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Re: Saccharomyces Boulardii

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we used it for 4 months last winter (2 caps 3 times a day) and had

some nasty looking bm's. I am not sure if it actually causes die off

of yeast or if it just fills up space so the yeast cannot take hold

but it definately helped with us.


-- In @y..., " Sbordone " <jsbordone@r...> wrote:

> Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half year

old Pdd son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

Boulardii to help with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and

probiogold at different times and neither worked for him). has

taken a half dose two days in a row and today about two hours after I

gave it to him, he was complaining of a stomach ache and he started

looking pale. His stools were strange also. Has anyone had a problem

with this? Any information would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks




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We are using it for the second time. Each time we definitely have die

off symptoms and terrible stools. My son has also shown improvements

on it. He is taking 1 capsule 2X/day.

> > Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half year

> old Pdd son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

> Boulardii to help with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and

> probiogold at different times and neither worked for him). has

> taken a half dose two days in a row and today about two hours after


> gave it to him, he was complaining of a stomach ache and he started

> looking pale. His stools were strange also. Has anyone had a


> with this? Any information would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! Thanks

> >

> >

> >

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My son has been taking one cap three times a day and we've had great

success and more regulated BMs. Actually, I saw on another board that

it can constipation. Since it is a friendly strain of yeast that

fights the bad, I would assume that die-off is possible. Another

thought would be that some kids may have a problem with the strain

itself. Is his yeast severe? We did run into this type of problem

(which was die-off) while he was on nystatin. Activated charcoal at

night seemed to help absorb the released bacteria from the yeast...

> Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half year

old Pdd son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

Boulardii to help with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and

probiogold at different times and neither worked for him). has

taken a half dose two days in a row and today about two hours after I

gave it to him, he was complaining of a stomach ache and he started

looking pale. His stools were strange also. Has anyone had a

problem with this? Any information would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!





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My 8yr old autistic son was on Sacc B for a little over a month. He's non

verbal so I can never tell exactly what he's feeling. He did get a little

irritible on it & also had foul bms. We've moved onto Nystatin now which is

even worse.


In a message dated 11/16/02 7:20:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

jsbordone@... writes:

<< Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half year old Pdd

son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces Boulardii to help

with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and probiogold at different times

and neither worked for him). has taken a half dose two days in a row

and today about two hours after I gave it to him, he was complaining of a

stomach ache and he started looking pale. His stools were strange also. Has

anyone had a problem with this? Any information would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!

Thanks >>

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Any time I give anti-fungals to my son, stools do change. I started

to give sacc boulardii a month or two ago and it seemed to mess Jack

up a bit. His oats test came back that he had high clostridia and I

should use sacc boulardi, so I went back to it at a lower dose. I

have been using sb w/ culturelle, and alternating gse, oil of

oregano, lavendar oil and I have continued w/ chelation. Yeast seems

to be getting better. He did have some die-off last week, not

feeling well, very unfocused but this past Thursday he wrote his name

on his own for the first time, he just turned 6. Last August I could

not get him to pick up a crayon. I also came down stairs and he was

using stencils to write out the alphabet. I would say this is an

improvement. He is hyper again today because of day three of

chelation. I have also started a pharmicutical(sp) of aloe. I think

it may be helping. I hate treating yeast.


-- In @y..., hugsfam5@c... wrote:

> My 8yr old autistic son was on Sacc B for a little over a month.

He's non

> verbal so I can never tell exactly what he's feeling. He did get a


> irritible on it & also had foul bms. We've moved onto Nystatin now

which is

> even worse.


