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be ye not nervous. Of course you can.

just let things go, and let things slide, and get through it, one

step at a time. Soon enuf, you will be on t'other side, and doing the

same... one step at a time.

Hey, how else would any of us get there???

Yes. Big yes. If all else made it work, get sleepy a week before.

Nod off, and come back a week or more later. But things don't work

that way, these days.

So, relax. Frelax. try to let Those Who Know do their deeds, as will


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Can I quote you to my bosses? " my orthognathic councillor told me to

just let things slide " .

These days it's a lot of writing (procedure manuals for internal

audit) - I sure could use a creative ghostwriter.

I still think week 1 is gonna be a big UGH. Any hints to fast forward

it other than trying to sleep through it?

Trying to relax - ohhhhhmmmmmmmmm....

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Hey, do you and kurt and goldie hang out??? That would be neat-oh, in

my opinion. I'm crazy about both of 'em.

You could take 'em a hemostat for a present... Or a frog. Probably a


You guys don't mind if the elastics are twisting my brain just a bit,

do you???? They are.


> I live in Barrie, Ontario. It's about an hour north of Toronto.


> to live in downtown Toronto for about 16 years. Originally from St.

> Catharines, which is in the Niagara region, about 1/2 an hour from

> Niagara Falls, and an hour from Buffalo, NY.


> Our area should be pretty famous - the Pope came to stay on

> Strawberry Island while he was in Toronto for the World Youth Days

> last month. I figure the pond we sail on (Lake Simcoe) is now holy

> water ...


> Not that I'm religious or anything. But that's our claim to


> status up here. That, and Kurt & Goldie have a cottage in Muskoka,

> which is about an hour north of us...



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Marsha... OWWW!

I spose it's better if your kids love going. But that's the stuff of

which my nightmares are made..

I guess it's just better if children today know that this is a good

step in the process... I'm trying hard to learn. But for me, it's

hard. It was torture for so many years. Kind, benevolent, but awful

and painful. And tonight, it still is.


> I have a few dental tools of my own too! Sometimes, for fun (ha


> I play dentist with my two children. We get out all the tools, the

> floss and the fluoride for the full meal deal! They love it! They

> love going to the " real " dentist too! I'd like to think that comes

> from playing dentist at home!

> Marsha

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Have to be that way when you're home-ec challenged. I don't cook or

sew. Sometimes that's a problem. But I can wield a glue gun!

I would imagine a drooling pharmacist might make me wonder if he/she

had been into something back there! teehee!

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Did I ever tell you about the time I was still banded and numb,

probably about 7 weeks or so. My co-workers are constant snackers and

chocoholics. Well, I had to have some chocolate, so I was sucking

chocolate off of chocolate covered raisins. Meanwhile, I went out to

help a young mother pick out some medicine for her baby, and as I

leaned to " talk " to the baby, a raisin fell out of my mouth onto the

floor. Ya think I was embarrassed? How do you try to coverup that



> Have to be that way when you're home-ec challenged. I don't cook or

> sew. Sometimes that's a problem. But I can wield a glue gun!


> I would imagine a drooling pharmacist might make me wonder if


> had been into something back there! teehee!

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Thanks - I saw about six kinds of sippie cups and couldn't tell the


We already cleaned up last weekend, and will tidy up a bit this

weekend. I cleaned off a whole shelf for my post-op stuff, and did a

major chuck-out of old things in the fridge to make room for all my

juices and soups and stuff.

Bills to pay? Yikes! I haven't balanced my cheque book in months.

That's gonna take me at least half a day.

Thanks, Marsha!

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Hmmm. Well, i worked through the afternoon before my surgery --

except, of course, that I had to go about 30 miles from my office and

back to see my surgeon that afternoon. So I stayed hectic to the end.

All I wanna know from you, Miz Marsha, is how did you come up with

the $$$ to get all those bills paid in advance?

Tutorials, please.


> > Will I be able to manage my lips to use a sippie cup? Do you have

> to

> > suck on them? (I have no children, can't you tell?)

> >

> > I'll be very glad if you would take on the jitteries for me. I


> > my last day at work tomorrow - don't know how I'll get any work

> done -

> > I don't want to do any, really ;) Happy that my audit is over.

> >

> > Unfortunately, that leaves a three day weekend for getting


> > nervous. Help!!!!!!!!

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> Thanks, Georgia. We'll do that with the alarms, and also ask for a

> wake-up call in the hotel. Somehow I have a feeling I'll be waking


> early though ...


One other thought. They made me remove my nail polish at the

hospital. It seems that the anesthesiologist (I'm finally learning

how to spell that word) likes to check the fingernail beds for



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That's not a problem. I don't wear nail polish. I am famous for

yanking the clip off that they use to monitor my oxygen, though

(during a sleep study). Good thought, though.

