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Tetanus vaccine reactions - people who contact me

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At 12:00 PM 03/06/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>These are emails I've received in the last year - terrible reactions to

tetanus vax.




>From a mom

>>I've been concerned at the suggested 'safety' of Tet-Tox for some time.

>>Our story is convoluted as the person in question had been poisoned

>>unbeknownst to us by household pesticide application five months previously

>>and had been erroneously prescribed an anti-psychotic drug for her brain

>>symptoms instead of an antidote to the chlorinated organophosphate that

>>poisoned her.

>>The drug was sending her crazy and causing severe CNS pain. We learned

>>later that its chemical structure was almost identical to the pesticide

>>formulation that poisoned her. In retrospect it appears the vax in synergism

>>with the drug perhaps? pushed her over the edge. The thiomersal? The

>>formaldehyde? Who knows. The toxic barrel overflowed. In 1993.

>>Following a bite from a goat. How we wish we had simply washed the wound.

>>The doctor we took her to was shown pathology of her recently diagnosed

>>allergies and chose to ignore the information. The first symptom was a

>>buckling of the knees and a sag in posture in the first three hours. By the

>>following day her body had locked completely - along with her jaw. She lay

>>immobile on the bed talking strangely about strange subjects and declaring

>>she wanted to die. A private nurse was engaged for three days as she was

>>completely helpless. By day four she was straightening up and able to open

>>her mouth and begin to eat. Because her specialist was away we took her to

>>hospital for advice. The medical staff believed she was 'putting on' a


>>Obviously this was because she had been diagnosed with a 'mental' illness.

>>They wanted to call a psychiatrist but I declined and took her home where

>>outwardly she made a recovery.

>>There is however lingering encephalopathy. Enough to prevent her working

>>but in the last seven years she has come a long way by dint of a million

>>natural treatments and sheer guts.




>[Media Spring 1994 Tetanus vaccine--arthritis] Letter to Mothering Magazine




>Letter to Mothering Magazine, Number 70, Spring 1994


>Dear Marilyn Lowe (Fall 1993),


>I, too, had an adverse reaction to a tetanus booster shot. When I was 13

>years old, I had a mysterious illness, and I discovered

>only a few years ago that I had received a booster shot several days before

>becoming ill. Subsequent reading confirmed that my

>symptoms were similar to those of others who had had adverse reactions to

>the tetanus vaccine.


>I spiked a fever over 105° F and had swelling and stiffness in my joints. I

>was admitted to hospital, and quarantined until the fever

>subsided. The day after I was released, all my joints became excruciatingly

>painful, whereupon I was admitted to a different

>hospital for a battery of tests—all of which, including one for rheumatoid

>arthritis, were negative. Despite this, I was labeled as

>having juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.


>Now, as a 30 year old, my joints still ache in damp weather and when I

>become ill. I have written to our government to demand

>that a parent’s right to choose vaccination be federally guaranteed.


> Tetreault


>Northborough, Massachusetts



>Our daughter is autistic not from MMR but possibly from a tetanus

>vaccination. The ins and outs of this whole subject are extremely complex

>but I believe there are enough 'coincidences' to suggest that there is a

>link between MMR and autism. However, this is only one factor in the whole

>autism spectrum. Governments should be sitting up and asking why autism is

>on such a massive increase in our global society. What changes in our

>environment and the way we have to live are causing this?

> Storey, France


>>From: Nafzigu@...

>>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:05:42 EST

>>Subject: Adverse reaction to tetanus vaccination


>>X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 114

>>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by nccn6.nccn.net id




>>thanks for your wonderful, very interesting website. As a victim of a


>>shot 7 years ago I´m still suffering from relapsing GBS-like symptoms.And


>>most doctors I visited denied any possible side efects of tetanus

>>vaccinations. Do you have more experience with adverse reactions to that


>>I look forward to hear from you



>>>From: Nafzigu@...

>>Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 12:25:56 EST

>>Subject: Re: Hi Sheri


>>X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 114

>>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by nccn6.nccn.net id



>>Thanks so much for your information regarding the possible


>>to tetanus vaccinations. I really appreciate it a lot.


