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Re: I`m still here, reading the post and any emails I get!

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You will probably do great. They took the one pain pump that had problems off

the market but you can check the FDA website for

equipment that has be recalled to make sure that what you are receiving the good


I think of you everyday and the others when I try to get up and go out. I go to

the doctor today with all my reports to talk about

why my hip that the recent MRI had a ruptured bursae was not done sooner (three

years) and some medical personnel

say, " Hey, this is not going away and is a problem "

This is the concerns that most pain patients have to address when they have

problems other than their pain. They tend to just

concentrate on it is all connected and not realize we might get other things

wrong with us.

I will be praying for good results and if you do well, I will consider it. I do

not know anyone that has had it and my Doctor never

offers any information on it with patients he is treating. Good Luck, .

I know you are going to do well, Positive thoughts

to you. Please write me anytime, I am here for a month and will always


Bennie writing from my prison with the electric blanket and dogs.

R wrote:

> I`The 15th is the day I go in for a placement of a pain pump. I`m scared to

death, but my family has so many hopes that it will help me. I guess it`s the

fear of the unknown that has me so nervous. I hear good and I hear bad. But I`m

near positive I need to try, because I can`t go on like this. I`ve been doing

all the reading I can about it since my trial.


> Does anyone know of anyone who has one. I would be happy with a 50% change in

my life. Just nervous about having that thing in me. I`m small and wonder where

they will go with it.

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Do any

of you who are confined to the house feel like you are in a prison like I do?

Yes, I also feel like that sometimes. Trapped, alone, and out of sync with my

husband and the rest of the world. He doesn't mind spending money on inexpensive

things that may help me, but if it takes him away from his sleep-work-TV-til-3

a.m.- routine, he gets upset.

I am happy to finally have another ironclad diagnoses of a ruptured disc in my

neck, and I chewed my husband out for his unsupportive attitude prior to that

MRI, which I didn't tell him about until after I got it done, because of his

attitude and total focus on his own problems with his grown kids.

I used to be very independent and autonomous, and was happy to have work as a

distraction from his depression over his kids. it is quite a crushing blow for

me to remind him that my pain isn't going to go away. I don't like false hopes,

or faked happiness. I prefer adaptation and contentment. It is my cross to bear,

my challenge in this life.

Being in pain all the time causes me to be on medication that makes me

forgetful. It is causing me to gain weight, and I spend a lot of time in bed

with heating pads, instead of being with him, watching movies, etc.

It makes it impossible to go anywhere where I might be required to sit

still. I miss a lot of conversation because my ears ring and my neck grinds

-- it sounds like thunder in the distance -- but I am the only one who can hear

it. I am dizzy a lot. If and when I go out, it is for the purpose of obtaining

what I need, not a social visit. I

Seeing him not adapting is even sadder than being in physical pain. He says that

I am his best friend, but, sometimes I feel like my computer is my best friend.

I can't talk to him about anything real any more. He prefers chit-chat, watches

TV, and wants to talk about movies, the headline news, and the tabloids, which I

avoid like the plague.

It helps to vent, which isn't very encouraging, but I do hope your pain pump

works for you. Any kind of relief from severe and extreme pain is certainly


I look forward to posts that someone has good news, successes, and less pain.

Thanks for letting me vent. Any and all responses welcome.


PS -- Oh, I just remembered something good -- I told my Pain Dr. about my

3:30 pm daily anxiety fits, and he upped my daily allowance for Neurontin!


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Hi Bonnadel and Theresa.

I know what you mean about being a prisoner in your own home. I live in a

700 square foot house but normally I can just be outside as much as I want.

Since surgery I can't go out since I have to avoid my animals. Hating it!

At least I have started having enough energy to go places and do things away

from here.

Another couple of months and things won't be so restrictive.

I did a short hike yesterday, real short. Can't believe what bad shape I'm


" Sweet Goat Mama "

CarAlyn Eddy


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prison - yes = the leg irons of peripheral neuropathy and chronic pain.

Best of luck with the new device. Keep hoping for relief.


--- " R " wrote:


> > Do any of you who are confined to the house feel like you are in a prison

like I do. I

> The 15th is the day I go in for a placement of a pain pump.

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