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is anyone watching le Staub on Real Housewives of New Jersey?

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I have this on at work while i am cleaning and she is one of the most borderline

people I have ever witnessed outside of my own 'real' life. It's clear watching

her where she deviates from reality...tonight's episode was a perfect example. I

feel so sorry for her kids. You can read the pain on their faces; they haven't

shown any cases of her being borderline 'toward' her children but the way she

carries on and inteprets reality is clearly mortifying to them alot of the time.

It's very sad to witness, because they live in a million dollar house in a gated

community. There is very little anyone can do for those kids. Just thinking

about this tonight, how you can have all the world has to offer materially and

have everything look fine and wonderful from the outside and yet be being

parented by someone clearly off her nut. (It seems cruel and exploitative to me

that the kids are even part of these shows but that's another issue.)

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I ahaven't watched the show, but I have always thought that although inner

cities get blamed for social problems, it is the children locked up in gated

communities who are suffering the most and have the least help available to


Also, although I haven't watched this show, it makes sense they wouldn't show

her being BP towards her children; aren't BPs usually really talented at making

that happen out of the spotlight of witnesses?

It's so sad. I wish there was more we could do. I also don't understand why

BPs are attractive to millionaires and successful people as spouses?

Walking to Happiness.


> I have this on at work while i am cleaning and she is one of the most

borderline people I have ever witnessed outside of my own 'real' life. It's

clear watching her where she deviates from reality...tonight's episode was a

perfect example. I feel so sorry for her kids. You can read the pain on their

faces; they haven't shown any cases of her being borderline 'toward' her

children but the way she carries on and inteprets reality is clearly mortifying

to them alot of the time. It's very sad to witness, because they live in a

million dollar house in a gated community. There is very little anyone can do

for those kids. Just thinking about this tonight, how you can have all the world

has to offer materially and have everything look fine and wonderful from the

outside and yet be being parented by someone clearly off her nut. (It seems

cruel and exploitative to me that the kids are even part of these shows but

that's another issue.)


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I read a website today that has her pegged as antisocial personality disorder

(which is what men usually get diagnosed with when they show the same symptoms

as women who are diagnosed with borderline). this was by a psychologist. I think

she is such an interesting study because the last show followed her being

invited to a cancer fundraiser for a sick baby and then they proceeded through

the event to where suddenly she was 'asked to present the check to the family'

(there never was any check) and 'hundreds of people showed up because of her'

and then because the event was held at the business of a rival she brought a

bunch of ex-cons and hells angels with her (to a fundraiser for a

cancer-stricken baby girl...the whole thing really defies description).

it's so interesting because the last two episodes you see her really depart from

reality completely over the course of the development of the story. she draws

unbelievable conclusions from people's behavior...I don't know if I have ever

had quite a 'trip inside the mind' of a borderline before in real time.

she is making news because after the show started it was revealed that she had

been arrested 25 years ago for kidnapping and was arrested with about ten kilos

of cocaine...she was doing the show under a new name. She has now accused her

ex-husband who was involved in the book that revealed her past of some heinous

crimes, two of which are rape and the murder of her pet and now has a $5 million

defamation suit against her. She reminds me so much of my former SIL who truly

believed she could get away with murder...the thought that they will get caught

or have to take responsibility never seems to occur to them. I started watching

it at work just to 'break the quiet' of working alone in a building until 2 or 3

a.m. but it is really interesting watching this person (I almost said

'character', it's hard to believe she is real). It won't surprise me if she

won't ultimately lose her defamation suit.

> >

> > I have this on at work while i am cleaning and she is one of the most

borderline people I have ever witnessed outside of my own 'real' life. It's

clear watching her where she deviates from reality...tonight's episode was a

perfect example. I feel so sorry for her kids. You can read the pain on their

faces; they haven't shown any cases of her being borderline 'toward' her

children but the way she carries on and inteprets reality is clearly mortifying

to them alot of the time. It's very sad to witness, because they live in a

million dollar house in a gated community. There is very little anyone can do

for those kids. Just thinking about this tonight, how you can have all the world

has to offer materially and have everything look fine and wonderful from the

outside and yet be being parented by someone clearly off her nut. (It seems

cruel and exploitative to me that the kids are even part of these shows but

that's another issue.)

