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Re: Re: Aggression/Rage/Canada/and Biofilm

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Hi,  I just joined this group.  I am looking for advice about ADHD.  I have a 13yro.  Currently, he is taking Concerta but we want to discontinue it and use natural med. to control his ADHD.  


First, understand this:   my son is only having trouble with concentration.  He has many friends and is not having any behavioral problems.  He is a GREAT kid.  (I am not just saying this b/c I am his Mom)  He gets many compliements from other parents and elders.   He really struggles with school due to ADHD and has some impulisive behaviors but he is not BAD or a Brat of a kid.   He doesn't throw fits or anything like that.  He has long time friends and gets along well with other kids when off the Concerta.   At this point, we only use it for school work.


We are on the GFCF diet for sensory integration and we are beginning to see positive results.  


What can you all advice us to try.  (I would love to see him complete his Math sheet without the concerta!)   He is on board to try natural med's to help during school time.    


Thanks for your time to reply, I really appreciate it,  Jeanie 


Hi Amy,I was planning on using Dr. Usman's protocol that I found online. I was going to do Kirkmans biofilm defense, followed 30 minutes later by grapefruit seed extract, followed 1-2 hours later with activated charcoal. Is the biochelate you are talking about the one made by EvenBetterNow? This would just work with the enzymes to break up the biofilm?

The only biocidin I could find was by Bio-Botanical Research, is this the right one? Could I give this with the grafefruit seed extract? Did you give charcoal afterwards? Did you need to discontinue minerals? I was planning on doing this 2-3 months, how long did you need to follow it?

I am also curious what side effects you noticed while doing this and what improvements did you notice afterwards? Should I plan on doing a follow-up stool analysis after to comfirm we were successful?Sorry I know that is a lot of question, I appreciate any insight. > > Hi there,> > I am new to the group but we have been doing biomedical for my 4 year old son for almost 2 years now. We live in Western Canada, and have limited access to DAN doctors, testing, treatments and specialty supplements. My son did SCD for a year, and is now branching back into GFCF after some improvement. We do supplements guided by the biomedical books and research I have done. As well as liver life, cytoflora, NDF+, Enhansa, all the usual posted stuff and many others. We have seen a very slow and steady increase in aggression, anxiety and anger over the last few months which didn't seem to be caused by the addition of any particular supplement/change. He seems to be blossoming in language thanks to cytoflora, ndf, ect. But as all these improvements slowly emerge the aggression rises and worsens. There are times when it is so extreme that I can not control him and he runs around the house throwing everything and attacking/scratching/hitting anyone in sight.

> > Because our health care system is different I can not order blood testing the same way. We treated a parasite overgrowth at the beginning of November 2009 and although digestion seemed to improve slightly, by the end of November is when we began to see a slow rise in the aggression. We ordered a comprehensive stool analysis from Great Plains Lab and he has a 4+ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2+ Clostridium, 1+ Candida, and minimal yeast. We were scheduled to see Dr. Bock in January but I had to reschedule it to June because the aggression is so bad when it happens that there is no way I could do 8 hours of flying with him. Unless we can get his aggression under control there is no way I will be able to travel for treatment with him. So I am wondering if anyone has any input regarding the aggression? Also if anyone knows of any good DAN doctors in Canada or in northwest USA, that wouldn't require so much travel? We saw one DAN doctor here but he didn't

> want to do any tests, just base treatments on his symptoms. I didn't see the point in continuing, since that kind of feels like shooting in the dark, which is what I am already doing.> > I am also wanting to start the biofilm protocol to attack the pseudomonas, but I will have to do it unguided from home. Has anyone done this on their own without DAN guidance?

> > Sorry I know this is lengthy, I would appreciate any thoughts.> > Taryn>

-- Jeanie

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I am in Canada as well. In November I went to the Autism One conference in Toronto and one of the Dr's gave a list of what he recommends. But what I pulled out for us was for Clostridium the best was Saccharomyces Boulardii a yeast based probiotic. I could only buy 250mg and so I give her only a dusting in apple sause at morning and afternoon snack time and at night time.When starting this she was just calmer, she would actually sit down. At school they noticed some spontaneous language. I also give her Candizyme 630mg which I again just sprinkle at the same time this is a digestive enzyme blend to also help treat candida and most recently fungisode which is a homeopathic tincture dilution for allergies but it also helps with fungus, bacterias. I give one drop at the same time.

