Guest guest Posted June 11, 2010 Report Share Posted June 11, 2010 You should still turn your mother in. On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 9:58 PM, josephinebl67 wrote: > > > I strongly believe sexual abuse is repetition compulsion, the body telling > a story suppressed by the mind, that is why it is so important for victims > to speak out, be supported, and get help. I think all sex crimes are sexual > in that actions like violence get sexualized because the person committing > them was violated sexually and the two (sex and violence) became linked when > they should not have, or fetishized, and there was no outlet for expression > like therapy or some form of mentoring or support so the only outlet for > expression of the trauma is repetition. > > I am so sorry to hear of the abuse of the OP at the hands of her mother, > that is such a tragedy. My family has it on both sides and is 'forgive and > forget', i.e. repress and deny, and repeat the cycle, and it's so > devastating to me how my family deals (meaning, doesn't deal) with this > stuff. > > > > > > > well, my therapist does disagree with this stance that a child being > > sexually abused is for control..... sexual abuse when it is an adult > against a > > child is sexual for the pedophile....rape between an adult and another > adult > > is control. But pedophillia (I am sure I just butchered that spelling) is > > > supposedly more of a sexual disorder than a control disorder. That's what > my > > therapist thinks anyway. > > > > I have heard of very few female perpeatrators, but I had a friend (who > > sadly committed suicide) and her mother had sexually abused her. Her > mother was > > jacked up mentally in all sorts of ways. I dont doubt that some female > > sexual abusers are bpd, but my mother was just the opposite -- she was a > > sexual prude and had a warp sense of body and sex in this judgmental, > crazy > > belief and yet allowed me to be sexually abused by her uncle and claimed > she > > had been sexually abused as well. > > > > > > > > > > In a message dated 6/11/2010 5:22:03 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, > > marionlibrarian42@... writes: > > > > All the experts say that sexual abuse is not about sex its about control, > > > and BPs are all about control.The experts also say that sexual perps were > > > almost all sexualy abused as a child , and sexual abuse is considered a > main > > couse of BPD . So why is it that society is so willing to turn a blind > eye > > to this problem. Pepole almost refuse to see a mother as a child molester > > > or rapist . I cant help but think this genaral attitude keeps people from > > > coming forward and getting help , much less leagal justise for the abuse > > they suffered . > > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 12, 2010 Report Share Posted June 12, 2010 Hi Irene, Wow, I can also relate with this sexual weirdness inappropriateness of mom. My mom would do the *grab* thing at our developing breasts and then get defensive when we got mad. I can see how a little baby would giggle over something like that, if it were like a tickle, even though it's still wrong in my mind (I would never do that to my son! I only tickled him in *safe zones*) I think my mom was close to my sister in that *snuggle* way; I was not into her being that close to me, sadly (I mean sad that I did not have a mother who I could feel comfortable hugging me). She also told me all her sex things about my dad and and have me as her confidante and then get mad at me if I acted parental. She was so childish a lot of the time. It's like they are super immature and want to make their kids their buddies, but their idea of what *buddies* are, is also messed up. I am not sure it is them being " over-sexed " but that they don't know how to manage the constant influx of sexuality; most people can tune it out at the right times. My grandfather (and this is why I think there is a genetic component to this) went on a cruise with my grandmother when they were in their 70's maybe even late 70's. And my grandfather got in this rage thinking the porter was making eyes at my grandmother! He was jealous! He was always jealous! When my grandmother died, I think their neighborhood friends sort of tried to keep up with him (especially this one nice nice lady) but he drove them all away. She was the only one who kept up with him as best she could. Anyway, I hope you can overcome the hugging thing; because with the right people it is a good feeling; and we need to be held by others. Thanks for sharing this; it is helpful to hear stories like this, for me, because it makes me able to generalize my experience which helps me to understand it more. ~patricia Re: Female BP as Sexual Abusers To " pd : patricia " - This is another time when I read a post here and realize that what I thought was just a bit