>>As you might know, there is such a cover-up going on in regard to the

>>side-effects of vaccinations in general, which makes it very very difficult

>>to find a doctor to make the right diagnosis. And without a right diagnosis

>>there is no chance of an effective treatment. It took 7 years until I´ve


>>now treated with immunglobulines. Those infusions improved the rate and

>>intensivity of relapses.


>>As my symptoms are very much like GBS-symptoms, but my nerve- conduction


>>been normal in the beginning, I really don´t know whether I´m suffering


>>GBS or Polyneuropathy. Do you know of some other cases with normal nerve

>>conduction in the beginning?


>>I would apreciate it a lot if you could name me a doctor who has experience

>>with treating vaccination related illnesses.


>>Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend.




>>And after she wrote me she said she found 3 other people with serious




>>X-Originating-IP: []

>>From: " jan degrandchamp " <jandegrand@...>


>>Subject: Tetanus Vaccination Reactions

>>Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 20:15:33 -0000

>>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Dec 2000 20:15:33.0582 (UTC)



>>Does this e-address deal with tetanus vaccine reactions? If so, please

>>advise. I received one about three weeks ago and have developed muscular

>>burning throughout my body and stiffening in my joints. Seeking help and

>>advice. Thank you. ...jan...





>>J'm Italian, male, of 44 years.

>>J shortly repeat my story.

>>J have problems from and after a vaccination against tetan practiced

>>in January 98.

>>In the past j have beginned many time the vaccination with the first

>>inoculation without complete the 3 administerings (and without


>>So, in 98 j asked to my doctor if was necessary to begin again (he

>>don't said to me that was possible to dose the antibody) and

>>practiced to me the 1 dose.

>>Immediately j had asthma.

>>After a week begin muscular disease and articolar disease.

>>After and until today my problems are muscolar and neurological

>>diseases like polyartomyalgia, giddiness, view problems and others.

>>The doctors in Italy say that it may be an autoimmune disease due to

>>the hyperimmunization.

>>In November 2000 j have had a pulmonary haemorrhage and j remained 15

>>days in hospital. Dimission without an exact diagnosis.

>>J would like to ask if someone can kindly suggest to me a doctor or

>>an hospital (possibly in Europe) or in U.S. that can diagnose and

>>treat this pathology.


>>Thank you much.


>>Cesare Vogliotti



>(I personally don't feel this is a contaminated booster, just a normal

vaccine that I have seen wreck havoc in people's bodies



>Dear Friends,


>I don't know where to turn anymore for help. I don't think any of you

>will have received this shot, because so many of you don't get

>vaccinations. So, you're not the right audience, but maybe you will

>have an idea, or maybe just let me vent, and for that I am grateful.


>I would like to share my experience with you. I have written before

>about wanting to find other people who had received the same tetanus

>booster that I received, and I appreciate all of the information that

>many have sent to me, but I was still unable to locate anyone. I've

>decided to be more specific about my experience, in the hopes that

>maybe someone would have an idea about how I could proceed. I

>believe the shot I received was contaminated. Therefore, I believe

>that every person who received that shot was injured. And on the face

>of things, it would seem to be a pretty simple thing to determine if

>anyone else was hurt, but everything I have tried up to now has been



>In June of 2000, I had a heart attack in the middle of the night. I

>have no history of heart disease and am not in a high risk group. In

>the seven weeks prior to that, I had a series of seemingly minor,

>unrelated symptoms. However, in the months following the heart

>attack, I suffered with a complex progression of symptoms. At first

>only my arm was affected, but then my neck, throat, diaphragm,

>stomach, heart, and rectum. These symptoms passed methodically from

>one area to the next, the time between symptoms proportional to the

>distance between the areas affected. Other symptoms included tight

>jaw, raised eyebrows, seizures, apnea, fluctuating blood pressure,

>sensitivity to cold, dry eyes and dry mouth, weight loss, and

>neuropathy. My symptoms were similar to tetanus, but were presenting

>themselves sequentially, over a longer period of time. We believe my

>symptoms were caused by tetanus toxin.


