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No, I've never been to a NWH meeting, but really should go as most of you go

there. I couldn't go last night, and will be getting married next month, so

that's out! I go to the LMH meeting, where many of us go, we have a blast!

Maybe you could join us? It's in Medford???

Good luck with Kitty, I'll keep my fingers crossed!!


Re: NWH Meeting tonight

Oh my gosh... To all the people that I did not meet, I hope to soon... I was

so overwhelmed last night. I could not sleep, my head was spinning (better

than the bed spinning)! I am a bit tired today. Must get my butt in gear and

get to work... Got the kids off to school, the animals fed and the house

straightened out a bit, amazing what a 12 & 13 year old can do to a house in

one evening!

I am a little sad this morning. One of my cats (I have 3 and they are all

in-door cats), Sasha got out on Sunday morning and still has not come home.

This is very unusual and I think that I need to accept the fact that she


not be back... She was one of my divorce cats (my ex was allergic to cats so

got two right after I had him thrown out) and we have had her as a family


since she was 6 weeks old, so sad....

Have a wonderful day everyone, I will talk to you all later from work!



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Thank you for sharing. I still struggle with being an orphan @40... My dad

died in 1995, my mom in 1999...The past 5 years have been tough... I still

go to call mom, especially with the upcoming surgery. I know she would proud

and supportive of my decision. I still really miss her.. Which of course

brings in my other fear, what if something happens to me during surgery and

I have to leave me 12 & 13 year old. I just can't go there!

Joni - 17 days pre-op and starting to get really stressed out....

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Your sentences below about your mother could have

been written by me.

I never realized how badly my Mom felt. She faked it and kept

it to herself so

I would not worry. "didn't want to be a burden".

I was in denial. She spent

her last two months alive in the hospital, so I saw her house going

there to pick

up mail. I had the guilt too. My Mom did not want to upset

me. She just wanted

to be with my Dad who had died a year before.

Sorry, I should have taken this off list, but it

just hit me so.

Take care. I am counting those days with you.

Mine is 1/2/01. Haven't counted

out the days yet. After next weeks test, I will start and

count. Sally

"Dicastro, Joan" wrote:



me at heart I am a slob…. Just

don’t want my family to know…. I think it has a lot to do with when my

Mom died, everything was such a mess. I had a tremendous amount of guilt

over her inability to keep her house clean (due to how sick she was) and

the fact that I never understood how bad things really were with her. Of

course I also believe I was in denial as to how sick she really was and

cleaning her house would have been an admission of her illness….


– 17 days pre-op, Dr. Thayer NWH (I really think they should have told

me they were going to be closed today, I would have bugged them with my

questions of the week yesterday)….






Friday, November 10, 2000 1:38 PM







drawers and closets could use help if you run outta things to do! :)





Dicastro, Joan


Friday, November 10, 2000 1:28 PM




RE: new member



will email you privately on the church stuff…


days, yes I am very nervous… My plans for this weekend are to shampoo my

carpets, I’ve already organized all my drawers and closets (I seem to have

this obsession with everything being neat and tidy in the event I don’t

make it to the other side)! What is really weird is I’m not consciously

aware of this as a fear, but I keep doing crazy things (example labeling

the boxes in the basement)!!


friend Jeanne is driving me to the hospital and is going to stay with me

until I am in recovery (what a good friend she is, she is taking a vacation

day from work to be there for me)…. My sister lives in Newton, but she

and her husband will be at my house in Fitchburg caring for my children,

I hope they bring the kids to visit, but I have not asked as they are also

taking time out of there busy lives to help.


you so much for asking, I was not sure I was going to be able to arrange

everything, not having a SO in my life…


you at the UMASS meeting Wednesday night????




– 17 days pre-op Dr. Thayer NWH






Friday, November 10, 2000 1:13 PM




Re: new member


I just

read your post to Margaret, and it touched me. I, also, am a divorced


and am finding my way back to the Church. If you'd like to walk


path with me, feel free to email.


days~~are you nervous? glad? excited? Will someone be at the hospital


you go in??


from Webster


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  • 2 weeks later...


Good luck, Good thoughts all day.


On Sun, 19 Nov 2000 18:04:19 EST Dondj@... writes:

> Rayna and Cheryl,

> I just wanted to wish both of you a lot of luck this week.

> It's the

> big day. You both are going to feel so much better, you wait and

> see. You're

> in our prayers.


> Don


> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor



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I'm up at about 5:30 am everyday. But I go to bed really early. I

blam the earlyness on my kids.LOL Otherwise I'd sleep till 2pm.LOL How

are you nerves doing????


On Sun, 26 Nov 2000 07:25:33 EST jdd716@... writes:

> Thanks Pam... I see I'm not the only early riser!


> Hugs,

> Joni 1 day pre-op


> -------------------------- eGroups Sponsor



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I am surprisigly calm... But lot's of nervous energy. I finished my Egroup

Christmas cards, but ran out of stamps... We got our tree, but did not go cut

one down, it is too darn wet outside... Got the tree in the stand, Christmas

nicknacks out, wreath on the door... Need to finish up some laundry and then

I am going to go hang the new room darking blinds I bought this morning for

my bedroom (figured I'll be spending a lot of time in there over the next few

weeks, may as well be comfy...) Oh and I still need to pack, though I have

everything ready to go...

Joni - 1/2 day pre-op (or there abouts)...

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My very best wishes for tomorrow's surgery with Dr. Thayer. I will


thinking of you. It will probably be over before you know it. All the


and planning done. Sally

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Joni -

Did you get to have the student assistant who was Greek? I think his

name was Constantinos? He was such a hottie!!! I was praying that

he wouldn't have to see me naked.


> Sherry,


> I got this too late, but he actually came to see me twice during


> is adorable.


> Joni - 6 days post-op

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