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Re: bizarre healing regression symptoms

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Viral dieoff?

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 11:39:57 AMSubject: bizarre healing regression symptoms

Hello everyone,

my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?

He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms last?

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Could it be a Seizure?  Our kids are prone to them.



mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On Behalf

Of Luciana Hugueney

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 1:40 PM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: bizarre healing regression symptoms

Hello everyone,

my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he

seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously).

After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different

kid. He's whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of

the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression

symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?

He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on

Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely

appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long

these negative symptoms last?

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he's been doing the gesture constantly so it cannot be a seizure.--- Em sex, 26/2/10, Pamela P escreveu:

De: Pamela P Assunto: RE: bizarre healing regression symptomsPara: mb12 valtrex Data: Sexta-feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2010, 18:16

Could it be a Seizure? Our kids are prone to them.


From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Luciana HugueneySent: Friday, February 26, 2010 1:40 PMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: bizarre healing regression symptoms

Hello everyone,

my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?

He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms last?

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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Could be pandas. Get bloodwork on ASO titers and AntiDnase strep titers

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Fri, February 26, 2010 5:32:19 PMSubject: RE: bizarre healing regression symptoms

he's been doing the gesture constantly so it cannot be a seizure.--- Em sex, 26/2/10, Pamela P <pamelaleigh99@ verizon.net> escreveu:

De: Pamela P <pamelaleigh99@ verizon.net>Assunto: RE: bizarre healing regression symptomsPara: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comData: Sexta-feira, 26 de Fevereiro de 2010, 18:16

Could it be a Seizure? Our kids are prone to them.


From: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. com [mailto:mb12 valtrex @yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of Luciana HugueneySent: Friday, February 26, 2010 1:40 PMTo: mb12 valtrex@ yahoogroups. comSubject: bizarre healing regression symptoms

Hello everyone,

my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?

He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms last?

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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cna be a tic.....has he been tested for strep

bizarre healing regression symptoms

Hello everyone,

my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?

He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms last?

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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Could be PANDAS ? IF the uses get treated, perhas the bacteria gets stronger?

bizarre healing regression symptoms

Hello everyone,

my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?

He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms last?

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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I'm no expert on Valtrex, but over the years I've noticed that if my child does

really well on a treatment like say, Secretin, then later starts having a

negative reaction, it means he does not have a deficiency or need it anymore.


> Hello everyone,


> my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy

and his language processing speed increased tremendously). After almost two

weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's  whinning and

cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye

blinking. Could these be  healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these

reactions with your own child?


> He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously,

which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on

this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms







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My son used to shake his head too. You can see him shaking his head in the first

video in the website I put together to tell my son's story. About the eye

blinking... Doesn't that happens to PANDAS kids?




> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >  

> > my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy

and his language processing speed increased tremendously). After almost two

weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's  whinning and

cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye

blinking. Could these be  healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these

reactions with your own child?

> >  

> > He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral

simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate

feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these

negative symptoms last?

> >

> >

> >



> > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

> > http://br.maisbuscados.yahoo.com

> >


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For my son (3) and my brother (25) that is all we used for the first 7 months.

I got my son tested recently, (and he has made amazing progress) and we still

are dealing with issues. My husband and I are still on the fence as to whether

to keep going with the naturals, or try something a little stronger. It's a

tough decision. I know, we are there!

Just so you understand where we came from -- my son went non-verbal on us around

his second birthday, and we didn't do anything until about 6 months later (when

I found Stan Kurtz's website - and of course, shook myself out of denial.) My

son is now at 2.5 years of speech and unless you are looking for it, looks and

acts very typical for his age (except the small speech lag). My brother (25)

Rob has only been on naturals, also making amazing progress, and he is getting a

MAP test here in a couple of days.

We do the " diet " along with the IGg foods taken out as well.