>The CDC has an article about tetanus and the effects of tetanus toxin

>on its website. According to that article, tetanus toxin is one of

>the most powerful neurotoxins known. It attaches to the nerve cells,

>travels only millimeters per day to the brain stem, and down the

>spine. Once attached, there is nothing one can do to stop or slow its

>progress. It damages the inhibitory neurons, causing an inability to

>relax a contracted muscle. It can affect the autonomic nervous system

>which controls things like breathing, heart rate, and digestion.


>In April of 2000, I had gotten a tetanus booster shot, at my request,

>because I stepped on something in the garden. Tetanus toxoid vaccines

>get their immune response from formaldehyde treated toxin, called

>toxoid. This treatment inactivates the toxin, allowing the body to

>create antibodies to the toxin without getting the disease. I believe

>something went wrong with this part of the manufacturing, and some, or

>maybe all of the toxin in the shot I received remained potent. This

>happened once before in Hungary in 1952. A pertussis shot that had

>inadvertantly been contaminated with tetanus toxin, was given to 22

>patients. Eleven of them died. The government did not acknowledge

>the event until 1997. (See the medical journal Lancet (11/22/97)

>Vol.350, No. 9090, P. 1518)


>In the summer of 2000, all the right things were done in terms of

>reporting my experience to the FDA and CDC. My doctor and I both

>filed reports with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), who

>requested copies of my medical records. And since then, the nation

>has had a critical tetanus vaccine shortage, so I am confident that

>any other unsafe lots have been removed from the market. But it has

>been over a year and there has still not been any official



>I am concerned that other people who received that shot did not

>survive the heart attack. I know that if I had died at that point, my

>family and friends would have been shocked that I had had a heart

>problem, and would not have considered a causal relationship to the

>tetanus booster. In fact, except for my husband, my family did not

>even know I received a booster. I want to provide people with a

>description of my symptoms, so that if they had a family member who

>died suddenly after similar symptoms, they can check to see if the

>person had had a tetanus booster 1 to 2 months before.


>The following is a timeline of my symptoms:


>Day 1: Received tetanus booster. Minor involuntary contraction of

>forearm muscle when arm is at rest a short time after shot.

>Day 2 and 3: Weak, nauseous, and in bed. Unable to lift arm very

>high. Arm is NOT red, NOT swollen, NOT painful to the touch.

>Day 20: Stiff neck on right side in back. Cannot turn head to right.

>Day 21: Sunburn feeling on neck on right side in back.

>Day 26 and 27: Weak, nauseous, and in bed.

>Day 39 to 55: Increasingly hyperactive with flashes of euphoria, very

>little sleep. If asked at that time, I would have said, " I feel

>better than I have in 10 years. I have so much energy. " (I was

>checked for hyperthyroidism, which my doctor determined was not

>causing my symptoms)

>Day 51: Short of breath, throat feels tight.

>Day 52: Woke up with burning in pectoral muscle, left side. Entire

>diaphragm contracted. Stomach contracted into " fist " . Given valium

>and benadryl at emergency room.

>Day 55: Heart attack in the middle of the night.


>The involuntary contraction of my forearm persisted during the entire

>7-8 week period. It was most prevalent in the evening and in the

>morning upon waking. It was not painful to touch or to move. In

>fact, I kept moving it to avoid feeling it contract up. It was

>visibly subtle and would not be noticed unless I pointed it out. The

>only symptom really visible to family was the increasing

>hyperactivity. It was not subtle and was clearly apparent to my

>doctor. I had very rapid, animated speech and an inability to

>sit still. I appeared happy and very excited. I paced. And although

>they couldn't actually " see " my nausea and weakness, they could see I

>didn't feel well and was in bed those 2 times. They couldn't

> " see " my diaphragm and stomach contract when I went to the emergency

>room upon waking on day 52, but they could see I was very panicked and

>afraid that something was terribly wrong.


