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Re: Advice Needed

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She's having a secret affair with a married man and calling him

her soulmate? That sure doesn't sound like a change for the

better to me. I think your gut is right. BPD doesn't just go

away and people who have it generally don't change much for the

better without some really heavy-duty help and getting that

requires admitting to having a problem. I'd recommend being very

cautious about having any additional contact with her. What do

you want to do where that's concerned?

At 05:08 PM 06/02/2010 Newton wrote:

>Hi All,


>Ok so I have been a year NC from my nada now, and within that

>year I have been doing therapy, which is going great.


>I decided to contact my nada by

>telephone.......................a year is a long time, and I

>wanted to test the water, although I cant help but think that

>she is hoovering, or trying too.


>She did listen to things that I had to say to her about my

>childhood etc, although she managed to turn the conversation

>into her, and how she had changed this year and that she is

>seeing a guy behind my alcoholic step fathers back, who might I

>add is marrried, and that she really thinks she has found her

>soulmate in this guy etc, how she had got herself back, lost

>weight etc.


>I came off the phone a little hoovered by her thinking she may

>have changed but then my gut is saying to me that she



>Advice needed please


>Thanks x



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