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Re: I need help

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Sorry to hear you are in such pain and loneliness. Has you doctor put you on

medications for your depression/anxiety. I you are on meds. you my need them

increased or changed. Mine were not working for me so he increased my dosage. Do

you talk to a psychologist.? Talking to someone is starting to help me with my

problems and fears

As far as your fibro. I feel sorry for you that is so painful to live with

everyday. Have you checked with your insurance to see if they cover chronic

pain. You could describe what type of pain without saying fibro and you could

also try mental disease. Some insurance companies won't take depression as a

symptom. Read your handbook see what they cover.

I hope this helps. Good luck



I am sinking into a bad place. I can't sleep and have been on so many meds.

None seem to help. Pain is not that bad. Skelaxin and lortabs have the pain

and rigidity under control. Also take thyroid. I am 58 with a very old house

in need of repairs and can't find anyone to help me.

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What can I do...Where can I get help?

Cyrilla wrote the above

I am a Pastor's wife and thought perhaps I can help you with this problem.

First the churches will not help you I am pretty sure. This is the reason. At

most churches we will get at least 10-13 calls a day for help from people who

never darken the doors of our church ever!

Everyone wants help, but people never come to keep those doors open. No one pays

for the lights, the phone or the basic bills or even the salary of the pastor

yet everyone wants help. They do nothing to provide for the yearly upkeep of the

church they want help from. Where do these people think the money comes from?

So most churches now have the policy of they only help those who faithfully

attend the church or of helping those who used to attend until their health

interfered with their attendance. That is probably why no one has called you

back. Churches are overwhelmed with requests for help and 99% of those requests

are abusers and those who do not need the help.

The policy of most churches is the saddest stories are not true and usually that

is the case. In our home we get personally an average of three calls a day

asking for help because our phone number is listed in the phone book under Rev.

We really wish it was not, but for other reasons it needs to be. The majority of

churches are also connected to a computer system so they know when people are

calling church after church to get help.

In most areas, I was a social worker for 16 years and am still very active by

phone in this line of work, the Red Cross has a plan set up to help people do

things like you described. Also you can call the number 211 which is a nation

wide number for United Way and they will connect you with people in your area

who do for free the type of things that you need done. If you know the United

Way numbers in your area just call them direct and they can help you. If you

have a Senior Center in your area that also is a good place to start looking for

help. Many highs schools once school starts will do a project like this for the

experience but you need to contact them now and don't wait until school starts.

Don't talk to the secretary, they really cannot help you ask for the

superintendent if the school is small or the principal if the school is large.

Since you have a grown son who lives there more than likely he will have to be

involved in the work unless he is physically unable. (as in a wheelchair) Then

they will have him pull nails or something like that. You of course will not be

able to choose things like colors of paint and how things are redone but it will

be top notch remodel for example.

I hope this has helped you understand the problems you are having. I really

do feel for you and wish I was where you are so I could help, course don't know

what I could do, but at least I could hold your hand and cry with you! Gwen

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Gwen, I'm so glad you wrote all of this out.  My husband is a pastor and right

now we are at a church where he is the pastors assistant. 

There was a lady at out last church that came and gave a sad story to us, so we

took her to the grocery store and bought some food for her and her family. 

She also said that she needed cash to pay the electric bill.  We told her to

meet us at the bank on Monday morning with her electric bill and we would get

the cash and send it in for her.  Guess what?  She never showed up at the bank.


The church we go to now is quite a bit larger than our previous one and they get

phone calls and visitors all day long through out the week.  Our pastor tells

them to come to church on Sunday and the congregation would take a vote on

whether or not to help them out.  Ha ha, they never show up.

The same woman that visited us at our previous church made a call on our new

church.  We instantly recognized her and that ended that.  Come to find out,

this is how she made her living.

So Gwen is right.  We don't know who to trust, so asking them to church will

usually let us know if they for sure need the help. 

I also wish I could help you but like so many of us CPer's have so many medical

bills we do good to help ourselves.  I wish you the best.

Hugs & Prayers,

Carol  (OK)

> Gwen wrote:


> I am a Pastor's wife and thought perhaps I can help you with this problem. 

First the churches will not help you I am pretty sure.  This is the reason.  At

most churches we will get at least 10-13 calls a day for help from people who

never darken the doors of our church ever!