> Michele


> In a message dated 11/16/02 7:20:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> jsbordone@r... writes:


> << Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half

year old Pdd

> son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

Boulardii to help

> with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and probiogold at

different times

> and neither worked for him). has taken a half dose two days

in a row

> and today about two hours after I gave it to him, he was

complaining of a

> stomach ache and he started looking pale. His stools were strange

also. Has

> anyone had a problem with this? Any information would be GREATLY


> Thanks >>

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Hi nne and everyone , Thanks for writing back, my question for you is does

this regression from treating yeast permanent? My son was doing reasonably well

until I started saccharomyces boulardii. Today he really regressed he is

tantruming all day and yelling. He doesn't seem to understand all that he did

before and he grunts and groans a lot , I guess I'm just scared. Thanks for all

the information, I have to go he is tantruming again,

[ ] Re: Saccharomyces Boulardii


Any time I give anti-fungals to my son, stools do change. I started

to give sacc boulardii a month or two ago and it seemed to mess Jack

up a bit. His oats test came back that he had high clostridia and I

should use sacc boulardi, so I went back to it at a lower dose. I

have been using sb w/ culturelle, and alternating gse, oil of

oregano, lavendar oil and I have continued w/ chelation. Yeast seems

to be getting better. He did have some die-off last week, not

feeling well, very unfocused but this past Thursday he wrote his name

on his own for the first time, he just turned 6. Last August I could

not get him to pick up a crayon. I also came down stairs and he was

using stencils to write out the alphabet. I would say this is an

improvement. He is hyper again today because of day three of

chelation. I have also started a pharmicutical(sp) of aloe. I think

it may be helping. I hate treating yeast.


-- In @y..., hugsfam5@c... wrote:

> My 8yr old autistic son was on Sacc B for a little over a month.

He's non

> verbal so I can never tell exactly what he's feeling. He did get a


> irritible on it & also had foul bms. We've moved onto Nystatin now

which is

> even worse.


> Michele


> In a message dated 11/16/02 7:20:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> jsbordone@r... writes:


> << Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half

year old Pdd

> son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

Boulardii to help

> with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and probiogold at

different times

> and neither worked for him). has taken a half dose two days

in a row

> and today about two hours after I gave it to him, he was

complaining of a

> stomach ache and he started looking pale. His stools were strange

also. Has

> anyone had a problem with this? Any information would be GREATLY


> Thanks >>


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-Die off can be pretty scarey. Your child will recover from it but you

may need to reduce the dose you are giving if the die off behavior is

too severe. If you do need to reduce the dose just start to gradually

increase once your child has stabalized.


-- In @y..., " Sbordone " <jsbordone@r...> wrote:

> Hi nne and everyone , Thanks for writing back, my question for

you is does this regression from treating yeast permanent? My son was

doing reasonably well until I started saccharomyces boulardii. Today

he really regressed he is tantruming all day and yelling. He doesn't

seem to understand all that he did before and he grunts and groans a

lot , I guess I'm just scared. Thanks for all the information, I have

to go he is tantruming again,

> [ ] Re: Saccharomyces Boulardii



> ,


> Any time I give anti-fungals to my son, stools do change. I started

> to give sacc boulardii a month or two ago and it seemed to mess Jack

> up a bit. His oats test came back that he had high clostridia and I

> should use sacc boulardi, so I went back to it at a lower dose. I

> have been using sb w/ culturelle, and alternating gse, oil of

> oregano, lavendar oil and I have continued w/ chelation. Yeast seems

> to be getting better. He did have some die-off last week, not

> feeling well, very unfocused but this past Thursday he wrote his name

> on his own for the first time, he just turned 6. Last August I could

> not get him to pick up a crayon. I also came down stairs and he was

> using stencils to write out the alphabet. I would say this is an

> improvement. He is hyper again today because of day three of

> chelation. I have also started a pharmicutical(sp) of aloe. I think

> it may be helping. I hate treating yeast.


> nne


> -- In @y..., hugsfam5@c... wrote:

> > My 8yr old autistic son was on Sacc B for a little over a month.

> He's non

> > verbal so I can never tell exactly what he's feeling. He did get a

> little

> > irritible on it & also had foul bms. We've moved onto Nystatin now

> which is

> > even worse.