odd does happen to those with nadas. Even as a child my mom told me about her sex life, sordid details of things that happened in her marriages and complaints about the lack of sex at times. She relied on me to be her confidant and buddy. But what 10 year old needs to know that stuff? Or when she would sneak out and meet some guy for a fling, she took me with her. Why? When I was very young and she was between husbands at the time, she would sleep with me and " snuggle " very closely. Wouldn't want me to move and kept her arm and leg over me. Perhaps it was just to keep me from wandering around while she wanted to sleep. But I always felt suffocated and to this day I'm not fond of being hugged by people. She also had this thing about doing a little grab at my pubic area. She said I used to like it as a baby and would giggle. I don't remember that of course. But when I was in my teens and walking through the dining room and she reached over and grabbed me there, I jumped back. Needless to say, she got very angry, told me she " made me " and could do what she wanted with me. I'm not saying it was sexual abuse but she was and still is, even in her 80's, obsessed with all things sexual. She asks me how do lesbians have sex? How would I know and why would I even discuss it? She thinks men are looking at her in the restaurants. She doesn't like service people to come to her house because they might make a pass at her. Yeah, in her dreams. Anyway, BPD females can be oversexed and abuse their kids in various ways. Too bad the world can't see that. > > Hi > I have often thought of this subject and I totally agree with you, that there is > a prejudice towards the *innocence* of women as sexual abusers. Of course it makes > no sense at all that women could not sexually abuse, and I am so sorry for your experiences. > I know it is very damaging and I admire you had the intention to turn your mom in at all > > This idea that a teacher could molest a boy and thus *initiate* him into manhood, is preposterous! I hear a lot of guys say those types of comments, how they wouldn't have > minded such a thing. Publicly as well. It always bothers me as I have a 15 year old boy > and I would go ballistic if some teacher did that to him. I know his innocence and I think > that people think that males are not ever *innocent*, and always lusting. But having > raised a son (and just being a smart aware person) I know this is not so. > > My mother, who I believe has BPD, did not really physically molest us but there was this > sense of psychic incest/emotional incest. She would tell me about her and my dad's sex > life, and just sometimes be inappropriate in this weird *girlish* way that was not at all > *mom-like*. It made me build up walls that of course I wish I didn't have to and I believe > interferes with my own sexuality. > > I agree with you, there needs to be more understanding, awareness and commitment to > preventing, stopping, and prosecuting female offenders. > ~patricia ------------------------------------ Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at @.... SEND HER ANY POSTS THAT CONCERN YOU; DO NOT Respond ON THE GROUP. To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your copy. We also refer to " Understanding the Borderline Mother " (Lawson) and " Surviving the Borderline Parent, " (Roth) which you can find at any bookstore. Welcome to the WTO community! From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 13, 2010 Report Share Posted June 13, 2010 There is a book I believe it's called: Emotional Incest, by Love I found that book helpful. ~patricia Re: Female BP as Sexual Abusers For the people who have posted here , Thank you all for being brave and sharing about an issue that is so personal . It has helped me to know I am not alone in this , and I'm sure there are others out there that need a place to vent and validate themselves . For the sake of helping them and us I urge anyone who has found a book , an article or any other resource that deals with this subject to post it here , and If you feel comfortable doing so ask your therapist if you have one for resources that can be posted here . So many of us feel there is no safe place to turn about this and I'm sure more are out there . Thank you for caring. > > > Marilyn, am I ever sorry to hear all of this. You have been through so much. I am saying a prayer for your healing. > > I am interested in more on this topic. It isn't one that is written about much, although some of my sources mention it obliquely in connection with male BP's. My BP nada molested her younger sister after she herself was molested by my grandfather growing up. Both people are at times verbally inappropriate sexually. I wonder if my grandfather is actually BP as well. > > --. > ------------------------------------ Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at @.... SEND