp is normal

and she is warm to the touch but not boiling. Her feet are always

really warm but not boiling.

At night while in bed, you are not moving around. Especially if you

also don't sweat [a symptom of mercury toxicity], you feel much hotter

than in the daytime when you are moving around. Air which is moving,

helps to keep you cool. When you are sleeping and air is not moving,

you get hotter.

I think you should have the fan running on low for her. You might not

want to aim it directly over her, but having air moving around her

will probably be better for her, to help her regulate her body

temperature until the metals are removed and she can do it better



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Hi ,

During my chelation rounds (with ALA & DMPS) I get hot at night and

I am pretty sure during the day (not as noticeable then). During a

round I think my metabolism increases because I lose weight also.



> My daughter often is overheated. Lately she insists on sleeping

with a fan blowing on her face during the night. If she wakes up in

the morning and realises the fan is not on she goes absolutely


> Tonight for the umpteenth time she asked me to lay a wet towel on

her forehead. The temperatires are low here in Northern Europe.. it

being late autumn.


> What on earth is happening with her metabolically. We are

constantly chelating but this is really worrying me as I have not

heard of similar from other people.


> The other night when I tried to delve further, I asked her

whether it was like having a hot water bottle in her. She

exclaimed " No, mummy, it's a lot hotter. Don't you know what it's

like! " . I didn't answer her because I was shocked. She didn't have a

fever according to oral temp so I am at loss........


> Question:


> Are others seeing this overheating at night?

> Does anyone have an explanation for this..?







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> She constantly complains she is boiling inside. Her temp is normal

and she is warm to the touch but not boiling. Her feet are always

really warm but not boiling.


Feverishly warm? Normal warmth? Warmer than you would expect?

Please write long answer about this - we aren't getting enough

information exchanged yet. I am trying to understand how much she is

too warm because of actual heat and how much she is PERCEIVING she is

warm despite being at a normal temperature. Both are possibilities.

Also, what is going on with her digestion and stool habits?

Can she describe WHERE she is too warm? Everywhere? Abdomen? Chest?

Head? Feet? What?

Andy . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

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HI Andy,

It's in the wee hours here. I have my daughter in the same room as me at the

moment. The fan continues to whizzzz.

My daughter has always complained of being warm ever since I can remember. I

remember in Canada at 20 C she insisted on staying outside for extended periods

even though the rest of us were freezing our % & $% off. I remember thinking at

that time..how unusual. She was 1.5 years then.

During the years that followed, she was always disrobing indoors and out. Hats

drove her crazy. Later when she talked, she was able to verbalise that she was

really warm and pleaded with me not to give her " hot clothes " this meant

clothes that made her hot. This was always a point of contention because she

would insist on wearing summer dresses in the middle of winter.. Where was I

supposed to draw the line. I knew she was uncomfortable but I was worried she

would catch a cold. I shouldn't really have worried so much about the colds as

she seldom came down with one.

In the last year or so I have the feeling that she is becoming even more over

heated. Last night she turned the fan on and asked for a wet cold cloth to be

placed on her forehead. This happens about once a week and is usually

accompanied by a plea (in a really cranky voice)l lights to be turned off

poste-haste and all noise sources to be eliminated. Sounds to me like sensory

overload. She falls asleep ALWAYS within two minutes and sleeps like a LOG until

the next day.

This morning I caught her outside in a backless summer dress ( temp cold 8 C and

rainy) and insisted she come back in and put at least some jeans on. She

started crying how hot she was even in the backless dress ( me shivering at the

front door) and could she please stay the way she was....

In describing the heat, I would say she doesn't feel hot to the touch but she

is warm.. warmer than I would expect...not feverish as she doesn't

sweat .. just a dry heat. She says she feels hot everywhere inside here. I

can't associate it with anything thing or anytime. She is like this always.

Nights lately seem to be particularly bad and seems to heat up even more. I

know she is not mainpulaing me as I cannot imagine anyone in this climate being

able to tolerate a fan on all night with a wet cold rag on the forehead. I have

taken her temp often when she is like this and it shows normal.

I just find this all very un-nerving. I sometimes this she is going to

zizzle in front of me one day.

Inrersting about the stool and digestion. Latey she has been experiencing

more stomach aches promptly after ingesting..can't pin it down to any

particular foods. She has chronic constipation relieved only by psyllium but

I can't always get that in her. I found a doctor to carry out a stool test.