I think the aggression maybe die off or inbalances caused by our treatments. Anytime I gave anything to my daughter she went crazy but now I am not ever giving as perscribed but only in tiny amounts. I am so happy about the improvements I have seen in her language but it seems so fragile.


Re: Aggression/Rage/Canada/and Biofilm

Hi Amy,I was planning on using Dr. Usman's protocol that I found online. I was going to do Kirkmans biofilm defense, followed 30 minutes later by grapefruit seed extract, followed 1-2 hours later with activated charcoal. Is the biochelate you are talking about the one made by EvenBetterNow? This would just work with the enzymes to break up the biofilm?The only biocidin I could find was by Bio-Botanical Research, is this the right one? Could I give this with the grafefruit seed extract? Did you give charcoal afterwards? Did you need to discontinue minerals? I was planning on doing this 2-3 months, how long did you need to follow it?I am also curious what side effects you noticed while doing this and what improvements did you notice afterwards? Should I plan on doing a follow-up stool analysis after to comfirm we were successful?Sorry I know that is a lot of question, I appreciate any insight.> > Hi there,> > I am new to the group but we have been doing biomedical for my 4 year old son for almost 2 years now. We live in Western Canada, and have limited access to DAN doctors, testing, treatments and specialty supplements. My son did SCD for a year, and is now branching back into GFCF after some improvement. We do supplements guided by the biomedical books and research I have done. As well as liver life, cytoflora, NDF+, Enhansa, all the usual posted stuff and many others. We have seen a very slow and steady increase in aggression, anxiety and anger over the last few months which didn't seem to be caused by the addition of any particular supplement/change. He seems to be blossoming in language thanks to cytoflora, ndf, ect. But as all these improvements slowly emerge the aggression rises and worsens. There are times when it is so extreme that I can not control him and he runs around the house throwing everything and attacking/scratching/hitting anyone in sight.> > Because our health care system is different I can not order blood testing the same way. We treated a parasite overgrowth at the beginning of November 2009 and although digestion seemed to improve slightly, by the end of November is when we began to see a slow rise in the aggression. We ordered a comprehensive stool analysis from Great Plains Lab and he has a 4+ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2+ Clostridium, 1+ Candida, and minimal yeast. We were scheduled to see Dr. Bock in January but I had to reschedule it to June because the aggression is so bad when it happens that there is no way I could do 8 hours of flying with him. Unless we can get his aggression under control there is no way I will be able to travel for treatment with him. So I am wondering if anyone has any input regarding the aggression? Also if anyone knows of any good DAN doctors in Canada or in northwest USA, that wouldn't require so much travel? We saw one DAN doctor here but he didn't> want to do any tests, just base treatments on his symptoms. I didn't see the point in continuing, since that kind of feels like shooting in the dark, which is what I am already doing.> > I am also wanting to start the biofilm protocol to attack the pseudomonas, but I will have to do it unguided from home. Has anyone done this on their own without DAN guidance?> > Sorry I know this is lengthy, I would appreciate any thoughts.> > Taryn>

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My son JUST became very aggressive - pulling hair, biting, etc. -- and was sent home from school today because of it. Dr. Rossignol, our DAN, had put my son on Ketoconozale for yeast, and also prescribed a medicine that treats both parasites and clostridia at the same time, because I suspected parasites. 

He told me to give both at the same time, but I had not gotten the parasite/clostridia med yet, and started the yeast med. After about a week on it is when my son got very aggressive. 

I called Dr. Rossignol, and he said the aggressive behavior sounded very much like it was caused by clostridia. I now have him on both of the medicines. He told me that if it is clostridia, the medicine would show results soon - within a few days. 

Apparently, what hapepned, is when the med I was giving him was killing yeast, it freed up space in my son's gut, which allowed clostridia to start growing, so you have to treat both at once. 

