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My thinking on too many levels

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Hi All:

I have done it again. Sorry, I have done it again. What I meant first of all

was that my doctor was really not wanting to give antibiotics because the wound

looked so clean. She also said it looked nice and dry, which was how it should

look. But then I went and fell a number of times But the thing was cleaned

each time and I thought it healed the way it should have, so did not really

worry. then I had the first test for the diabetes and it came back 5.8 That was

in the first part of September. So, okay, fine, time passed and it was near the

17 of that same month when I was taken to the hospital ER for a serious kidney

infection that established that I had a very low electrolyte count and that my

sugar was high. It did not go up much more but I heard the term loe diabetic,

but at that time really did not take it in because I was both in pain and not

concentrating too well. They were not too happy with the other hospital for

releasing me with such chemistry because it was bad and the hospital I stayed in

was terribly afraid they might lose me that night. The doctor there did not

want my girlfriend to take Eunice home after she jumped on my bed 3 times. They

just put me in a room and that was where I stayed. But when they brought that

IV in Eunice took one look at it and made a sound that was a groan as she was

lying on my feet at the time the IV nurse asked if she could put it in.I Told

her yes that Eunice had just groaned.

Even in the hospital they did not take my sugars. Ok, I thought I guess they

think they are ok. Don't ever get to the point where you need to drink

potassium. It tastes aweful.

Oh, I also have two large kidney stones. Could this have an effect on the

outcome of any more bloodwork?

The next lot of blood tests where they looked at the sugars that I know for sure

was at the end of September, beginning of October and it came back at 5.8 that

was at the end of October. I don't know if Marie, my doctor will take any blood

work tomorrow.

I will show her my leg, of course, that is why I am going there tomorrow. But

the diabbetic clinic I just wanted to get an idea of what I would have to be on

the look outfor.

This first meeting is only 45 minutes long. Too bad it isn't in either spring

or summer. Eunice and i could walk most of it. Well, on second thought the

King highway kind of terrifies me.

Hope I did not confuse anyone.

Terrie with Eunice, Shandar and Jade

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