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Re: fada question

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Hi ,

I know it is a hard feeling of betrayal from your dad. I know that

feeling (about the remarried thing). And what can we do...but accept it

over time,


Re: Re: fada question

you're right !!! many times my father would tell me to just go along with

whatever nada wanted just to keep the peace....and I did for most of my

life, but when I hit my 40's I just couldn't do it any more...and I got

tired of nada (who has never taken responsibility for anything she's ever

done) tell me I was responsible for my own actions. and if I wanted to

fight with her, she's more than willing !! When I refused to comply with

whatever nada wanted is when my father started calling me a terrible

daughter and they don't know what happened to me ( I got boundaries,


what !)


Jackie not only did they not protect us they expected us to partner with

them in their codepency. It's no wonder we had to fight to find ourselves.

Even now my 90 year old nada expects this behavior from me with my 60 year

old sada. I don't comply.


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To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL

() for your copy. We also refer to " Understanding the Borderline

Mother " (Lawson) and " Surviving the Borderline Parent, " (Roth) which you can

find at any bookstore. Welcome to the WTO community!

From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community and author SWOE

and the SWOE Workbook.Yahoo! Groups Links


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wow, my fada didnt do ANYTHING around the house...the outside was " his "

territory, so he mowed lawns, shoveled snow...too car of the cars...that

was it..us kids did all the cleaning & laundry and nada cooked awful

meals...but my fada, like yours never protected me from nada, and never

stood up for me...he was always on her side no matter what, even when he

KNEW she was wrong !!


My fada is a complete wimp! he has and always will bow down to my nada. He

cooks for her, cleans for her, does the laundry, picks up the dry cleaning

and runs errands, cleans the house on weekends and even mows the lawn and

does outdoor chores on weekends! When my fada had to commute for work (he's

retired now) he would literally be gone 12 hours and my nada STILL expected

him to do all those things while my nada just sat down and expected to be

waited on like a queen. Anytime he didn't and would complain, my nada would


my fada never protected me against my nada. He ALWAYS backed her up. And she

would always talk about how my fada is a horrible provider and how she

ALWAYS thought he was cheating/gambling/etc.

The last time my nada raged at me, I turned to look for my nada and he just

stood there while she physically and verbally attacked me. That is when I

said enough.


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My experience was/is much the same as AJ's

My dad does everything around the house. She verbally abuses him, has cut him

off from his family (making him think it was his choice) and he has worked his

ass off for the last 20 years (sometimes with two jobs) to keep her in the life

that she is " accustomed " too. While she sits on her ass and moans and groans

about how hard her life is, and how horrible her children all are.

She makes me sick.

Now, that I've pissed her off (read: stood up for myself, caught her in a lie

and told her off), she's aiming to cut me (and my girls) out of his life too.

She's so fucking self centered.

> >

> > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to us

like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a horrible

childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to us nothing

about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her father was a

pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused my sister and I.

The very few times I have talked about this to my father he completely minimizes

this happening, saying things like 'your mother had to endure it her entire

life, and you just had one or two little incidences " with an air of complete

indignance (!!!...for the record even though her father did this my mother still

sent my sister and I to stay with him for a week unsupervised, separately, and

of course we were assaulted by him). Does anyone else have this excuse making by

the fada in the family to invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane

the lengths my father will go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had

any pain or suffered at all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his

protectiveness of my mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes

wonder if perhaps he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't

consciously claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and

without any fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and

pschologically their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her,

as well. Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone

relate to this type of dysfunction?

> >


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My dad didn't do anything inside either. Once in a great while, he'd cook

breakfast on the weekend. But he did all of the grilling, yardwork, garage s

tuff...anything to do with the cars he did or anything involving having to

drive for long journeys, he drove. My mother never ONE TIME ever cooked me

breakfast. She threw a bowl of cereal or toast in front of me.

My mother was a rabid house cleaner. She bleached everything, even

doorknobs and wiped tables down with alcohol. She cooked meals, we never ate


We ate the same thing over and over and over. About 6 meals she cooked

night after night...usually burned any meat she cooked because she was paranoid

it was undercooked and we'd all get sick and die. @@ <--this is me rolling

my eyes.

