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FW: Diabetes Update 125: Statin Rage

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From: Mendosa

Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 12:08 AM

To: nmcb@...

Subject: Diabetes Update 125: Statin Rage

Logo <http://www.mendosa.com/newsletter-logo.jpg>

Number 125

December 1, 2008

Chipmunk <http://www.mendosa.com/chipmunk1.jpg>


At Dream Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, October 2008

So far I have written 334 articles for Health Central about all aspects of

diabetes. In November this great website published nine more of my new

diabetes articles:

* Depression

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/47271/depression-diabetes> and

Diabetes. High levels of cortisol may be the common pathway for depression

and diabetes, which often go together. If this theory is correct, exercise

may be a way out.

* Treating

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/47591/treating-disease> Kidney

Disease. New studies show that a drug commonly used to treat problems of

circulation may also give us another tool, if and when we need it, to help

us avoid one of the most serious of the complications of diabetes.

* A Better A1C

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/48090/a1c-test> Test. The

easiest way to check your A1C level is also more reliable than that of just

about any hospital.It's also affordable.

* Statin

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/48515/statin-rage> Rage. Statins

are one of the few things that still make me mad. Particularly the hype

about the new JUPITER study.

* Flu <http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/48987/flu-vaccine>

Vaccine. This is the time of year to get the flu. Or the flu vaccine. It's

your choice.

* Mirrors for

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/49420/mirrors-feet> Our Feet.

Only now with the availability of the Insight Foot Care Scale can we easily

use mirrors to check the condition of our feet. Doing this came prevent one

of the most serious complications of diabetes.

* Who Can You

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/49989/trust> Trust? We can't

completely trust anything, anyone, or any organization. Nowhere is this more

true than for our health. Yet we have to decide.

* The Sardine

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/50124/sardine-diet> Diet.

Sardines are not only delicious but also have unique properties that help us

lose weight and improve our health. Food doesn't come any better than that.

* Hospital

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/50664/hospital-food> Food.

Everybody has to stay in a hospital some time. I just had this experience.

Here are some tips about how to stay on your diet.

* Dr. Bernstein's Webcast

If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating,

one of the best resources is Dr. K. Bernstein's monthly webcast.

It's an hour of excellent diabetes education.

Dr. Bernstein's next live Tele-Seminar is Tuesday,

January 27, at 8:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM CST, 6:00 PM MST, and 5:00 PM PST. He

designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetes and

to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area. The seminar

is free. You can click here to register:


http://www.diabetes911.net/askdrb/index.php. It's also available as a live

webcast both on the Internet and by phone.


* Health Central

The Health Central Network continues to get better and better. It will now

notify you by email of new articles (SharePosts) by me or anyone who posts

at HealthCentral.com. Just click on " Subscribe " on my " Profile

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/profile/> " page. The new

software also now permits threaded replies to comments. So you will see more

replies from me than I have posted since the major site revamp on March 1.

Each month I describe and link my new Health Central articles here. But you

can also use a blog reader to keep up with my articles more quickly. I use

Bloglines <http://www.bloglines.com/> , as I describe in my article,

" Reading


Health Blogs. " Go to bloglines.com, click on feeds, click on add, (both in

left pane), then in center pane enter at " Blog or Feed URL " click on

www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/rss/. Alternatively, you can subscribe

to my new articles at Health Central by taking your browser to


* This Newsletter

Diabetes Update keeps you up-to-date with new articles, Web pages, and books

that I have written about diabetes.

I list and link most of these on my at

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes.htm> Diabetes Directory and in the site's

menu at the upper left of all my Web pages.

From time to time Diabetes Update may also include links to other Web pages

of special interest.

* HTML Format

I send out Diabetes Update email in HTML format, which all Web browsers and

most modern email programs can display. HTML has live links to all the sites

named in the text so that with a simple click of a mouse you can connect to

the site you have just been reading about.

* My Guarantee

This newsletter:

1. Is and will remain free.

2. Will never include advertising (except targeted Google ads at the

bottom of the web page and not in the email newsletter).

3. Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your email address to anyone.

4. I will link sources of information.

5. I will disclose any conflict of interest.

6. If and when I learn of any errors of fact, I will correct them.

Archives: I now send out Diabetes Update once a month. Previous issues are


1. Diabetes Update Number 1:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_1.htm> Diabetes Genes of December

10, 2000

2. Diabetes Update Number 2:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_2.htm> DiabetesWATCH of December 18,


3. Diabetes Update Number 3:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_3.htm> Starlix of January 3, 2001

4. Diabetes Update Number 4:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_4.htm> Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tepary

Beans of January 17, 2001

5. Diabetes Update Number 5:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_5.htm> Insulin Makes You Fat of

January 31, 2001

6. Diabetes Update Number 6:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_6.htm> Available and Unavailable

Carbohydrates of February 15, 2001

7. Diabetes Update Number 7:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_7.htm> Dates of March 1, 2001

8. Diabetes Update Number 8:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_8.htm> Quackwatch of March 15, 2001

9. Diabetes Update Number 9:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_9.htm> The Cost of Insulin of March

30, 2001

10. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_10.htm> 10: Sof-Tact Meter of April

2, 2001

11. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_11.htm> 11: iControlDiabetes of

April 16, 2001

12. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_12.htm> 12: Cinnamon, Tagatose of

May 2, 2001

13. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_13.htm> 13: Glycemic Index of May

15, 2001

14. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_14.htm> 14: Eat Your Carrots! of May

31, 2001

15. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_15.htm> 15: Glycemic Load of June

21, 2001

16. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_16.htm> 16: Homocysteine of July 2,


17. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_17.htm> 17: Chana Dal Tips of July

15, 2001

18. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_18.htm> 18: Lag Time in

AlternativeLand of August 2, 2001

19. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_19.htm> 19: Fiber of August 15, 2001

20. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_20.htm> 20: How Diabetes Works of

August 30, 2001

21. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_21.htm> 21: Insulin Resistance of

September 14, 2001

22. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_22.htm> 22: Trans Fats, Honey, CU of

October 1, 2001

23. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_23.htm> 23: Pedometer Power of

October 15, 2001

24. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_24.htm> 24: Is Glycerin a

Carbohydrate? of October 31, 2001

25. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_25.htm> 25: Kill the Meter to Save

It of November 15, 2001

26. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_26.htm> 26: Protein, Fat, and the GI

of December 1, 2001

27. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_27.htm> 27: Insulin Index of

December 14, 2001

28. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_28.htm> 28: Fructose of January 4,


29. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_29.htm> 29: Aspirin of January 14,


30. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_30.htm> 30: Stevia of January 31,


31. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_31.htm> 31: Gretchen Becker's Book

of February 19, 2002

32. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_32.htm> 32: The UKPDS of March 4,


33. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_33.htm> 33: Financial Aid of March

18, 2002

34. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_34.htm> 34: Pre-Diabetes of April 1,


35. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_35.htm> 35: More Glycemic Indexes of

April 15, 2002

36. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_36.htm> 36: Gila Monsters of April

30, 2002

37. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_37.htm> 37: Is INGAP a Cure? of May

15, 2002

38. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_38.htm> 38: Native American Diabetes

of June 3, 2002

39. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_39.htm> 39: FDA Diabetes of June 19,


40. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_40.htm> 40: Diabetes Support Groups

of July 1, 2002

41. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_41.htm> 41: New GI and GL Table of

July 15, 2002

42. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_42.htm> 42: Diabetes Sight of August

1, 2002

43. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_43.htm> 43: DrugDigest of August 18,


44. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_44.htm> 44: Hanuman Garden of

September 3, 2002

45. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_45.htm> 45: Guidelines of September

16, 2002

46. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_46.htm> 46: Trans Fat of October 4,


47. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_47.htm> 47: Nutrition.Gov of October

16, 2002

48. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_48.htm> 48: Our Hearts of October

