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Spa Day: Alice & Vote... & KIMBERLY

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Ah, yes. Now I remember why I encouraged you to organize this,


We all have different schedules, so I don't know how we can all do this

at once. Maybe there can be a Friday group and a Saturday group? With

something like a spa, where we're bound by hourly appointments, I think

we may have to split things up a bit. It's not like we all head to a

park, where we're on our own time. I still think we can make it work,


On a side note, I was thinking that alot of the get-togethers fall

through because of our different schedules, so why don't we keep

shooting for the group events when we can, but go ahead and have tiny

get togethers whenever we feel like it. I just want to put it out there

that I'm always willing to hook up with one or two people, if more can't

make it, for walks, museum trips, or whatever.

We're all busy people on the go, and no one should feel any more

frustrated about that than they have to.

Anyway, back to the idea of Friday AND Saturday. Do we like/hate that

idea? Who would be interested in which day and time?

- Alice

susan savoia wrote:


> How did we end up doing this on a weekday? Some of us have to work during

> the week. Can't we do it on the 18th?.


> Alice wrote:


> > I'll give a call tomorrow, and ask about Friday, Oct. 17th. How many are

> > we?

> >

> > & Jody Fortune wrote:

> > >

> > > Alice if you want to call Keldara that'd be great. I didn't get a

> > > chance yesterday because essentially I live at school now between

> > > classes & work (I'm there from 9 AM to 9:30 PM) Not to mention it'd

> > > save me the toll call LOL---this is the easiest thing I've ever

> > > " planned " LOL

> > >

> > > How about we be democratic about the date---shall we vote? Friday the

> > > 17th or Saturday the 18th? (Friday is best for me because I have a

> > > hard time getting a sitter for a Saturday) Everyone else?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Alice wrote:

> > >

> > > > Lyssa,

> > > >

> > > > They all sound great. Thanks for looking into it! I can call Keldara

> > > > and

> > > > ask about group rates if needed. Maybe already has?

> > > >

> > > > - Alice A.

> > > >

> > > > Lyssa wrote:

> > > > >

> > > > > Here are the 2 local day spas near me.

> > > > > http://www.innovdayspa.com/

> > > > > http://www.amherstmassage.com/

> > > > > The first is mailing out a pricelist to me and I did inquire about

> > > > discounts

> > > > > for groups. She said I would have to speak to the manager.

> > > > > The 2nd place is closed today but they do offer exclusive use of

> > > > their

> > > > > facilities to groups 4 or more plus throw in the wine,cheese, tea,

> > > > coffee,

> > > > > etc for free ..

> > > > > although I bet all do.

> > > > > Lyssa

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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If you had it on both days I would be able to go. I will get back from

Florida on Friday night so Saturday would be Kewl for me. Did you check out

the other 2 spas online. One of them seemed more reasonably priced than

Keldara? Was there a reason why we chose this one? Have you thought about

going to one of the training colleges in Boston. I checked them out once and

they were very, very reasonable. We just need to keep trying and we will all

get to meet. Maybe we can have an after the Holidays party and set the date

far enough in advance that the working people can request it off. If we had a

party and rented a room or something we could let those that have children

bring them. Maybe we could have a few older children watch the younger

children. We could pass around pictures of our successes and share recipes

etc. What do you think? I will help you or anyone with the planning if you

think it is a good idea. I will try to start the walking group as soon as the

Holidays are over or before if some of us can get a date and a place

together. I am rambling. Sorry. I just want to meet as many of you as I can.

I feel like I know so many of you already.

As Always, All Ways,


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Hi Kim,

That sounds great! We were actually considering having a get together " pot

luck " type of gathering, but due to a lot of crazy things happening this

year, we postponed it a bit. Jo (she's off line for a bit while getting

used to her new home) was talking about possibly getting some sort of a VFW

hall, and each of us bring a dish, and we'd hire a DJ, etc., if each person

were willing to contribute a few dollars to help cover costs. I think

that'd be a blast to do, and yes, after holiday time so we can save our



Re: Spa Day: Alice & Vote... & KIMBERLY


If you had it on both days I would be able to go. I will get back from

Florida on Friday night so Saturday would be Kewl for me. Did you check out

the other 2 spas online. One of them seemed more reasonably priced than

Keldara? Was there a reason why we chose this one? Have you thought about

going to one of the training colleges in Boston. I checked them out once and

they were very, very reasonable. We just need to keep trying and we will all

get to meet. Maybe we can have an after the Holidays party and set the date

far enough in advance that the working people can request it off. If we had


party and rented a room or something we could let those that have children

bring them. Maybe we could have a few older children watch the younger

children. We could pass around pictures of our successes and share recipes

etc. What do you think? I will help you or anyone with the planning if you

think it is a good idea. I will try to start the walking group as soon as


Holidays are over or before if some of us can get a date and a place

together. I am rambling. Sorry. I just want to meet as many of you as I can.

I feel like I know so many of you already.

As Always, All Ways,


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