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In a message dated 6/26/2008 1:35:03 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

boomersoonercriley@... writes:

We don't know who to trust, so asking them to church will usually let us

know if they for sure need the help.

Well i have another theory from my own experience. After all my surgeries

and being bed ridden for two years and on and on, I was not a church abiding

christian and more I am back slidden and I couldn't go to church because I was

so embarrassed because this is a small town and I was the treasure of the

chamber and knew to many people and I did not want them to know my business.

MyraAnne Healey

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Thanks to all who took a moment to help. I am still lost and

overwhelmed. I have tried explaining to the church secretary's the

chronic pain, and the fact that I need a church home, but looking for

one is exhausting. I have asked to just be able to make an

appointment to come talk to someone. I am not asking for money of

material items.

While I am working I can take care of myself. I am

just wanting to find a home without having to try 14 churches in the

next year. I want a family now. I don't think I qualify for any

help from any crisis or helplines since I am gainfully employed.

My anxiety comes from being alone, and wondering what will happen when

the day comes I can't go to work. 10 years ago I lost everything and

moved to the wrong side of town and bought a falling down house that

I have been working on ever since. I fear being homeless. I have

always been such a fighter I didn't think I wouldn't surface from

this...but I am getting worse.

I have borrowed money to pay for some of the repairs but can't seem to get

things done. Everyone is too busy taking care of their own families and their

own problems. I ran a volunteer group for 4 years. I never said no to anyone.

How do I get out of this spin cycle? And yes I have tried every

antidepressant there is...they all make me very sick...and add to the

exhaustion. I just finished a trial run of wellbutrin. I have been

on and off them for 10 years. I haven't had a week off in 9

years...and I have only had 1 1/2 days vacation in the last year.

I am afraid to stop for fear I will lose my paycheck. I have anxiety

since it is 8 years before I can get Medicaid insurance. I know I

can retire at 62 or 63 but that's another 4 or 5 years. How do you

keep going?


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Cyrilla, I can't do anything to help your situation other than to tell you you

are not alone. This whole group is very supportive and I've noticed that

already some have given you some suggestions. As they say--gentle hugs! Becky

in Illinois

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> I am sinking into a bad place. I can't sleep and have been on so many

> meds. None seem to help. Pain is not that bad. Skelaxin and lortabs

> have the pain and rigidity under control. Also take thyroid. I am 58

> with a very old house in need of repairs and can't find anyone to help

> me.


> My doctor is out of town. I have an appointment for the

> 1st. I can't take the exhaustion, and the mental confusion, and I

> can't stand that I can't stay organized anymore. Everything is huge

> effort. I can't end up homeless. My anxiety is high.


> My disability insurance at work specifically excludes Fibromyalgia.

> How can they do that. What can I do...Where can I get help?


> Cyrilla



I do not know if I wrote you but please call 411 and ask for the United

Way and they have many services in your town that will help.

I did not find out about this untold recently when my 40 year old neice

was found to have two acoustic nueromoa (tumors that are not malignant

but life threatening). Doctors had missed them for years because the

symptoms she was giving could be explained by her epilepsy and the

seizures she had.

She had ringing though and she went in and the doctor said she had a

red spot on her ear canal which was incdictive of his disorder. When

she had her MRIS this area of her ear (she had had many brain MRI's )

they found these huge tumors wrapped around her jugular on one side and

carotid on the other side.

They were so entangled they could not be removed and she had to be sent

t o the House Center in California for gamma knife surgery and

radiation. They were not able t to get it all and she has lost her

job, her insurance, her income and she is a single parent.

I was able t go down and help her get her SSI and try to help that way.

But I called the epilepsy organization and they told me to call the

United Way and they did find some financial help, they have care takers


SO please do this. Also please you call the suicide hotline because

that is very close t to what you are feeling, they have resources

listed that will be able to help you.