I am not familiar with biofilm protocl. I'm wondering if that's something I should try? Those of you who tried it -- did it get rid of aggressive behavior? What results did you see?

AND where can I get a copy of the protocol?


Hi,  I just joined this group.  I am looking for advice about ADHD.  I have a 13yro.  Currently, he is taking Concerta but we want to discontinue it and use natural med. to control his ADHD.  


First, understand this:   my son is only having trouble with concentration.  He has many friends and is not having any behavioral problems.  He is a GREAT kid.  (I am not just saying this b/c I am his Mom)  He gets many compliements from other parents and elders.   He really struggles with school due to ADHD and has some impulisive behaviors but he is not BAD or a Brat of a kid.   He doesn't throw fits or anything like that.  He has long time friends and gets along well with other kids when off the Concerta.   At this point, we only use it for school work.


We are on the GFCF diet for sensory integration and we are beginning to see positive results.  


What can you all advice us to try.  (I would love to see him complete his Math sheet without the concerta!)   He is on board to try natural med's to help during school time.    


Thanks for your time to reply, I really appreciate it,  Jeanie 


Hi Amy,I was planning on using Dr. Usman's protocol that I found online. I was going to do Kirkmans biofilm defense, followed 30 minutes later by grapefruit seed extract, followed 1-2 hours later with activated charcoal. Is the biochelate you are talking about the one made by EvenBetterNow? This would just work with the enzymes to break up the biofilm?

The only biocidin I could find was by Bio-Botanical Research, is this the right one? Could I give this with the grafefruit seed extract? Did you give charcoal afterwards? Did you need to discontinue minerals? I was planning on doing this 2-3 months, how long did you need to follow it?

I am also curious what side effects you noticed while doing this and what improvements did you notice afterwards? Should I plan on doing a follow-up stool analysis after to comfirm we were successful?Sorry I know that is a lot of question, I appreciate any insight. > > Hi there,> > I am new to the group but we have been doing biomedical for my 4 year old son for almost 2 years now. We live in Western Canada, and have limited access to DAN doctors, testing, treatments and specialty supplements. My son did SCD for a year, and is now branching back into GFCF after some improvement. We do supplements guided by the biomedical books and research I have done. As well as liver life, cytoflora, NDF+, Enhansa, all the usual posted stuff and many others. We have seen a very slow and steady increase in aggression, anxiety and anger over the last few months which didn't seem to be caused by the addition of any particular supplement/change. He seems to be blossoming in language thanks to cytoflora, ndf, ect. But as all these improvements slowly emerge the aggression rises and worsens. There are times when it is so extreme that I can not control him and he runs around the house throwing everything and attacking/scratching/hitting anyone in sight.

> > Because our health care system is different I can not order blood testing the same way. We treated a parasite overgrowth at the beginning of November 2009 and although digestion seemed to improve slightly, by the end of November is when we began to see a slow rise in the aggression. We ordered a comprehensive stool analysis from Great Plains Lab and he has a 4+ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2+ Clostridium, 1+ Candida, and minimal yeast. We were scheduled to see Dr. Bock in January but I had to reschedule it to June because the aggression is so bad when it happens that there is no way I could do 8 hours of flying with him. Unless we can get his aggression under control there is no way I will be able to travel for treatment with him. So I am wondering if anyone has any input regarding the aggression? Also if anyone knows of any good DAN doctors in Canada or in northwest USA, that wouldn't require so much travel? We saw one DAN doctor here but he didn't

> want to do any tests, just base treatments on his symptoms. I didn't see the point in continuing, since that kind of feels like shooting in the dark, which is what I am already doing.> > I am also wanting to start the biofilm protocol to attack the pseudomonas, but I will have to do it unguided from home. Has anyone done this on their own without DAN guidance?