She was afraid to drive. So even though we lived in Florida, 5 minutes from

the beach, I maybe went to the beach all of 2 times my entire childhood

and I went with other people. She was afraid of crowds so we never went to

the mall. She claimed she had no money so we never ate out, never wore

anything stylish, never had anything that wasn't generic or home made.

In a message dated 6/11/2010 7:44:10 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

sleddog@... writes:

wow, my fada didnt do ANYTHING around the house...the outside was " his "

territory, so he mowed lawns, shoveled snow...too car of the cars...that

was it..us kids did all the cleaning & laundry and nada cooked awful

meals...but my fada, like yours never protected me from nada, and never

stood up for me...he was always on her side no matter what, even when he

KNEW she was wrong !!


My fada is a complete wimp! he has and always will bow down to my nada. He

cooks for her, cleans for her, does the laundry, picks up the dry cleaning

and runs errands, cleans the house on weekends and even mows the lawn and

does outdoor chores on weekends! When my fada had to commute for work


retired now) he would literally be gone 12 hours and my nada STILL


him to do all those things while my nada just sat down and expected to be

waited on like a queen. Anytime he didn't and would complain, my nada



my fada never protected me against my nada. He ALWAYS backed her up. And


would always talk about how my fada is a horrible provider and how she

ALWAYS thought he was cheating/gambling/etc.

The last time my nada raged at me, I turned to look for my nada and he


stood there while she physically and verbally attacked me. That is when I

said enough.


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Wow. I wonder how many of you got threatened to be 'cut off?' My mother

would never have cut me out of her life (she was way too obsessed with being

able to talk to me 50 times a day), but she would constantly threaten to

change her will or spend everything so when she dies there is nothing left

because I am so ungrateful.

In a message dated 6/11/2010 9:10:14 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

elora_jade@... writes:

My experience was/is much the same as AJ's

My dad does everything around the house. She verbally abuses him, has cut

him off from his family (making him think it was his choice) and he has

worked his ass off for the last 20 years (sometimes with two jobs) to keep her

in the life that she is " accustomed " too. While she sits on her ass and

moans and groans about how hard her life is, and how horrible her children

all are.

She makes me sick.

Now, that I've pissed her off (read: stood up for myself, caught her in a

lie and told her off), she's aiming to cut me (and my girls) out of his

life too.

She's so fucking self centered.

> >

> > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to us

nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my father


go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone relate

to this type of dysfunction?

> >


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Yeah. I haven't spoken to my dad more than a few times in several months.

The thing about his wife is that when he married her, I really thought,

" well, maybe I have a chance to have a positive female role model in my life. "

It was heartbreaking for me to realize that his wife never wants a

relationship with me. :( I really needed someone to be there for me in that

mother-role and she has 2 daughters, so she was not interested in having 2 more

(me or my sister). It sucks. I feel like my dad settled when he married her.

She had so.much.baggage. He could have done better and maybe, possibly,

considered his daughters.

But apparently that was too much for him.

In a message dated 6/10/2010 7:59:58 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

coyotesun1@... writes:

Hi ,

I know it is a hard feeling of betrayal from your dad. I know that

feeling (about the remarried thing). And what can we do...but accept it

over time,


Re: Re: fada question

you're right !!! many times my father would tell me to just go along with

whatever nada wanted just to keep the peace....and I did for most of my

life, but when I hit my 40's I just couldn't do it any more...and I got

tired of nada (who has never taken responsibility for anything she's ever

done) tell me I was responsible for my own actions. and if I wanted to

fight with her, she's more than willing !! When I refused to comply with

whatever nada wanted is when my father started calling me a terrible

daughter and they don't know what happened to me ( I got boundaries,


what !)


Jackie not only did they not protect us they expected us to partner with

them in their codepency. It's no wonder we had to fight to find ourselves.

Even now my 90 year old nada expects this behavior from me with my 60 year

old sada. I don't comply.