We all have bee in that low place. Especially ME as I have hypothyroid

and you MAY be experiencing a thyroid crisis which will make you feel

more lethargic, and will also explain many of the symptoms you have NOT

fibromylagia ! Lethargy, depression,confused thinking, fatigue

depression. I had to get my doctor to write my disability insurance

company and get them to reconsider my claim as they tried to blame it

on my back problems from before but I proved that my current disability

was from my sacral iliac disorder caused by an auto accident. I even

had to send them pictures of them doing my job after my spinal fusion

as they wanted proof that I was able to do my job after my back surgery

so that they could say that it was indeed my sacral ilac joint disorder

not my back. The only thing I had was pictures my students had taken

of me teaching the class one week after I came back from my spinal

fusion surgery. These pictures and letters from my co-workers got my

review approved.

So, it is time consuming but worth it. Go back and have your medical

records reviewed (do this yourself if you do not trust you doctor) and

get the information that the symptoms of your request for disability be

reconsidered as these are the same symptoms caused by thyroid problems.

http://thyroid.about.com has extensive information and chat rooms to

substantiate this.

I have found the about.com websites great. All you do is type in the

subject you want to research and put about.com after it and they will

have information about it in a concise readable format.

Instead of listing these symptoms as your fibromylagia, you need to

list it as symptoms with your thyroid. I almost DIED because of my

thyroid problems and the group here knows I beat this dead horse but if

it will help you get medical care, assistance, and the help you need, I

will keep beating that dead horse.

Make your doctor do a complete work up on you labs to include b12,

vitamin d, Calcium and other values.

I just saw my pain doctor last week and he was lecturing me because my

levels were so low and they were not increasing them often enough. He

has been in the field for forty years and remembers when they increased

them every 2 to four weeks and now doctors won't increase your thyroid

medicine but every six weeks.

Also, my pain doctor gave me an article on the relationship on Estrogen

in women and pain levels. Since I had my heart checked out and it is

ok, he wants me to go back on my hormone replacement therapy.

I agree as I started remembering and my thyroid problems did not start

happening until I went off it ! Weird, isn't it ?

I need to know how to send this article to group and I will try to post

in feeling archives. Will let you know.

This is what the world should be about ! But also know if you do not

let anyone know, they cannot help. It might not be your son, as I hide

things from my son also, but you must let someone know.

Also, you must do this so that your doctor documents in your records so

you can get assistance from your insurance company. Later on, if you

file for disability, this documentation will help win your case as they

consider mental health issues.

Please refrain from saying all symptoms are from your fibromylagia as

if you do, the doctor will write your symptoms and it is just the same

and you may get your care paid for and prescriptions paid for. It is

the same difference in this instance and these symptoms MAY be

something besides fibromylagia. There is another website called wrong

diagnosis.com and you can type in a disease or disorder and it will

give you lists of diseases and disorders with the same symptoms.

The more you do research on your own, the stronger you become as an

advocate in your health. You cannot do it though when you are feeling

as down as you are now, and it seems that is when we are called on to

do things we do not have the strength or finances to do. We also

cannot have the health to work and get those finances.

, Hope this information helps and I will help however I can. Let

us know how you get to feeling but you must get some type of relief to

heal, if you need to change doctors, start now ! No one should go

through what we go through alone, this is why this group is so

important to me. I can type in my concerns any time of night or day

and some one ( insomniacs in pain like myself, Thanks Lyndi) will

answer giving me information or making me feel better.

Sorry this is so long, but I felt the same way. Luckily, I have the

support of my wonderful husband I have now. This has not been the case

in the past with the ex I had so I feel like I have " paid my dues " to

speak on this subject.

Big, gentle hugs, to you and please e mail me anytime I can help. This

is one thing we all can do for each other, encourage,share our

experiences, and resources we have come to find in our journey in pain.

I am sorry this is log but I wanted to let you know anything I know

that might help you.



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Bennie wrote:

> I do not know if I wrote you but please call 411 and ask for the United

> Way and they have many services in your town that will help.

Dialling 211 will connect you with a complete source of local agencies

that offer services. Lots of the agencies participating under 211 are

not part of the United Way.

The United Way itself does not have much in the way of services. Their

main job is to raise funds for non profit agencies. The participating

certified agencies, that the United Way raises funds for, are the one

that offer the services. They are associated with and certified by, the

United Way, but are not the United Way.