>I am 5'3 " tall. I would think that for a person smaller than me, the

>timeline of symptoms would be shorter than mine, proportional to the

>difference in size. I requested the file of reported events for the

>lot number of this vaccine from VAERS, and the list specifies the

>state that the patient was from. This lot # was given across the

>country. Reports were filed showing shots were given from Jan/2000

>through Aug/2000.


>A tetanus booster given to anyone over the age of 7 would be the

>adult booster, the same as I received. I would be happy to share

>information about the manufacturer and lot # of my shot with anyone

>whose family member died suddenly 1 to 2 months after receiving a

>tetanus booster.


>I thank you for your time and giving me the opportunity to share this.

>I'm sorry this is so long. I wanted to be as thorough and accurate as

>I could be.


>Thank you,








Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & Wales UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


(go to http://www.paypal.com) or by mail

PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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Hi Kay, don't forget the vitamin C in addition to your homeopathy. I only

mention so that parents will realize there is more than one tool in our first

aid kit.

At the seanet link, check out Dr. Klenner's work with tetanus and vitamin C

<A HREF= " http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/index.htm " >Ascorbate Historical

Reference Page</A>



HREF= " http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/197x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1971-v2\

3-n3 & 4-p61.htm " >www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/197x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1971\

-v23-n3 &



HREF= " http://www.orthomed.com/index.htm " >http://www.orthomed.com/index.htm</A>


HREF= " http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/ " >http://www.vitamincfoundation.org</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.cforyourself.com/ " >http://www.cforyourself.com</A>

In a message dated 7/8/2002 3:24:03 PM Central Daylight Time,

mkphilpot@... writes:

> If she gets a puncture wound or similar injury, it will be treated with

> homeopathy.


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I had a tetanus booster in 1998, within 5 months I had terrible pain in all of

my joints: knuckles, wrists, fingers, elbows, knees, ankles, toes... I finally

went to the doctor who did some blood tests (which showed nothing). His

diagnosis, " arthritis. " Of course I never related it to the tetanus shot, until

lately. Arthritis...I was 32 years old then! I still have pain in my joints

now and then. It has improved, for now. But what would happen to me if I

continued getting a booster every 10 years??? I'll never know because I won't

be getting another if I can help it...

Also, when I was 3 1/2 I had a rubella vaccination. My mom said I was up all

night crying in pain from my arm. A month later I still was complaining of pain

in my arm, and my range of motion in that arm was decreased. The doctor's

diagnosis, " Arthralgia prob. due to 3 day measles vac. "

I'm just sorry I didn't realize the connection before I had my children

vaccinated... My daughter is due for a tetanus booster in 2 years. That's one

she won't be getting. If she gets a puncture wound or similar injury, it will

be treated with homeopathy.


At 12:00 PM 03/06/2002 +0000, you wrote:

>These are emails I've received in the last year - terrible reactions to

tetanus vax.



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Thank you! I'll check these links out.


Hi Kay, don't forget the vitamin C in addition to your homeopathy. I only

mention so that parents will realize there is more than one tool in our first

aid kit.

At the seanet link, check out Dr. Klenner's work with tetanus and vitamin C

<A HREF= " http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/index.htm " >Ascorbate

Historical Reference Page</A>



HREF= " http://www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/197x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1971-v2\

3-n3 & 4-p61.htm " >www.seanet.com/~alexs/ascorbate/197x/klenner-fr-j_appl_nutr-1971\

-v23-n3 &



HREF= " http://www.orthomed.com/index.htm " >http://www.orthomed.com/index.htm</A>


HREF= " http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/ " >http://www.vitamincfoundation.org</A>

<A HREF= " http://www.cforyourself.com/ " >http://www.cforyourself.com</A>

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  • 5 months later...

These are emails I've received in the last year - terrible reactions to

tetanus vax.



From a mom

>I've been concerned at the suggested 'safety' of Tet-Tox for some time.

