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Re: New reason for Autism

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Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement

was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused

my son’s autism.  Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over

the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child

Every 20 Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.


mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On Behalf Of Christel King

Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Re: New

reason for Autism


actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive

Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it

happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting

kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even

KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting

vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------

--------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a

newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the

symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this

might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and

they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used

on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the

market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused on cronic fatigue, but

they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large

percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children -

neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their

correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between

neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and

those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology).

Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children

are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children

diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular

systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those

found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium

overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction,

glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and

peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in

treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or

anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals,

have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral

activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV

infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language,

behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions

(rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is

correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels.

Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV

infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination

antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is

complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children

sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of

age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be

reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines,

especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low

CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in

vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in

gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp

or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both

immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied

by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that

exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the

susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous

retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed

as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and

arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found

in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated

production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune

reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability

to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins

Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload.

Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross

motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual

processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children)

Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative

stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes

microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV

combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb

breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity

(dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes

vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain

(found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found

in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have

proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV

virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by

chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as

antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha

lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive

individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism)

inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is

inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione •

Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with

anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to

reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not

clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load.

• Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. •

Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity

and maintain its latency.

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Guest guest

Without trying to step on any toes here, the whole topic is kind of a gray area. My HFA daughter, who is now 19, looked pretty much NT when she was 3. Looking back now, I see some very subtle clues that maybe I missed, but she was very social, had lots of friends, etc. In retrospect, my daughter became more 'autistic' as she got older; perhaps with every jab she got....I don't know, and will probably never know. I guess my point is that as with the recovery methods for each case of 'autism' is different, that maybe the mode in which our kids reach that diagnosis is different as well. Just my humble opinion :)

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 1:55:44 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

,This is the definition of autism, officially-You can see there is no requirement for in utero involvement, but only that the diagnostic criteria have to appear before you are three. If you lose the symptoms so that these standards are no longer met, then technically, you no longer have autism.Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder======================================================================[The following is from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV](I) A total of six (or more) items from (A), (B), and ©, with at least two from (A), and one each from (B) and ©(A) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction2. failure to develop peer

relationships appropriate to developmental level3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity ( note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving others in activities only as tools or "mechanical" aids )(B) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:1. delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)2. in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others3. stereotyped and repetitive use of language

or idiosyncratic language4. lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level© restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects(II) Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:(A) social interaction(B) language as used in social communication© symbolic or imaginative play(III) The disturbance is not better

accounted for by Rett's Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder>> Autism,by its very nature and definition,requires damage in the womb.If not from disease,then certainly from toxic chemicals,or drugs taken by the mother.Otherwise it's not autism.It's something else with features of autism.> >   > > > > > > ________________________________> > To: mb12 valtrex > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 4:18:15 PM> Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism> > Â > we had no issues before, my son was perfectly healthy before vaccinations damagfed him..... New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this> retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction,

glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used> in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms â€" deficits in language, behaviour and social skills â€" in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at

least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually> between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts â€" inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may

enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other> autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory â€" auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children)

Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’> autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration

into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive> individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe

directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.>


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Guest guest

Without trying to step on any toes here, the whole topic is kind of a gray area. My HFA daughter, who is now 19, looked pretty much NT when she was 3. Looking back now, I see some very subtle clues that maybe I missed, but she was very social, had lots of friends, etc. In retrospect, my daughter became more 'autistic' as she got older; perhaps with every jab she got....I don't know, and will probably never know. I guess my point is that as with the recovery methods for each case of 'autism' is different, that maybe the mode in which our kids reach that diagnosis is different as well. Just my humble opinion :)

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 1:55:44 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