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To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL

() for your copy. We also refer to " Understanding the


Mother " (Lawson) and " Surviving the Borderline Parent, " (Roth) which you


find at any bookstore. Welcome to the WTO community!

From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community and author SWOE

and the SWOE Workbook.Yahoo! Groups Links


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To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL

() for your copy. We also refer to �Understanding the Borderline

Mother� (Lawson) and �Surviving the Borderline Parent,� (Roth) which you


find at any bookstore. Welcome to the WTO community!

From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community and author SWOE

and the SWOE Workbook.Yahoo! Groups Links


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The recurrent theme of 'cut me out of her life' only happened when I was

seriously involved with a man. Then it was, " FINE!!! I'll NEVER come see you.

YOUR children WON'T KNOW ME!!! And YOU will have to explain WHY! You are

disloyal to the CORE and you WILL pay! "

Ok... so there is the reason I was engaged to 5 different men in a 10 year time

span... looking for one Nada would 'approve' of...


> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to


> nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

> my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

> to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

> week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my father


> go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

> all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

> fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

> their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone relate

> to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >








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Oh yeah. My mother always got overly involved whenever I was with someone.

She would always try to call them, beep them (well before cell phones in

the 90's) and have her own relationship with whoever I was with. Then she

would talk bad about me to them and let them know how messed up and

dysfunctional I was. I cannot even begin to count how many friendships and


relationships she ruined.

In a message dated 6/11/2010 11:15:54 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

h_l_maston@... writes:

The recurrent theme of 'cut me out of her life' only happened when I was

seriously involved with a man. Then it was, " FINE!!! I'll NEVER come see you.

YOUR children WON'T KNOW ME!!! And YOU will have to explain WHY! You are

disloyal to the CORE and you WILL pay! "

Ok... so there is the reason I was engaged to 5 different men in a 10 year

time span... looking for one Nada would 'approve' of...


> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother


> us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened

to us

> nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse.


> father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also


> my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my


> he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother


> to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record

even though her

> father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him

for a

> week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my

father will

> go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered


> all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of


> mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without


> fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and


> their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone


> to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >







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My nada threatened to disown me 3 times that I can recall. She would say " how

about we never talk again? " " should i just get out of your life? is that what

you want? " " how about i just go away forever? "

I always wanted to say OH YES THAT SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL but I knew it was an empty

threat. BUMMER.

Oh, she also threatened to disown my brother at least once. " YOU CHOOSE. Your

aunt or YOUR MOTHER. "


> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to


> nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

> my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

> to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

> week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my father


> go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

> all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

> fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

> their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone relate

> to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >








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Oh yes, my nada threatened to cut me out many times. I would always feel

guilty (for the emotional abuse she constantly put me through) and go crawling

back. NO MORE!!!! Boundaries are a beautiful thing. I really don't like



To: WTOAdultChildren1

Sent: Fri, June 11, 2010 11:19:43 AM

Subject: Re: fada question


My nada threatened to disown me 3 times that I can recall. She would say " how

about we never talk again? " " should i just get out of your life? is that what

you want? " " how about i just go away forever? "

I always wanted to say OH YES THAT SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL but I knew it was an empty

threat. BUMMER.

Oh, she also threatened to disown my brother at least once. " YOU CHOOSE. Your

aunt or YOUR MOTHER. "


> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to us

> nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

> my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

> to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

> week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my father


> go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

> all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

> fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

> their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone relate

> to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >








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Again, I am reminded of Bre'r Rabbit and the Briar Patch - " Oh, PLEEEEZE, Nada,

don't stop coming to visit me! PLEEZE don't stop calling me! Oh, PLEEEEEZE keep

me in your life so I can dance attendance on your every crazy mood! "

And when she punishes you by cutting off contact, you RUN through that briar

patch, you wily rabbit, laughing your head off all the way.

> > > >

> > > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> > us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> > horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to


> > nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> > father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

> > my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> > he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

> > to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> > incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> > father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

> > week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> > Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> > invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my

father will

> > go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

> > all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> > mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> > he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> > claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

> > fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

> > their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> > Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone


> > to this type of dysfunction?