> >


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I admit, I watch all the " Real Housewives " shows. Orange County wives are my

favorite, they were the originals. I also watch the NY, NJ, Atlanta versions


I too have noticed some personalities that seem to be disordered also. I see a

couple of Narcisissts, such as Sheree on the Atlanta housewives. It's like

watching a train wreck, I just can't look away as I grimace and laugh at these


Sheree has gigantic portraits of herself commissioned and revealed whilst

throwing/hosting grandiose parties in her own honour. She constantly brags about

herself and how hot she is, no real mention or consideration for her children.

It's sad really, poor kids. Sheree brags about her divorce settlement, and how

entitled she is...... ugh

Tamra, on the Orange County show is also somewhat BPD. Tamra constantly attacks

and belittles victims at the drop of a hat. She was also divorced a very NPD

husband who controlled her every move. It's not uncommon for BPD women to end up

with NPD men. Her son is very troubled and I think it's because his mom is such

a nada. Also Tamra splits people, within minutes someone can be black and then

white again. I saw her do that to Vicki a few times.

I think Bethenny on the NYC show is a KO. Her parents seem to have abandonded

her to a large degree, and she has a hard time navigating friendships with the

other women. She is always paranoid and on the defensive which I know a lot of

us can relate to :(

Very interesting shows indeed. It's my secret pleasure, I am embarassed to say!

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Her tagline in the intro is very telling of her black/white thinking:

" Either you love me or you hate me - there's no in between. "


> I have this on at work while i am cleaning and she is one of the most

borderline people I have ever witnessed outside of my own 'real' life. It's

clear watching her where she deviates from reality...tonight's episode was a

perfect example. I feel so sorry for her kids. You can read the pain on their

faces; they haven't shown any cases of her being borderline 'toward' her

children but the way she carries on and inteprets reality is clearly mortifying

to them alot of the time. It's very sad to witness, because they live in a

million dollar house in a gated community. There is very little anyone can do

for those kids. Just thinking about this tonight, how you can have all the world

has to offer materially and have everything look fine and wonderful from the

outside and yet be being parented by someone clearly off her nut. (It seems

cruel and exploitative to me that the kids are even part of these shows but

that's another issue.)


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Yes, I think there's a large degree of over-acting and contrived situations for

sure. I noticed also that the less dramatic 'characters' tend to get dropped

from the show. If you try to stay sane/diplomatic you're off the show! Who wants

to watch normalcy anyway. LOL


> I have never watched any of these shows...but I do wonder if this is really

> how they are, or are they " acting " for the benefit of the camera, throwing

> hissy fits and being spoiled " children " to add drama and keep viewers

> interested in the drama... " reality " shows aren't really real...things have

> been enhanced to make better drama


> Jackie




> I admit, I watch all the " Real Housewives " shows. Orange County wives are my

> favorite, they were the originals. I also watch the NY, NJ, Atlanta versions

> too.


> I too have noticed some personalities that seem to be disordered also. I see

> a couple of Narcisissts, such as Sheree on the Atlanta housewives. It's like

> watching a train wreck, I just can't look away as I grimace and laugh at

> these twits.


> Sheree has gigantic portraits of herself commissioned and revealed whilst

> throwing/hosting grandiose parties in her own honour. She constantly brags

> about herself and how hot she is, no real mention or consideration for her

> children. It's sad really, poor kids. Sheree brags about her divorce

> settlement, and how entitled she is...... ugh


> Tamra, on the Orange County show is also somewhat BPD. Tamra constantly

> attacks and belittles victims at the drop of a hat. She was also divorced a

> very NPD husband who controlled her every move. It's not uncommon for BPD

> women to end up with NPD men. Her son is very troubled and I think it's

> because his mom is such a nada. Also Tamra splits people, within minutes

> someone can be black and then white again. I saw her do that to Vicki a few

> times.


> I think Bethenny on the NYC show is a KO. Her parents seem to have

> abandonded her to a large degree, and she has a hard time navigating

> friendships with the other women. She is always paranoid and on the

> defensive which I know a lot of us can relate to :(


> Very interesting shows indeed. It's my secret pleasure, I am embarassed to

> say!


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the last couple episodes have made it clear her mental state, underneath she

seems positively frantic and convinced she will never be worthy of love. I

really don't know the backgrounds of the women but le is a genuine hustler

with a documented history in sex work and felony charges which she plead out of.

If you ever watch the show you can see the pain on her children's faces just

about every time they are on camera (which they never should be). I just started

watching these out of boredom at work for background noise and it's been

eye-opening. I think this character is unique though, because to me most of the

reason that the ladies have drama is they are entitled, privileged, and bored,

with no motivation to really apply that energy elsewhere. In le's case she

seems genuinely mentally ill. I felt last night that her situation is so bad

that it's at this point almost unethical for her to be on the show. She is

faltering so bad that having this spotlight may cause her to do grave harm to

one of the other people on there. I would be scared if I were one of her rivals.