,This is the definition of autism, officially-You can see there is no requirement for in utero involvement, but only that the diagnostic criteria have to appear before you are three. If you lose the symptoms so that these standards are no longer met, then technically, you no longer have autism.Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder======================================================================[The following is from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV](I) A total of six (or more) items from (A), (B), and ©, with at least two from (A), and one each from (B) and ©(A) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction2. failure to develop peer

relationships appropriate to developmental level3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity ( note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving others in activities only as tools or "mechanical" aids )(B) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:1. delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)2. in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others3. stereotyped and repetitive use of language

or idiosyncratic language4. lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level© restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects(II) Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:(A) social interaction(B) language as used in social communication© symbolic or imaginative play(III) The disturbance is not better

accounted for by Rett's Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder>> Autism,by its very nature and definition,requires damage in the womb.If not from disease,then certainly from toxic chemicals,or drugs taken by the mother.Otherwise it's not autism.It's something else with features of autism.> >   > > > > > > ________________________________> > To: mb12 valtrex > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 4:18:15 PM> Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism> > Â > we had no issues before, my son was perfectly healthy before vaccinations damagfed him..... New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this> retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction,

glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used> in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms â€" deficits in language, behaviour and social skills â€" in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at

least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually> between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts â€" inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may

enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other> autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory â€" auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children)

Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’> autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration

into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive> individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe

directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.>


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Guest guest

Without trying to step on any toes here, the whole topic is kind of a gray area. My HFA daughter, who is now 19, looked pretty much NT when she was 3. Looking back now, I see some very subtle clues that maybe I missed, but she was very social, had lots of friends, etc. In retrospect, my daughter became more 'autistic' as she got older; perhaps with every jab she got....I don't know, and will probably never know. I guess my point is that as with the recovery methods for each case of 'autism' is different, that maybe the mode in which our kids reach that diagnosis is different as well. Just my humble opinion :)

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 1:55:44 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

,This is the definition of autism, officially-You can see there is no requirement for in utero involvement, but only that the diagnostic criteria have to appear before you are three. If you lose the symptoms so that these standards are no longer met, then technically, you no longer have autism.Diagnostic Criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder======================================================================[The following is from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: DSM IV](I) A total of six (or more) items from (A), (B), and ©, with at least two from (A), and one each from (B) and ©(A) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following:1. marked impairments in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body posture, and gestures to regulate social interaction2. failure to develop peer

relationships appropriate to developmental level3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people, (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people)4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity ( note: in the description, it gives the following as examples: not actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving others in activities only as tools or "mechanical" aids )(B) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following:1. delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoken language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime)2. in individuals with adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others3. stereotyped and repetitive use of language

or idiosyncratic language4. lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developmental level© restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities, as manifested by at least two of the following:1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements)4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects(II) Delays or abnormal functioning in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years:(A) social interaction(B) language as used in social communication© symbolic or imaginative play(III) The disturbance is not better

accounted for by Rett's Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder>> Autism,by its very nature and definition,requires damage in the womb.If not from disease,then certainly from toxic chemicals,or drugs taken by the mother.Otherwise it's not autism.It's something else with features of autism.> >   > > > > > > ________________________________> > To: mb12 valtrex > Sent: Wed, May 12, 2010 4:18:15 PM> Subject: Re: New reason for

Autism> > Â > we had no issues before, my son was perfectly healthy before vaccinations damagfed him..... New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this> retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction,

glutathione depletion, chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used> in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms â€" deficits in language, behaviour and social skills â€" in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at

least to some degree. Sometimes recovery is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually> between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts â€" inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may

enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other> autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory â€" auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children)

Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’> autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration

into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents. Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive> individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe

directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.>


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As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it's always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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Guest guest

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it's always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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Guest guest

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it's always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.