> >

> > Michele

> >

> > In a message dated 11/16/02 7:20:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> > jsbordone@r... writes:

> >

> > << Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half

> year old Pdd

> > son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

> Boulardii to help

> > with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and probiogold at

> different times

> > and neither worked for him). has taken a half dose two days

> in a row

> > and today about two hours after I gave it to him, he was

> complaining of a

> > stomach ache and he started looking pale. His stools were strange

> also. Has

> > anyone had a problem with this? Any information would be GREATLY


> > Thanks >>



> =======================================================


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I think this is what has always scared me about treating yeast and

clostridia because some people have stated it took a while to bring

the child back to normal but Jack's regression only lasted a week or

two. I do not think he is clear but it is much better. I always

know when yeast is bad because he starts taking off his clothes

again. He has been putting them back on so thinks are better. I

think the culturelle is really helping Jack. We also do another

acidophilos several time a day.


> > My 8yr old autistic son was on Sacc B for a little over a


> He's non

> > verbal so I can never tell exactly what he's feeling. He did

get a

> little

> > irritible on it & also had foul bms. We've moved onto Nystatin


> which is

> > even worse.

> >

> > Michele

> >

> > In a message dated 11/16/02 7:20:59 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> > jsbordone@r... writes:

> >

> > << Hi I'm wondering if anyone can help my. My three and a half

> year old Pdd

> > son's gastrointerologist told me to give him saccharomyces

> Boulardii to help

> > with yeast issues ( he was on culturelle and probiogold at

> different times

> > and neither worked for him). has taken a half dose two


> in a row

> > and today about two hours after I gave it to him, he was

> complaining of a

> > stomach ache and he started looking pale. His stools were


> also. Has

> > anyone had a problem with this? Any information would be



> > Thanks >>



> =======================================================


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  • 3 years later...

If you really look at the studies done concerning fungemia and S.

Boulardii the patients all had the same things in common either HIV

or they got the infection through PICC line, catherter or through

dialysis line. Getting a fungus infection is extremely common

through a PICC line whether on S. Boulardii, some other Probiotics

or no probiotic.

Saccharomyces Boulardii is a sub-species of Saccharomyces

Cerevisiae. S. Boulardii is NOT derived from Brewers yeast and it IS

NOT related to Candida Albicans. It stops candida albicans among

other bacteria from taking over. What can cause problems is taking

MOS or FOS laced probiotics because you don't know what you

are " feeding " in the gut when you take those. S. Boulardii works by

digesting two different endotoxins when they get out of control in

the gut.

Everyone is free to do what they want, but not taking multiple

strain probiotics while taking long term antibiotics is like playing

Russian Roulette. One problem many people make is taking only

acidolphilis only or taking unproven formulas. I suppose your dr may

be different, but my LLMD terminates treatment if the patient is not

compliment on taking a high grade multi strain probiotics (plus milk

thistle, DHA and L-Glutathione).


> I have done some research on Saccharomyces boulardii. I bought a

> bottle which also included MOS. I was conserned about MOS. MOS

> (Mannon Oligo Saccharomyces) called Saccharymyoces cerevisiae is

> baker's or brewer's yeast. It is genetically tractable yeast which


> closely related to Candida albicans. While it is a common


> of mucosal surfaces and considered to be nonpathogenic

> forimmunocompetent hosts, Saccharomyces may cause infections

> partucularly in immunocompromised patients. The genus


> includes several species, the most wel-known one being


> cervisiae. SACCHAROMYCES BOULARDII which is now used in treatment


> intestinal disorders, such as antibiotic-associated diarrhea is

> considered to be SYNONYM for a particular strain of Saccharomyces

> cervisiae. Overload during Saccharomyces boulardii therapy has


> been reported to lead to fungemia, particularly in critically-ill

> patients. Major risk factors for developng infections in

> immunosupressed patients due to Saccharomyces are Pneumonia,

> endocarditis, liver absess, fungemia, and sepsis.

> Based on this info I decided to stay away from these strains,

> although I took it for 5 days. Anyone's thoughts are appreciated.

> Thank you -- Lida


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