Guest guest Posted April 25, 2010 Report Share Posted April 25, 2010 In a message dated 4/26/2010 12:57:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, climberkayak@... writes: Congratulations about moving out of your apartment! I once lived in a moldy apartment and it really did a number on my well-being. Some types of mold give off toxins that can affect that mind and body so I'm glad for you that you are getting out of there. I second that - after moving out of a condo I was able to completely stop inhaled steroids for adult onset asthma. Later we learned that a number of the apartments in the building were completely overrun with mold - in the walls, ceilings, etc.. DH and I figure that hidden mold was screwing up my lungs. E Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 25, 2010 Report Share Posted April 25, 2010 Congratulations about moving out of your apartment! I once lived in a moldy apartment and it really did a number on my well-being. Some types of mold give off toxins that can affect that mind and body so I'm glad for you that you are getting out of there. About your nada, I'm copying a strategy that I think belongs to goes in the form of " you accept what I'm giving OR this outcome you don't want will occur " . You could say to your nada well here's what I'm able to do and detail what you've done and say that's it. Tell her if she needs more than that then maybe it's time to talk about getting a local social worker to help her manage her affairs. And really based on what you've shared about your nada's condition getting a social worker involved as a buffer might not be a bad idea anyway. > > I am FINALLY moving out of this mold infested, fire trap of a dumpy apartment to a much nicer place. I have yellow, green and black mold all over since the flood caused by my then 3rd floor neighbor who was 18 and decided to flood out his mother for 'leaving him' and taking off for the winter with an on the road trucker she met online and my attempts to get that remedied have been futile (even though I went all the way to the Attorney General as The Board of Health and Code Enforcers wouldn't help me). At the time with the exposed beams from the missing ceiling tiles the Code Enforcer told me that we had electrical violations but did nothing about it. He SAID he'd send the electrical expert here but they never did. Since then this January we had a fire in that same kid's apartment who caused the flood (no he was never thrown out but is now evicted because the apartment was deemed 'uninhabitable' so management changed the locks. It was deemed an electrical fire caused by faulty wiring by the Fire Department. No one has been to this apartment to work on my wiring or anyone else's that I know of. As a result, I am still cleaning mold off everything I am taking with me to my new apartment which is clean, mold free and has no problems that I can see. > > Now nada complains of 'cold and the flu together' yet she doesn't cough and her voice sounds the same! She did fall while attempting to stand on the bed and change her curtains. I told her she should wait for someone to do it for her but no. She is out of pain killers for a week already she told me (they have her on an opium based, addictive pain killer called Hydrocodone which she has been on for MONTHS now) and she overmedicates herself and is out of the pills (I was there and I saw that in February) by mid-month! Upon reading it online they say that no one should be on that for more than two motnhs and my nada has been on it for almost a year now! > > She has a gutter pipe under her front porch that is missing since she had the front porch replaced last summer and all of a sudden now it is an emergency and she of course INSISTS that I get someone for her (I live several states away and of course I don't know anyone). At first she said it was a 'plumbing problem' so I got one of my closest friend's (and only remaining friend down there since everyone else I know has moved out of N. J.'s) plumber but he wouldn't do it as he was 1/2 hour away and he referred his friend. The man is from Holland and has an accent. My nada asked him 'who the hell called YOU?!' when he got there. Nada hates anyone who isn't American and any man now is suspect anyway to her. He replied 'your daughter did. Call her and ask her.' Nada did and I replied of course I'm the one who sent him as she asked me to. He of course not wanting to deal with nada after that, said he didn't do that kind of work - sorry and left. I later discovered it was a handyman job and not a plumbing job when I called the Water Dept. on nada's insistence only to find out that the only thing wrong was a pipe under the front porch needed to be reconnected! It is shooting water onto her sidewalk and nada hates that. She doesn't have city water but they went out there as a favor to me as the woman on the phone has an elderly mother and is going through the same problem I am with a mother several states away. Anyway I since found someone else after considerable looking around who is a handyman on the side as a part time job who is a friend of my remaining friend's brother but of course he hasn't gone to see nada yet so I am screamed at about it. Nada said, " you can help ME! You have nothing better to do! " I am moving singlehandedly from here and she knows that. She knows that unless I want to pay another month's rent I have to be out on May 1st. I told her I had a lot to do and to make matters worse most of my furniture won't fit in there from here so I have to replace it with smaller pieces, but anyway. I have been working sometimes up to 22 hour days for the last week and nada is getting on my last nerve. She insists this move is 'no big deal'. Of course cleaning everything so there is no mold on anything I take over there is a job by itself. My ex-boyfriend stepped up to the plate to help move new pieces I find second hand in and is going to take down my stained glass lamps in the ceiling this week as well as move the heavier boxes for me - I got a mover (an out