> > Sorry I know this is lengthy, I would appreciate any thoughts.> > Taryn>

-- Jeanie

-- Robin Broylesrabroyles@...H - C -

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You might want to try Aniracetam or piracetam (or both). Google nootropics. Many people that have adhd find they can control it with these. Keep in mind that some nootropics require that you also use phosphatidyl choline (like the racetams - they are choline depleters and cause a killer migraine if you don't supplement). My son gets a combo of aniracetam, pc, and vinpocetine. My husband and I use a combo of aniracetam, piracetam and pc. My husband and I don't have adhd but it's definitely helpful for us. My son does have it (kinda comes with the territory with autism) and he gets a huge amount of benefit from them. We'd add more to the combo but it can get pricey for all 3 of us! :) Also understand that these are simply alternatives to meds, they won't cure the adhd. But they can allow you to get off the drugs. L-theanine is also quite helpful. And 5HTP and GABA - these may help him calm down.


Hi, I just joined this group. I am looking for advice about ADHD. I have a 13yro. Currently, he is taking Concerta but we want to discontinue it and use natural med. to control his ADHD.

First, understand this: my son is only having trouble with concentration. He has many friends and is not having any behavioral problems. He is a GREAT kid. (I am not just saying this b/c I am his Mom) He gets many compliements from other parents and elders. He really struggles with school due to ADHD and has some impulisive behaviors but he is not BAD or a Brat of a kid. He doesn't throw fits or anything like that. He has long time friends and gets along well with other kids when off the Concerta. At this point, we only use it for school work.

We are on the GFCF diet for sensory integration and we are beginning to see positive results.

What can you all advice us to try. (I would love to see him complete his Math sheet without the concerta!) He is on board to try natural med's to help during school time.

Thanks for your time to reply, I really appreciate it, Jeanie

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:32 PM, taryncritchley <taryncritchleyyahoo (DOT) ca> wrote:

Hi Amy,I was planning on using Dr. Usman's protocol that I found online. I was going to do Kirkmans biofilm defense, followed 30 minutes later by grapefruit seed extract, followed 1-2 hours later with activated charcoal. Is the biochelate you are talking about the one made by EvenBetterNow? This would just work with the enzymes to break up the biofilm?

The only biocidin I could find was by Bio-Botanical Research, is this the right one? Could I give this with the grafefruit seed extract? Did you give charcoal afterwards? Did you need to discontinue minerals? I was planning on doing this 2-3 months, how long did you need to follow it?

I am also curious what side effects you noticed while doing this and what improvements did you notice afterwards? Should I plan on doing a follow-up stool analysis after to comfirm we were successful?Sorry I know that is a lot of question, I appreciate any insight. > > Hi there,> > I am new to the group but we have been doing biomedical for my 4 year old son for almost 2 years now. We live in Western Canada, and have limited access to DAN doctors, testing, treatments and specialty supplements. My son did SCD for a year, and is now branching back into GFCF after some improvement. We do supplements guided by the biomedical books and research I have done. As well as liver life, cytoflora, NDF+, Enhansa, all the usual posted stuff and many others. We have seen a very slow and steady increase in aggression, anxiety and anger over the last few months which didn't seem to be caused by the addition of any particular supplement/change. He seems to be blossoming in language thanks to cytoflora, ndf, ect. But as all these improvements slowly emerge the aggression rises and worsens. There are times when it is so extreme that I can not control him and he runs around the house throwing everything and attacking/scratching/hitting anyone in sight.

> > Because our health care system is different I can not order blood testing the same way. We treated a parasite overgrowth at the beginning of November 2009 and although digestion seemed to improve slightly, by the end of November is when we began to see a slow rise in the aggression. We ordered a comprehensive stool analysis from Great Plains Lab and he has a 4+ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2+ Clostridium, 1+ Candida, and minimal yeast. We were scheduled to see Dr. Bock in January but I had to reschedule it to June because the aggression is so bad when it happens that there is no way I could do 8 hours of flying with him. Unless we can get his aggression under control there is no way I will be able to travel for treatment with him. So I am wondering if anyone has any input regarding the aggression? Also if anyone knows of any good DAN doctors in Canada or in northwest USA, that wouldn't require so much travel? We saw one DAN doctor here but he didn't

> want to do any tests, just base treatments on his symptoms. I didn't see the point in continuing, since that kind of feels like shooting in the dark, which is what I am already doing.> > I am also wanting to start the biofilm protocol to attack the pseudomonas, but I will have to do it unguided from home. Has anyone done this on their own without DAN guidance?