Hope that clears that up :-)



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  • 11 months later...
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Hi everyone - I've spent a lot of time reading posts here and am understanding

more and more how big this problem is - I've been in therapy for a year and

still have a ways to go and I'm 55 years old!!! Now the problem has expanded to

my daughter who has been badly hurt by my nada via an email - my nada's favorite

way of lashing out - and my daughter, who is 33, wants to basically find a way

of communicating to her grandma just how much she has seen over the years - or

at least in part - and basically tell her to stop mailing or writing etc. I

would like the same thing - because her words have torn me down for a lifetime

but right now I'm far more concerned with my daughter who not only has a nasty

grandma but a beastly father who has been unbelievably cruel to her.

Any words of wisdom - advice - even a way of helping me open up this

conversation would be very much appreciated! I'm just broken down. In addition,

my son is more like me - very much a non-confrontational guy - and when my

x-husband was so abusive to my dautghter verbally my son kicked him out of his

house (where the abuse was taking place) but then actually called him for

Fathers day which my daughter sees as a betrayal and that's hurting her too -

I'm probably sounding crazy - but I really don't know what to do or who to turn

to and your postings here have been so beneficial to each other.  Either way

thank you for listening!!!

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Me personally, I think that the only real solution is to detach from our family

of origin if they are mentally ill in order to protect our own mental health.

We have to stop looking for validation from and attachment to our personality

disordered parents.

Our society and culture tells us that we need to be close to our parents and

relatives, but that does not work if our parents and relatives have mental

illnesses/personality disorders. Attachment only makes sense if the family of

origin is mentally healthy.

If I were you, I'd encourage your daughter to detach emotionally from

her grandmother and from her father. I'd tell her that what they think and

believe is irrelevant. I'd tell her to consider the source: if a put-down comes

from someone who is mentally ill, then it has very little to do with reality.



> Hi everyone - I've spent a lot of time reading posts here and am understanding

more and more how big this problem is - I've been in therapy for a year and

still have a ways to go and I'm 55 years old!!! Now the problem has expanded to

my daughter who has been badly hurt by my nada via an email - my nada's favorite

way of lashing out - and my daughter, who is 33, wants to basically find a way

of communicating to her grandma just how much she has seen over the years - or

at least in part - and basically tell her to stop mailing or writing etc. I

would like the same thing - because her words have torn me down for a lifetime

but right now I'm far more concerned with my daughter who not only has a nasty

grandma but a beastly father who has been unbelievably cruel to her.


> Any words of wisdom - advice - even a way of helping me open up this

conversation would be very much appreciated! I'm just broken down. In addition,

my son is more like me - very much a non-confrontational guy - and when my

x-husband was so abusive to my dautghter verbally my son kicked him out of his

house (where the abuse was taking place) but then actually called him for

Fathers day which my daughter sees as a betrayal and that's hurting her too -


> I'm probably sounding crazy - but I really don't know what to do or who to

turn to and your postings here have been so beneficial to each other.  Either

way thank you for listening!!!








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I'm 52 years old and starting this journey as well. From what I've seen thru

firsthand experience and read thru the posts of others, your daughter is going

to try to talk some sense into someone incapable of hearing it. Your nada will

never admit to or see her part in any problem, she will always play victim when

confronted with her bad behavior and turn it all around and blame the other

person. Might as well talk to the chair, it'll be more satisfying.

I think if your daughter or you want to stop contact with your nada, it might be

better to just do it...no explanation is needed except to give yourselves

permission to avoid nada and future abuse.

Decide for yourselves what you will and will not allow...and then stand by that

decision. Nada isn't going to be happy either way, and giving her any excuses

will only serve to fuel her rampages.

Block her email address from your accounts, use called ID to screen your phone

calls, and stop responding to any of her attempts to contact you.

Nadas never take these things lying down and say " Oh, you're done with me...well

I wish you well, have a nice life. " NO. Nada's are nadas and they never change

their spots and stripes.



> Hi everyone - I've spent a lot of time reading posts here and am understanding

more and more how big this problem is - I've been in therapy for a year and

still have a ways to go and I'm 55 years old!!! Now the problem has expanded to

my daughter who has been badly hurt by my nada via an email - my nada's favorite

way of lashing out - and my daughter, who is 33, wants to basically find a way

of communicating to her grandma just how much she has seen over the years - or

at least in part - and basically tell her to stop mailing or writing etc. I

would like the same thing - because her words have torn me down for a lifetime

but right now I'm far more concerned with my daughter who not only has a nasty

grandma but a beastly father who has been unbelievably cruel to her.