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Guest guest

Blame yourself for what?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Guest guest

Blame yourself for what?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Guest guest

Blame yourself for what?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Guest guest

Blame yourself for what?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Guest guest

Blame yourself for what?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Speaking of "subsets",I think if you are diagnosed with at least one inborn error of metabolism,or have been found to have at least one mitochondrial defect,or at least one immune deficiency,or congenital infection,let alone a combination of more than one of these,you should lose your autism diagnosis,and get rediagnosed with something else.If "autism" really is just a group of behaviors,as the DSM says it is,then a lot of us,have been misdiagnosed,and really have something else.Has anybody investigated comorbid metabolic disease in inherited infections like TORCH?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 5:56:59 AMSubject: Re: Re: New reason for Autism

no fragil x is in such a SMALL subset of kids. like single numbers. kids should be screened for fragil X however but they have defining facial features that make them stand out as well. I know our nuro did testing on our son for genetic stuff fragil X being one of them and there were no issues.

Re: Re: New reason for Autism

Autism is still considered a set of behaviors. So yeah, you can stop having the behaviors without changing your genetic makeup. But the initial cause of those behaviors is generally considered Fragile X, no?I don't have a Fragile X dx'd child so I don't know. I have only spoken to someone about it. Interestingly enough she knew she was a carrier so when she had her baby, they tested him right away. He was found to have it, so they are going to implement therapies while he is an infant. I guess it would be like saying 'lyme induced autism' 'strep-induced autism' 'fragile-x induced autism' ???

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Caryn_Reid <caryn_reidyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

I believe Fragile X is a co-morbidity, rather than a cause. I have seen several parents report that their child recovered from autism despite having Fragile X.-- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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Speaking of "subsets",I think if you are diagnosed with at least one inborn error of metabolism,or have been found to have at least one mitochondrial defect,or at least one immune deficiency,or congenital infection,let alone a combination of more than one of these,you should lose your autism diagnosis,and get rediagnosed with something else.If "autism" really is just a group of behaviors,as the DSM says it is,then a lot of us,have been misdiagnosed,and really have something else.Has anybody investigated comorbid metabolic disease in inherited infections like TORCH?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 5:56:59 AMSubject: Re: Re: New reason for Autism

no fragil x is in such a SMALL subset of kids. like single numbers. kids should be screened for fragil X however but they have defining facial features that make them stand out as well. I know our nuro did testing on our son for genetic stuff fragil X being one of them and there were no issues.

Re: Re: New reason for Autism

Autism is still considered a set of behaviors. So yeah, you can stop having the behaviors without changing your genetic makeup. But the initial cause of those behaviors is generally considered Fragile X, no?I don't have a Fragile X dx'd child so I don't know. I have only spoken to someone about it. Interestingly enough she knew she was a carrier so when she had her baby, they tested him right away. He was found to have it, so they are going to implement therapies while he is an infant. I guess it would be like saying 'lyme induced autism' 'strep-induced autism' 'fragile-x induced autism' ???

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Caryn_Reid <caryn_reidyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

I believe Fragile X is a co-morbidity, rather than a cause. I have seen several parents report that their child recovered from autism despite having Fragile X.-- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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Speaking of "subsets",I think if you are diagnosed with at least one inborn error of metabolism,or have been found to have at least one mitochondrial defect,or at least one immune deficiency,or congenital infection,let alone a combination of more than one of these,you should lose your autism diagnosis,and get rediagnosed with something else.If "autism" really is just a group of behaviors,as the DSM says it is,then a lot of us,have been misdiagnosed,and really have something else.Has anybody investigated comorbid metabolic disease in inherited infections like TORCH?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 5:56:59 AMSubject: Re: Re: New reason for Autism

no fragil x is in such a SMALL subset of kids. like single numbers. kids should be screened for fragil X however but they have defining facial features that make them stand out as well. I know our nuro did testing on our son for genetic stuff fragil X being one of them and there were no issues.

Re: Re: New reason for Autism

Autism is still considered a set of behaviors. So yeah, you can stop having the behaviors without changing your genetic makeup. But the initial cause of those behaviors is generally considered Fragile X, no?I don't have a Fragile X dx'd child so I don't know. I have only spoken to someone about it. Interestingly enough she knew she was a carrier so when she had her baby, they tested him right away. He was found to have it, so they are going to implement therapies while he is an infant. I guess it would be like saying 'lyme induced autism' 'strep-induced autism' 'fragile-x induced autism' ???

