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little (huge for me) victory

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Well, as you might recall, I am only doing m-b12 orally for my two kids, 5 and 3.5. We started last month with cyanocobalamin sublingual spray, and then I found out that I needed the m-b12 for best use. So over the last two weeks I have been using m-b12 sublingually.

You have heard me complain all week that my son has been acting up, so I just realize now I need to cut back his dosage (so he doesn't get kicked out of school!) or try again over the summer!

But I wanted to share my little victory.Over the last month, yes, since starting the b12 (and the CLO,) my 5 y. daughter (Aspie) has been joining in at school and on Friday she even joined into the music part! The teachers have definitely noticed her improvements. They would think I was crazy if I said it was the vitamins LOL.

But TODAY was what seemed like a miracle to me. I couldn't even share so much with my husband because he doesn't quite get it, doesn't get how huge this is. My daughter went to a birthday party today at the park. While she was on the web-climby-thing, she asked me to take her picture. I took out my camera and clicked 5 pics, and never once told her to look at me, and of 5 shots, I got 4 direct eye-contact toward the camera shots. I just went click click click click click and have 4 terrific pictures, no pleading, begging, explaining, cajoling, posing, waiting, deleting LOL... just 4 precious beautiful pictures! I just wanted to cry, and still do. For us, and I am sure for some of you, it has always been a chore to get her to look towards the camera, I usually get the face toward the camera sideways glance thing. (Oh btw, the first 3 pictures were the good ones, then I got the usual side-glance one, and one more good one... so it wasn't coaching that helped or anything!)

I just want to shout from the rooftops LOL but so few understand, and even less would credit the vitamins. :::sigh:::I don't know if we are allowed to share pics on here, but if/when I upload them, I can give a link ;-)

-- Toni------Mind like a steel trap...Rusty and illegal in 37 states.

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