> Any words of wisdom - advice - even a way of helping me open up this

conversation would be very much appreciated! I'm just broken down. In addition,

my son is more like me - very much a non-confrontational guy - and when my

x-husband was so abusive to my dautghter verbally my son kicked him out of his

house (where the abuse was taking place) but then actually called him for

Fathers day which my daughter sees as a betrayal and that's hurting her too -


> I'm probably sounding crazy - but I really don't know what to do or who to

turn to and your postings here have been so beneficial to each other.  Either

way thank you for listening!!!








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Thank you Annie and K2 - your words of advice are excellent! I have been so

blind for so many years - and now that I've put up boundaries the word is

spreading to relatives that I'm the evil one. Someone who behaves as our nada's

do sure has the world fooled don't they? Sweet and adorable in the presence of

most, but cruel and manipulative to those of us who would just enjoy authentic

love. I know my daughter understands all of this but she feels the need for

closure after all this time. My nada even flirts with my daughters husband

because he is ... oh who knows - it's really strange.

But I know you are right - it will go on deaf ears and she will, once again, be

the victim in her eyes. We also have that wedding coming up and I just can

hardly take the idea of dealing with this.

Subject: Re: I NEED HELP

To: WTOAdultChildren1

Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 4:43 PM


I'm 52 years old and starting this journey as well. From what I've seen thru

firsthand experience and read thru the posts of others, your daughter is going

to try to talk some sense into someone incapable of hearing it. Your nada will

never admit to or see her part in any problem, she will always play victim when

confronted with her bad behavior and turn it all around and blame the other

person. Might as well talk to the chair, it'll be more satisfying.

I think if your daughter or you want to stop contact with your nada, it might be

better to just do it...no explanation is needed except to give yourselves

permission to avoid nada and future abuse.

Decide for yourselves what you will and will not allow...and then stand by that

decision. Nada isn't going to be happy either way, and giving her any excuses

will only serve to fuel her rampages.

Block her email address from your accounts, use called ID to screen your phone

calls, and stop responding to any of her attempts to contact you.

Nadas never take these things lying down and say " Oh, you're done with me...well

I wish you well, have a nice life. " NO. Nada's are nadas and they never change

their spots and stripes.



> Hi everyone - I've spent a lot of time reading posts here and am understanding

more and more how big this problem is - I've been in therapy for a year and

still have a ways to go and I'm 55 years old!!! Now the problem has expanded to

my daughter who has been badly hurt by my nada via an email - my nada's favorite

way of lashing out - and my daughter, who is 33, wants to basically find a way

of communicating to her grandma just how much she has seen over the years - or

at least in part - and basically tell her to stop mailing or writing etc. I

would like the same thing - because her words have torn me down for a lifetime

but right now I'm far more concerned with my daughter who not only has a nasty

grandma but a beastly father who has been unbelievably cruel to her.


> Any words of wisdom - advice - even a way of helping me open up this

conversation would be very much appreciated! I'm just broken down. In addition,

my son is more like me - very much a non-confrontational guy - and when my

x-husband was so abusive to my dautghter verbally my son kicked him out of his

house (where the abuse was taking place) but then actually called him for

Fathers day which my daughter sees as a betrayal and that's hurting her too -


> I'm probably sounding crazy - but I really don't know what to do or who to

turn to and your postings here have been so beneficial to each other.  Either

way thank you for listening!!!








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It is hard for many of us not only to reject our nadas, but also to have the

rest of our family think badly of us for doing so. And it is especially

difficult when we have been the receivers of abuse, but are accused of being the

perpetrators. It can make us feel outrage that we are not heard and that the

truth is thwarted. Somehow we have to let it be okay that others will think

poorly of us. That they judge us without all the facts should be their problem,

not ours.

Can your daughter join you in therapy? It may be better for her to have the

needed conversations in a trusted environment so she can begin to realize the

futility of attempting some kind of closure with her grandnada.

You are not alone in the later in life discovery of the cause of your suffering.

