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Chelsea and Tipper

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Chelsea, Tipper

I contacted my insurance company and you can get them to assign you

a case manager also to assist you. You have a right to request

a doctor you want and if the doctor in your insurance directory that you want,

you can have the referral changed.

Your insurance allows second opinions and they pay for them. I went to two pain

management doctors before I chose one.

I went to the one I liked three hours away and after my program was set up, I

transferred back to the cheaper one and he had to honor my program.

That is why it is important to have a pain dairy, functional assessment (what

you can physically do) and what meds work and do not work.

The Survival Guide to Intractable Pain Patients by Dr. Forest Tenent has forms

in it that shows this and if you fill this out and see a new doctor, he will

know where you are at.

I always type what my current needs are and expectations in a polite matter and

present it. I have found that the doctors appreciate this and I had my current

pain doctor state he is not offended by it because it is hard to know what pain

patients need when you only spend twenty five minutes with them monthly.

I really think the pain diary protects the patient and doctor and until you know

them and are comfortable, I would use it.

I found calling the local hospitals and asking for the good doctors you can get

people to tell you by saying, " Which one would you send

your family to " . I like to see physicians from teaching university hospitals as

they seem to keep up on current trends.

Good Luck! Anesthesiologists that are pain management doctors usually want to do

epidurals as that is their specialties and I have outright

refused them and have been respected for it and have the history to prove they

have damaged me. Try to go for a doctor that

has a multi-modal practices to relieve pain.


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As always, very good advice Bennie!

I wasn't " in " on the question(s), but appreciate your answers.

All best,




> Chelsea, Tipper


> I contacted my insurance company and you can get them to assign you

> a case manager also to assist you. You have a right to request

> a doctor you want and if the doctor in your insurance directory that you want,

you can have the referral changed.

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