> > > >

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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That was then...

Now I simply think, 'Um... OK... Buh-bye. "


> > > > >

> > > > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> > > us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> > > horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened

to us

> > > nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> > > father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also


> > > my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> > > he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother


> > > to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> > > incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> > > father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for


> > > week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> > > Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> > > invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my

father will

> > > go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered


> > > all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> > > mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> > > he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> > > claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without


> > > fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and


> > > their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> > > Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone


> > > to this type of dysfunction?

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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I have been, many times as have some of my siblings...


Wow. I wonder how many of you got threatened to be 'cut off?' My mother

would never have cut me out of her life (she was way too obsessed with being

able to talk to me 50 times a day), but she would constantly threaten to

change her will or spend everything so when she dies there is nothing left

because I am so ungrateful.

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my father did all the driving , always..no matter how long of a drive..nada

was a terrible house keeper...but when us kids were home, she expected us to

keep the house spotless...once we all moved out, it became a shambles and

she hired a maid !


My dad didn't do anything inside either. Once in a great while, he'd cook

breakfast on the weekend. But he did all of the grilling, yardwork, garage


tuff...anything to do with the cars he did or anything involving having to

drive for long journeys, he drove. My mother never ONE TIME ever cooked me

breakfast. She threw a bowl of cereal or toast in front of me.

My mother was a rabid house cleaner. She bleached everything, even

doorknobs and wiped tables down with alcohol. She cooked meals, we never ate


We ate the same thing over and over and over. About 6 meals she cooked

night after night...usually burned any meat she cooked because she was


it was undercooked and we'd all get sick and die. @@ <--this is me rolling

my eyes.

She was afraid to drive. So even though we lived in Florida, 5 minutes from

the beach, I maybe went to the beach all of 2 times my entire childhood

and I went with other people. She was afraid of crowds so we never went to

the mall. She claimed she had no money so we never ate out, never wore

anything stylish, never had anything that wasn't generic or home made.

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> Wow. I wonder how many of you got threatened to be 'cut off?'

*raises hand*

My parents were trying to dictate my future when I finally let them succeed at

cutting me off.

But first some background.

After Dad divorced my mom, he married my stepnada 6 months later. I moved in

with them after my mom had a complete meltdown and beat me one night. Pretty

soon stepnada painted me black, I attempted suicide, got put on anti-psychotics

" because it was my fault " and committed to an institution, all before I could

drive (within 4 years of moving in).

As a side note, the time away from her in the institution was the most peaceful

time in my life that I had had to date. Also read Co-Dependent No More by

Melodie Beattie at that time, as it was a hot bestseller for people right after

its release.

When I came back I had a better idea that the freaking insanity wasn't me, but

as you can imagine that didn't go over well. She threatened to kick me out four

times, and each time came back to 'make peace' and tell me that if I did

so-and-so, I could continue to live there (and work and pay rent while attending

high school, even though my stepbrother didn't).

The fifth time was while they were attempting to force me to join the Navy. I

couldn't duck walk because I have cerebral palsy but they were trying to get the

chain of command to accept me anyway because I had a perfect test score. I

didn't want to go.

So she threatened to kick me out, and I said fine and went.

<insert hoovering and drama and hoovering and drama and finally NC>

Now I am married to a healthy sane man with three beautiful kids that dishrag

and stepnada see once a year and if I'm lucky maybe less.

Yeah, it seems to be a typical thing for BPDs to do this, maybe as a

manipulation tactic like it was for me.


> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to


> nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

> my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

> to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

> week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my father


> go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

> all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

> fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

> their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone relate

> to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >








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this is exactly what my brother is going to be like I am afraid. His wife is a

bpd queen and she is awful. He works full time and does whatever, if any,

housework that gets done. Their kids are one and two and reading this here is

like reading their future.

> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to us

like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a horrible

childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to us nothing

about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her father was a

pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused my sister and I.