Going to do my yoga & MLD exercises and start my day. I'm sure it's

going to fly by!

> One other thought. They made me remove my nail polish at the

> hospital. It seems that the anesthesiologist (I'm finally learning

> how to spell that word) likes to check the fingernail beds for

> oxygenation.


> Cheryl

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi n,

At first you may not be able to move your lips the way you want,

depending on the swelling and amount of numbness. But eventually it

comes back.

I had an impacted wisdom tooth (lower) removed about 8 years ago, and

had residual numbness - it's only a teeny patch on my lower left lip,

and I would only describe it as altered sensation - like the very

last bit of dental freezing, sort of tingly. Not a problem at all and

I can live with that.

> That site you pointed me to earlier was really helpful. I did not

> know that the nerves affected are only the sensory nerves and not

> the motor nerves.


> What a big relief that is. It makes a lot more sense to me now,


> people are willing to deal with the potential of some minor

> permanent numbness (though still a low probability).


> Here I was thinking if I have my bottom lip permanently numb I'm

> gonna look really stupid but that's not true. I might not be able

> to feel my lower lip but it will behave as expected which greatly

> simplifies things. A little whacky, but completely manageable.

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Good Heavens, !!!

Every Renaissance prince who ever lived would envy what you've been

eating... You think this diet is a hardship???

Hey... You owe your chef a dinner out in whatever domain he chooses,

with a bottle of Moet, or Pieper Heisdick, or something even better!!


> > Hi ,

> > Thank you for the response.

> > I bought Sudafed, Q-tips and peroxide. I have a humidifier. I

> > bought some ensure last night. Did you drink this or anything

> > similar? I am a nurse, and work at the hospital I am having


> > at. My best friend is working in the ICU that night, should be

> > interesting. 10 lbs. would be nice. Did you have a splint? How

> > long was your surg.? I'm surprised my surg. said 1 hour. That

> > seems too short.

> > :)

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  • 4 months later...


Sorry this is soo late. A bit behind, as usual. I just want to say that

that was great! Actually from what you listed, you aren't eating enough

so the ice cream just about did it for you. I'm just estimating but

that doesn't even look like 1000 cals before the ice cream. You really

need AT LEAST 1200 cals a day and you believe it or not, you should

snack. I'll post some articles I have about this. Here is the gist of

it: When you don't eat enough your body goes into starvation mode. It

says I don't know when I will get more fuel so I better conserve. The

metabolism is the first to go. Take your goal weight, times it by 10

say 150 X 10= 1500. That is the minimum cals you need in a day. If you

are active and exercising and at least 100-200 more. Same goes for

having snacks. Eating 4-6 times a day, mini meals, will keep your

metabolism up and helps keep blood sugar levels balanced.

I'm adding in some suggestions to your menu here:


> Breakfast ... mini-wheats w/skim milk------some fruit

SNACK- a snack bar and maybe more fruit or some raw veggies in low fat


> Lunch ... water and a tuna-salad (fat-free mayo) sandwich------- some

> baby carrots and celery or an apple or orange.

SNACK- cottage cheese and peaches or yogurt with some fruit

> Dinner ... salad w/italian dressing (good seasons), beef noodle soup

> ----- add some veggies like peas or green beans or carrots to the > soup.

> Have a snack!!!!!! Just make it low fat ice cream instead and keep it

> at a portion.-----NO SNACKS ... until 8 o'clock,


Like you brought out, so you wont gorge. That is why you should snack.

don't deprive yourself. Think of this as a new lifestyle. Are you going

to go the rest of your life without treats? Think beyond the weight

loss. It should be things you can see yourself doing forever. Balance

and portion control are key. You can eat normal, just less. One more

thing, I can't remember, are you exercising and drinking water?


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Well yea, it did feel good but I just couldn't believe she was saying

that to me when she was the one who looks great! I'm still over 200 lbs

and have at least 40 more to go. She is there! Size 2!!!! She

definitely was an inspiration! Thanks for saying I'm an inspiration but

please, really...... I have such a long way to go and haven't lost in

soo long that I can't help feel like some what of a failure lately. So

I was really surprised that girl said all she did. I know I look better

but I still have such a long way to go. I don't know what my point is.

Just rambling now I guess.

Gena :-)


> > Now mind you she is all of about 4'10 " and maybe 100 pounds, size

> 2! She said back when I was working at the store she was wearing a

> 22 and 230 lbs!!!!!!!