31, 2002

49. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_49.htm> 49: Our Kidneys of November

15, 2002

50. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_50.htm> 50: A1C<7 of December 2,


51. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_51.htm> 51: Diabetes Searches with

Google of December 16, 2002

52. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_52.htm> 52: e-Patients of January 2,


53. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_53.htm> 53: Email News of January

16, 2003

54. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_54.htm> 54: Third Generation Meters

of January 31, 2003

55. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_55.htm> 55: Hypoglycemic Supplies of

February 14, 2003

56. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_56.htm> 56: Food Police of March 1,


57. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_57.htm> 57: Vitamins of April 1,


58. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_58.htm> 58: Lancets of May 1, 2003

59. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_59.htm> 59: Accurate Meters of June

1, 2003

60. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_60.htm> 60: Chromium of July 1, 2003

61. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_61.htm> 61: Traveling of August 1,


62. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_62.htm> 62: My Book of September 1,


63. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_63.htm> 63: Hot Tubs of October 1,


64. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_64.htm> 64: Home A1C Testing of

November 1, 2003

65. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_65.htm> 65: Detemir of December 1,


66. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_66.htm> 66: Erectile Dysfunction of

January 1, 2004

67. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_67.htm> 67: Acidic Foods of February

1, 2004

68. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_68.htm> 68: Net Carbs of March 1,


69. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_69.htm> 69: Glycemic Index of April

1, 2004

70. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_70.htm> 70: Dreamfields Pasta of May

1, 2004

71. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_71.htm> 71: Cholesterol of June 1,


72. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_72.htm> 72: Meter News of July 1,


73. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_73.htm> 73: Pill Splitting of August

1, 2004

74. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_74.htm> 74: GlucoMON of September 1,


75. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_75.htm> 75: Coding of October 1,


76. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_76.htm> 76: Sleep Apnea of November

1, 2004

77. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_77.htm> 77: Keynote Address of

December 1, 2004

78. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_78.htm> 78: Mangosteen of January 1,


79. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_79.htm> 79: Noninvasive Dream of

February 1, 2005

80. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_80.htm> 80: Pelikan Sun of March 1,


81. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_81.htm> 81: Medtronic Monitors of

April 1, 2005

82. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_82.htm> 82: ExtendBars of May 1,


83. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_83.htm> 83: GlycoMark of June 1,


84. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_84.htm> 84: My British Book of July

1, 2005

85. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_85.htm> 85: Disintegrating of August

1, 2005

86. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_86.htm> 86: Meter Research of

September 1, 2005

87. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_87.htm> 87: Evaluating Meters of

October 1, 2005

88. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_88.htm> 88: When to Test of November

1, 2005

89. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_89.htm> 89: Blogging of December 1,


90. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_90.htm> 90: RSS Feed of January 1,


91. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_91.htm> 91: An Uncommon Doctor of

February 1, 2006

92. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_92.htm> 92: More Blog Entries of

March 1, 2006

93. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_93.htm> 93: Talking Meters of April

1, 2006

94. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_94.htm> 94: Navigating of May 1,


95. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_95.htm> 95: Measuring Sweat of June

1, 2006

96. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_96.htm> 96: The Future of Pumps of

July 1, 2006

97. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_97.htm> 97: Pumping in Real Time of

August 1, 2006

98. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_98.htm> 98: The DexCom Sensor of

September 1, 2006

99. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_99.htm> 99: GlucoTel of October 1,


100. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_100.htm> 100: Discovery of Byetta of

November 1, 2006

101. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_101.htm> 101: My Diabetes Blog of

December 1, 2006

102. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_102.htm> 102: Stress of January 1,


103. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_103.htm> 103: UltraMini of February

1, 2007

104. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_104.htm> 104: Salt of March 1, 2007

105. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_105.htm> 105: In Memoriam

of April 1, 2007

106. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_106.htm> 106: Eating Locally of May

1, 2007

107. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_107.htm> 107: Avandia Anxiety of

June 1, 2007

108. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_108.htm> 108: Pigs of July 1, 2007

109. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_109.htm> 109: Continuous Testing of

August 1, 2007

110. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_110.htm> 110: How Byetta Works of

September 1, 2007

111. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_111.htm> 111: Is Diabetes

Progressive of October 1, 2007

112. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_112.htm> 112: Scheiner of

November 1, 2007

113. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_113.htm> 113: LaVine of

December 1, 2007

114. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_114.htm> 114: Low-Carb of January 1,


115. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_115.htm> 115: My New Book of

February 1, 2008

116. Diabetes Update Number 116:

<http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_116.htm> The Low-Carb Vegetarian of

March 1, 2008

117. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_117.htm> Update Number

117: Fitness of April 1, 2008

118. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_118.htm> Update Number

118: Erectile Dysfunction of May 1, 2008

119. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_118.htm> Update Number

119: Diet of June 1, 2008

120. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_120.htm> Update Number

120: Obesity Tips of July 1, 2008

121. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_121.htm> Update Number

121: Low-Carb Best for Losing Weight of August 1, 2008

122. Diabetes Update Number 122:

<http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_122.htm> My Interview of September 1,


123. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_123.htm> Update Number

123: Fitness for Fun of October 1, 2008

124. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_124.htm> Update Number

124: Beginning Yoga of November 1, 2008


This newsletter is available in exactly the same form both by email and on

my website. If you want to stop receiving further issues, then please visit


<http://www.mendosa.com/subscribe/?p=unsubscribe & uid=1f6934cb93db76a11b0d9cc

00917501a> link

? Copyright 2008 Mendosa. All Rights Reserved.


A Writer on the Web: www.mendosa.com

E-mail: mendosa@...

Office: 993 E. Moorhead Circle Suite 2F, Boulder, CO 80305

<http://www.mendosa.com/subscribe/ut.php?u=1f6934cb93db76a11b0d9cc00917501a &


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From: Mendosa

Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 12:08 AM

To: nmcb@...

Subject: Diabetes Update 125: Statin Rage

Logo <http://www.mendosa.com/newsletter-logo.jpg>

Number 125

December 1, 2008

Chipmunk <http://www.mendosa.com/chipmunk1.jpg>


At Dream Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, October 2008

So far I have written 334 articles for Health Central about all aspects of

diabetes. In November this great website published nine more of my new

diabetes articles:

* Depression

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/47271/depression-diabetes> and

Diabetes. High levels of cortisol may be the common pathway for depression

and diabetes, which often go together. If this theory is correct, exercise

may be a way out.

* Treating

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/47591/treating-disease> Kidney

Disease. New studies show that a drug commonly used to treat problems of

circulation may also give us another tool, if and when we need it, to help

us avoid one of the most serious of the complications of diabetes.

* A Better A1C

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/48090/a1c-test> Test. The

easiest way to check your A1C level is also more reliable than that of just

about any hospital.It's also affordable.

* Statin

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/48515/statin-rage> Rage. Statins

are one of the few things that still make me mad. Particularly the hype

about the new JUPITER study.

* Flu <http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/48987/flu-vaccine>

Vaccine. This is the time of year to get the flu. Or the flu vaccine. It's

your choice.

* Mirrors for

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/49420/mirrors-feet> Our Feet.

Only now with the availability of the Insight Foot Care Scale can we easily

use mirrors to check the condition of our feet. Doing this came prevent one

of the most serious complications of diabetes.

* Who Can You

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/49989/trust> Trust? We can't

completely trust anything, anyone, or any organization. Nowhere is this more

true than for our health. Yet we have to decide.

* The Sardine

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/50124/sardine-diet> Diet.

Sardines are not only delicious but also have unique properties that help us

lose weight and improve our health. Food doesn't come any better than that.

* Hospital

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/50664/hospital-food> Food.

Everybody has to stay in a hospital some time. I just had this experience.

Here are some tips about how to stay on your diet.

* Dr. Bernstein's Webcast

If you have any interest in controlling your diabetes by low-carb eating,

one of the best resources is Dr. K. Bernstein's monthly webcast.