So many of us have tried for most of our lives to understand what has plagued

our hearts and our families. Take it one day at a time and remember that you

deserve to be treated well and so does your daughter. But also, often trying to

have that last conversation will end in nothing more than maddening frustration.

Perhaps your therapist can give you some guidance.

Best of luck in your journey.



> Hi everyone - I've spent a lot of time reading posts here and am understanding

more and more how big this problem is - I've been in therapy for a year and

still have a ways to go and I'm 55 years old!!! Now the problem has expanded to

my daughter who has been badly hurt by my nada via an email - my nada's favorite

way of lashing out - and my daughter, who is 33, wants to basically find a way

of communicating to her grandma just how much she has seen over the years - or

at least in part - and basically tell her to stop mailing or writing etc. I

would like the same thing - because her words have torn me down for a lifetime

but right now I'm far more concerned with my daughter who not only has a nasty

grandma but a beastly father who has been unbelievably cruel to her.


> Any words of wisdom - advice - even a way of helping me open up this

conversation would be very much appreciated! I'm just broken down. In addition,

my son is more like me - very much a non-confrontational guy - and when my

x-husband was so abusive to my dautghter verbally my son kicked him out of his

house (where the abuse was taking place) but then actually called him for

Fathers day which my daughter sees as a betrayal and that's hurting her too -


> I'm probably sounding crazy - but I really don't know what to do or who to

turn to and your postings here have been so beneficial to each other.  Either

way thank you for listening!!!








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Thank you ! Your words are very powerful and accurate - for my sake I need

to reject and remove myself from her claws. I need to stop giving her the power

to affect me the way she does. I just received another manipulative message from

her that digs in again and the painful thing is I can never respond because it

just makes things worse. These nasty nada's sure do not fight fair but they do


I talked to my daughter and about meeting with my therapist - that was a great

suggestion - I think we both realize that she cannot necessarily gain any

closure with this but she CAN set the boundaries and tell my mother to stop

writing and sending cards. I'm going to have to do the same thing I guess.

This process often feels like two steps forward and three steps back - but I'm

hoping that changes soon.  Everyone in this group is wonderful and I thank you!

Subject: Re: I NEED HELP

To: WTOAdultChildren1

Date: Sunday, June 21, 2009, 9:17 PM

It is hard for many of us not only to reject our nadas, but also to have

the rest of our family think badly of us for doing so. And it is especially

difficult when we have been the receivers of abuse, but are accused of being the

perpetrators. It can make us feel outrage that we are not heard and that the

truth is thwarted. Somehow we have to let it be okay that others will think

poorly of us. That they judge us without all the facts should be their problem,

not ours.

Can your daughter join you in therapy? It may be better for her to have the

needed conversations in a trusted environment so she can begin to realize the

futility of attempting some kind of closure with her grandnada.

You are not alone in the later in life discovery of the cause of your suffering.

So many of us have tried for most of our lives to understand what has plagued

our hearts and our families. Take it one day at a time and remember that you

deserve to be treated well and so does your daughter. But also, often trying to

have that last conversation will end in nothing more than maddening frustration.

Perhaps your therapist can give you some guidance.

Best of luck in your journey.



> Hi everyone - I've spent a lot of time reading posts here and am understanding

more and more how big this problem is - I've been in therapy for a year and

still have a ways to go and I'm 55 years old!!! Now the problem has expanded to

my daughter who has been badly hurt by my nada via an email - my nada's favorite

way of lashing out - and my daughter, who is 33, wants to basically find a way

of communicating to her grandma just how much she has seen over the years - or

at least in part - and basically tell her to stop mailing or writing etc. I

would like the same thing - because her words have torn me down for a lifetime

but right now I'm far more concerned with my daughter who not only has a nasty

grandma but a beastly father who has been unbelievably cruel to her.


> Any words of wisdom - advice - even a way of helping me open up this

conversation would be very much appreciated! I'm just broken down. In addition,

my son is more like me - very much a non-confrontational guy - and when my

x-husband was so abusive to my dautghter verbally my son kicked him out of his

house (where the abuse was taking place) but then actually called him for

Fathers day which my daughter sees as a betrayal and that's hurting her too -


> I'm probably sounding crazy - but I really don't know what to do or who to

turn to and your postings here have been so beneficial to each other.  Either

way thank you for listening!!!








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