> How wonderful that must have felt Gena!!  I have always thought that

> you are such an inspiration (and still do) but this girl must have

> been an inspiration for YOU.  That's amazing and thanks for sharing

> this. 

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Ooohhhhh how infuriating!!!! He probably has no freakin clue either

right? Making me very glad that I am a housewife right now. :-) Now

onto the Hershey bar. What's done is done. Now just learn from it.

Don't beat yourself up about it. Just try to handle it differently next

time. Try to find NON food ways to deal with things. Do you have stairs

in your building? I like to pace or go up and down stairs when I'm mad

like that so if home I will get on the treadmill. A few years ago when

I was in Minnesota because my dad was in the hospital, Mike calls to

tell me his grandpa died so he would be flying down to get me and then

we were going to Iowa for his grandpa's funeral. I was crying and one

of my sisters says " Why are you upset if you hardly knew the man? " !!!!

I told her because my husband of um like 13 years was upset and because

I am already under stress with dad being in the hospital and even

though I didn't know his grandpa very well it is still sad when a life

ends, especially when it is somebody who was a huge part of raising my

husband......... This is how my family is. They drive me nuts!!!!!!

Which is why I am in Alaska and they in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado,

Arizona and Florida! LOL Anyway, I was soo upset I just couldn't even

think straight so I walked the stairs, we were at the hospital. I went

up and down the stairs until my legs could take no more, crying the

whole way. Then I went back to the family waiting room and played cards

with my mom. You can not control how others will act or what they will

do, only how you react or let it effect you. Just tell yourself that

you aren't going to let his nonsense sabotage you. You can be stronger

than that! I know you can!!!


On Friday, February 21, 2003, at 07:54 PM,


> I know this may come across as complete whining, but I need to vent

> before I go and eat something -- again!  *grin*  BTW, I'm going to

> include timings so you can see exactly why I'm so frustrated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Sounds like you all are having our winter. It has been warm and snow

less here. Hey it's March, it's bound to warm up soon. :-)


On Saturday, March 1, 2003, at 07:28 AM, Tracie Klinger wrote:


> Hi there ...I too live in this endlessly cold state of Michigan!!

> Will it ever stop?!?!  Just thoght I would say Hi and welcome. Hope to

> talk to you lots more soon.


> Tracie



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> In a message dated 3/9/2003 12:21:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> no_reply writes:


> > hh, get back on track, drink extra water, do a little extra

> > exercise and you'll be right!! So you slipped..bit deal! The

key is.........getting back to it before you give up. Drink water

until your eyeballs float...and that's just to cover the salt in the

mexican. LOL!!!!! You CAN do this.........

> >


> thanks for the support kelly!!

> Big Hugs, [unable to display image]

### Any time ! Have a great week........




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> > Oh I know what a spur is. When I was working as an certified

> > nursing assistant there was a times when it felt like there was


> > rock under the heel of my foot the nurse said that sounds like a

> > spur. Since I haven't worked in ages it really doesn't bother


> > much except when I do something that requires excessive standing

> or

> > if I go someplace with pretty shoes or if I try dancing in


> > shoes. I mostly have an(sounds like) ah-keel-les-tenden


> > duh?)...that is deformed from the flat shoe style days). When I

> get

> > myself back into shape i'll be investing in another good pair of

> > hightops. My little sister is a health nut she teachs all kind


> > exercise classes,the worst is step(even if I use the one that an

> > inch from the floor) I have to remember not to stomp.Maybe you

> > should wait a year or so if the foot you just had surgery on is

> > working good then have the other done. If I get to go to the

> > run/walk on saturday i'll be feeling it. Hopefully my


> > remembered she said she'll babysit. If you can't do your dvd

> > crunchs or just lifting dumbells are good for something.

> > Hope your getting around better on your meds,

> > Hugs,

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  • 2 weeks later...
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In a message dated 3/23/2003 6:03:37 PM Central Standard Time,

brooke02@... writes:

> Cripes, it's been years since I wore a swimsuit...too funny. Don't worry,

> ultimately I will join up...I HAVE to, so I will. Congrats to all of you

> who are losing, and those of us who are trying!



I do hope you go ahead and join but no you arent alone in having an inherent

'fear of the gym'!! Its perfectly understandable as they can be very

intimidating places...>ESPECIALLY in a swimsuit!! GOod luck to you tho and

hope to hear more from you soon.



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Hey , if you'd like to come on down to Australia and show me

in person all the stuff you used to do...you're on. LOL!!!! Maybe it

would help you start doing them again too but I think you could find

a much cheaper way to get started again. heehee

> In a message dated 3/24/2003 6:51:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> no_reply writes:


> > lol I've been thinking about floor exercises...does

> > that count?