> > Sorry I know this is lengthy, I would appreciate any thoughts.> > Taryn>

-- Jeanie

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Here is some great info on the gut/biofilm recovery protocol


Hi Amy,I was planning on using Dr. Usman's protocol that I found online. I was going to do Kirkmans biofilm defense, followed 30 minutes later by grapefruit seed extract, followed 1-2 hours later with activated charcoal. Is the biochelate you are talking about the one made by EvenBetterNow? This would just work with the enzymes to break up the biofilm?The only biocidin I could find was by Bio-Botanical Research, is this the right one? Could I give this with the grafefruit seed extract? Did you give charcoal afterwards? Did you need to discontinue minerals? I was planning on doing this 2-3 months, how long did you need to follow it?I am also curious what side effects you noticed while doing this and what improvements did you notice afterwards? Should I plan on doing a follow-up stool analysis after to comfirm we were successful?Sorry I know that is a lot of question, I appreciate any insight.

> > Hi there,> > I am new to the group but we have been doing biomedical for my 4 year old son for almost 2 years now. We live in Western Canada, and have limited access to DAN doctors, testing, treatments and specialty supplements. My son did SCD for a year, and is now branching back into GFCF after some improvement. We do supplements guided by the biomedical books and research I have done. As well as liver life, cytoflora, NDF+, Enhansa, all the usual posted stuff and many others. We have seen a very slow and steady increase in aggression, anxiety and anger over the last few months which didn't seem to be caused by the addition of any particular supplement/change. He seems to be blossoming in language thanks to cytoflora, ndf, ect. But as all these improvements slowly emerge the aggression rises and worsens. There are times when it is

so extreme that I can not control him and he runs around the house throwing everything and attacking/scratchin g/hitting anyone in sight.> > Because our health care system is different I can not order blood testing the same way. We treated a parasite overgrowth at the beginning of November 2009 and although digestion seemed to improve slightly, by the end of November is when we began to see a slow rise in the aggression. We ordered a comprehensive stool analysis from Great Plains Lab and he has a 4+ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2+ Clostridium, 1+ Candida, and minimal yeast. We were scheduled to see Dr. Bock in January but I had to reschedule it to June because the aggression is so bad when it happens that there is no way I could do 8 hours of flying with him. Unless we can get his aggression under control there is no way I will be able to travel for treatment with him. So I am wondering if anyone has any input regarding the aggression?

Also if anyone knows of any good DAN doctors in Canada or in northwest USA, that wouldn't require so much travel? We saw one DAN doctor here but he didn't> want to do any tests, just base treatments on his symptoms. I didn't see the point in continuing, since that kind of feels like shooting in the dark, which is what I am already doing.> > I am also wanting to start the biofilm protocol to attack the pseudomonas, but I will have to do it unguided from home. Has anyone done this on their own without DAN guidance?> > Sorry I know this is lengthy, I would appreciate any thoughts.> > Taryn>

-- Jeanie

-- Robin Broylesrabroylesgmail (DOT) comH - C -

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it may also be die off, has he talked to you about doing an activated charcoal for clean up?

Re: Re: Aggression/Rage/Canada/and Biofilm

My son JUST became very aggressive - pulling hair, biting, etc. -- and was sent home from school today because of it.

Dr. Rossignol, our DAN, had put my son on Ketoconozale for yeast, and also prescribed a medicine that treats both parasites and clostridia at the same time, because I suspected parasites.

He told me to give both at the same time, but I had not gotten the parasite/clostridia med yet, and started the yeast med. After about a week on it is when my son got very aggressive.

I called Dr. Rossignol, and he said the aggressive behavior sounded very much like it was caused by clostridia. I now have him on both of the medicines. He told me that if it is clostridia, the medicine would show results soon - within a few days.

Apparently, what hapepned, is when the med I was giving him was killing yeast, it freed up space in my son's gut, which allowed clostridia to start growing, so you have to treat both at once.

