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Female BP as Sexual Abusers

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This is a hard subject to discus . Of the thousands of books written on sexual

abuse, 99 % of them deal with a male as the abuser. We are told as kids If a

strange man offers you candy to run away and ask for help. If you watch a crime

drama it is always a male that is the rapist , child molester , wife beater


In the 3 cases of female teachers sexualy abusing students that I know of from

the news , all of the women have been diagnosied with BPD . However all of the

men I know seem to think its no big deal " when I was a kid I would have loved to

have an older woman show my the ropes lol " seems to be a normal and acepted

attitude to have .

All the experts say that sexual abuse is not about sex its about control, and

BPs are all about control.The experts also say that sexual perps were almost all

sexualy abused as a child , and sexual abuse is considered a main couse of BPD .

So why is it that society is so willing to turn a blind eye to this problem.

Pepole almost refuse to see a mother as a child molester or rapist . I cant help

but think this genaral attitude keeps people from coming forward and getting

help , much less leagal justise for the abuse they suffered .

Both my brother and myself were sexual abused by our Nada . I thought about

turnning her in as an adult , and one of the first questions asked of me when I

was on the phone with police was the name of the MAN that had done it.I hung up

.. The link between BPD and sexual abuse is not written about that I've found ,

unless its to adress the BPDs abuse as a child . Women can be sexual preditors ,

they can be husband beaters , child molesters and rapist . Noone seems to care

much about helping their victoms , or beleaving them for that matter .

In the few cases I know of that the female was cought and charged she got a

slap on the wrist compared to what would have been done to a male perp , and

worse than that if the victom was male he was ridaculed for not likeing the

abuse . Somebody needs to make this an issue that gets attention! Police,

therapist, rape counsaling are all illequip to handle helping victoms of this

type of abuse , We desprately need a place that offers help instead of judgment,

for the many abused , and the phyc comunity needs to take a real look at the

link between BDP and sexual perpatraitors .

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