> in my opinion that would be great to start out with. i used to do

alot of

> floor exercises several years ago. leg lifts of all different

> varieties....waist bends, crunches, donkey kicks and alot of other


> exercises. if you need some more specifics i would be glad to get


> with you privately and discuss some in detail. they definately

toned me up

> alot!!!!! of course that was back in the day and ive got lazy

since then! lol

> Big Hugs, [unable to display image]




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LOL!!! my legs weigh about half my body weight!! Okay, maybe

not but I am bottom heavy and I MEAN bottom. LOL!!!

> In a message dated 3/24/2003 6:51:25 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> no_reply writes:


> >lol I've been thinking about floor exercises...does

> >that count?



> I've read where leg lifts and stuff like that can be considered


> training. After all, your leg does weigh something and you're

lifting it.




> " ... inside every old person is a young person wondering what

happened. "

> Terry Pratchett


> My Craft Page <A

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  • 1 year later...

I have been exactly where you are twice. The first time was in 1995 when I was first diagnosed with a brain tumor and in the process of having a baseline hearing test the ENT found that I also had a tumor on my Thyroid. The needle biopsy also came back suspicious. I had brain surgery first and two weeks later they removed half of my thyroid. With half of my thyroid remaining, I was put on a maintenance dose of synthroid that seemed to work until 3 years ago when my new doctor lowered the dosage I was taking. Within 6 months I was noticing a growth and tenderness in my throat. It took me nearly 2 1/2 years to convince doctors that something was wrong, and only when my ob-gyn noticed it did they believe me. I was experiencing the choking, coughing, and it was pressing against my trachea. I had one 5.8 cm tumor on the front and another 2.6 on the back of my remaining thyroid. I went back to the same ENT who removed my 1st one. He sent me to an endro and they both agreed that the tumors were too big to be shrunk and must be removed. Again the needle biopsy was suspicious. This time one of the tumors was precanceous. The tumors had also grown into my parathyroids and had caused my trachea to move out of place. They had a hard time getting the tube down my throat for the surgery. I was told that it will always have curve that should not be there due to the displacement. Following the surgery, I was in the hospital for over a week. Due to the damage caused to my parathyroid during the removal, my calcium levels bottomed and I had to receive interveinous calcium for nearly a week. When your calcium level drops, your hands and feet will go numb, your face will go numb and start to twitch around your eyes and lips. Tell someone immediately. They told me this right after I came out of surgery, but I was OK from Friday until Sunday when my feet started to feel like they were going numb. I thought it was from laying in the bed for too long and just go up to move around. I then had a sezier. I am now 10 months after the last surgery. I am still going to the doctor for blood work every 6 weeks. They continue to raise the amount of Synthroid that I am taking. My TSH is still at 11.67 and my doctor wants it between .02 - .05. I am feeling better than I did 10 months ago, but I still have a ways to go. Sometimes we just don't have a choice about having them removed. I'm not going to tell you it is easy, but I am getting better and this group has been very helpful.


Met with the SurgeonMessage-ID: <cscsqk+rmhaeGroups>User-Agent: eGroups-EW/0.82MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1Content-Length: 1209X-Mailer: Yahoo Groups Message PosterX-Originating-IP: groups-composeX-Yahoo-GPoster: QQ9XPO6XLVZw2DYcI have met with the surgeon and was told that since I have a multinodular goiter..which is twice the size of a normal thyroid... and since the fine needle aspiration came back "suspicious for Hurthle cell neoplasm...that it is recommended that I have a total thyroidectomy. I was also told I do not have any healthly throid tissue left.(For the past several months, I have also had problems with choking, a horse voice, excessive coughing and a general feeling that my thyroid is pressing on my trachea.)I have decided on the surgery...partially because I am afraid of the benign vs. malegnant possibilities with Hurthle cells and because my goiter is quite large, noticable and causing me some discomfort. I am also afraid that if it gets too much larger I may have further problems with breathing and eating.So, here is my question...what is life like after your thyroid is gone and you need to take a thyroid hormone pill each day for the rest of your life?Please.. I am looking for positive encouragement here. Once I have the surgery..there is no turning back. I need to know I will begin to feel more like my energenic self, even if it takes a while.Thank you for your reply.

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Ohhh keep us posted... we've all adopted him now, you know that don't you!!! *wink*

Topper ()

On Thu, 20 Jan 2005 16:41:48 -0600 (Central Standard Time) "Foxes" writes:

I took him for his labs this afternoon. They're checking his TSH, Ft4, and thyroid antibodies

I will be hand delivering them to the endo next week, so once the clinic calls me to say that I can pick them up, I will post the results.

And thank you so much to everyone for all your help so far!!!!!


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