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Re: UTI's and Refulx

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I work in a hospital where I am involved in helping children understand the

whole hospitalization, including tests and surgeries. I have done a lot of

research on the topic for my thesis project. In a nutshell the research shows

that childrens do better before, during and after when there is a supportive,

appropriate care giver present during procedures of all kinds. It is easier

for medical personnel to exclude you in some cases. Even they get nervous!

Other times, medical personnel think that parent involvement can make the task

more difficult which I have also witnessed. This happens only when the parent

is not helpful in limit setting or gets out of control themselves. You need

to be there to advocate for your child! Don't feel badly about insisting on

that! They will forgive you for being there if you are there to support. I

will not hold my child down for their procedures, shots, etc. and ask the

medical staff to do it. I am there as a support to my child at all times.

When my child got old enough, I asked him if he wanted me to help hold him so

he could stay safe and so the procedure could get done as quickly as possible,

or if he wanted the staff to do it. It is so very difficult!

I have had to delete lots of my mail from this week. I had a close friend die

last Teusday and have been quite buys and distracted. Forgive me if I seem to

not know what is going on here!

My Best,

- Jake 3-11-94 & Clay 10-22-97

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My oldest, Ivy (3yo)--had a uti when she was about a year old. I took her

in because I noticed her urine smelling different. (not that I am smelling

her diapers all the time--but it was really strong smelling). Anyway, she

did have a uti and the Dr reccomened that she have a test done to see if

she had this refulx deal. (Let me tell you I am so thankful he didn't order

a spinal--I may have freaked out cmpletly) I took her to the Hospital by

myself --as dh was in grad school and thus has--no vacation time. They

first did an ultrasound of her belly. She freaked out cause they " had to "

turn the lights in the room down. The we waited in the waiting room till

they called us back for the second part of the test. They asked if I wanted

to stay with her or leave her with them. I was so torn!! I don't want her

seeing me allow all the strangers to do this horrible stuff to her--but I

can't bare the thought of her going in there by her litle tiny helpless

self. So I went with her. They out in a catheder (sp) and filled her

bladder with some kind of saline that they can see on an ultrasound screen.

This whole time she was trying with all she had to get away--screaming and

kicking. It took 4 adults to hold her still. It is amazing how strong a one

year old baby is. I was so mortified that they could do this type of thing

daily and not be a wreck!! --not to mention my poor baby on the table . As

it turns out she didn't have the reflux and is now fine. Well, except for

she was potty trained for a year and is now back in pull-ups again from an

irritation she got from taking too many bubble baths (of which I had no

idea bubble bath could cause irritation). I really sympathize for any Mom

who has to go through any kind of medical testing with their child--it is a

horrible but necessary thing. Better to be safe and have the test then to

have some terrible germ festering in your baby that can cause preminate

damage. --Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>


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My oldest, Ivy (3yo)--had a uti when she was about a year old. I took her

in because I noticed her urine smelling different. (not that I am smelling

her diapers all the time--but it was really strong smelling). Anyway, she

did have a uti and the Dr reccomened that she have a test done to see if

she had this refulx deal. (Let me tell you I am so thankful he didn't order

a spinal--I may have freaked out cmpletly) I took her to the Hospital by

myself --as dh was in grad school and thus has--no vacation time. They

first did an ultrasound of her belly. She freaked out cause they " had to "

turn the lights in the room down. The we waited in the waiting room till

they called us back for the second part of the test. They asked if I wanted

to stay with her or leave her with them. I was so torn!! I don't want her

seeing me allow all the strangers to do this horrible stuff to her--but I

can't bare the thought of her going in there by her litle tiny helpless

self. So I went with her. They out in a catheder (sp) and filled her

bladder with some kind of saline that they can see on an ultrasound screen.

This whole time she was trying with all she had to get away--screaming and

kicking. It took 4 adults to hold her still. It is amazing how strong a one

year old baby is. I was so mortified that they could do this type of thing

daily and not be a wreck!! --not to mention my poor baby on the table . As

it turns out she didn't have the reflux and is now fine. Well, except for

she was potty trained for a year and is now back in pull-ups again from an

irritation she got from taking too many bubble baths (of which I had no

idea bubble bath could cause irritation). I really sympathize for any Mom

who has to go through any kind of medical testing with their child--it is a

horrible but necessary thing. Better to be safe and have the test then to

have some terrible germ festering in your baby that can cause preminate

damage. --Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>


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That is what I had a voiding cystogram. I had it when I was 19 and it was

horrible then. The xray techs were awful and told me that 1 year olds have no

problem with it so they didn't see why I couldn't do it. I feel for your girl.

It is good to know she doesn't have it though. I went through many medical

procedures as a child and I always felt better when my mom was there. I will

never leave my children alone for procedures. I have worked in hospitals and I

know what the procedures are all about. I don't think kids blame you for

letting them do things to them. Especially if you explain that you don't like

it either but that the test are to help them. Honesty really seems to be the

best policy in dealing with children and medical procedures. I also feel for

any moms having to go through this. It is so hard to know what is best for your



Re: UTI's and Refulx

From: j.ham@...