It's an hour of excellent diabetes education.

Dr. Bernstein's next live Tele-Seminar is Tuesday,

January 27, at 8:00 PM EST, 7:00 PM CST, 6:00 PM MST, and 5:00 PM PST. He

designed it to answer your most important questions concerning diabetes and

to offer his thoughts on the latest developments in this area. The seminar

is free. You can click here to register:


http://www.diabetes911.net/askdrb/index.php. It's also available as a live

webcast both on the Internet and by phone.


* Health Central

The Health Central Network continues to get better and better. It will now

notify you by email of new articles (SharePosts) by me or anyone who posts

at HealthCentral.com. Just click on " Subscribe " on my " Profile

<http://www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/profile/> " page. The new

software also now permits threaded replies to comments. So you will see more

replies from me than I have posted since the major site revamp on March 1.

Each month I describe and link my new Health Central articles here. But you

can also use a blog reader to keep up with my articles more quickly. I use

Bloglines <http://www.bloglines.com/> , as I describe in my article,

" Reading


Health Blogs. " Go to bloglines.com, click on feeds, click on add, (both in

left pane), then in center pane enter at " Blog or Feed URL " click on

www.healthcentral.com/diabetes/c/17/rss/. Alternatively, you can subscribe

to my new articles at Health Central by taking your browser to


* This Newsletter

Diabetes Update keeps you up-to-date with new articles, Web pages, and books

that I have written about diabetes.

I list and link most of these on my at

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes.htm> Diabetes Directory and in the site's

menu at the upper left of all my Web pages.

From time to time Diabetes Update may also include links to other Web pages

of special interest.

* HTML Format

I send out Diabetes Update email in HTML format, which all Web browsers and

most modern email programs can display. HTML has live links to all the sites

named in the text so that with a simple click of a mouse you can connect to

the site you have just been reading about.

* My Guarantee

This newsletter:

1. Is and will remain free.

2. Will never include advertising (except targeted Google ads at the

bottom of the web page and not in the email newsletter).

3. Nor will I ever sell, rent, or trade your email address to anyone.

4. I will link sources of information.

5. I will disclose any conflict of interest.

6. If and when I learn of any errors of fact, I will correct them.

Archives: I now send out Diabetes Update once a month. Previous issues are


1. Diabetes Update Number 1:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_1.htm> Diabetes Genes of December

10, 2000

2. Diabetes Update Number 2:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_2.htm> DiabetesWATCH of December 18,


3. Diabetes Update Number 3:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_3.htm> Starlix of January 3, 2001

4. Diabetes Update Number 4:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_4.htm> Native Seeds/SEARCH, Tepary

Beans of January 17, 2001

5. Diabetes Update Number 5:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_5.htm> Insulin Makes You Fat of

January 31, 2001

6. Diabetes Update Number 6:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_6.htm> Available and Unavailable

Carbohydrates of February 15, 2001

7. Diabetes Update Number 7:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_7.htm> Dates of March 1, 2001

8. Diabetes Update Number 8:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_8.htm> Quackwatch of March 15, 2001

9. Diabetes Update Number 9:

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_9.htm> The Cost of Insulin of March

30, 2001

10. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_10.htm> 10: Sof-Tact Meter of April

2, 2001

11. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_11.htm> 11: iControlDiabetes of

April 16, 2001

12. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_12.htm> 12: Cinnamon, Tagatose of

May 2, 2001

13. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_13.htm> 13: Glycemic Index of May

15, 2001

14. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_14.htm> 14: Eat Your Carrots! of May

31, 2001

15. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_15.htm> 15: Glycemic Load of June

21, 2001

16. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_16.htm> 16: Homocysteine of July 2,


17. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_17.htm> 17: Chana Dal Tips of July

15, 2001

18. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_18.htm> 18: Lag Time in

AlternativeLand of August 2, 2001

19. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_19.htm> 19: Fiber of August 15, 2001

20. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_20.htm> 20: How Diabetes Works of

August 30, 2001

21. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_21.htm> 21: Insulin Resistance of

September 14, 2001

22. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_22.htm> 22: Trans Fats, Honey, CU of

October 1, 2001

23. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_23.htm> 23: Pedometer Power of

October 15, 2001

24. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_24.htm> 24: Is Glycerin a

Carbohydrate? of October 31, 2001

25. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_25.htm> 25: Kill the Meter to Save

It of November 15, 2001

26. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_26.htm> 26: Protein, Fat, and the GI

of December 1, 2001

27. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_27.htm> 27: Insulin Index of

December 14, 2001

28. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_28.htm> 28: Fructose of January 4,


29. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_29.htm> 29: Aspirin of January 14,


30. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_30.htm> 30: Stevia of January 31,


31. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_31.htm> 31: Gretchen Becker's Book

of February 19, 2002

32. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_32.htm> 32: The UKPDS of March 4,


33. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_33.htm> 33: Financial Aid of March

18, 2002

34. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_34.htm> 34: Pre-Diabetes of April 1,


35. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_35.htm> 35: More Glycemic Indexes of

April 15, 2002

36. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_36.htm> 36: Gila Monsters of April

30, 2002

37. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_37.htm> 37: Is INGAP a Cure? of May

15, 2002

38. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_38.htm> 38: Native American Diabetes

of June 3, 2002

39. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_39.htm> 39: FDA Diabetes of June 19,


40. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_40.htm> 40: Diabetes Support Groups

of July 1, 2002

41. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_41.htm> 41: New GI and GL Table of

July 15, 2002

42. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_42.htm> 42: Diabetes Sight of August

1, 2002

43. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_43.htm> 43: DrugDigest of August 18,


44. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_44.htm> 44: Hanuman Garden of

September 3, 2002

45. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_45.htm> 45: Guidelines of September

16, 2002

46. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_46.htm> 46: Trans Fat of October 4,


47. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_47.htm> 47: Nutrition.Gov of October

16, 2002

48. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_48.htm> 48: Our Hearts of October

31, 2002

49. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_49.htm> 49: Our Kidneys of November

15, 2002

50. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_50.htm> 50: A1C<7 of December 2,


51. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_51.htm> 51: Diabetes Searches with

Google of December 16, 2002

52. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_52.htm> 52: e-Patients of January 2,


53. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_53.htm> 53: Email News of January

16, 2003

54. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_54.htm> 54: Third Generation Meters

of January 31, 2003

55. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_55.htm> 55: Hypoglycemic Supplies of

February 14, 2003

56. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_56.htm> 56: Food Police of March 1,


57. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_57.htm> 57: Vitamins of April 1,


58. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_58.htm> 58: Lancets of May 1, 2003

59. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_59.htm> 59: Accurate Meters of June

1, 2003

60. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_60.htm> 60: Chromium of July 1, 2003

61. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_61.htm> 61: Traveling of August 1,


62. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_62.htm> 62: My Book of September 1,


63. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_63.htm> 63: Hot Tubs of October 1,


64. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_64.htm> 64: Home A1C Testing of

November 1, 2003

65. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_65.htm> 65: Detemir of December 1,


66. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_66.htm> 66: Erectile Dysfunction of

January 1, 2004

67. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_67.htm> 67: Acidic Foods of February

1, 2004

68. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_68.htm> 68: Net Carbs of March 1,


69. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_69.htm> 69: Glycemic Index of April

1, 2004

70. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_70.htm> 70: Dreamfields Pasta of May

1, 2004

71. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_71.htm> 71: Cholesterol of June 1,


72. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_72.htm> 72: Meter News of July 1,


73. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_73.htm> 73: Pill Splitting of August

1, 2004

74. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_74.htm> 74: GlucoMON of September 1,


75. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_75.htm> 75: Coding of October 1,


76. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_76.htm> 76: Sleep Apnea of November

1, 2004

77. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_77.htm> 77: Keynote Address of