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 8:43 PM, Caryn_Reid <caryn_reidyahoo (DOT) com> wrote:

I believe Fragile X is a co-morbidity, rather than a cause. I have seen several parents report that their child recovered from autism despite having Fragile X.-- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.


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For my son's pdd.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 2:28:07 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Blame yourself for what?

From: T Lynn <t.lynn28@rocketmail .com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Guest guest

For my son's pdd.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 2:28:07 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Blame yourself for what?

From: T Lynn <t.lynn28@rocketmail .com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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For my son's pdd.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Mon, May 17, 2010 2:28:07 PMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

Blame yourself for what?

From: T Lynn <t.lynn28@rocketmail .com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:39:34 AMSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

As much as I've learned and read and now know, I still kinda blame myself.....it' s always there at there at the back of my head....."If Only I would have...if only I didn't...." I don't know if that will ever go away.

From: Koenigsknecht <jennykay4wbi (DOT) com>To: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSent: Mon, May 17, 2010 10:07:31 AMSubject: RE: New reason for Autism

Phew – thanks for clarifying that statement was wrong – I don’t need any more guilt that I already have about what caused my son’s autism. Thinking it was ME that caused this – well, that’s a bit over the top for my mind these days….

Work like it is all up to you...but pray like it is all up to God...

1 in 91 Children...1 in 58 Boys...1 Child Every 20

Minutes... Is Diagnosed With Autism.

From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Christel KingSent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:51 AMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: Re: New reason for Autism

actually NO it doesn't. autism is a set of discriptive Symptoms of behavoirs, it has nothing to do on WHEN damage was done or HOW it happened, or we would have solutions to the problem of autism effecting kids. there are SOOOO many fine babies out there with out issues or even KIDS that are older that SUDDENLY get autism, after being sick, or getting vaccinations ect,.

New reason for Autism Posted - 05/06/2009 : 10:51:23 ------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------ There is a newly discovered retrovirus that mimics symptoms of HIV, please read the symptoms and problems is HIV below. The new retrovirus is XMRV. I thought this might bring a little insight and hope. This virus is much simplier than HIV and they have already found some drugs that work on XMRV which are currently used on HIV, so those drugs only have to go through human trials before hitting the market for XMRV. The area of research has been focused

on cronic fatigue, but they have done testing on autistic childern and have found to a large percentage test positive for this retrovirus. HIV infection in children - neurodevelopmental (autistic) outcomes and clinical pathologies - and their correlations to 'common' autism There is a striking correlation between neurodevelopmental symptoms often found in children infected with HIV virus and those children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (of unknown aetiology). Furthermore, the underlying clinical pathologies found in HIV-positive children are in many ways identical to biomedical pathologies found in children diagnosed with ‘common’ autism. The mechanisms of HIV-injury on host cellular systems have been identified in recent years and these pathologies match those found in ‘common’ autism, such as microglial activation, cellular calcium overload, mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, vasoconstriction, glutathione depletion,

chronic inflammation of gastrointestinal and central and peripheral nervous systems etc (see list below). Many treatment agents used in treating autism, weather with studied and proven beneficial effects or anecdotal reports of reducing autistic symptoms in some affected individuals, have antiretroviral mode of action and have been shown to inhibit the viral activity and/or reduce HIV viral load. Neurodevelopmental findings in HIV infected children Impairments in language, especially expressive language, behavioural symptoms: irritability, lack of social skills, repetitive actions (rocking etc). Severity of autistic symptoms in HIV positive children is correlated to levels of the viral load/replication, as well as CD4+ levels. Autistic symptoms – deficits in language, behaviour and social skills – in HIV infected children often recover upon administration of single or combination antiretroviral treatments, at least to some degree. Sometimes recovery