HER ANY POSTS THAT CONCERN YOU; DO NOT Respond ON THE GROUP. To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your copy. We also refer to " Understanding the Borderline Mother " (Lawson) and " Surviving the Borderline Parent, " (Roth) which you can find at any bookstore. Welcome to the WTO community! From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 14, 2010 Report Share Posted June 14, 2010 check out, or just google 'mdsa' which stands for 'making daughters safe again' or mother-daughter sexual abuse. Â annyes indeed mothers and other women can be sexual predators, mine was towards me. Â Subject: Re: Female BP as Sexual Abusers To: WTOAdultChildren1 Date: Friday, June 11, 2010, 8:14 PM Â thank you for your responses . I don't want to become a poster girl for the subject , but I would really like ideas on how to make people more awhere of the subject .I myself do not have the money for pro help from a shrink , but if any of you do , and can ask questions about it inorder to post here so that it might help others that feel they have nowhere to go I would be very grateful. > > Hi > I have often thought of this subject and I totally agree with you, that there is > a prejudice towards the *innocence* of women as sexual abusers. Of course it makes > no sense at all that women could not sexually abuse, and I am so sorry for your experiences. > I know it is very damaging and I admire you had the intention to turn your mom in at all > > This idea that a teacher could molest a boy and thus *initiate* him into manhood, is preposterous! I hear a lot of guys say those types of comments, how they wouldn't have > minded such a thing. Publicly as well. It always bothers me as I have a 15 year old boy > and I would go ballistic if some teacher did that to him. I know his innocence and I think > that people think that males are not ever *innocent*, and always lusting. But having > raised a son (and just being a smart aware person) I know this is not so. > > My mother, who I believe has BPD, did not really physically molest us but there was this > sense of psychic incest/emotional incest. She would tell me about her and my dad's sex > life, and just sometimes be inappropriate in this weird *girlish* way that was not at all > *mom-like*. It made me build up walls that of course I wish I didn't have to and I believe > interferes with my own sexuality. > > I agree with you, there needs to be more understanding, awareness and commitment to > preventing, stopping, and prosecuting female offenders. > ~patricia > Female BP as Sexual Abusers > > > > This is a hard subject to discus . Of the thousands of books written on sexual abuse, 99 % of them deal with a male as the abuser. We are told as kids If a strange man offers you candy to run away and ask for help. If you watch a crime drama it is always a male that is the rapist , child molester , wife beater ect... > > In the 3 cases of female teachers sexualy abusing students that I know of from the news , all of the women have been diagnosied with BPD . However all of the men I know seem to think its no big deal " when I was a kid I would have loved to have an older woman show my the ropes lol " seems to be a normal and acepted attitude to have . > > All the experts say that sexual abuse is not about sex its about control, and BPs are all about control.The experts also say that sexual perps were almost all sexualy abused as a child , and sexual abuse is considered a main couse of BPD . So why is it that society is so willing to turn a blind eye to this problem. Pepole almost refuse to see a mother as a child molester or rapist . I cant help but think this genaral attitude keeps people from coming forward and getting help , much less leagal justise for the abuse they suffered . > > Both my brother and myself were sexual abused by our Nada . I thought about turnning her in as an adult , and one of the first questions asked of me when I was on the phone with police was the name of the MAN that had done it.I hung up . The link between BPD and sexual abuse is not written about that I've found , unless its to adress the BPDs abuse as a child . Women can be sexual preditors , they can be husband beaters , child molesters and rapist . Noone seems to care much about helping their victoms , or beleaving them for that matter . > > In the few cases I know of that the female was cought and charged she got a slap on the wrist compared to what would have been done to a male perp , and worse than that if the victom was male he was ridaculed for not likeing the abuse . Somebody needs to make this an issue that gets attention! Police, therapist, rape counsaling are all illequip to handle helping victoms of this type of abuse , We desprately need a place that offers help instead of judgment, for the many abused , and the phyc comunity needs to take a real look at the link between BDP and sexual