The very few times I have talked about this to my father he completely minimizes

this happening, saying things like 'your mother had to endure it her entire

life, and you just had one or two little incidences " with an air of complete

indignance (!!!...for the record even though her father did this my mother still

sent my sister and I to stay with him for a week unsupervised, separately, and

of course we were assaulted by him). Does anyone else have this excuse making by

the fada in the family to invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane

the lengths my father will go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had

any pain or suffered at all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his

protectiveness of my mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes

wonder if perhaps he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't

consciously claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and

without any fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and

pschologically their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her,

as well. Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone

relate to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >


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well with me, i also landed in the hospital and joined a 12-step group after i

got out, where i proceeded to complain non-stop about nada and fada.. then one

day a speaker at one of the meetings said he had 'divorced' his family and

proceeded with his life.. and a light went off in my head.. maybe i could do

that too.and i did.never saw any of them again, except to talk on the phone with

nada a few times when she called.. and go to fada's funeral and see if on her

death bed nada would finally own up to any of the abuse she inflicted on me (she

denied it to the very end, as if she did, it never happened i guess) and that

was it.. 

my miseries were of my own making from then on and that was plenty!  i was able

to start living my life not something i thot i had to do to appease them.. and

slowly, sometimes painfully, i was able to grow up.. and have a life of my own,

with a little help from my friends.

Subject: Re: fada question

To: WTOAdultChildren1

Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 1:16 PM


> Wow. I wonder how many of you got threatened to be 'cut off?'

*raises hand*

My parents were trying to dictate my future when I finally let them succeed at

cutting me off.

But first some background.

After Dad divorced my mom, he married my stepnada 6 months later. I moved in

with them after my mom had a complete meltdown and beat me one night. Pretty

soon stepnada painted me black, I attempted suicide, got put on anti-psychotics

" because it was my fault " and committed to an institution, all before I could

drive (within 4 years of moving in).

As a side note, the time away from her in the institution was the most peaceful

time in my life that I had had to date. Also read Co-Dependent No More by

Melodie Beattie at that time, as it was a hot bestseller for people right after

its release.

When I came back I had a better idea that the freaking insanity wasn't me, but

as you can imagine that didn't go over well. She threatened to kick me out four

times, and each time came back to 'make peace' and tell me that if I did

so-and-so, I could continue to live there (and work and pay rent while attending

high school, even though my stepbrother didn't).

The fifth time was while they were attempting to force me to join the Navy. I

couldn't duck walk because I have cerebral palsy but they were trying to get the

chain of command to accept me anyway because I had a perfect test score. I

didn't want to go.

So she threatened to kick me out, and I said fine and went.

<insert hoovering and drama and hoovering and drama and finally NC>

Now I am married to a healthy sane man with three beautiful kids that dishrag

and stepnada see once a year and if I'm lucky maybe less.

Yeah, it seems to be a typical thing for BPDs to do this, maybe as a

manipulation tactic like it was for me.


> > >

> > > for as long as I can remember my father has talked about my mother to

> us like she had the most horrible experiences possible (she did have a

> horrible childhood after losing her mother). But no matter what happened to


> nothing about our childhoods mattered because my mother had it worse. Her

> father was a pedophile who abused her her entire childhood, and also abused

> my sister and I. The very few times I have talked about this to my father

> he completely minimizes this happening, saying things like 'your mother had

> to endure it her entire life, and you just had one or two little

> incidences " with an air of complete indignance (!!!...for the record even

though her

> father did this my mother still sent my sister and I to stay with him for a

> week unsupervised, separately, and of course we were assaulted by him).

> Does anyone else have this excuse making by the fada in the family to

> invalidate their own suffereing? It's absolutely inane the lengths my father


> go to to deny that I and my siblings might have had any pain or suffered at

> all, during childhood. We are always silenced by his protectiveness of my

> mother as 'the queen of having suffered'. (I sometimes wonder if perhaps

> he's projected his own suffereing as a child, which he can't consciously

> claim, onto her). He talks about her like she is infallible and without any

> fault yet at the same time he has abused her emotionally and pschologically

> their entire marriage. I also found out that he cheated on her, as well.

> Probably serially. i don't understand this dynamic, at all. Can anyone relate

> to this type of dysfunction?

> > >

> >








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