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Re: Advice please-behavior issues with illness

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read up on PANDAS.....this sounds like your child.


discription of PANDAS and some case studies and treatments


talk about testing and types of strep


this has an association link, as well as this child was overnight autistic like with a FLARE. I will try and find the vidoe and include it as well. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/32987757/ns/today-today_books/


difference in OCD and PANDAS artical

The hot new topic is biofilms and how biofilms are trapping in metals, viruses, yeast and bacteria so the things we are using to kill these things are not working. For real tough cases Dr Usman is going with a very strong antibiotic like vancomycin and gentamicin. Here is the link to Dr Usmans May 2009 biofilm presentation: www.autismone.com/content/gut-recovery-program-new-approach-treating-chronic-gastrointestinal-infections

Advice please-behavior issues with illness

Hi group,I have been a member for a while but never written as most of our issues were responding to intervention. My son's most pressing issues are detox issues, viral, inflamation issues and apraxia (thank God language did come but big issues still with response timing, pragmatics, logic, reasoning) and social skills.In the last month my 8 year old son's behavior has fallen apart. At the end of January, a bug was going around at school and he got sick at school - throwing up three times over two days- like many other kids did. However, he never got a fever or even felt bad like the other kids and teachers did. His behavior on the other hand crashed. Lots of ocd, stimming, talking to himself,running,spitting, oppositional. Moreover, he started coughing two days ago and earlier today at school had a low grade fever (100.5). My son always had behavioral issues but they were under control for a long time. His cognition (never a problem) is ok- if not better.I would appreciate any advice.Thanks Alice

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Hi Alice,

I think I would take the fever as a good sign that his body is is

trying to fight the bug. If it were my child I would get an antiviral

into play.

I use Olive Leaf Extract and also provide some liver support with

Milk Thistle and Turmeric (Natural Factors make a Milk Thistle,

Dandelion Root, and Turmeric blend). Get the Olive Leaf Extract

happening ASAP as it stops the virus from splitting (growing) and

helps to kill the existing virus. I have heard 4x day is optimal. An

adult should take 2-500mg capsules 4 x day. That is based on 150 lbs.

I calculate dosage based on my son's percentage of that weight.

eg he weighs 50lbs so 1/3 of the adult dosage 4x day. I don't start at

full dosage. I work my way up to the full amount. he may have runny

bowel movements at the beginning. This is a sign that it is working. I

make sure I don't go to fast with upping the dosage. You want to give

his body a chance to process the die off.

I am not a doctor, but that is what I do for my son when he has

viral issues.

Hi group,

I have been a member for a while but never written as most of our

issues were responding to intervention. My son's most pressing issues

are detox issues, viral, inflamation issues and apraxia (thank God

language did come but big issues still with response timing,

pragmatics, logic, reasoning) and social skills.

In the last month my 8 year old son's behavior has fallen apart. At

the end of January, a bug was going around at school and he got sick

at school - throwing up three times over two days- like many other

kids did. However, he never got a fever or even felt bad like the

other kids and teachers did.

His behavior on the other hand crashed. Lots of ocd, stimming, talking

to himself,running,spitting, oppositional. Moreover, he started

coughing two days ago and earlier today at school had a low grade

fever (100.5).

My son always had behavioral issues but they were under control for a

long time. His cognition (never a problem) is ok- if not better.

I would appreciate any advice.



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PITAND? I assume it isn't strep,but this is almost classic PANDAS.

To: mb12 valtrex Sent: Thu, February 25, 2010 5:33:54 PMSubject: Advice please-behavior issues with illness

Hi group,I have been a member for a while but never written as most of our issues were responding to intervention. My son's most pressing issues are detox issues, viral, inflamation issues and apraxia (thank God language did come but big issues still with response timing, pragmatics, logic, reasoning) and social skills.In the last month my 8 year old son's behavior has fallen apart. At the end of January, a bug was going around at school and he got sick at school - throwing up three times over two days- like many other kids did. However, he never got a fever or even felt bad like the other kids and teachers did. His behavior on the other hand crashed. Lots of ocd, stimming, talking to himself,running, spitting, oppositional. Moreover, he started coughing two days ago and earlier today at school had a low grade fever (100.5). My son always had behavioral issues but they were under control for a long time. His cognition

(never a problem) is ok- if not better.I would appreciate any advice.Thanks Alice

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This could be strep (PANDAS) or viruses (PITAND). My sons react this way with

both. You won't know if it's strep unless you get a culture done and send it to

the lab (48 or 72 hour test). Also, when my older son gets strep he almost

always vomits.

Olive Leaf Extract should help whether it is strep or viruses. I would start

this asap. In fact both of my boys went into severe pandas in the last few days.

I gave both of them OLE, Reishi and a little Oil of Oregano...just dropped a

bomb on it. My 5 year old turned around overnight (although he developed yeast

b/c of my herbal bomb), the 2 year old is still in full pandas mode (I may not

be giving him enough, as I am more cautious about dosing b/c of his age). And to

top it off, my husband is out of town until June...it's just been lovely around


Oh, by the way in the meantime ibuprofen is a GODSEND for pandas (reduces brain

inflammation)! I use it when they are a complete disaster while I am waiting for

the herbs and/or antibiotic to kick in.

Best of luck!


> Hi Alice,


> I think I would take the fever as a good sign that his body is is

> trying to fight the bug. If it were my child I would get an antiviral

> into play.


> I use Olive Leaf Extract and also provide some liver support with

> Milk Thistle and Turmeric (Natural Factors make a Milk Thistle,

> Dandelion Root, and Turmeric blend). Get the Olive Leaf Extract

> happening ASAP as it stops the virus from splitting (growing) and

> helps to kill the existing virus. I have heard 4x day is optimal. An

> adult should take 2-500mg capsules 4 x day. That is based on 150 lbs.

> I calculate dosage based on my son's percentage of that weight. eg

> he weighs 50lbs so 1/3 of the adult dosage 4x day. I don't start at

> full dosage. I work my way up to the full amount. he may have runny

> bowel movements at the beginning. This is a sign that it is working.

> I make sure I don't go to fast with upping the dosage. You want to

> give his body a chance to process the die off.


> I am not a doctor, but that is what I do for my son when he has viral issues.




> >

> >

> >Hi group,

> >I have been a member for a while but never written as most of our

> >issues were responding to intervention. My son's most pressing

> >issues are detox issues, viral, inflamation issues and apraxia

> >(thank God language did come but big issues still with response

> >timing, pragmatics, logic, reasoning) and social skills.

> >

> >In the last month my 8 year old son's behavior has fallen apart. At

> >the end of January, a bug was going around at school and he got sick

> >at school - throwing up three times over two days- like many other

> >kids did. However, he never got a fever or even felt bad like the

> >other kids and teachers did.

> >

> >His behavior on the other hand crashed. Lots of ocd, stimming,

> >talking to himself,running,spitting, oppositional. Moreover, he

> >started coughing two days ago and earlier today at school had a low

> >grade fever (100.5).

> >

> >My son always had behavioral issues but they were under control for

> >a long time. His cognition (never a problem) is ok- if not better.

> >

> >I would appreciate any advice.

> >

> >Thanks

> >Alice

> >

> >


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