My oldest, Ivy (3yo)--had a uti when she was about a year old. I took her

in because I noticed her urine smelling different. (not that I am smelling

her diapers all the time--but it was really strong smelling). Anyway, she

did have a uti and the Dr reccomened that she have a test done to see if

she had this refulx deal. (Let me tell you I am so thankful he didn't order

a spinal--I may have freaked out cmpletly) I took her to the Hospital by

myself --as dh was in grad school and thus has--no vacation time. They

first did an ultrasound of her belly. She freaked out cause they " had to "

turn the lights in the room down. The we waited in the waiting room till

they called us back for the second part of the test. They asked if I wanted

to stay with her or leave her with them. I was so torn!! I don't want her

seeing me allow all the strangers to do this horrible stuff to her--but I

can't bare the thought of her going in there by her litle tiny helpless

self. So I went with her. They out in a catheder (sp) and filled her

bladder with some kind of saline that they can see on an ultrasound screen.

This whole time she was trying with all she had to get away--screaming and

kicking. It took 4 adults to hold her still. It is amazing how strong a one

year old baby is. I was so mortified that they could do this type of thing

daily and not be a wreck!! --not to mention my poor baby on the table . As

it turns out she didn't have the reflux and is now fine. Well, except for

she was potty trained for a year and is now back in pull-ups again from an

irritation she got from taking too many bubble baths (of which I had no

idea bubble bath could cause irritation). I really sympathize for any Mom

who has to go through any kind of medical testing with their child--it is a

horrible but necessary thing. Better to be safe and have the test then to

have some terrible germ festering in your baby that can cause preminate

damage. --Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>



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That is what I had a voiding cystogram. I had it when I was 19 and it was

horrible then. The xray techs were awful and told me that 1 year olds have no

problem with it so they didn't see why I couldn't do it. I feel for your girl.

It is good to know she doesn't have it though. I went through many medical

procedures as a child and I always felt better when my mom was there. I will

never leave my children alone for procedures. I have worked in hospitals and I

know what the procedures are all about. I don't think kids blame you for

letting them do things to them. Especially if you explain that you don't like

it either but that the test are to help them. Honesty really seems to be the

best policy in dealing with children and medical procedures. I also feel for

any moms having to go through this. It is so hard to know what is best for your



Re: UTI's and Refulx

From: j.ham@...

My oldest, Ivy (3yo)--had a uti when she was about a year old. I took her

in because I noticed her urine smelling different. (not that I am smelling

her diapers all the time--but it was really strong smelling). Anyway, she

did have a uti and the Dr reccomened that she have a test done to see if

she had this refulx deal. (Let me tell you I am so thankful he didn't order

a spinal--I may have freaked out cmpletly) I took her to the Hospital by

myself --as dh was in grad school and thus has--no vacation time. They

first did an ultrasound of her belly. She freaked out cause they " had to "

turn the lights in the room down. The we waited in the waiting room till

they called us back for the second part of the test. They asked if I wanted

to stay with her or leave her with them. I was so torn!! I don't want her

seeing me allow all the strangers to do this horrible stuff to her--but I

can't bare the thought of her going in there by her litle tiny helpless

self. So I went with her. They out in a catheder (sp) and filled her

bladder with some kind of saline that they can see on an ultrasound screen.

This whole time she was trying with all she had to get away--screaming and

kicking. It took 4 adults to hold her still. It is amazing how strong a one

year old baby is. I was so mortified that they could do this type of thing

daily and not be a wreck!! --not to mention my poor baby on the table . As

it turns out she didn't have the reflux and is now fine. Well, except for

she was potty trained for a year and is now back in pull-ups again from an

irritation she got from taking too many bubble baths (of which I had no

idea bubble bath could cause irritation). I really sympathize for any Mom

who has to go through any kind of medical testing with their child--it is a

horrible but necessary thing. Better to be safe and have the test then to

have some terrible germ festering in your baby that can cause preminate

damage. --Joy

Asheville, NC



Handmade Knives by Bob and Jay Ham <Under Construction>



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Onelist: Making the Internet intimate


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I am sorry to hear about your friend. I will keep you in my thoughts. Thanks

for the factual information behind my uneducated statements.


Re: UTI's and Refulx

From: Mparker90@...


I work in a hospital where I am involved in helping children understand the

whole hospitalization, including tests and surgeries. I have done a lot of

research on the topic for my thesis project. In a nutshell the research shows

that childrens do better before, during and after when there is a supportive,

appropriate care giver present during procedures of all kinds. It is easier

for medical personnel to exclude you in some cases. Even they get nervous!

Other times, medical personnel think that parent involvement can make the task

more difficult which I have also witnessed. This happens only when the parent

is not helpful in limit setting or gets out of control themselves. You need

to be there to advocate for your child! Don't feel badly about insisting on

that! They will forgive you for being there if you are there to support. I

will not hold my child down for their procedures, shots, etc. and ask the

medical staff to do it. I am there as a support to my child at all times.

When my child got old enough, I asked him if he wanted me to help hold him so

he could stay safe and so the procedure could get done as quickly as possible,

or if he wanted the staff to do it. It is so very difficult!

I have had to delete lots of my mail from this week. I had a close friend die

last Teusday and have been quite buys and distracted. Forgive me if I seem to

not know what is going on here!

My Best,

- Jake 3-11-94 & Clay 10-22-97


Start a new hobby. Meet a new friend.


Onelist: The leading provider of free email list services


Breastfeeding is Best!!


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In a message dated 30/03/99 00:04:05 GMT Daylight Time, Mparker90@...


<< I have had to delete lots of my mail from this week. I had a close friend


last Teusday and have been quite buys and distracted. Forgive me if I seem to

not know what is going on here!

My Best,

- Jake 3-11-94 & Clay 10-22-97 >>

Sorry to hear that .

All the best


Mum to Bethany nearly 5, Lawrence 3 and Verity 10 months

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Thanks to you all for the well wishes in regards to the death of my friend. I

appreciate the understanding and compassion I get from this list! You are all


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