>Our story is convoluted as the person in question had been poisoned

>unbeknownst to us by household pesticide application five months previously

>and had been erroneously prescribed an anti-psychotic drug for her brain

>symptoms instead of an antidote to the chlorinated organophosphate that

>poisoned her.

>The drug was sending her crazy and causing severe CNS pain. We learned

>later that its chemical structure was almost identical to the pesticide

>formulation that poisoned her. In retrospect it appears the vax in synergism

>with the drug perhaps? pushed her over the edge. The thiomersal? The

>formaldehyde? Who knows. The toxic barrel overflowed. In 1993.

>Following a bite from a goat. How we wish we had simply washed the wound.

>The doctor we took her to was shown pathology of her recently diagnosed

>allergies and chose to ignore the information. The first symptom was a

>buckling of the knees and a sag in posture in the first three hours. By the

>following day her body had locked completely - along with her jaw. She lay

>immobile on the bed talking strangely about strange subjects and declaring

>she wanted to die. A private nurse was engaged for three days as she was

>completely helpless. By day four she was straightening up and able to open

>her mouth and begin to eat. Because her specialist was away we took her to

>hospital for advice. The medical staff believed she was 'putting on' a


>Obviously this was because she had been diagnosed with a 'mental' illness.

>They wanted to call a psychiatrist but I declined and took her home where

>outwardly she made a recovery.

>There is however lingering encephalopathy. Enough to prevent her working

>but in the last seven years she has come a long way by dint of a million

>natural treatments and sheer guts.

[Media Spring 1994 Tetanus vaccine--arthritis] Letter to Mothering Magazine


Letter to Mothering Magazine, Number 70, Spring 1994

Dear Marilyn Lowe (Fall 1993),

I, too, had an adverse reaction to a tetanus booster shot. When I was 13

years old, I had a mysterious illness, and I discovered

only a few years ago that I had received a booster shot several days before

becoming ill. Subsequent reading confirmed that my

symptoms were similar to those of others who had had adverse reactions to

the tetanus vaccine.

I spiked a fever over 105° F and had swelling and stiffness in my joints. I

was admitted to hospital, and quarantined until the fever

subsided. The day after I was released, all my joints became excruciatingly

painful, whereupon I was admitted to a different

hospital for a battery of tests—all of which, including one for rheumatoid

arthritis, were negative. Despite this, I was labeled as

having juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.

Now, as a 30 year old, my joints still ache in damp weather and when I

become ill. I have written to our government to demand

that a parent’s right to choose vaccination be federally guaranteed.


Northborough, Massachusetts


Our daughter is autistic not from MMR but possibly from a tetanus

vaccination. The ins and outs of this whole subject are extremely complex

but I believe there are enough 'coincidences' to suggest that there is a

link between MMR and autism. However, this is only one factor in the whole

autism spectrum. Governments should be sitting up and asking why autism is

on such a massive increase in our global society. What changes in our

environment and the way we have to live are causing this?

Storey, France


>From: Nafzigu@...

>Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 20:05:42 EST

>Subject: Adverse reaction to tetanus vaccination


>X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 114

>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by nccn6.nccn.net id




>thanks for your wonderful, very interesting website. As a victim of a


>shot 7 years ago I´m still suffering from relapsing GBS-like symptoms.And


>most doctors I visited denied any possible side efects of tetanus

>vaccinations. Do you have more experience with adverse reactions to that


>I look forward to hear from you



>>From: Nafzigu@...

>Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 12:25:56 EST

>Subject: Re: Hi Sheri


>X-Mailer: Windows AOL sub 114

>X-MIME-Autoconverted: from quoted-printable to 8bit by nccn6.nccn.net id



>Thanks so much for your information regarding the possible adverse-reactions

>to tetanus vaccinations. I really appreciate it a lot.


>As you might know, there is such a cover-up going on in regard to the

>side-effects of vaccinations in general, which makes it very very difficult

>to find a doctor to make the right diagnosis. And without a right diagnosis

>there is no chance of an effective treatment. It took 7 years until I´ve


>now treated with immunglobulines. Those infusions improved the rate and

>intensivity of relapses.


