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Re: TICS for diverticulosis????

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Stedman's abbreviations has tic for (diver)tic(ulum). It does not have it listed

under TIC and there

is no listing for TICS. I had a doc use TICS before for diverticulosis, but I

spelled it out, as per

my employer's rules. You know how that goes. :)


Jantranscribes wrote:

> Has anyone ever heard the term TICS used for diverticulosis? I have a

> notation in my Lil Red Notebook that it's considered slang, but I found it

> in Neil Abbreviations (in all caps like I have it). Does anyone have

> a Stedman's Abbreviations that they could verify this for me?? Thanks in

> advance, and yes, Stedman's Abbreviations is one of the books on my Need to

> Buy list. :)


> Jan

> jantranscribes@...

> " Typing is my life. "

> " Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "






> PLEASE VISIT THE NMTC WEB SITE - http://go.to/nmtc



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Stedman's Abbreviations only shows tic for diverticulum.

I think it isn't upper-cased because rather than an acronym, it's just slang.

But then, again, we *know* these little " rules " about abbreviations and acronyms

and slang are loosely followed, so I don't know how you'd style it.

I am reaching in my memory banks now, but wasn't it your Edix QA folks who told

you TICS was okay? I reserve the right to be wrong here. *G*


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TICS for diverticulosis????

Has anyone ever heard the term TICS used for diverticulosis? I have a

notation in my Lil Red Notebook that it's considered slang, but I found it

in Neil Abbreviations (in all caps like I have it). Does anyone have

a Stedman's Abbreviations that they could verify this for me?? Thanks in

advance, and yes, Stedman's Abbreviations is one of the books on my Need to

Buy list. :)

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And therein lies my confusion :( As I have stated before, the " rule " is

supposed to be if you can find it as an abbreviation, it's not slang, but I have

it listed in my Slang list in my Lil Red Notebook. Either I'm confused (which

is highly possible) or the QA people have just broken their own rule, which is

also highly possible. To solve the problem and cover my hindparts, I've flagged

it, which is what we are supposed to do when a doctor dictates something we

cannot document or we can document it several ways and aren't sure which one he

or she wants. I'm going to ask my supervisor to get me a " final answer. "

This is my one and only beef about my employer... contradictions about what they

really want. <sigh>



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

TICS for diverticulosis????

Has anyone ever heard the term TICS used for diverticulosis? I have a

notation in my Lil Red Notebook that it's considered slang, but I found it

in Neil Abbreviations (in all caps like I have it). Does anyone have

a Stedman's Abbreviations that they could verify this for me?? Thanks in

advance, and yes, Stedman's Abbreviations is one of the books on my Need to

Buy list. :)

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You wrote:

This is my one and only beef about my employer... contradictions about what

they really want. <sigh>

I feel your pain, and you are not alone. I think they all have

contradictions. Mine builds them in by saying to transcribe verbatim

" within reason. " Whose reason? QA's, usually. Now, if I could only know

what the particular QA person who reviews my report considers reasonable,

I'd be home free.


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Our rules are " verbatim within the limits of common sense. " My $10,000 question

is .. who's common sense?? Mine or theirs? Geez. Unfortunately my crystal ball

is in the shop and the parts are on back order. I'm sooooo glad they came up

with that flag deal.. it sure covers my hindparts.



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

RE: TICS for diverticulosis????

You wrote:

This is my one and only beef about my employer... contradictions about what

they really want. <sigh>

I feel your pain, and you are not alone. I think they all have

contradictions. Mine builds them in by saying to transcribe verbatim

" within reason. " Whose reason? QA's, usually. Now, if I could only know

what the particular QA person who reviews my report considers reasonable,

I'd be home free.


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hours ago. Is your virus program up to date?

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Whoa! The " rule " is if you can find it in a reference work as an

abbreviation, " It's not slang " ??? For that matter, !!! I have yet to see

an abbreviation book that designates slang--mostly, they just tell you what

the dictator probably meant by what he/she said in abbreviated form, and

that's only if he/she used a " short form " that other people also

use! Often, the " verbal shorthand " used by medical practitioners IS slang,

it's jargon, it's unacceptable in formal writing and court

documents. However, it's familiar because of common usage, and it stops

sounding like slang to those who hear it day in and day out.

Whatever happened to the rule that was passed down to me when I first

started teaching medical transcription 30 years ago: " When it doubt, spell

it out? "


At 09:11 AM 9/10/2002 -0400, Jantranscribes wrote:

>And therein lies my confusion :( As I have stated before, the " rule " is

>supposed to be if you can find it as an abbreviation, it's not slang, but

>I have it listed in my Slang list in my Lil Red Notebook. Either I'm

>confused (which is highly possible) or the QA people have just broken

>their own rule, which is also highly possible. To solve the problem and

>cover my hindparts, I've flagged it, which is what we are supposed to do

>when a doctor dictates something we cannot document or we can document it

>several ways and aren't sure which one he or she wants. I'm going to ask

>my supervisor to get me a " final answer. "


>This is my one and only beef about my employer... contradictions about

>what they really want. <sigh>




> " Typing is my life. "

> " Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "


> TICS for diverticulosis????



> Has anyone ever heard the term TICS used for diverticulosis? I have a

> notation in my Lil Red Notebook that it's considered slang, but I found it

> in Neil Abbreviations (in all caps like I have it). Does anyone have

> a Stedman's Abbreviations that they could verify this for me?? Thanks in

> advance, and yes, Stedman's Abbreviations is one of the books on my Need to

> Buy list. :)




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That's the rule I was taught also. Unfortunately things have changed since

then. When I asked my supervisor for clarification on what was slang and what

was an abbreviation, that's what she told me: If you can't find it listed in an

abbreviation book as an abbreviation, then it's slang and must be spelled out.

I'm not saying it makes sense, I'm just repeating what I was told. As I have

stated before, I also use Vera Pyle frequently, and I've noticed she will often

say " this is slang. " If she says it's slang, I spell it out and use her book

for my documentation in case it ever comes back to haunt me. But if she doesn't

list it as slang, and I can find it in Neil as an abbreviation, I have no

choice but to use it as dictated. My employer says abbreviations are to be

used as dictated UNLESS they are used in diagnoses, impressions, or names of

operations. Sooo.. as my sig line says.... :)



" Typing is my life. "

" Whoever signs the paycheck makes the rules. "

TICS for diverticulosis????



> Has anyone ever heard the term TICS used for diverticulosis? I have a

> notation in my Lil Red Notebook that it's considered slang, but I found it

> in Neil Abbreviations (in all caps like I have it). Does anyone


> a Stedman's Abbreviations that they could verify this for me?? Thanks in

> advance, and yes, Stedman's Abbreviations is one of the books on my Need


> Buy list. :)




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