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Re: Steroid Injections

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I have mixed emotions about epidural steroid injections.

They can last from a few hours to a few months.

There's a condition called anachroiditis, where a webbing of scar tissue occurs

and is debilitating. I had a few injections and did ok.

My sister had them every 3 to 6 months with her good tissue turning to mush over


Its a crap shoot. There are many on here who stopped doing them.

I am not a fan.

> Word1asset wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone has had these Steroid Injections? Have they worked

for you? How many did you have to get? How long did they last? Would you

recommend them?

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Thank You Ellen. I did not think of what the steroid could do to the healthy

tissue. Yikes! I will have to visit with the injection doctor about this.

I was told at my first visit that if I had gotten these injections right after

my accident I would not be where I am today pain wise. This of course just broke

my heart. It's been quite the journey. I must research though for I am pretty

desperate for relief.

Have a great Saturday, I thank you for taking the time to send me a reply.

> Ellen wrote:

> I have mixed emotions about epidural steroid injections.

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Never heard that timing matters on injections. I wouldn't trust that.

One thing to be cautious about is not to try to push it because you feel better.

Don't overdo it because you feel better. Pain relief only not more activity.

Be careful.

> Word1asset wrote:

> I was told at my first visit that if I had gotten these injections right after

my accident I would not be where I am today pain wise.

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I have had many sets of them and they were very helpful. They/do/ only

last several months -- I forget how many -- so after years of getting

them I stopped.

I have a lot of webbing from scar tissue from a laminectomy in 1981. I

am now wondering if some of it is from the injections. Anyway, at the

time, they were a great decision.

> Word1asset wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone has had these Steroid Injections? Have

> they worked for you? How many did you have to get? How long did they

> last? Would you recommend them?


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Hi ,

Thank you for taking the time to reply. 

I read your next post. I feel for you. I am sorry that you are hurting so much.

I did not find your post whiny. I was recommend to join this group so I could

learn, listen and vent. This is the third time I have posted.

Do you know much about Rolphing? I went through this and found some good pain

relieve, 5 years back. 

Super Saturday to you and all in this group. Take care

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OMG Tessa, thank you for telling me about Rolphing! I have never seen it

explained that way. I have quite a problem with myofascial pain, and have

benefited immensely from deep tissue massage therapy. My physical therapist also

does deep tissue work and has " cured " several of my muscle problems. This may be

another avenue. I just pressed my thigh along the IT band and it is so tender.

Maybe I could get some work done.

Anyway, thanks for another idea that might help. Off to elevate and ice for a


> Tessa wrote:

> Do you know much about Rolphing? I went through this and found some

> good pain relieve, 5 years back.

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Hi ,

Hope you are feeling a bit better this afternoon. You're excitement over

Rolphing really made my day. After the car accident, I had a few people mention

it to me. I didn't understand what it was and really didn't even give it a

second thought. Also, I talked to someone that said it hurt terribly.

So, Five years ago my dear massage therapist went to school in Colorado for

Rolphing. When she came back we talked about starting a few sessions just to see

how I felt. I love it! Since she was just starting out she gave me a deal at

$100.00 for about a 2 hour session. I had 10 and it was the best $1000.00 I have


I was very comfortable with her, since she has been my therapist for years. She

always told me exactly what she was going to do and why. When she was " aligning "

my muscles I didn't " hurt " I felt a little uncomfortable, but, it's nothing

compared to the day to day pain.

I hit my head pretty dang hard and suffer from migraines and headaches. I think

it was on my session number 8 that she did a technique that was a real trip and

extremely amazing. I was laying flat on my back and very relaxed. She placed her

pinky finger in my left nostril and had me picture a camera shutter opening. Her

entire pinky just slide up my nose! I had the weirdest sensation in my brain,

something had just let go. She then tried my right nostril, but, my body was not

ready to release.

I do not remember driving home from treatment that day (Isn't that awful) I

remember waking up and drinking a lot of water. It was the next day! I had slept

for nearly 20 hours. This is SO not normal for me. I wake up every hour or two

from the pain, I can go four on good nights.

This was five years ago when I had these sessions done. I was suffering from

migraines so severely. After the " pinky up my nose " treatment I didn't have a

migraine for a long time. My dear friend hasn't been practicing for a while and

I haven't been seen by her since then. She is practicing again and I am in the

process of scheduling appointments. These will cost $130 a session I think.

We have a few Rolpher's in our area and they are $165 and up. I tried going to

two different ones and it just wasn't the same. So, I didn't go through with

treatment from them.

It really makes a difference if you have a connection with your provider. If it

doesn't feel right it usually isn't. (This is why I've asked about Steroid


One of the first things my friend taught me when we began Rolphing was to

stretch my heels out. Lying on my back and make my heel go down and my toes come

up. I still continue to do this.

