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An interesting Week

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We recently had a week that I would not want to wish upon my worst enemy, no

matter how much I didn't like them.

My husband is a truck driver and the company that he used to work for recently

decided to cease operations with no notice at all and basically leave 1,500

people high and dry to fend for themselves, with some drivers left many miles

from home. When this happens, it is hard, but to have it happen three days

before Christmas is really tough.

The biggest hit to us was the loss of our health insurance. It wasn't the

greatest-Aetna-but it did help cut the cost of our prescriptions. Thankfully our

doctor came through with a three week supply of blood pressure medication for my

husband to help tide him over until the unemployment starts. I have enough

medication to get me through until the money situation is better and I can pick

up the remainder of my prescription. The only prescription that will have to

wait is his thyroid medication.

It has been a week of navigating the maze of paper work involved with filing for

unemployment, filing for a final check that we will probably never see, filling

out applications for another job, dealing with the wide range of emotions and a

list of other things that I can't remember right now. It has been tough-and

interesting-but not as bad as it could have been. A lot of people suddenly found

themselves in much worse situations than us.

In the short space of a week, things have gone from doom and gloom hand wringing

to a brighter outlook-my husband starts orientation with a new company today and

our basic immediate needs (food, utilities, etc.,) have been met until the

paychecks start coming in again. Now if I can just get my phone to work

properly, all will be right with the world...LOL

Wishing everyone a better year than the last.


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Great way to start out the new year!

>Bobbie wrote:


> In the short space of a week, things have gone from doom and gloom hand

wringing to a brighter outlook-my husband starts orientation with a new company

today and our basic immediate needs (food, utilities, etc.,) have been met until

the paychecks start coming in again. Now if I can just get my phone to work

properly, all will be right with the world. LOL

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