is complete, with total remission of autistic symptoms. HIV infected children sometimes develop normally and regress later, usually between 1.5-2 years of age. This is linked to increased HIV viral load. Latent retrovirus/HIV can be reactivated by vaccinations. In addition to this, live virus vaccines, especially MMR, often come with a warning for HIV infected individuals with low CD4+ counts – inability to mount appropriate immune responses results in vaccine virus persistence. For example polio vaccine strain has been found in gastrointestinal tract of vaccinated individuals. No antibody production to Dtp or measles live virus vaccine. These findings have lead to proposals that both immunotherapy and vaccination of HIV-infected individuals should be accompanied by administration of an antiviral drug(s). In addition, it is suspected that exposure to antigenic stimulation through vaccinations may enhance the susceptibility of uninfected subjects to

HIV-1 (reactivation by endogenous retroviruses by external stressors, including vaccinations, has been proposed as causal in other autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and arthritis) Gastrointestinal findings in HIV positive children match those found in ‘common’ autism: Leaky gut and malabsorbtion of nutrients Dysregulated production of digestive enzymes (impaired pancreatic function) Abnormal immune reactions to gliadin and casein Lactose intolerance Sugar intolerance Inability to digest complex carbohydrates Inability to absorb fats and proteins Gastrointestinal pathogen overload: secondary intestinal viruses, bacterial overload. Abnormal immune reactivity to candida albicans. Others: Impaired fine and gross motor skills in HIV positive children Impaired sensory – auditory and visual processing Subclinical hypothyroidism (in adults, no data on children) Pathological mechanisms in HIV infection HIV causes calcium overload and

mitochondrial dysfunction (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes oxidative stress and glutathione depletion (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes microglial activation and inflammation (also found in ‘common’ autism) HIV combined with bacterial agents causes breakdown of the blood brain barrier (bbb breakdown suspected in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes glutamate exitotoxicity (dyregulated GABA/glutamate mechanisms observed in ‘common’ autism) HIV causes vasoconstriction - tightening of blood vessels that supply oxygen to brain (found in ‘common’ autism) HIV inhibits methylation (abnormal methylation found in ‘common’ autism) Many modalities currently used for treating autism have proven or suspected antiretroviral effects: • chelation of metals inhibits HIV virus integration into human DNA. Retroviruses in general are desintegrated by chelation agents in vitro. Several chelators have been patented as antiretroviral agents.

Several agents with chelating properties, such as alpha lipoic acid (ALA) and NAC have been shown to reduce viral load in HIV positive individuals • Tetracycline antibiotics (one currently on trial for autism) inhibit HIV in vitro through same mechanism as chelation agents. • HIV is inhibited by glutathione and agents that raise glutathione • Acyclovir/valacyclo vir (antiviral agent with anti-herpevirus activity, with anecdotal reports of amelioration of autistic symptoms) has been shown to reduce HIV viral load in HIV positive individuals. The mechanisms are not clear. • Hyperbaric oxygen has been shown to inhibit HIV and reduce viral load. • Pancreative enzymes trial showed beneficial effect in HIV positive. • Methylation agents such as cobalamins and SAMe directly inhibit HIV activity and maintain its latency.


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Right now autism is listed as a mental disorder. As an example, you can relate it to other diseases under 'mental disorder' too.For instance OCD is just a list of behaviors. It doesn't matter HOW you got it, you just HAVE IT. Can you imagine how confusing it would be to have codes for " strep-induced-OCD " " lyme-induced OCD " " OCD-NOS " (lol) etc???! Insurance companies would be paying for one kind of OCD and not another kind, etc...

Depression.... cause can be low vitamins. Or it could be low thyroid. You are not going to have " metabolic-induced depression " " death-in-the-family induced depression " " job-loss-depression " " pain-induced depression " blah blah blah. Insurance companies would be all over that, " hey we are not paying for depression linked to the loss of your job! " (I don't know if post-partum depression has its own " code " ???)

I am not saying the way they have it is perfect, but it would just get messier if they broke it all down. Plus there would be things that aren't recognized by certain organizations as a disease... Isn't PANDAS going thru that now, where some recognize it as its own illness and others do not???