I hope this isn't to rambling. I would recommend Rolphing to anybody. Maybe you

live by a Rolphing school. Were you could be a client for learning students and

get a discount. It's a pretty intense course, I would feel comfortable doing

this if I felt okay with the student. I'm not sure if Rolphing is covered by


Do you use Advil? I never find Tylenol to do the trick. I'm on Tylenol now for I

have an injection in my neck next week and these are the rules, do to a risk of


Hoping you can relax soon and kick back- Tessa

> wrote:

> OMG Tessa, thank you for telling me about Rolphing!

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If you still want more information about injections, especially if you

have consented to injections in your neck, I found an article you may find



ly, I would never consent to these injections above the lumbar

spine, and have refused them when offered.

> Tessa wrote:

> I was wondering if anyone has had these Steroid Injections? Have

they worked for you? How many did you have to get? How long did they

last? Would you recommend them?

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Tessa, closest place I can get this is 2.5 hours away. It is awesome

that it helped you so much. Not sure I would like your migraine cure though!

> Tessa wrote:

> You're excitement over Rolphing really made my day. After the car

> accident, I had a few people mention it to me. I didn't understand

> what it was and really didn't even give it a second thought.

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I'm glad that I saw this thread. One of the options my spine doctor had

mentioned was steroid injections. I had heard of some possible negative

consequences with getting them so I begged off. I was thinking of

acupuncture, but that doesn't strike me as being anything other than

very transitory in effect.

Does anyone have any experience with acupuncture for lower back pain?

> I have mixed emotions about epidural steroid injections.

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Good Morning ,

I hope your day is bright today. I am happy I was led to this group. I went

through acupuncture for about 9 months when I was pregnant with my son, this was

10 years ago. Low back pain, leg pains, stomach problems, headaches/migraines

and other issues.

I did enjoy the friendship I developed with the acupuncturist. My checkbook

did not. I went one to twice a week at $100.00 a session. I did however, have a

very easy going baby and I feel the acupuncture had something to do with his

baby personality.

My low back pain did NOT lessen, I was 40 lbs. heavier though. When my son was

about 3, I went to another therapist and her technique was quite different. She

placed the acupuncture needles in my " spots' and them hooked them up to some

type of electric current. This was not painful and quite refreshing when I left

her studio. Although, the low back pain I deal with on a daily basis is still a

part of my life.

Some of the best relief I receive is massage therapy. My insurance covers it,

only up to so many visits though. It's been a learning experience, I would just

lie there and make it through a " sub-par " massage and now I speak up for myself.

If the therapist isn't working out for me, I will politely close the session and

not reschedule with the therapist. It's my body, my money and after a few

" disaster " treatments, it took me a couple weeks to get back " up to step "

I enjoy being in the water for relief also. Just walking laps in the pool.

Lying on my back when I sleep with pillows propped up under my legs to elevate

them. I hope I have helped a bit and not rambled to much. I am super sleep

deprived (Do to the " knife " in the back of my leg and such a deep, deep aching

pain in my hip) I have nothing, but, good intentions though.

Oh, One more thing, Have you looked into Rolphing? Hands down, Rolphing has

been my number one favorite treatment.

Wishing you the best of luck .


P.S. I am having mixed emotions about the injections also, I'm just so


> L wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience with acupuncture for lower back pain? I have

mixed emotions about epidural steroid injections.

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Thanks, . I have that same leg pain as I suspect others with

herniated disks also have.

How long did the relief last? And how many sessions were necessary to

see any results?

> wrote:

> Steve, I had acupuncture for the pain radiating down my leg. The first

> time it worked, then years later when the pain was less " electric " in

> nature, it did not work. When it worked it provided the best possible

> pain relief. You are right, though, it is transitory.

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> Ellen wrote:

> There's a condition called anachroiditis, where a webbing of scar tissue

occurs and is debilitating. I had a few injections and did ok.


No, they are neurotoxins and Spine Universe states only three not over thirty

that some doctors continue to give. They also hurt more than pain sometimes. I

got anachroiditis and it is more common than is being publicized. Remember to

read the consent form, usually the doctor (an anesthesiologist) will pat your

leg and tell you it is a natural chemical.

My present physician stated heat should be placed on it to disperse medications.

Go to You Tube and look up anachroiditis. There are articles in our groups





Myofascial physical therapy helped me more. Bennie

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That word anachroniditis is on an x-ray that I had taken about ten years ago.

I'm going to find out more about it. Maybe that's what my problem is. All my

doctor does is give me a prescription for Methadone. He never talks to me.

sioux moore (Sue)

> Ellen wrote:

> There's a condition called anachroiditis, where a webbing of scar tissue

occurs and is debilitating.

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