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Re: Re: Feel like I want to cry right now

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I'm so sorry your nada has to put you through all of this...it's totally

uncalled for, and since nothing was planned, work comes first. You did

the right thing in recommiting yourself to the job you volunteered for...as

you already know, dammed if you do, dammed if you dont !! Your nada is an

unreasonable sick person who uses you as her punching bag...


> I wanted to share what has just happended to me. I can't talk about it

> because I am at work now. But i feel like I'm going to cry and I need to

> get this out so i don't embarrass myself.


> I was at a work

> meeting, and my supervisor was supposed to go to a panel today, but we

> just found

> out he's going to be gone all week because his mother-in-law died

> suddenly. Much

> of the meeting was taken up by a scramble by everybody else to cover all

> of his

> duties for the week. I myself volunteered to go to a panel discussion

> tonight. I

> called my mother and told her (because I had been going to her house that

> night). Please note that at the time, we had NOTHING planned, when I go

> over

> there, I just usually help with some chores. Well nada started screaming

> at me

> (on my work phone at our open-plan office) that she has just made an

> appointment

> with some renovators and needed me at her house tonight to " keep her dogs

> quiet

> because the contractor doesn't like them. She kept screaming at me, until

> I hung

> up, talked to my coworker (also a very good friend), who volunteered to go

> alone

> without me. I called back nada, told her that I could come over tonight.

> Was she

> happy? Of course she wasn't. There was more screaming and yelling. I asked

> her

> calmly five times what time she wanted me over there. More screaming and

> yelling, playing the matyr, refusing my help, degrading and demeaning

> me....etc,

> etc. I hung up on her. Went back to my coworker, and recommitted myself to

> the

> panel. Now, I am a social worker ,and deal with many people who have

> mental

> health issues. When my friend/coworker heard the screaming over the phone,

> she

> though that I was dealing with a particularly disturbed patient. I am so

> sick

> and tired of trying to pretend to come from a normal family, and then have

> nada

> humiliate me in front of friends, cowrokers, and the world at large. I am

> disgusted with her selfishness, and ashamed to be her daughter.


> Please, some encouraging words. I could really use some support right

> now....



> Sherry



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