of work man with children) to move the furniture I AM taking) - doing trips to Goodwill and doing everything else that needs to be done. Nada said I sounded tired. I replied I am exhausted. I should have known better because her reply was 'POOR baby! I feel sorry for you' sarcastically. Then she went on to say I should have stayed with my ex-husband who was abusive, controlling and vicious (not the guy helping me) because 'he was a REAL man and knew how to keep you in line. Men all abuse and women should just accept that. When you marry, you are THEIR property and in your case someone needs to whip you in shape since you won't listen to ME'. Yes nada knows about the flood and the fire upstairs. Nada's reply to them at the time was 'who cares. I've been through worse.' The only thing sensible that nada said was 'I hope you got a mover to move the furniture. I don't want YOU trying that.' She also had insisted that I give my father's antique dining room set away because she is jealous of my having it. She also doesn't want me to have anything left that was my father's as she divorced him after running around with her boss when I was a teenager. > > As an aside, nada told me she does NOT want a handyman but that's what she needs to do that job. She wants a plumber but it's not a plumbing job. What should I do? I can't do more than I have done. This is making me nuts. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 26, 2010 Report Share Posted April 26, 2010 You are right about the hydrocodone. My nada was addicted to it and on it continously for over 2 years, till her death. She would not give her Dr permission to talk to me, and I couldnt get to talk to him as a consequence, but she got on it for a " fall " , then it was her knees, her back, her uterus, her flibitis, always something. It is easier for a DR to keep an older pt medicated and off their back. If you are truly asking for advice on what to do, I ll venture to give it. Ready? Dont miss it. Nothing. It is not your problem. Nada s problem, quite obviously, from reading your account, is NOT getting work done on her house, but controlling and FOG ing you. She is and adult human being, and quite capable of hiring a handy man to fix a pipe. She wants you to do it, her way, her time, your money, your effort. She doenst want a handyman but a plumber. She doenst want a plumber with an accent. She wants you to fix it, but she doesnt want you to fix it in any way that you feel is logical to fix it. So, here once again, by popular demand, is the Doug ' s Free from the FOG method for dealing with nada s impossible problems.. take notes Now nada complains of 'cold and the flu together' Gee , mom, I m sorry to hear you re sick. Let me know what the Dr says. And when she replies, if you really loved me you d come here and wait on me hand and foot and bring me a bedpan, you respond Gee , mom, I m sorry to hear your sick. Let me know what the Dr says. You dont get to decide what I have to do to prove my love. I ll do what I feel is reasonable and how you deal with it is up to you. Pain killers............nada is addicted. Unless you are prepared to do an intervention, you can express your concern, ask her to give her Dr permission to discuss her treatment with you, and express your concern to the Dr. Otherwise, she is a grown woman who will do whatever she chooses to do, and will likely be on opiates the rest of her life. It may be shortened by that fact. And , sorry, I know this sucks, but there is not a damn thing you can do about it. So, let it be her problem. And if she calls you to take her to the ER or Dr to get pain meds, Gee mom, I m sorry you feel bad. But as I told you, I think you have a problem with the pain pills, and since you wont let me discuss that with your Dr, it has to remain your problem. sudden now it is an emergency and she of course INSISTS that I get someone for her ............ so I am screamed at about it. Nada said, " you can help ME! You have nothing better to do! " ...................As an aside, nada told me she does NOT want a handyman but that's what she needs to do that job. She wants a plumber but it's not a plumbing job. Mom, I tried to help you the best way I knew how, and you were not satisfied with that. I do have my own life and problems to deal with, and I m not going to do anything else about this. You will have to deal with it the best way you can. And I will not have you screaming at me and berating my life. If you do that again, I ll stop taking your phone calls. said I sounded tired. I replied I am exhausted. I should have known better because her reply was 'POOR baby! I feel sorry for you' sarcastically. Then she went on to say I should have stayed with my ex-husband who was abusive, controlling and vicious (not the guy helping me) because 'he was a REAL man and knew how to keep you in line. Men all abuse and women should just accept that. When you marry, you are THEIR property and in your case someone needs to whip you in shape since you won't listen to ME'. Mom, no one, least of all a mother, should ever tell her daughter that she should stay and be abused. If your best advice to me is to be with a man who keeps me in line by abusing me, I dont feel any need to ever heed your advice on anything. and Real men do not need ( this is coming from a MAN ladies, ) to : " keep their wives in line " or beat them. We learn to live with them, love them, and be gentle and tender with them. Not something we ever learned from nada. But it works great. I will never listen to such advice from you again mom. If you ever suggest to me that is was or is alright for a man to abuse me , I ll hang up and not talk to you. At this point I had to delete expletives. You nada has managed to really push my buttons. What a horrible and viscious human being your nada is. What should you do? Cut contact with her and get on with your life. Let her do whatever she wants to do to deal with her crap. She is the worst abuser in your life. If I were you, I d go NC and let her do what she has to. Change your phone