I am not familiar with biofilm protocl. I'm wondering if that's something I should try?

Those of you who tried it -- did it get rid of aggressive behavior? What results did you see?

AND where can I get a copy of the protocol?

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 9:12 PM, Obryant <jeansmailonlygmail> wrote:

Hi, I just joined this group. I am looking for advice about ADHD. I have a 13yro. Currently, he is taking Concerta but we want to discontinue it and use natural med. to control his ADHD.

First, understand this: my son is only having trouble with concentration. He has many friends and is not having any behavioral problems. He is a GREAT kid. (I am not just saying this b/c I am his Mom) He gets many compliements from other parents and elders. He really struggles with school due to ADHD and has some impulisive behaviors but he is not BAD or a Brat of a kid. He doesn't throw fits or anything like that. He has long time friends and gets along well with other kids when off the Concerta. At this point, we only use it for school work.

We are on the GFCF diet for sensory integration and we are beginning to see positive results.

What can you all advice us to try. (I would love to see him complete his Math sheet without the concerta!) He is on board to try natural med's to help during school time.

Thanks for your time to reply, I really appreciate it, Jeanie

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 5:32 PM, taryncritchley <taryncritchleyyahoo (DOT) ca> wrote:

Hi Amy,I was planning on using Dr. Usman's protocol that I found online. I was going to do Kirkmans biofilm defense, followed 30 minutes later by grapefruit seed extract, followed 1-2 hours later with activated charcoal. Is the biochelate you are talking about the one made by EvenBetterNow? This would just work with the enzymes to break up the biofilm?The only biocidin I could find was by Bio-Botanical Research, is this the right one? Could I give this with the grafefruit seed extract? Did you give charcoal afterwards? Did you need to discontinue minerals? I was planning on doing this 2-3 months, how long did you need to follow it?I am also curious what side effects you noticed while doing this and what improvements did you notice afterwards? Should I plan on doing a follow-up stool analysis after to comfirm we were successful?Sorry I know that is a lot of question, I appreciate any insight.

> > Hi there,> > I am new to the group but we have been doing biomedical for my 4 year old son for almost 2 years now. We live in Western Canada, and have limited access to DAN doctors, testing, treatments and specialty supplements. My son did SCD for a year, and is now branching back into GFCF after some improvement. We do supplements guided by the biomedical books and research I have done. As well as liver life, cytoflora, NDF+, Enhansa, all the usual posted stuff and many others. We have seen a very slow and steady increase in aggression, anxiety and anger over the last few months which didn't seem to be caused by the addition of any particular supplement/change. He seems to be blossoming in language thanks to cytoflora, ndf, ect. But as all these improvements slowly emerge the aggression rises and worsens. There are times when it is so extreme that I can not control him and he runs around the house throwing everything and attacking/scratching/hitting anyone in sight.> > Because our health care system is different I can not order blood testing the same way. We treated a parasite overgrowth at the beginning of November 2009 and although digestion seemed to improve slightly, by the end of November is when we began to see a slow rise in the aggression. We ordered a comprehensive stool analysis from Great Plains Lab and he has a 4+ Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 2+ Clostridium, 1+ Candida, and minimal yeast. We were scheduled to see Dr. Bock in January but I had to reschedule it to June because the aggression is so bad when it happens that there is no way I could do 8 hours of flying with him. Unless we can get his aggression under control there is no way I will be able to travel for treatment with him. So I am wondering if anyone has any input regarding the aggression? Also if anyone knows of any good DAN doctors in Canada or in northwest USA, that wouldn't require so much travel? We saw one DAN doctor here but he didn't> want to do any tests, just base treatments on his symptoms. I didn't see the point in continuing, since that kind of feels like shooting in the dark, which is what I am already doing.> > I am also wanting to start the biofilm protocol to attack the pseudomonas, but I will have to do it unguided from home. Has anyone done this on their own without DAN guidance?> > Sorry I know this is lengthy, I would appreciate any thoughts.> > Taryn>

-- Jeanie

-- Robin BroylesrabroylesgmailH - C -

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