Speaking of " subsets " ,I think if you are diagnosed with at least one inborn error of metabolism,or have been found to have at least one mitochondrial defect,or at least one immune deficiency,or congenital infection,let alone a combination of more than one of these,you should lose your autism diagnosis,and get rediagnosed with something else.If " autism " really is just a group of behaviors,as the DSM says it is,then a lot of us,have been misdiagnosed,and really have something else.Has anybody investigated comorbid metabolic disease in inherited infections like TORCH?



 -- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.

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Right now autism is listed as a mental disorder. As an example, you can relate it to other diseases under 'mental disorder' too.For instance OCD is just a list of behaviors. It doesn't matter HOW you got it, you just HAVE IT. Can you imagine how confusing it would be to have codes for " strep-induced-OCD " " lyme-induced OCD " " OCD-NOS " (lol) etc???! Insurance companies would be paying for one kind of OCD and not another kind, etc...

Depression.... cause can be low vitamins. Or it could be low thyroid. You are not going to have " metabolic-induced depression " " death-in-the-family induced depression " " job-loss-depression " " pain-induced depression " blah blah blah. Insurance companies would be all over that, " hey we are not paying for depression linked to the loss of your job! " (I don't know if post-partum depression has its own " code " ???)

I am not saying the way they have it is perfect, but it would just get messier if they broke it all down. Plus there would be things that aren't recognized by certain organizations as a disease... Isn't PANDAS going thru that now, where some recognize it as its own illness and others do not???


Speaking of " subsets " ,I think if you are diagnosed with at least one inborn error of metabolism,or have been found to have at least one mitochondrial defect,or at least one immune deficiency,or congenital infection,let alone a combination of more than one of these,you should lose your autism diagnosis,and get rediagnosed with something else.If " autism " really is just a group of behaviors,as the DSM says it is,then a lot of us,have been misdiagnosed,and really have something else.Has anybody investigated comorbid metabolic disease in inherited infections like TORCH?



 -- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.

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Right now autism is listed as a mental disorder. As an example, you can relate it to other diseases under 'mental disorder' too.For instance OCD is just a list of behaviors. It doesn't matter HOW you got it, you just HAVE IT. Can you imagine how confusing it would be to have codes for " strep-induced-OCD " " lyme-induced OCD " " OCD-NOS " (lol) etc???! Insurance companies would be paying for one kind of OCD and not another kind, etc...

Depression.... cause can be low vitamins. Or it could be low thyroid. You are not going to have " metabolic-induced depression " " death-in-the-family induced depression " " job-loss-depression " " pain-induced depression " blah blah blah. Insurance companies would be all over that, " hey we are not paying for depression linked to the loss of your job! " (I don't know if post-partum depression has its own " code " ???)

I am not saying the way they have it is perfect, but it would just get messier if they broke it all down. Plus there would be things that aren't recognized by certain organizations as a disease... Isn't PANDAS going thru that now, where some recognize it as its own illness and others do not???


Speaking of " subsets " ,I think if you are diagnosed with at least one inborn error of metabolism,or have been found to have at least one mitochondrial defect,or at least one immune deficiency,or congenital infection,let alone a combination of more than one of these,you should lose your autism diagnosis,and get rediagnosed with something else.If " autism " really is just a group of behaviors,as the DSM says it is,then a lot of us,have been misdiagnosed,and really have something else.Has anybody investigated comorbid metabolic disease in inherited infections like TORCH?



 -- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.

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Autism is listed as a Pervasive Developmental Disorder. OCD is an

Anxiety disorder. If OCD has a known medical cause, it is listed as

Anxiety Due to a General Medical Condition, which has it's own code.