>As my symptoms are very much like GBS-symptoms, but my nerve- conduction


>been normal in the beginning, I really don´t know whether I´m suffering from

>GBS or Polyneuropathy. Do you know of some other cases with normal nerve

>conduction in the beginning?


>I would apreciate it a lot if you could name me a doctor who has experience

>with treating vaccination related illnesses.


>Thanks a lot and have a nice weekend.




>And after she wrote me she said she found 3 other people with serious



>X-Originating-IP: []

>From: " jan degrandchamp " <jandegrand@...>


>Subject: Tetanus Vaccination Reactions

>Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2000 20:15:33 -0000

>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 17 Dec 2000 20:15:33.0582 (UTC)



>Does this e-address deal with tetanus vaccine reactions? If so, please

>advise. I received one about three weeks ago and have developed muscular

>burning throughout my body and stiffening in my joints. Seeking help and

>advice. Thank you. ...jan...



>J'm Italian, male, of 44 years.

>J shortly repeat my story.

>J have problems from and after a vaccination against tetan practiced

>in January 98.

>In the past j have beginned many time the vaccination with the first

>inoculation without complete the 3 administerings (and without


>So, in 98 j asked to my doctor if was necessary to begin again (he

>don't said to me that was possible to dose the antibody) and

>practiced to me the 1 dose.

>Immediately j had asthma.

>After a week begin muscular disease and articolar disease.

>After and until today my problems are muscolar and neurological

>diseases like polyartomyalgia, giddiness, view problems and others.

>The doctors in Italy say that it may be an autoimmune disease due to

>the hyperimmunization.

>In November 2000 j have had a pulmonary haemorrhage and j remained 15

>days in hospital. Dimission without an exact diagnosis.

>J would like to ask if someone can kindly suggest to me a doctor or

>an hospital (possibly in Europe) or in U.S. that can diagnose and

>treat this pathology.


>Thank you much.


>Cesare Vogliotti


(I personally don't feel this is a contaminated booster, just a normal

vaccine that I have seen wreck havoc in people's bodies


Dear Friends,

I don't know where to turn anymore for help. I don't think any of you

will have received this shot, because so many of you don't get

vaccinations. So, you're not the right audience, but maybe you will

have an idea, or maybe just let me vent, and for that I am grateful.

I would like to share my experience with you. I have written before

about wanting to find other people who had received the same tetanus

booster that I received, and I appreciate all of the information that

many have sent to me, but I was still unable to locate anyone. I've

decided to be more specific about my experience, in the hopes that

maybe someone would have an idea about how I could proceed. I

believe the shot I received was contaminated. Therefore, I believe

that every person who received that shot was injured. And on the face

of things, it would seem to be a pretty simple thing to determine if

anyone else was hurt, but everything I have tried up to now has been


In June of 2000, I had a heart attack in the middle of the night. I

have no history of heart disease and am not in a high risk group. In

the seven weeks prior to that, I had a series of seemingly minor,

unrelated symptoms. However, in the months following the heart

attack, I suffered with a complex progression of symptoms. At first

only my arm was affected, but then my neck, throat, diaphragm,

stomach, heart, and rectum. These symptoms passed methodically from

one area to the next, the time between symptoms proportional to the

distance between the areas affected. Other symptoms included tight

jaw, raised eyebrows, seizures, apnea, fluctuating blood pressure,

sensitivity to cold, dry eyes and dry mouth, weight loss, and

neuropathy. My symptoms were similar to tetanus, but were presenting

themselves sequentially, over a longer period of time. We believe my

symptoms were caused by tetanus toxin.

The CDC has an article about tetanus and the effects of tetanus toxin

on its website. According to that article, tetanus toxin is one of

the most powerful neurotoxins known. It attaches to the nerve cells,

travels only millimeters per day to the brain stem, and down the

spine. Once attached, there is nothing one can do to stop or slow its

progress. It damages the inhibitory neurons, causing an inability to

relax a contracted muscle. It can affect the autonomic nervous system

which controls things like breathing, heart rate, and digestion.