I don't feel that way about the others at all, they all just seem like drama

queens. Even KKB on NY a coulple weeks ago is was just loopy and a little

drunk...not a danger to anyone I don't think. le seems like she could

really be dangerous. I guess that's the difference, someone else mentioned

over-acting and staged drama...people making their lives spicier than they

really are. With le it's the opposite...she has a really scary, checkered

past as a prostitute, kidnapper, and consort of a serious cocaine dealer. While

all the other women are playing 'up' the drama, she seems to literally not know

reality from fantasy and her mental processes are seriously skewed. She actually

believed she could lie her way out of her history *ON CAMERA* even though it is

documented in court records. On the reunion show she said when asked about her

drug habit that she 'really liked pot' even though in her plea deal the judge

asks for continued aftercare for what he calls her severe drug addiction to

cocaine. Only a borderline (or sicker) would entertain the notion that they were

intelligent or clever enough to lie their way around documented court and arrest

records, or escape it with a name change.

> >

> > I have this on at work while i am cleaning and she is one of the most

borderline people I have ever witnessed outside of my own 'real' life. It's

clear watching her where she deviates from reality...tonight's episode was a

perfect example. I feel so sorry for her kids. You can read the pain on their

faces; they haven't shown any cases of her being borderline 'toward' her

children but the way she carries on and inteprets reality is clearly mortifying

to them alot of the time. It's very sad to witness, because they live in a

million dollar house in a gated community. There is very little anyone can do

for those kids. Just thinking about this tonight, how you can have all the world

has to offer materially and have everything look fine and wonderful from the

outside and yet be being parented by someone clearly off her nut. (It seems

cruel and exploitative to me that the kids are even part of these shows but

that's another issue.)

> >


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On behalf of the entire population of Atlanta, I just want to say there is

absolutely nothing " real " about that bunch of skanks.


> I admit, I watch all the " Real Housewives " shows. Orange County wives are my

favorite, they were the originals. I also watch the NY, NJ, Atlanta versions



> I too have noticed some personalities that seem to be disordered also. I see a

couple of Narcisissts, such as Sheree on the Atlanta housewives. It's like

watching a train wreck, I just can't look away as I grimace and laugh at these



> Sheree has gigantic portraits of herself commissioned and revealed whilst

throwing/hosting grandiose parties in her own honour. She constantly brags about

herself and how hot she is, no real mention or consideration for her children.

It's sad really, poor kids. Sheree brags about her divorce settlement, and how

entitled she is...... ugh


> Tamra, on the Orange County show is also somewhat BPD. Tamra constantly

attacks and belittles victims at the drop of a hat. She was also divorced a very

NPD husband who controlled her every move. It's not uncommon for BPD women to

end up with NPD men. Her son is very troubled and I think it's because his mom

is such a nada. Also Tamra splits people, within minutes someone can be black

and then white again. I saw her do that to Vicki a few times.


> I think Bethenny on the NYC show is a KO. Her parents seem to have abandonded

her to a large degree, and she has a hard time navigating friendships with the

other women. She is always paranoid and on the defensive which I know a lot of

us can relate to :(


> Very interesting shows indeed. It's my secret pleasure, I am embarassed to



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I am glad someone put this because I have noticed a lot of similarities to BPD

and Narcissism as well as KO's in this show, but I second guessed myself because

I just thought that I am seeing things that aren't there.

I can definitely relate to Bethanny on the NY show. She had her parents abandon

her and even on in death she found out she was refused only to be accepted

later. Talk about a roller coaster.

le on the NJ show is the one that bothers me the most. She comes off like

the victim and she is the perpertrator. Its amazing how skewed her version of

reality is. She constantly thinks people are " after " her, which is the reason

she threatens people like " If I have to come over there again, I won't come

alone. " She even went as far as to bring " protection " in the form of criminals

who have done time, to escort her to events. The paranoia is something I can

relate to.


> >

> > I admit, I watch all the " Real Housewives " shows. Orange County wives are my

favorite, they were the originals. I also watch the NY, NJ, Atlanta versions


> >

> > I too have noticed some personalities that seem to be disordered also. I see

a couple of Narcisissts, such as Sheree on the Atlanta housewives. It's like

watching a train wreck, I just can't look away as I grimace and laugh at these


> >

> > Sheree has gigantic portraits of herself commissioned and revealed whilst

throwing/hosting grandiose parties in her own honour. She constantly brags about

herself and how hot she is, no real mention or consideration for her children.