I used Stan Kurtz website (he's got a chart of naturals and medications) as a

guide to help which naturals to choose. What I did was I picked 2 naturals from

every category -- and every couple of months changed it up. I also used the lab

results we got (as they pointed to naturals that would be helpful). So I had 2

anti-viral, 2 anti-bacterials, and 2 anti-fungals, along w/epsom salt baths

nightly - on board, every day.

I also made sure that I used foods to our advantage. Like using manuka honey,

cooking w/coconut oil, kefir (coconut), kim chi (I make my own), Celtic salt (on

all the veggies), and I have a juicer (this is awesome if you child doesn't eat

well) to name a few.

I also used supplements to our advantage, I supplement w/zinc, a bio-available

multi-vitamin (this was great for us!), CLO (I am going to try Cromega, as

someone suggested it, and I needed to change it up),Chlorophyll and a fiber


Since I knew my brother was metal toxic, I also used PCA-Rx on him w/Ng-Rx and I

also used it on my son --with great results.

Trust me when I say we are very anxious to be recovered completely, but I really

feel that taking it slow, (in my humble opinion) doesn't overload it -- which

for us, is working.

My brother (25) had so many rashes that I think if we set off a nuclear bomb

(like using a pharma) would have done more harm than good. His body was already

so toxic and it showed all over. Now, his skin looks great, and he has made

leaps and strides in several areas --he came to me with jaundice, crusting eyes,

a hernia incision that hadn't healed in 4 months (gross.), acne, tiny red

hematoma's on his head, crusting scalp, peeling nails, pus filled rashes on his

back, and a white tongue. -- He was literally a train wreck.

My message to you -- stick with your gut. You know your child best. Most

advice is well intentioned, but in the end, you are the one that has to live

with the results. :)

> >

> > Hello everyone,

> >  

> > my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy

and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two

weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's  whinning

and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye

blinking. Could these be  healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these

reactions with your own child?

> >  

> > He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral

simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate

feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these

negative symptoms last?

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

> > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com

> >













> Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

> http://br.maisbuscados.yahoo.com


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thank you so much for your long email. I think we may have a lot to exchange since we've both decided to take similar routes. I'll keep you posted on my son's progress and congratulate you on your son's amazing progress! Wishing you the best,

Luciana--- Em dom, 28/2/10, laurargoddin escreveu:

De: laurargoddin Assunto: Re: bizarre healing regression symptomsPara: mb12 valtrex Data: Domingo, 28 de Fevereiro de 2010, 13:12

Hi. For my son (3) and my brother (25) that is all we used for the first 7 months. I got my son tested recently, (and he has made amazing progress) and we still are dealing with issues. My husband and I are still on the fence as to whether to keep going with the naturals, or try something a little stronger. It's a tough decision. I know, we are there! Just so you understand where we came from -- my son went non-verbal on us around his second birthday, and we didn't do anything until about 6 months later (when I found Stan Kurtz's website - and of course, shook myself out of denial.) My son is now at 2.5 years of speech and unless you are looking for it, looks and acts very typical for his age (except the small speech lag). My brother (25) Rob has only been on naturals, also making amazing progress, and he is getting a MAP test here in a couple of days. We do the "diet" along with the IGg foods taken out as well.I used

Stan Kurtz website (he's got a chart of naturals and medications) as a guide to help which naturals to choose. What I did was I picked 2 naturals from every category -- and every couple of months changed it up. I also used the lab results we got (as they pointed to naturals that would be helpful). So I had 2 anti-viral, 2 anti-bacterials, and 2 anti-fungals, along w/epsom salt baths nightly - on board, every day. I also made sure that I used foods to our advantage. Like using manuka honey, cooking w/coconut oil, kefir (coconut), kim chi (I make my own), Celtic salt (on all the veggies), and I have a juicer (this is awesome if you child doesn't eat well) to name a few. I also used supplements to our advantage, I supplement w/zinc, a bio-available multi-vitamin (this was great for us!), CLO (I am going to try Cromega, as someone suggested it, and I needed to change it up),Chlorophyll and a fiber supplement. Since I knew my brother

