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Re: I may be saying Good Bye!!,children ment.,Drs.appt.,hsg

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Sorry things aren't going well right now for you and frustration is

taking a real toll. I want you to do what is best for you, but for

you to know that if you decide to leave you will be missed. I wish

you the best w/whatever decision you make and hope you won't leave

totally and we'll keep us updated everyonce in awhile on how you and

your family is doing.

Take care!!

Kel :)

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I just wanted you to know that I understand your feelings and although I would

miss hearing from you (I think you have a lot to offer others even if you are

not ttc) you need to do what is best for you right now.

I will keep you in my prayers. Best of luck w/ the HSG. Unfortunately I can't

give much encouragement on that front. Mine was a nightmare, but I think I am

definitely in a minority there, as I have heard from many that their experience

wasn't too bad, and even some who had no problems/pain whatsoever.


mi pyf wrote:

> Hello,


> As some of you know I went to the Drs. this morning due to some problems

> with af, bladder and pain during bding. I at this point am very confused

> and extremely overwhelmed. While at the Drs. he asked me if we had thought

> anymore about having the hsg done? I, of course said yes, well we scheduled

> it for Fri. morning which will be cd 11 for me. Yes, he did tell us no

> " un-protected " bding til after then. He also mentioned that if we decided

> not to have the hsg done he wants me to schedule an u/s to look at, who

> knows what I am not sure. And put me on bcp til to help get the afs slowed

> down and help with O pain and af cramping...So all in all I did not get a

> staight answer from him as to what may be going on for sure. He said when

> he did the lap and D & C he did NOT see anything abnormal and thinks that ALL

> of these symptoms could be my body still healing and adjusting to

> everything.


> After leaving the Drs. dh and I talked ... some of you know he had

> reservations about us ttc and being successful doing so. He is scared and

> worried this (ep) will happen again, but hey aren't we all? I told him that

> having this hsg done will let us see the tube that is left and the uterus to

> see if there is anything abnormal. Well dh seems to think maybe we need to

> " go on " ...We DO have two beautiful daughters, and he seems to think that the

> m/c in 98 and the ep in May of '00 is my body's way of saying enough. In

> addition, we are starting on the house, which we are going to do ALOT

> ourselves, and he is in the process of changing jobs (this fact may affect

> our INS).


> Now, to the reason I think this will be " Good Bye " ... We are going to

> through with the hsg on Fri. if there is a problem we will go from there,

> i.e. tubal ligation, he(vasectomy)...IF all is okay we are probably going to

> begin taking bcp for a while until things settle down a bit and ttc in 6mos

> to a year. " Why Good Bye do you ask? " Well I am not sure..I am not sure

> where I will fit into the group.?? I WANT another baby, We NEED a new

> house, dh NEEDS a new, better paying job...I need to put all in perspective

> and maybe live life to it's fullest, most importantly enjoy my dh and

> daughters..And if doing all of these things mean seperation from the group

> friends I have found (so that it's not a constant reminder that ttc is not

> TOP on my list) .... I think I need to go for now I am in tears and the 2

> year old is scared and wants to know why??!!!!


> I hope to hear from all of you .... I am not saying " Good Bye " yet...


> HUGS to all of you,

> e


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