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Re: Has anyone ever used PCA-Rx?

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We use it now. And have had excellent results on it. (I thought I just posted a

reply and I can't find it. ugh). We use the PCA-Rx and NG-Rx. I have used it

both on my son (3yrs old) and my brother (25 years old).

I used this because I felt (and still feeling this way, I haven't been convinced

to chelate using the other protocols) -- that based on what I have read -- this

seemed like the least harsh.

With my son, we got more language, complex language. (I am doing a lot of other

things, we added this, and within a couple of days he went from 2 word sentences

to 5 and 6 word sentences)

With my brother it reduced the sensory overload like AMAZINGLY. (He didn't have

to wear headphones at my other brother's wedding -- he could deal with the loud

and constant music, not something he could do before.) We also got a lot of

weird/odd/unexplainable rashes that just looked weird. The rash would show up,

and then he would have this spurt of wow-ness. (I made up that word, I don't

think it's a word at all..) And we were doing (don't laugh, I didn't know

anything at the time -- this was WAaaaYYY before I found the Stan Kurtz website)

the Colonix Program w/toxinout and PCA-Rx and NG-Rx. I knew that my brother

was exposed to heavy metals (my Mom had dental work done when she was pregnant

w/him and Rob is 25 so his vaccines all contained mercury.) He was like this

new person.

When I found the Stan Kurtz website (and all the other stuff I should be doing

-- like diet!) I decided to do those things, and keep the PCA-Rx and NG-Rx on

board. Rob is still progressing. Hasn't hit a plateau in 7 months...

PCA-Rx and NG-Rx aren't popular. I was a little hesitant to post as I didn't

want to be thrown into a pack of killer wolves..because I know that there is a

strong opinion about chelation therapy. But in my humble opinion, I think it's

a good way to start because isn't invasive, it's easy to administer, and you

will know if you start to see results. Now that being said, I KNEW that my

brother was metal toxic. I also believe that if you don't have great detox

pathways, it doesn't matter what you do, you won't win w/heavy metals.

The one thing that I liked (and it's in the literature, and I'm not even sure if

it's true) is that PCA-Rx grabs the metal, puts a cage (lattice like structure)

like thing around it, and renders it harmless..so it's not free floating and

reattaching itself.

I have not done a metals test on my brother, as I gotta figure out this yeast

thingy. (I am doing a MAP test w/ him this week) -- so, I figured, it doesn't

hurt, we've have good results (and really weird rashes that come come to the

skin surface).

This is just my opinion. I really like this product and it works for us. :)

PS. My brother also has problems w/ his zinc/copper ratio. I also felt that I

could use the PCA-Rx and NG-Rx and not have it get in the way of that. I have

gotten a lot of his zinc/copper ratio fixed as his thyroid med has been reduced

to half (yes, in less than 6 months), and we go to test for it again this week!!


> Article on link below...just wondering if anyone has used this?






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Yes, we used it years ago when we were patients of Dr. Megson's.

She recommended it. We saw improvements. Our son mimicked for the

first time while on this. The side effect we saw was irritability.

We were never able to work up to the recommended dose due to irritability.

We saw improvements during the first 2-3 months on it. After that the

improvements tapered off and disappeared. It's tasteless and you spray it

in their mouth, preferable under the tongue. It's clear and thin, like

water. We were checking fecal toxic metals test from Doctors Data and we

pulled loads of Uranium and Beryllium while on it. No Mercury though.



mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On Behalf

Of Helen

Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 10:56 AM

To: mb12 valtrex

Subject: Has anyone ever used PCA-Rx?

Article on link below...just wondering if

anyone has used this?


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> Yes, we used it years ago when we were patients of Dr. Megson's. She

> recommended it. We saw improvements. Our son mimicked for the first time

> while on this. The side effect we saw was irritability. We were never able

> to work up to the recommended dose due to irritability. We saw improvements

> during the first 2-3 months on it. After that the improvements tapered off

> and disappeared. It's tasteless and you spray it in their mouth, preferable

> under the tongue. It's clear and thin, like water. We were checking fecal

> toxic metals test from Doctors Data and we pulled loads of Uranium and

> Beryllium while on it. No Mercury though.




> Pamela




> From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On

> Behalf Of Helen

> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 10:56 AM

> To: mb12 valtrex

> Subject: Has anyone ever used PCA-Rx?






> Article on link below...just wondering if anyone has used this?


> http://www.prlog.org/10549691-maxam-nutraceutics-announces-support-for-autis

> m-awareness-month.html


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Your post brought back memories...

Uranium and Beryllium are used in advanced weaponry and used for parts for

highly technical equipment. -- I knew it sounded familiar so I googled it.

When I lived in MA, there was a company called " Starmet " that resided in

Concord. They had buried their waste (uranium and I want to say beryllium too)

and it seeped into the water supply -- they were " broke " (like whatever -- made

millions and skipped town) -- and it became a superfund site. I worked down the

street from it, and remembered thinking " don't drink the water here. "

I also lived at one point in Winchester MA, which was right down the street from

Woburn MA, another toxic dumping ground. Travolta made the movie, A Civil

action, about it.

Made me think -- I need to change my water filter. Thanks!


> Yes, we used it years ago when we were patients of Dr. Megson's. She

> recommended it. We saw improvements. Our son mimicked for the first time

> while on this. The side effect we saw was irritability. We were never able

> to work up to the recommended dose due to irritability. We saw improvements

> during the first 2-3 months on it. After that the improvements tapered off

> and disappeared. It's tasteless and you spray it in their mouth, preferable

> under the tongue. It's clear and thin, like water. We were checking fecal

> toxic metals test from Doctors Data and we pulled loads of Uranium and

> Beryllium while on it. No Mercury though.




> Pamela




> From: mb12 valtrex [mailto:mb12 valtrex ] On

> Behalf Of Helen

> Sent: Friday, February 26, 2010 10:56 AM

> To: mb12 valtrex

> Subject: Has anyone ever used PCA-Rx?






> Article on link below...just wondering if anyone has used this?


> http://www.prlog.org/10549691-maxam-nutraceutics-announces-support-for-autis

> m-awareness-month.html


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Thanks! I copied and mailed it to my siblings...my subject line said: " someone

thinks I rock " -- so what I got back was, " she can borrow you, but she can't

have you. As we all like to abuse you. It would be no fun if you weren't here,

as you make family events way more interesting. "

I felt since my son was having some of the same issues, that if I could help

him, then I could help my brother. And I like a challenge. I was in therapy

for a long time, and I remember telling my therapist, if I knew how to reach him

(my brother), I would do it. Thanks to all the wonderful parents and

caregivers, with their " unconventional methods " and " pseudoscience " a window of

opportunity opened for us. And it's working.

So you ROCK too!


> Wow, what a great sister. I wish my family was this interested too! You



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