If one is officially diagnosed with OCD, it is suppose to mean no

medical cause known. But, each practitioner kind of does their own

thing, a little off of the guidelines. For example, one practitioner

might say Strep and OCD, and the next might say Anxiety Due to a

General Medical Condition for the exact same symptoms and findings. I

think most of the autism docs are kind of rewriting things since they

are decades ahead of the governing regulatory agencies in figuring

stuff out. A doc may put in his notes Lyme induced autism, but for

insurance purposes, he is most likely to put Lyme and then autism as

separate things and codes. After all, docs have to abide by gobs of

rules by state medical boards and insurance companies. Autism and OCD

are diagnosed based upon behaviors, and they do not infer causation.

But, usually they are used when no causation is known. For example if

one becomes mute and has gobs of mental illness symptoms and such after

getting Lyme, usually just Lyme is used. They usually reserve autism

and OCD to describe a group of behaviors with no medically agreed upon

cause. Well, that was the old days before one could get on this

Internet and learn gobs of high-tech stuff within minutes. They are

re-writing the book on all this now, and I shudder, thinking about what

is going to be in this re-written book. I have emailed them several

times, asking if they are going to put in it that many have recovered

from autism, but I never get a response.

Psychiatric conditions that have a known medical cause usually fall

under one big general code, such as Mood Disorder Due to a General

Medical Condition. Usually several codes are used, so then whatever

medical findings there are, will be added with their own code as

separate items. You would have one for vitamin deficiency and one for

either a Depressive Disorder or Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical

Condition. Depression doesn't have a lot of different codes, so one's

notes would specify job and grief issues. Those things don't have a

code, just the Depression diagnosis does, which is officially Major

Depressive Disorder, but there a few others that have to do with

whether or not one also has Bipolar symptoms and if they have had

depression for years. I have seen several individuals see several

different professionals and each give different diagnoses. So, it's

the "practice" of medicine, and counselors are also "practicing."

There are a few specialized depressions that are routinely coded, such

as Postpartum Depression, which is officially Major Depressive Disorder

with Postpartum Onset.

Love and prayers,

Heidi N

Right now autism is listed as a mental disorder. As an example, you can

relate it to other diseases under 'mental disorder' too.

For instance OCD is just a list of behaviors. It doesn't matter HOW you


it, you just HAVE IT. Can you imagine how confusing it would be to have

codes for "strep-induced-


"lyme-induced OCD" "OCD-NOS" (lol) etc???!

Insurance companies would be paying for one kind of OCD and not another

kind, etc...

Depression.... cause can be low vitamins. Or it could be low

thyroid. You

are not going to have "metabolic-induced depression" "death-in-the-family

induced depression" "job-loss-depression" "pain-induced

depression" blah

blah blah. Insurance companies would be all over that, "hey we are not

paying for depression linked to the loss of your job!" (I don't know if

post-partum depression has its own "code" ???)

I am not saying the way they have it is perfect, but it would just get

messier if they broke it all down. Plus there would be things that


recognized by certain organizations as a disease... Isn't PANDAS going


that now, where some recognize it as its own illness and others do


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You must have done medical billing? LOLI only know autism's definition is listed in DSM which is the umbrella of mental disorders.I am out of my league in this discussion with you LOL !!!! :-)


Autism is listed as a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.  OCD is an

Anxiety disorder.  If OCD has a known medical cause, it is listed as

Anxiety Due to a General Medical Condition, which has it's own code. 

If one is officially diagnosed with OCD, it is suppose to mean no

medical cause known.  But, each practitioner kind of does their own

thing, a little off of the guidelines.  For example, one practitioner

might say Strep and OCD, and the next might say Anxiety Due to a

General Medical Condition for the exact same symptoms and findings.  I

think most of the autism docs are kind of rewriting things since they

are decades ahead of the governing regulatory agencies in figuring

stuff out.  A doc may put in his notes Lyme induced autism, but for

insurance purposes, he is most likely to put Lyme and then autism as

separate things and codes.   After all, docs have to abide by gobs of

rules by state medical boards and insurance companies.  Autism and OCD

are diagnosed based upon behaviors, and they do not infer causation. 