number when you move and don t give it to her. Pardon my use of the vernacular, but what a BITCH! or in our case, I guess she wuold be a witch. Doug > > I am FINALLY moving out of this mold infested, fire trap of a dumpy apartment to a much nicer place. I have yellow, green and black mold all over since the flood caused by my then 3rd floor neighbor who was 18 and decided to flood out his mother for 'leaving him' and taking off for the winter with an on the road trucker she met online and my attempts to get that remedied have been futile (even though I went all the way to the Attorney General as The Board of Health and Code Enforcers wouldn't help me). At the time with the exposed beams from the missing ceiling tiles the Code Enforcer told me that we had electrical violations but did nothing about it. He SAID he'd send the electrical expert here but they never did. Since then this January we had a fire in that same kid's apartment who caused the flood (no he was never thrown out but is now evicted because the apartment was deemed 'uninhabitable' so management changed the locks. It was deemed an electrical fire caused by faulty wiring by the Fire Department. No one has been to this apartment to work on my wiring or anyone else's that I know of. As a result, I am still cleaning mold off everything I am taking with me to my new apartment which is clean, mold free and has no problems that I can see. > > Now nada complains of 'cold and the flu together' yet she doesn't cough and her voice sounds the same! She did fall while attempting to stand on the bed and change her curtains. I told her she should wait for someone to do it for her but no. She is out of pain killers for a week already she told me (they have her on an opium based, addictive pain killer called Hydrocodone which she has been on for MONTHS now) and she overmedicates herself and is out of the pills (I was there and I saw that in February) by mid-month! Upon reading it online they say that no one should be on that for more than two motnhs and my nada has been on it for almost a year now! > > She has a gutter pipe under her front porch that is missing since she had the front porch replaced last summer and all of a sudden now it is an emergency and she of course INSISTS that I get someone for her (I live several states away and of course I don't know anyone). At first she said it was a 'plumbing problem' so I got one of my closest friend's (and only remaining friend down there since everyone else I know has moved out of N. J.'s) plumber but he wouldn't do it as he was 1/2 hour away and he referred his friend. The man is from Holland and has an accent. My nada asked him 'who the hell called YOU?!' when he got there. Nada hates anyone who isn't American and any man now is suspect anyway to her. He replied 'your daughter did. Call her and ask her.' Nada did and I replied of course I'm the one who sent him as she asked me to. He of course not wanting to deal with nada after that, said he didn't do that kind of work - sorry and left. I later discovered it was a handyman job and not a plumbing job when I called the Water Dept. on nada's insistence only to find out that the only thing wrong was a pipe under the front porch needed to be reconnected! It is shooting water onto her sidewalk and nada hates that. She doesn't have city water but they went out there as a favor to me as the woman on the phone has an elderly mother and is going through the same problem I am with a mother several states away. Anyway I since found someone else after considerable looking around who is a handyman on the side as a part time job who is a friend of my remaining friend's brother but of course he hasn't gone to see nada yet so I am screamed at about it. Nada said, " you can help ME! You have nothing better to do! " I am moving singlehandedly from here and she knows that. She knows that unless I want to pay another month's rent I have to be out on May 1st. I told her I had a lot to do and to make matters worse most of my furniture won't fit in there from here so I have to replace it with smaller pieces, but anyway. I have been working sometimes up to 22 hour days for the last week and nada is getting on my last nerve. She insists this move is 'no big deal'. Of course cleaning everything so there is no mold on anything I take over there is a job by itself. My ex-boyfriend stepped up to the plate to help move new pieces I find second hand in and is going to take down my stained glass lamps in the ceiling this week as well as move the heavier boxes for me - I got a mover (an out of work man with children) to move the furniture I AM taking) - doing trips to Goodwill and doing everything else that needs to be done. Nada said I sounded tired. I replied I am exhausted. I should have known better because her reply was 'POOR baby! I feel sorry for you' sarcastically. Then she went on to say I should have stayed with my ex-husband who was abusive, controlling and vicious (not the guy helping me) because 'he was a REAL man and knew how to keep you in line. Men all abuse and women should just accept that. When you marry, you are THEIR property and in your case someone needs to whip you in shape since you won't listen to ME'. Yes nada knows about the flood and the fire upstairs. Nada's reply to them at the time was 'who cares. I've been through worse.' The only thing sensible that nada said was 'I hope you got a mover to move the furniture. I don't want YOU trying that.' She also had insisted that I give my father's antique dining room set away because she is jealous of my having it. She also doesn't want me to have anything left that was my father's as she divorced him after running around with her boss when I was a teenager. > > As an aside, nada told me she does NOT want a handyman but that's what she needs to do that job. She wants a plumber but it's not a plumbing job. What should I do? I can't do more than I have done. This is making me nuts. > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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