Results came back last week..everything okay..no canadida nor bad bacteria

just extremely low in good bacteria. We are currently on a course of

" Symbioflor " a common German " alternative " probiotic.

Thanks for helping Andy. I cannot discuss or even mention this outside this


I think I am about to fall asleep. this D§$% fan is still whirring in the

background here. I know if I turn it off, she will wake up and lambast me......


> She constantly complains she is boiling inside. Her temp is normal

and she is warm to the touch but not boiling. Her feet are always

really warm but not boiling.


Feverishly warm? Normal warmth? Warmer than you would expect?

Please write long answer about this - we aren't getting enough

information exchanged yet. I am trying to understand how much she is

too warm because of actual heat and how much she is PERCEIVING she is

warm despite being at a normal temperature. Both are possibilities.

Also, what is going on with her digestion and stool habits?

Can she describe WHERE she is too warm? Everywhere? Abdomen? Chest?

Head? Feet? What?

Andy . .. . . . . . . . . . . .

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my son went out on the deck a few mornings ago in his regular

house clothes (his underpants), it was 38 degrees. I think this is

less than 5 celcius. I told him it was cold, brrr... He

blew " smoke " for a bit and then went to the sunny side of the house

to see if it was warmer and then after about 5 minutes came in. He

regularly sits in the backyard on 50 degree sunny days in his

underpants and draws or climbs on rocks. He doesn't get goosebumps

and he doesn't catch colds. I let him have his way with this with

in reason. I was keeping a close eye on him with the 38 degree

experiment. I was hoping he would decide on his own it was too cold

and he did. I think his metabolism has always been high and he

feels warm to me but doesn't have a temp. He has become more

sensitive as his body is healing and I am hoping his all passes.


> HI Andy,


> It's in the wee hours here. I have my daughter in the same room as

me at the moment. The fan continues to whizzzz.


> My daughter has always complained of being warm ever since I can

remember. I remember in Canada at 20 C she insisted on staying

outside for extended periods even though the rest of us were

freezing our % & $% off. I remember thinking at that time..how

unusual. She was 1.5 years then.


> During the years that followed, she was always disrobing indoors

and out. Hats drove her crazy. Later when she talked, she was able

to verbalise that she was really warm and pleaded with me not to

give her " hot clothes " this meant clothes that made her hot. This

was always a point of contention because she would insist on wearing

summer dresses in the middle of winter.. Where was I supposed to

draw the line. I knew she was uncomfortable but I was worried she

would catch a cold. I shouldn't really have worried so much about

the colds as she seldom came down with one.


> In the last year or so I have the feeling that she is becoming

even more over heated. Last night she turned the fan on and asked

for a wet cold cloth to be placed on her forehead. This happens

about once a week and is usually accompanied by a plea (in a really

cranky voice)l lights to be turned off poste-haste and all noise

sources to be eliminated. Sounds to me like sensory overload. She

falls asleep ALWAYS within two minutes and sleeps like a LOG until

the next day.


> This morning I caught her outside in a backless summer dress (

temp cold 8 C and rainy) and insisted she come back in and put at

least some jeans on. She started crying how hot she was even in the

backless dress ( me shivering at the front door) and could she

please stay the way she was....


> In describing the heat, I would say she doesn't feel hot to the

touch but she is warm.. warmer than I would expect...not feverish

as she doesn't sweat .. just a dry heat. She says she

feels hot everywhere inside here. I can't associate it with anything

thing or anytime. She is like this always. Nights lately seem to

be particularly bad and seems to heat up even more. I know she is

not mainpulaing me as I cannot imagine anyone in this climate being

able to tolerate a fan on all night with a wet cold rag on the

forehead. I have taken her temp often when she is like this and it

shows normal.


> I just find this all very un-nerving. I sometimes this she is

going to zizzle in front of me one day.


> Inrersting about the stool and digestion. Latey she has been

experiencing more stomach aches promptly after

ingesting..can't pin it down to any particular foods. She has

chronic constipation relieved only by psyllium but I can't always

get that in her. I found a doctor to carry out a stool test.

Results came back last week..everything okay..no canadida nor bad

bacteria just extremely low in good bacteria. We are

currently on a course of " Symbioflor " a common German "

alternative " probiotic.


