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Re: Round 1 of ALA...15 hours into it

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> go with the flow - we are starting our 4th round of ALA only with my 3 yr old

and I won't stop unless her life depends on it. she went from 2 words to about

45 in these short rounds, more appropriate play, more eye contact, I could go

on, but I think you get the picture. It'll be better than when you started.


> From: " Amy Fawell " <ALFawell@...>

> Date: 2003/01/02 Thu AM 08:58:41 EST

> < >

> Subject: [ ] Round 1 of ALA...15 hours into it



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I did 7 rounds ALA only on my son, who is 45 pounds. I don't know how heavy

your child is, but we used 5 mg per dose, every 3 hours, and based on his

reactions, this was plenty for him. The first round was probably the hardest

on him. After the third day, I remember that I had to carry him around. I

felt horrible for him that he felt so badly. But a few days later, I saw some

good stuff. He was less sensitive to light and allowed me to wash his face

with water.

I don't know if you can drop the dose mid-cycle or not, but maybe for the

next cycle, use a lower dose, then gradually increase it?

I assume you're using lots of antioxidents, too.


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> Jack woke up super CRABBY this morning! We started ALA at 5pm and did the 3

hour schedule all night long. We're giving him approx. 10mg of ALA per dose.

Is it yeast? Mercury?

I think it's just his body getting used to the chelation process. The beginning

is always harder. I don't think you have to be worried. Just careful. Give him

his supplements.

Please let us know how it goes.


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> I must be brave or stupid, don't know which one yet, but we are on round 4 and

I'm giving my 28# Midge 25mg every 3 hrs. We can't keep up with her, she's

progressing so fast we change her ABA curriculum every week - she knows her

colors, her shapes, abc of alphabet, most any picture you put in front of her,

she can sing her abc's, count to 10, academically she's off the charts, she went

from saying 5-7 words to 45 in 1 month and knows what she's talking about. she

seems to do ok with this dose, someone want to tell me if this is too much for

her? we are using ALA only, when I start DMSA I intend on bringing down the

dosage. Still a little scared about the DMSA.



> From: TwoTonks@...

> Date: 2003/01/02 Thu PM 09:26:15 EST


> Subject: Re: [ ] Round 1 of ALA...15 hours into it



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> she knows her colors, her shapes, abc of alphabet, most any picture you put in

front of her, she can sing her abc's, count to 10, academically she's off the

charts, she went from saying 5-7 words to 45 in 1 month and knows what she's

talking about. she seems to do ok with this dose, someone want to tell me if

this is too much for her?

If you don't see any bad reactions, then I think it must be ok for her.


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--- In , " Amy Fawell " <ALFawell@m...>


> Dear List,

> Jack woke up super CRABBY this morning! We started ALA at 5pm and

did the 3 hour schedule all night long. We're giving him approx. 10mg

of ALA per dose. Is it yeast?

Sounds like yeast to me


It might be a too-high dose of ALA tho, how much were you giving?


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> > I must be brave or stupid, don't know which one yet, but we are on

round 4 and I'm giving my 28# Midge 25mg every 3 hrs. We can't keep up

with her, she's progressing so fast we change her ABA curriculum every

week - she knows her colors, her shapes, abc of alphabet, most any

picture you put in front of her, she can sing her abc's, count to 10,

academically she's off the charts, she went from saying 5-7 words to

45 in 1 month and knows what she's talking about.

This sounds like my son right now. I also use only ALA. This process

started out soooooo slowly, but now my son is progressing so fast that

many days he can't handle it himself. Not that metals are leaving so

fast, but that the improvements are coming so fast that sometimes he

does not know what to do with himself. It is very nice, but also

rather frustrating for him and for me. But I had to wait until

recently, and we just completed round 50. Congrats on seeing so much

improvement with just 4 rounds!


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excellent, I don't want to do her any damage, I'm going to start DMSA in the

next few weeks, a very low dose, 5 mg, and see how she does on that. Everyday

she wakes up with something new for me to challenge, it's GREAT!!!!!!



> From: Valentina Scharpf <val@...>

> Date: 2003/01/03 Fri PM 03:00:33 EST


> Subject: Re: [ ] Round 1 of ALA...15 hours into it



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> thanks - AND THANK YOU, Andy C, and every one else on this list who has

answered posts and posted questions, it's how I learned everything about this

(and some reading, and Dana's View). I feel that she is doing so well bc

everyone here made me feel confident that I could do this on my own and without

hurting her.


> From: " danaatty <danaatty@...> " <danaatty@...>

> Date: 2003/01/04 Sat PM 01:20:14 EST


> Subject: Re: [ ] Round 1 of ALA...15 hours into it



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