was metal toxic, I also used PCA-Rx on him w/Ng-Rx and I also used it on my son --with great results.Trust me when I say we are very anxious to be recovered completely, but I really feel that taking it slow, (in my humble opinion) doesn't overload it -- which for us, is working.My brother (25) had so many rashes that I think if we set off a nuclear bomb (like using a pharma) would have done more harm than good. His body was already so toxic and it showed all over. Now, his skin looks great, and he has made leaps and strides in several areas --he came to me with jaundice, crusting eyes, a hernia incision that hadn't healed in 4 months (gross.), acne, tiny red hematoma's on his head, crusting scalp, peeling nails, pus filled rashes on his back, and a white tongue. -- He was literally a train wreck. My message to you -- stick with your gut. You know your child best. Most advice is well intentioned, but in the end, you are the one

that has to live with the results. :) > >> > Hello everyone,> >  > > my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's  whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?> >  > > He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative

symptoms last?> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com> >> > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com>

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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what is PCA Rx and Ng Rx? My son has a heavy metal overload but so far we've only tried homeopathic chelation. The metals have been going down, though slowly.

--- Em dom, 28/2/10, laurargoddin escreveu:

De: laurargoddin Assunto: Re: bizarre healing regression symptomsPara: mb12 valtrex Data: Domingo, 28 de Fevereiro de 2010, 13:12

Hi. For my son (3) and my brother (25) that is all we used for the first 7 months. I got my son tested recently, (and he has made amazing progress) and we still are dealing with issues. My husband and I are still on the fence as to whether to keep going with the naturals, or try something a little stronger. It's a tough decision. I know, we are there! Just so you understand where we came from -- my son went non-verbal on us around his second birthday, and we didn't do anything until about 6 months later (when I found Stan Kurtz's website - and of course, shook myself out of denial.) My son is now at 2.5 years of speech and unless you are looking for it, looks and acts very typical for his age (except the small speech lag). My brother (25) Rob has only been on naturals, also making amazing progress, and he is getting a MAP test here in a couple of days. We do the "diet" along with the IGg foods taken out as well.I used

Stan Kurtz website (he's got a chart of naturals and medications) as a guide to help which naturals to choose. What I did was I picked 2 naturals from every category -- and every couple of months changed it up. I also used the lab results we got (as they pointed to naturals that would be helpful). So I had 2 anti-viral, 2 anti-bacterials, and 2 anti-fungals, along w/epsom salt baths nightly - on board, every day. I also made sure that I used foods to our advantage. Like using manuka honey, cooking w/coconut oil, kefir (coconut), kim chi (I make my own), Celtic salt (on all the veggies), and I have a juicer (this is awesome if you child doesn't eat well) to name a few. I also used supplements to our advantage, I supplement w/zinc, a bio-available multi-vitamin (this was great for us!), CLO (I am going to try Cromega, as someone suggested it, and I needed to change it up),Chlorophyll and a fiber supplement. Since I knew my brother

was metal toxic, I also used PCA-Rx on him w/Ng-Rx and I also used it on my son --with great results.Trust me when I say we are very anxious to be recovered completely, but I really feel that taking it slow, (in my humble opinion) doesn't overload it -- which for us, is working.My brother (25) had so many rashes that I think if we set off a nuclear bomb (like using a pharma) would have done more harm than good. His body was already so toxic and it showed all over. Now, his skin looks great, and he has made leaps and strides in several areas --he came to me with jaundice, crusting eyes, a hernia incision that hadn't healed in 4 months (gross.), acne, tiny red hematoma's on his head, crusting scalp, peeling nails, pus filled rashes on his back, and a white tongue. -- He was literally a train wreck. My message to you -- stick with your gut. You know your child best. Most advice is well intentioned, but in the end, you are the one

that has to live with the results. :) > >> > Hello everyone,> >  > > my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's  whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?> >  > > He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative

symptoms last?> > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com> >> > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com>

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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It's an oral " spray " -- it's tasteless, and you spray it under the tongue

(because we are very vascular under the tongue (lots of blood vessels) -- and it

enters the body and seeks out things that aren't supposed to be there by

" clathration. " (meaning it envelopes the bad stuff, and takes it out of the

system by a detox pathway. Pee, BM's, skin, etc.)