perpatraitors . > > > > ------------------------------------ > > Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at @... SEND HER ANY POSTS THAT CONCERN YOU; DO NOT Respond ON THE GROUP. > > To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your copy. We also refer to " Understanding the Borderline Mother " (Lawson) and " Surviving the Borderline Parent, " (Roth) which you can find at any bookstore. Welcome to the WTO community! > > From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted June 15, 2010 Report Share Posted June 15, 2010 ((marilyn)) i am sooo sorry this happened, my nada also molested and raped and terrorized me as a very young child and then left me alone to 'cry it out' and 'deal' with it , before i had any ways of knowing how to calm down and soothe myself from the terror and rage.. i still feel the effects of the anxiety and bear the scars she left on me to this day. Â and she always denied it, thinking i was 'too young' to remember it and if it was denied often enuf then it did not exist. sick, really sick.. she also was raped at knife point by her father and bore his child. Â the abuse traveled thru generations and stopped with me. Â i am sorry you were never able to have children. Subject: Re: Female BP as Sexual Abusers To: WTOAdultChildren1 Date: Saturday, June 12, 2010, 8:59 AM Â My nada sexually molested me for YEARS daily as a toddler until I was old enough to run away from her. She would take me in the bathroom bringing in a kitchen knife and locking the bathroom door. My father was working so he never knew but the 'morning ritual' was always the same. Pull down my little lace trimmed panties, put me on the toilet bowl; ask me if I did #2 yet and it didn't matter if I said yes or no, the result was the same. She would take the kitchen knife and cut a VERY fat sliver of Ivory soap from the bar, stick her thick fingers in me which she had soaped up and stick her fat fingers inside me scratching me and it hurt. She would stick the soap sliver up my rectum and I would scream out in pain. Nada seemed to love that (no doubt as I look back at it now a control issue) and she would say " NOBODY can clean you like your MOTHER can " . If I urinated after, this was permitted and I wasn't physically abused and made to go through the bathroom ritual all over again but if I did defecate, this was NOT permitted and I would be punished. Of course the bathroom ritual would start immediately if I defecated and then she would hit me after I got out of the bathroom. Once she took my hands over to the gas stove which she had turned on, placed my tiny hands on it and said " hot, hot - don't touch " . I wound up with third degree burns and of course back then no one reported her as she said since I was 2 that it was 'an accident' and I 'must have done it when she wasn't looking'. My father when he came home to see my bandaged hand asked what happened. Nada reiterated that I must have done it while she was cooking and not looking but it wasn't HER fault since a child that age is impossible to watch every second (I am an only child) and especially a 'bad child like this one'. When I was 12 I had an extremely painful period for the first time and I was hemoragging very badly. My nada had made me put a washcloth in my panties to rush me to the emergency room. I was doubled over in pain. She never told me about periods or that bleeding was normal for a girl when she menostrated so I thought I was bleeding to death. The doctor in E.R. put my feet up in the silver stirrups and there I was in a hospital gown with no panties on of course feeling extremely uncomfortable and embarrassed. He said after an examination with a light on his head and his gloved fingers probing me that he needed to talk to nada immediately. I heard him on the other side of the curtain say " I have NEVER seen a young virgin scarred inside her right ovary like this girl is. I can't imagine how that happened. But I can tell you this your daughter will never conceive when she gets older and she will always experience very painful periods with severe bleeding every other month " . I did too and I never conceived. So yes indeed women CAN be sexual abusers and are. My nada readily admits that she was sexually abused by HER alcoholic father from a very young age and that he raped her repeatedly. I have no doubt that's true as my aunt (nada's sister) told me separately that he had done the same thing to her. I believe both her and my mother are BPD. I know nada is as my mental health therapist friend who met nada diagnosed her as that when we went down there a year ago November. I think there is a definite link between being sexually abused and BPD. Some psychiatrists say yes to that and some say no I've read but to me it is obvious. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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