> Thanks for helping Andy. I cannot discuss or even mention this

outside this list.

> I think I am about to fall asleep. this D§$% fan is still whirring

in the background here. I know if I turn it off, she will wake up

and lambast me......






> > She constantly complains she is boiling inside. Her temp is


> and she is warm to the touch but not boiling. Her feet are


> really warm but not boiling.

> >


> Feverishly warm? Normal warmth? Warmer than you would expect?


> Please write long answer about this - we aren't getting enough

> information exchanged yet. I am trying to understand how much

she is

> too warm because of actual heat and how much she is PERCEIVING

she is

> warm despite being at a normal temperature. Both are



> Also, what is going on with her digestion and stool habits?


> Can she describe WHERE she is too warm? Everywhere? Abdomen?


> Head? Feet? What?


> Andy . .. . . . . . . . . . . .




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My son is the same way. And I've noticed that for him the *2 1/2 hours

protocol* works actually better than the *every 3 hours* one.

Maybe, () you could try this?


> my son went out on the deck a few mornings ago in his regular

> house clothes (his underpants), it was 38 degrees.

> He doesn't get goosebumps and he doesn't catch colds.

> I think his metabolism has always been high and he

> feels warm to me but doesn't have a temp. He has become more

> sensitive as his body is healing and I am hoping his all passes.

> Maddie

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  • 8 years later...

> Hi Dawn

Nice to know your back!! I dropped my T4 dose a long time ago and the sweating

was very bad, especialy at night. I have recently lowered the T3 to 5mcg only

and upped the T4 to 75mcg per day and the sweating is vastly improved. I do

split the T4 in three doses throughout the day though. I have serenity cream as

well which makes me cooler. I do not think I suit the T3 for some reason?

After taking NAX for two years I am now on NA and not suffering the belly

swelling now, did go wheat free last November which also realy helped. Still 4

stone of weight more than I ever was before I was ill though but feel better and

slimmer. Funny thing is my evening temps are lower!! I also went lactose free

about three months ago and the T4 I get from the GP is lactose free.

Have you thought the high dose of T4 could be making you a bit toxic?

Look after youself Hun!

Luv Stephie

> Does anyone have a problem with overheating?


> temp will be 36.5 (oral temp) at most and whenever I do anything (ie walk

upstairs) I start sweating and it takes ages for me to cool down.


> It's really quite embarrassing.


> any suggestions?


> Dawn


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Hi there,

Sometimes it can be that the kidneys are being overloaded with supplements etc. - if I take too much B vitamin and don't need it perhaps that day - then the adrenals are overstimulated and cause me to sweat.

It is awful I agree - try to work out what you are taking that may be causing it........................

Hope this helps

best wishes


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Keep me posted if you make any progress. I have had the same problem for the

last 21 years. However, I think it is related more to poor blood sugar

regulation than to sex hormones. I haven't found using natural progesterone

cream to help. The one time the hot flushes stopped was after I had been

following a very strict low carb diet for a year. The diet was extremely

limiting though, so I didn't want to keep it up indefinitely. I was only eating

meat, fish, eggs, hard cheese and some low carb green vegetables.




> Hi I'm the same a hottie every 60 - 70 mins day and night 24/7 and drives me


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Hi , one thing it could be the menopause, or maybe it is high progesterone/low oestrogen , or even the other way round. could you have adrenal problems. it is a case of elimination.at 42 you would be the right age for early menopause.! Angel.

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I get this every time I have sugary foods,,, I find that if I drink very warm boiled water it seems to help.. think my Liver plays games as it does not like sugar... just a thoughtTracey

On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 11:05 AM, judith franklin <angel47572000@...> wrote:



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Hi everyone

thanks all for your responses!

I've been on this dose for a month under Dr S. I have no hyper symptoms and I'm

not sure the overheating is a hyper symptom as I have had it before on and off -

it's more on that off at the moment!

I have thought about the adrenals, but my blood pressure is very good and Dr S

does not think they are the problem.

I was checked for early menopause last year and all the results were fine and

did not show any signs of menopause - but who knows I have very little faith in

blood tests of any kind!

The sugar idea is an interesting one, but I overheat all the time and it doesn't

seem to be food related.

anyway thanks again for all your help - I'll let you know if I find an answer!

Here's hoping for some cooler weather -

> You seem to be highly medicated at the moment. Have you been on this dose for



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