In April of 2000, I had gotten a tetanus booster shot, at my request,

because I stepped on something in the garden. Tetanus toxoid vaccines

get their immune response from formaldehyde treated toxin, called

toxoid. This treatment inactivates the toxin, allowing the body to

create antibodies to the toxin without getting the disease. I believe

something went wrong with this part of the manufacturing, and some, or

maybe all of the toxin in the shot I received remained potent. This

happened once before in Hungary in 1952. A pertussis shot that had

inadvertantly been contaminated with tetanus toxin, was given to 22

patients. Eleven of them died. The government did not acknowledge

the event until 1997. (See the medical journal Lancet (11/22/97)

Vol.350, No. 9090, P. 1518)

In the summer of 2000, all the right things were done in terms of

reporting my experience to the FDA and CDC. My doctor and I both

filed reports with VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), who

requested copies of my medical records. And since then, the nation

has had a critical tetanus vaccine shortage, so I am confident that

any other unsafe lots have been removed from the market. But it has

been over a year and there has still not been any official


I am concerned that other people who received that shot did not

survive the heart attack. I know that if I had died at that point, my

family and friends would have been shocked that I had had a heart

problem, and would not have considered a causal relationship to the

tetanus booster. In fact, except for my husband, my family did not

even know I received a booster. I want to provide people with a

description of my symptoms, so that if they had a family member who

died suddenly after similar symptoms, they can check to see if the

person had had a tetanus booster 1 to 2 months before.

The following is a timeline of my symptoms:

Day 1: Received tetanus booster. Minor involuntary contraction of

forearm muscle when arm is at rest a short time after shot.

Day 2 and 3: Weak, nauseous, and in bed. Unable to lift arm very

high. Arm is NOT red, NOT swollen, NOT painful to the touch.

Day 20: Stiff neck on right side in back. Cannot turn head to right.

Day 21: Sunburn feeling on neck on right side in back.

Day 26 and 27: Weak, nauseous, and in bed.

Day 39 to 55: Increasingly hyperactive with flashes of euphoria, very

little sleep. If asked at that time, I would have said, " I feel

better than I have in 10 years. I have so much energy. " (I was

checked for hyperthyroidism, which my doctor determined was not

causing my symptoms)

Day 51: Short of breath, throat feels tight.

Day 52: Woke up with burning in pectoral muscle, left side. Entire

diaphragm contracted. Stomach contracted into " fist " . Given valium

and benadryl at emergency room.

Day 55: Heart attack in the middle of the night.

The involuntary contraction of my forearm persisted during the entire

7-8 week period. It was most prevalent in the evening and in the

morning upon waking. It was not painful to touch or to move. In

fact, I kept moving it to avoid feeling it contract up. It was

visibly subtle and would not be noticed unless I pointed it out. The

only symptom really visible to family was the increasing

hyperactivity. It was not subtle and was clearly apparent to my

doctor. I had very rapid, animated speech and an inability to

sit still. I appeared happy and very excited. I paced. And although

they couldn't actually " see " my nausea and weakness, they could see I

didn't feel well and was in bed those 2 times. They couldn't

" see " my diaphragm and stomach contract when I went to the emergency

room upon waking on day 52, but they could see I was very panicked and

afraid that something was terribly wrong.

I am 5'3 " tall. I would think that for a person smaller than me, the

timeline of symptoms would be shorter than mine, proportional to the

difference in size. I requested the file of reported events for the

lot number of this vaccine from VAERS, and the list specifies the

state that the patient was from. This lot # was given across the

country. Reports were filed showing shots were given from Jan/2000

through Aug/2000.

A tetanus booster given to anyone over the age of 7 would be the

adult booster, the same as I received. I would be happy to share

information about the manufacturer and lot # of my shot with anyone

whose family member died suddenly 1 to 2 months after receiving a

tetanus booster.

I thank you for your time and giving me the opportunity to share this.

I'm sorry this is so long. I wanted to be as thorough and accurate as

I could be.

Thank you,



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