December 1, 2004

78. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_78.htm> 78: Mangosteen of January 1,


79. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_79.htm> 79: Noninvasive Dream of

February 1, 2005

80. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_80.htm> 80: Pelikan Sun of March 1,


81. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_81.htm> 81: Medtronic Monitors of

April 1, 2005

82. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_82.htm> 82: ExtendBars of May 1,


83. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_83.htm> 83: GlycoMark of June 1,


84. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_84.htm> 84: My British Book of July

1, 2005

85. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_85.htm> 85: Disintegrating of August

1, 2005

86. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_86.htm> 86: Meter Research of

September 1, 2005

87. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_87.htm> 87: Evaluating Meters of

October 1, 2005

88. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_88.htm> 88: When to Test of November

1, 2005

89. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_89.htm> 89: Blogging of December 1,


90. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_90.htm> 90: RSS Feed of January 1,


91. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_91.htm> 91: An Uncommon Doctor of

February 1, 2006

92. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_92.htm> 92: More Blog Entries of

March 1, 2006

93. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_93.htm> 93: Talking Meters of April

1, 2006

94. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_94.htm> 94: Navigating of May 1,


95. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_95.htm> 95: Measuring Sweat of June

1, 2006

96. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_96.htm> 96: The Future of Pumps of

July 1, 2006

97. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_97.htm> 97: Pumping in Real Time of

August 1, 2006

98. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_98.htm> 98: The DexCom Sensor of

September 1, 2006

99. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_99.htm> 99: GlucoTel of October 1,


100. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_100.htm> 100: Discovery of Byetta of

November 1, 2006

101. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_101.htm> 101: My Diabetes Blog of

December 1, 2006

102. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_102.htm> 102: Stress of January 1,


103. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_103.htm> 103: UltraMini of February

1, 2007

104. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_104.htm> 104: Salt of March 1, 2007

105. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_105.htm> 105: In Memoriam

of April 1, 2007

106. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_106.htm> 106: Eating Locally of May

1, 2007

107. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_107.htm> 107: Avandia Anxiety of

June 1, 2007

108. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_108.htm> 108: Pigs of July 1, 2007

109. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_109.htm> 109: Continuous Testing of

August 1, 2007

110. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_110.htm> 110: How Byetta Works of

September 1, 2007

111. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_111.htm> 111: Is Diabetes

Progressive of October 1, 2007

112. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_112.htm> 112: Scheiner of

November 1, 2007

113. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_113.htm> 113: LaVine of

December 1, 2007

114. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_114.htm> 114: Low-Carb of January 1,


115. Diabetes Update Number

<http://www.mendosa.com/diabetes_update_115.htm> 115: My New Book of

February 1, 2008

116. Diabetes Update Number 116:

<http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_116.htm> The Low-Carb Vegetarian of

March 1, 2008

117. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_117.htm> Update Number

117: Fitness of April 1, 2008

118. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_118.htm> Update Number

118: Erectile Dysfunction of May 1, 2008

119. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_118.htm> Update Number

119: Diet of June 1, 2008

120. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_120.htm> Update Number

120: Obesity Tips of July 1, 2008

121. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_121.htm> Update Number

121: Low-Carb Best for Losing Weight of August 1, 2008

122. Diabetes Update Number 122:

<http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_122.htm> My Interview of September 1,


123. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_123.htm> Update Number

123: Fitness for Fun of October 1, 2008

124. Diabetes <http://mendosa.com/diabetes_update_124.htm> Update Number

124: Beginning Yoga of November 1, 2008


This newsletter is available in exactly the same form both by email and on

my website. If you want to stop receiving further issues, then please visit


<http://www.mendosa.com/subscribe/?p=unsubscribe & uid=1f6934cb93db76a11b0d9cc

00917501a> link

? Copyright 2008 Mendosa. All Rights Reserved.


A Writer on the Web: www.mendosa.com

E-mail: mendosa@...

Office: 993 E. Moorhead Circle Suite 2F, Boulder, CO 80305

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