It's sad really, poor kids. Sheree brags about her divorce settlement, and how

entitled she is...... ugh

> >

> > Tamra, on the Orange County show is also somewhat BPD. Tamra constantly

attacks and belittles victims at the drop of a hat. She was also divorced a very

NPD husband who controlled her every move. It's not uncommon for BPD women to

end up with NPD men. Her son is very troubled and I think it's because his mom

is such a nada. Also Tamra splits people, within minutes someone can be black

and then white again. I saw her do that to Vicki a few times.

> >

> > I think Bethenny on the NYC show is a KO. Her parents seem to have

abandonded her to a large degree, and she has a hard time navigating friendships

with the other women. She is always paranoid and on the defensive which I know a

lot of us can relate to :(

> >

> > Very interesting shows indeed. It's my secret pleasure, I am embarassed to


> >


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that one I haven't watched and I don't want to, it seems the worst of all of

them. The more I think about it the more I believe that you would really have to

have something a bit off-kilter about yourself to allow yourself to be filmed

like that. They are probably all a bit 'off', but le is beyond the pale

and my heart breaks for her kids.

> >

> > I admit, I watch all the " Real Housewives " shows. Orange County wives are my

favorite, they were the originals. I also watch the NY, NJ, Atlanta versions


> >

> > I too have noticed some personalities that seem to be disordered also. I see

a couple of Narcisissts, such as Sheree on the Atlanta housewives. It's like

watching a train wreck, I just can't look away as I grimace and laugh at these


> >

> > Sheree has gigantic portraits of herself commissioned and revealed whilst

throwing/hosting grandiose parties in her own honour. She constantly brags about

herself and how hot she is, no real mention or consideration for her children.

It's sad really, poor kids. Sheree brags about her divorce settlement, and how

entitled she is...... ugh

> >

> > Tamra, on the Orange County show is also somewhat BPD. Tamra constantly

attacks and belittles victims at the drop of a hat. She was also divorced a very

NPD husband who controlled her every move. It's not uncommon for BPD women to

end up with NPD men. Her son is very troubled and I think it's because his mom

is such a nada. Also Tamra splits people, within minutes someone can be black

and then white again. I saw her do that to Vicki a few times.

> >

> > I think Bethenny on the NYC show is a KO. Her parents seem to have

abandonded her to a large degree, and she has a hard time navigating friendships

with the other women. She is always paranoid and on the defensive which I know a

lot of us can relate to :(

> >

> > Very interesting shows indeed. It's my secret pleasure, I am embarassed to


> >


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I really like Betheny alot. She seems very unpretentious and down to earth. Of

all of them she is definitely the sanest and least 'golddigger/social climber'.

I like alot too, she actually seems to have some integrity and seems to

really love her kids and enjoy being a normal, down to earth mom.

> >

> > I admit, I watch all the " Real Housewives " shows. Orange County wives are my

favorite, they were the originals. I also watch the NY, NJ, Atlanta versions


> >

> > I too have noticed some personalities that seem to be disordered also. I see

a couple of Narcisissts, such as Sheree on the Atlanta housewives. It's like

watching a train wreck, I just can't look away as I grimace and laugh at these


> >

> > Sheree has gigantic portraits of herself commissioned and revealed whilst

throwing/hosting grandiose parties in her own honour. She constantly brags about

herself and how hot she is, no real mention or consideration for her children.

It's sad really, poor kids. Sheree brags about her divorce settlement, and how

entitled she is...... ugh

> >

> > Tamra, on the Orange County show is also somewhat BPD. Tamra constantly

attacks and belittles victims at the drop of a hat. She was also divorced a very

NPD husband who controlled her every move. It's not uncommon for BPD women to

end up with NPD men. Her son is very troubled and I think it's because his mom

is such a nada. Also Tamra splits people, within minutes someone can be black

and then white again. I saw her do that to Vicki a few times.

> >

> > I think Bethenny on the NYC show is a KO. Her parents seem to have

abandonded her to a large degree, and she has a hard time navigating friendships

with the other women. She is always paranoid and on the defensive which I know a

lot of us can relate to :(

> >

> > Very interesting shows indeed. It's my secret pleasure, I am embarassed to


> >


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