The NG-Rx is also a " spray " -- it's tasteless, and you spray it under the

tongue, and it is said to increase cerebral circulation, neurological activity,

and balance brain chemistry.

We used this in conjunction w/natural's therapy. (as we haven't done used any

pharmacuticals yet. We've been doing this for about 7 months)

If you google it, you can find websites on it. I stumbled upon it, by accident.

But I found when I used it, that we had gains. Big ones. Some people have said

they have gotten either little or no results.

I also make sure that when using it, that we use a fiber supplement (to increase

transit time for BM's) and drink .5oz per pound of body weight. So a thirty

pound kid, gets 15 oz of water per day, and my 150 lb brother gets about 75 oz.

of water per day. I found that when I did this (and was consistent) they didn't

get odd rashes. This was just my experience.

I hope this helps. ~

> > >

> > > Hello everyone,

> > >  

> > > my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very

happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost

two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's

 whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together

with eye blinking. Could these be  healing regression symptoms? Has anyone

seen these reactions with your own child?

> > >  

> > > He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral

simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate

feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these

negative symptoms last?

> > >

> > >

> > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

> > > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

> > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

> > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com

> >













> Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados

> http://br.maisbuscados.yahoo.com


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thanks for the helpful info.--- Em seg, 1/3/10, laurargoddin escreveu:

De: laurargoddin Assunto: Re: bizarre healing regression symptomsPara: mb12 valtrex Data: Segunda-feira, 1 de Março de 2010, 2:46

Luciana, It's an oral "spray" -- it's tasteless, and you spray it under the tongue (because we are very vascular under the tongue (lots of blood vessels) -- and it enters the body and seeks out things that aren't supposed to be there by "clathration. " (meaning it envelopes the bad stuff, and takes it out of the system by a detox pathway. Pee, BM's, skin, etc.) The NG-Rx is also a "spray" -- it's tasteless, and you spray it under the tongue, and it is said to increase cerebral circulation, neurological activity, and balance brain chemistry. We used this in conjunction w/natural's therapy. (as we haven't done used any pharmacuticals yet. We've been doing this for about 7 months) If you google it, you can find websites on it. I stumbled upon it, by accident. But I found when I used it, that we had gains. Big ones. Some people have said they have gotten either little or no results. I also make sure that when

using it, that we use a fiber supplement (to increase transit time for BM's) and drink .5oz per pound of body weight. So a thirty pound kid, gets 15 oz of water per day, and my 150 lb brother gets about 75 oz. of water per day. I found that when I did this (and was consistent) they didn't get odd rashes. This was just my experience. I hope this helps. ~ > > >> > > Hello everyone,> > >  > > > my son's initial reaction to Valtrex was all positive (he seemed very happy and his language processing speed increased tremendously) . After almost two weeks of starting the therapy he is now a very different kid. He's  whinning and cranky and has developed a bizarre shaking of the head together with

eye blinking. Could these be healing regression symptoms? Has anyone seen these reactions with your own child?> > >  > > > He doesn't show signs of yeast overgrowth and he's on Nizoral simultaneously, which should be controlling the yeast. I'd sincerely appreciate feedback on this. Also, what has been the experience with how long these negative symptoms last?> > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> > > Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> > > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com> > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> >

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> > http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com> >> > > > > > > > > > ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _> Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! +Buscados> http://br.maisbusca dos.yahoo. com>

Veja quais são os assuntos do momento no Yahoo! + Buscados: Top 10 - Celebridades - Música - Esportes

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