But, usually they are used when no causation is known.  For example if

one becomes mute and has gobs of mental illness symptoms and such after

getting Lyme, usually just Lyme is used.  They usually reserve autism

and OCD to describe a group of behaviors with no medically agreed upon

cause.  Well, that was the old days before one could get on this

Internet and learn gobs of high-tech stuff within minutes.  They are

re-writing the book on all this now, and I shudder, thinking about what

is going to be in this re-written book.  I have emailed them several

times, asking if they are going to put in it that many have recovered

from autism, but I never get a response. 

Psychiatric conditions that have a known medical cause usually fall

under one big general code, such as Mood Disorder Due to a General

Medical Condition.  Usually several codes are used, so then whatever

medical findings there are, will be added with their own code as

separate items.  You would have one for vitamin deficiency and one for

either a Depressive Disorder or Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical

Condition.  Depression doesn't have a lot of different codes, so one's

notes would specify job and grief issues.  Those things don't have a

code, just the Depression diagnosis does, which is officially Major

Depressive Disorder, but there a few others that have to do with

whether or not one also has Bipolar symptoms and if they have had

depression for years.  I have seen several individuals see several

different professionals and each give different diagnoses.  So, it's

the " practice " of medicine, and counselors are also " practicing. "  

There are a few specialized depressions that are routinely coded, such

as Postpartum Depression, which is officially Major Depressive Disorder

with Postpartum Onset. 


Love and prayers,

Heidi N

Right now autism is listed as a mental disorder. As an example, you can

relate it to other diseases under 'mental disorder' too.

For instance OCD is just a list of behaviors. It doesn't matter HOW you


it, you just HAVE IT. Can you imagine how confusing it would be to have

codes for " strep-induced-


" lyme-induced OCD " " OCD-NOS " (lol) etc???!

Insurance companies would be paying for one kind of OCD and not another

kind, etc...

Depression.... cause can be low vitamins. Or it could be low

thyroid. You

are not going to have " metabolic-induced depression " " death-in-the-family

induced depression " " job-loss-depression " " pain-induced

depression " blah

blah blah. Insurance companies would be all over that, " hey we are not

paying for depression linked to the loss of your job! " (I don't know if

post-partum depression has its own " code " ???)

I am not saying the way they have it is perfect, but it would just get

messier if they broke it all down. Plus there would be things that


recognized by certain organizations as a disease... Isn't PANDAS going


that now, where some recognize it as its own illness and others do


-- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.

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Check out stopcallingitautism yahoo group to find out another DMS iV Dx of ID.

Subject: Re: New reason for AutismTo: mb12 valtrex Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 8:43 AM

Sometimes I get in wordy moods. I thought some might want to know, just in case it helps them understand things. I think people get confused, thinking that autism means something other than behaviors, but it doesn't. There is no "true" autism because there is no agreed upon cause, at least in mainstream. Autism is just a group of certain behaviors and lack of skills. It's confusing to learn all this. It took me a long time to learn it. And I still have to look things up. Thanks for letting me ramble.Love and prayers,Heidi NYou must have done medical billing? LOLI only know autism's definition is listed in DSM which is the umbrella ofmental disorders.I am out of my league in this discussion with you LOL !!!! :-)

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Check out stopcallingitautism yahoo group to find out another DMS iV Dx of ID.

Subject: Re: New reason for AutismTo: mb12 valtrex Date: Tuesday, May 18, 2010, 8:43 AM

Sometimes I get in wordy moods. I thought some might want to know, just in case it helps them understand things. I think people get confused, thinking that autism means something other than behaviors, but it doesn't. There is no "true" autism because there is no agreed upon cause, at least in mainstream. Autism is just a group of certain behaviors and lack of skills. It's confusing to learn all this. It took me a long time to learn it. And I still have to look things up. Thanks for letting me ramble.Love and prayers,Heidi NYou must have done medical billing? LOLI only know autism's definition is listed in DSM which is the umbrella ofmental disorders.I am out of my league in this discussion with you LOL !!!! :-)

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